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We set out to create a more personalized and effortless listening experience with the updated Sonos app. It was rebuilt from the ground up to ensure it could support future innovation in the years to come. For its initial rollout, we focused on how we could answer some of the most common requests from our customers, including increased reliability, performance, and faster access to music.

Many of you have shared valuable feedback on both the improvements that have made your experience better, as well as the areas where we fell short. We are listening to all of your comments and working to address them as quickly as possible. Over the coming weeks, we will reintroduce the below features, while fixing bugs and performance issues. Thank you for your engagement and we look forward to building upon this first step to create a listening experience that meets everyone’s needs.


Available now


To access these changes, check for updates in the iOS / Android app store to download the latest version of the Sonos app. Make sure your Sonos products are also up to date.

Last updated: Sept 24, 2024. See release notes.


Last week we released a new version of the Sonos app for iOS.

As announced, today we are releasing a new version for Android as well.


iOS - (Released on September 19)
Version 80.09.05

  • Improvements to setup flow
  • Improved performance when browsing content in Home and in Browse
  • Improved queue management including ability to delete, reorder and scroll
  • Added ability to set appearance between light mode/dark mode/system default
  • Continued improvements to the user interface
  • Added Trueplay support for iOS 18


iOS Service Pack - (Available starting today)
Version 80.09.07

  • Resolved a bug affecting users with multiple language keyboards configured
  • Resolved a bug preventing users with VoiceOver enabled from accepting the terms and conditions during setup


Android - (Available starting today

Version 80.09.04


  • Improvements to setup flow
  • Added ability to set appearance between light mode/dark mode/system default
  • Added setting to change the Alexa wake word language


You can also follow along with updates in this article: 


What is the latest on when this will be available 


The ability to downgrade a Sonos product to S1 is temporarily unavailable, but will return in a future update.

or its initial rollout, we focused on how we could answer some of the most common requests from our customers, including increased reliability, performance, and faster access to music.


Are they really listening to their customers?! I do not know if I should cry or laugh with all of this mess. Performance and reliability are two words that, at this point at least, cannot be used with this APP. 

. I do not recognise the other problems you mention - so they are not general problems (though maybe widespread).


I think you may be lucky… For me it’s far from reliable and the last update even made it worst. Opening an album it’s a lottery. 50% of the time works and the other 50 it fails with “Something went wrong”. Opening the app is also always a different outcome. Either it does not recognize my system, or fails to load artworks or favorites are not there (searching for music and navigating through services is also a mess and slow). Eventually it opens as it should. Also as pointed out by others, choosing a music to play is far from being reliable. Most of the times just plays the wrong music. So this is all less than stable and please don’t come telling me it’s a particular issue on my system or network. C’mon, I have no other problems in terms of connectivity at home and from what I can see, lots and lots of other users are complaining about similar things! And a 1.2 rating in google play store really tells the whole story!

And performance wise… My god! Terrible


I said this in another thread, I’ll say it also here. If sonos can’t handle this, please just rollback, give us a simple app to just control/configure the system and let the playback functionality for third party apps like spotify or amazon (given that sonos actually allows/supports to play music with full quality from these apps). Seriously, Sonos is not a startup (and even if it was) so I can’t really understand/believe how could they release an APP in this mediocre state. And the worse part is that updates are not improving it at all. Yes, it’s bringing more features (some of them broken actually) but the team fails to realize that they need to first fix the fundamental issues! Performance and Stability! Not being able to reliable play (or choose) a song is really ridiculous and embarrassing. And I know all this “hate” is not helpful but c’mon, sonos is really asking for it.

Long story short, I do love the sound on my era 300 but if sonos continues to fail to recognize how poor their app is, I’m not going to buy any other product from them (hopefully for me I did not really committed to sonos yet).


Update: At first glance, it looks like spotify integration works way better than Amazon but I can’t really tell since I only have subscription on Amazon so I can’t choose the music to play on spotify which almost always fail with Amazon (also get a lot more “Something went wrong”). This all means, nice to have dolby atmos speakers in theory because in practice I struggle a lot to be able to actually listen to/choose atmos music. Sight...

Sonos is in a bad situation. They had a solid app that performed well. For reasons I don’t know they decided they needed to build a new app from the ground up (maybe a good idea), but they decided to force release a brand new, poorly tested, buggy app, missing many features users already relied on as an update. As users installed what they thought was an update they realized they installed a brand new “not ready for prime time” app. As the complaