The New Sonos App and Future Feature Updates

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Userlevel 3
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Replaced my Asus router with a UniFi. No change in Sonos behaviour. My system was, for all intents and purposes, non-functioning. Couldn’t find the speakers, couldn’t load Deezer, couldn’t play songs, couldn’t change volume, etc.

I then decided to start factory resetting the speakers, one by one.

I ensured no speaker was hardwired (I switched to that setup before the UniFi change out). 

I uninstalled the Android app, reinstalled it and then started adding back the speakers. It was a PITA. The first time it added back the speakers but to 4 different Sonos “systems”. I was wondering why it didn’t, for example, show the “Gym” that I had just added. So, factory reset and try again. Some continued to fail outright, or fail after it was detected and then didn’t show in a room, but you couldn’t add it. So, factory reset and try again.

However, I’ve now got two sets of speakers that are working. I’m too tired to do the rest, but I’m at least optimistic there’s a solution. 

That’s not to say the App (my Android and my wife’s Apple) isn’t still less intuitive and slow (for example, the volume seems to get queued up / delayed, etc.), but I can group speakers and play music!

I’m sure others have tried a factory reset and app reinstall to no avail, but I don’t know why Sonos wouldn’t have told me to do that when I reached out to tech support two weeks ago!!

The proof will be in the pudding as I add more speakers back, but I’m at least encouraged enough to want to try.

Just FYI.

Hi Keith

Thank you for the updates provided here and the much needed app releases after the major revamp which was really lacking and even unacceptable from the world’s leading music Company, I will not repeat many of the right comments - just add one very basic request 

Pls Fix the volume control - at the moment it’s very tricky to catch the volume knob and it requires high precision and in many cases a few tries - I’m sure you can see it in your logs analytics and heat maps - I believe this is a very basic requirement which hampers the experience of the new app , I therefore I really hope you’ll give it high priority !  
I wish you could also use the hardware volume for your app but I understand the difficulty in adding that ! 

Userlevel 3
Badge +1

I guess I left it too long to edit my post, but I thought I’d report back to say I added a few more speakers and, et. voila, I appear to have a functioning system again. 

The simple fix for me was a factory reset of the speakers, coupled with an uninstall/install of the app and a “transfer system” to my same email. Oh, and running the gauntlet of multiple failed attempts to add the speakers. But…I seem to have music again!. 

The odd thing (at least from the perspective of some dude) is that I’ve never seen my Network Matrix this clean before. All I did (after trying various things with the new UniFi to try and get Sonos to work, including moving into the Ubiquiti infrastructure in the first place!) was factory reset the speakers. No clue how that would completely clean up my network issues, as I was seeing yellow and orange before, but something clearly changed. Not sure why the white boxes and undefined, but I don’t really care because it’s working!!

Hasta la vista baby -- unless I wake up disappointed in the morning, in which case, I’ll be back. 

PS (and in case Sonos are monitoring): No clue why Sonos wouldn’t put a bright orange banner across the site saying to “start fresh” if you’re encountering an unworkable system. It could have saved me weeks of grief. Sure, I see I've lost my favourites (and maybe a few other things I’ll discover), but compared to ZERO music and futile daily/nightly efforts at trying to crack the code, a complete no-brainer. 



Replaced my Asus router with a UniFi. No change in Sonos behaviour. My system was, for all intents and purposes, non-functioning. Couldn’t find the speakers, couldn’t load Deezer, couldn’t play songs, couldn’t change volume, etc.

I then decided to start factory resetting the speakers, one by one.

I ensured no speaker was hardwired (I switched to that setup before the UniFi change out). 

I uninstalled the Android app, reinstalled it and then started adding back the speakers. It was a PITA. The first time it added back the speakers but to 4 different Sonos “systems”. I was wondering why it didn’t, for example, show the “Gym” that I had just added. So, factory reset and try again. Some continued to fail outright, or fail after it was detected and then didn’t show in a room, but you couldn’t add it. So, factory reset and try again.

However, I’ve now got two sets of speakers that are working. I’m too tired to do the rest, but I’m at least optimistic there’s a solution. 

That’s not to say the App (my Android and my wife’s Apple) isn’t still less intuitive and slow (for example, the volume seems to get queued up / delayed, etc.), but I can group speakers and play music!

I’m sure others have tried a factory reset and app reinstall to no avail, but I don’t know why Sonos wouldn’t have told me to do that when I reached out to tech support two weeks ago!!

The proof will be in the pudding as I add more speakers back, but I’m at least encouraged enough to want to try.

Just FYI.

If not set already, don’t forget these settings too with your UniFi setup:


Also see this manufacturers official link:

Userlevel 4
Badge +4

Replaced my Asus router with a UniFi. No change in Sonos behaviour. My system was, for all intents and purposes, non-functioning. Couldn’t find the speakers, couldn’t load Deezer, couldn’t play songs, couldn’t change volume, etc.

I then decided to start factory resetting the speakers, one by one.

I ensured no speaker was hardwired (I switched to that setup before the UniFi change out). 

I uninstalled the Android app, reinstalled it and then started adding back the speakers. It was a PITA. The first time it added back the speakers but to 4 different Sonos “systems”. I was wondering why it didn’t, for example, show the “Gym” that I had just added. So, factory reset and try again. Some continued to fail outright, or fail after it was detected and then didn’t show in a room, but you couldn’t add it. So, factory reset and try again.

However, I’ve now got two sets of speakers that are working. I’m too tired to do the rest, but I’m at least optimistic there’s a solution. 

That’s not to say the App (my Android and my wife’s Apple) isn’t still less intuitive and slow (for example, the volume seems to get queued up / delayed, etc.), but I can group speakers and play music!

I’m sure others have tried a factory reset and app reinstall to no avail, but I don’t know why Sonos wouldn’t have told me to do that when I reached out to tech support two weeks ago!!

The proof will be in the pudding as I add more speakers back, but I’m at least encouraged enough to want to try.

Just FYI.

Have you worked with support and submitted speaker logs.  Support has been extremely helpful for me when I’ve had connectivity issues the in past.  It was yeas ago so I don’t remember any of the details.  I have ASUS routers and a boost.  I have not had any connectivity issues with the new app.  But grouping and volume control is flaky.

Userlevel 6
Badge +3

Didn't you all understand? Sonos is not interested in supporting old hardware with the new app. Buy new hardware and everything will be fine.

BTW: one old loudspeaker might flaw the whole system. So grab your generous sonos discount and replace ALL of them

Userlevel 7
Badge +17

Define “old”.

Didn't you all understand? Sonos is not interested in supporting old hardware with the new app. Buy new hardware and everything will be fine.

BTW: one old loudspeaker might flaw the whole system. So grab your generous sonos discount and replace ALL of them


Stop with the FUD.  I have a Play:1 dating back to 2013.  My system works fine.  The app is bad enough without people spreading nonsense.

Userlevel 1

Come on SONOS you cocked up before when introducing the new control system that did not allow series 1 equipment to be used , you had to back down on that one so we, the paying customers, could continue to use our old kit, time to do the right thing again? Just hope the same people responsible for the last cock up are not still being employed to roll out this one?

Userlevel 4
Badge +5

Didn't you all understand? Sonos is not interested in supporting old hardware with the new app. Buy new hardware and everything will be fine.

BTW: one old loudspeaker might flaw the whole system. So grab your generous sonos discount and replace ALL of them


Stop with the FUD.  I have a Play:1 dating back to 2013.  My system works fine.  The app is bad enough without people spreading nonsense.

Thanks for piping in. I just tested my two older Play:1’s in the Bedroom (stereo pair) and they work fine. Also, just tested for the first time a Sonos Alarm and it worked fine. Never used a Sonos Alarm before. Has some nice features; I’ve always used Alexa Alarms as was brought to my attention yesterday by a nice user. I can live with my Sonos setup for now, just waiting for some of the missing features to come back. 

Userlevel 2

Can I join others in recommending SonoPhone as an alternative way to control your system.


The list of defects and missing features in the official app is quite frankly incredible and will take months to be added. And then more months to remove the defaults and bugs that will be gifted alongside


But...I am also so, so utterly bored with how bad the new interface is. The interminable waits, oh god the interminable waits. The counter-intuitive button placement (looking at you Back button). The number of times that you get zeroed back to the main page for no good reason. The difference between click and swipe up on the Now Playing block at the bottom of the screen. Please, please just don’t make me have to interact with this ugliness. And it won’t be changed, it is the new design masterplan


So just pay £2.99 and download SonoPhone. Not perfect but given it seems to have been knocked up by someone in their garage, the fact it outclasses the official app should be a serious embarrassment to Sonos. And with it, save yourself the ulcer, stroke and heart attack combo and just relax and listen

Userlevel 1

Please add the ability to edit the Recently Played list and delete individual entries. This was available in the previous version, a feature I used often.

Can I join others in recommending SonoPhone as an alternative way to control your system.


The list of defects and missing features in the official app is quite frankly incredible and will take months to be added. And then more months to remove the defaults and bugs that will be gifted alongside


But...I am also so, so utterly bored with how bad the new interface is. The interminable waits, oh god the interminable waits. The counter-intuitive button placement (looking at you Back button). The number of times that you get zeroed back to the main page for no good reason. The difference between click and swipe up on the Now Playing block at the bottom of the screen. Please, please just don’t make me have to interact with this ugliness. And it won’t be changed, it is the new design masterplan


So just pay £2.99 and download SonoPhone. Not perfect but given it seems to have been knocked up by someone in their garage, the fact it outclasses the official app should be a serious embarrassment to Sonos. And with it, save yourself the ulcer, stroke and heart attack combo and just relax and listen

When I compared the two Apps mentioned, launching the same track, on the same speaker, on the same network, there was not that much of a speed difference… Here is a comparison with two videos side-by-side playing the exact same playlist from Amazon music…

Perhaps the Sonos App just feels like it’s slower to some users🤔?

Userlevel 2

Can I join others in recommending SonoPhone as an alternative way to control your system.


The list of defects and missing features in the official app is quite frankly incredible and will take months to be added. And then more months to remove the defaults and bugs that will be gifted alongside


But...I am also so, so utterly bored with how bad the new interface is. The interminable waits, oh god the interminable waits. The counter-intuitive button placement (looking at you Back button). The number of times that you get zeroed back to the main page for no good reason. The difference between click and swipe up on the Now Playing block at the bottom of the screen. Please, please just don’t make me have to interact with this ugliness. And it won’t be changed, it is the new design masterplan


So just pay £2.99 and download SonoPhone. Not perfect but given it seems to have been knocked up by someone in their garage, the fact it outclasses the official app should be a serious embarrassment to Sonos. And with it, save yourself the ulcer, stroke and heart attack combo and just relax and listen

When I compared the two Apps mentioned, launching the same track, on the same speaker, on the same network, there was not that much of a speed difference… Here is a comparison with two videos side-by-side playing the exact same playlist from Amazon music…

Perhaps the Sonos App just feels like it’s slower to some users🤔?

Thanks Ken. Perhaps the app actually is slower for some users. I appreciate that you are a Sonos fan. I always have been too, until this recent update. I do not appreciate being told that what I observe and can clearly see in using my system is due to my impressions or my feelings rather than a factual, observable difference. But maybe you didn't mean that; I can sometimes find it difficult to pick up nuances of language on forums


But to take your videos. You are correct, when you cued up one track on one service on one speaker then they took broadly the same amount of time. But that may not be a representative sample. To counter with two examples where I have found the official app to be painfully slow and SonoPhone to be considerably better - pausing and restarting an already cued up track; doing anything at all involving a local music library.


Again, I’m not in any way claiming this is a representative sample. But I found it much less stressful than using the new app and wanted to endorse it for others who, unlike you, also find the new app a royal pain in the neck


I do not appreciate being told that what I observe and can clearly see in using my system is due to my impressions or my feelings rather than a factual, observable difference. But maybe you didn't mean that; I can sometimes find it difficult to pick up nuances of language on forums

That’s a very generous response to being gaslit tbh. 


I do not appreciate being told that what I observe and can clearly see in using my system is due to my impressions or my feelings rather than a factual, observable difference. But maybe you didn't mean that; I can sometimes find it difficult to pick up nuances of language on forums

That’s a very generous response to being gaslit tbh. 

Gaslit? - I’m just presenting a video comparison of each App mentioned, side-by-side, playing the same randomly selected playlist from the Amazon Music service  to the same Sonos speaker on the same network - I just did it after reading CC22’s post to see if SonoPad was faster. If anything the Sonos App seemed to launch the playlist quicker than the SonoPad App - or at the very least the difference in speed is minimal and clearly the SonoPad App is not faster for some things, like starting playback of a playlist. It’s not gas-lighting, the two videos speak for themselves. 

Not worth it, @Ken_Griffiths.  Don’t get sucked in.  

It’s **** don’t upgrade you’ll regret it if you do. Sonos should be ashamed of themselves. 


Moderator Note: Modified in accordance with the Community Code of Conduct.

Not worth it, @Ken_Griffiths.  Don’t get sucked in.  

Thanks, but it just strikes me that some say things about the new Sonos App that are perhaps not entirely constructive or encompassing all the facts...  it pays to sometimes take a closer look at the evidence. That’s why I chose to run the comparison and compare the two Apps simply launching the same playlist. I will even concede the Sonos App and its animations may make ‘some things’ feel slower, but it’s not always the case when things are compared side-by-side.

I’m not a gas-lighter, I’m just telling/showing things as they appear to me and my own Sonos setup.

i’ll just add that I ran the comparison from our holiday home too, where the internet connection is far slower than our Home network, but the test conditions/environment were the same here for both Apps. Both Apps behave more quickly on our main Home network.

Take your time by all means, I respect that and wish you well but I have upgraded and think it’s worse so wish I hadn’t; that is all the comparison I need and the only message I need to share. Sonos have released an unacceptable product and should be pulling up trees to sort it out.  KISS applies. 

Not worth it, @Ken_Griffiths.  Don’t get sucked in.  

Thanks, but it just strikes me that some say things about the new Sonos App that are perhaps not entirely constructive or encompassing all the facts...  it pays to sometimes take a closer look at the evidence. That’s why I chose to run the comparison and compare the two Apps simply launching the same playlist. I will even concede the Sonos App and its animations may make ‘some things’ feel slower, but it’s not always the case when things are compared side-by-side.

I’m not a gas-lighter, I’m just telling/showing things as they appear to me and my own Sonos setup.

i’ll just add that I ran the comparison from our holiday home too, where the internet connection is far slower than our Home network, but the test conditions/environment were the same here for both Apps. Both Apps behave more quickly on our main Home network.


I didn’t mean the comparison, that was certainly helpful.  I was talking about our little sock buddy, always trying to light the fuse with some snide comment. 

It’s **** don’t upgrade you’ll regret it if you do. Sonos should be ashamed of themselves. 


Moderator Note: Modified in accordance with the Community Code of Conduct.

This is what I mean about some posts just not being constructive - even if Sonos were listening to you, they’d have no idea what the issues are. At least demonstrate, or describe, the issue(s) so that Sonos can perhaps then try to address them. Maybe show comparisons etc.

At least what I post is often supported with screenshots, or videos or provides a certain level of detail.

One poster, a few weeks back, posted that it took two minutes to launch the Sonos App - I posted a video to show on my Home network it opens in the region of approx. 7 seconds (with 25 products) - that’s a big difference, to say the least …and is far more likely a ‘network’ issue, rather than an App issue. When I asked them to post a video of the App taking two minutes to open, they suddenly stop replying.

I suspect it’s becoming difficult for Sonos to now see the wood from the trees - so perhaps be a little more constructive and provide detail/comparisons and then maybe someone will start to listen to you.

Wood from the trees . . . socks from the legit posters . . . tomayto, tomahto. 

Userlevel 7
Badge +11


I agree. Although I suspect at 58 pages they have long-since stopped looking in, aside from removing expletives… Posting on threads this long and expecting Sonos to pick up on any issues raised is the equivalent of leaving them a note under a bin in a park.

Userlevel 2

Not worth it, @Ken_Griffiths.  Don’t get sucked in.  

Thanks, but it just strikes me that some say things about the new Sonos App that are perhaps not entirely constructive or encompassing all the facts...  it pays to sometimes take a closer look at the evidence. That’s why I chose to run the comparison and compare the two Apps simply launching the same playlist. I will even concede the Sonos App and its animations may make ‘some things’ feel slower, but it’s not always the case when things are compared side-by-side.

I’m not a gas-lighter, I’m just telling/showing things as they appear to me and my own Sonos setup.

i’ll just add that I ran the comparison from our holiday home too, where the internet connection is far slower than our Home network, but the test conditions/environment were the same here for both Apps. Both Apps behave more quickly on our main Home network.



I have politely replied to you before. I will do so again. I am not a fan of you describing me as being not entirely constructive, not encompassing all the facts and of not looking at the evidence closely enough. I feel, and this bit is only my opinion, that that is a pretty unfair characterisation


In my original point I described some key areas where I felt the new app was being let down and recommended a 3rd party solution that solved many of the specific pain points that I had and which might be useful to others.


Credit to your reply - you picked up on one of those points and demonstrated a single instance where the two apps worked similarly. Some might say that a single instance on a single system does not encompass all the facts. All of us can all only talk about our own personal experiences with our own personal systems. The way your system works is no more or less valid than the way that mine does. In a way, that was one of my points from an older post which you semi-replied to: there are so many different configurations of people’s systems/ services/ set-ups that when apps are rushed out and not properly tested there will be very little consistency between people’s experiences and multiple edge cases where things break down. That is why rushing out a poorly-tested app was a very bad idea


Regardless - there are 3rd party apps out there that work better for some people and I for one recommend them
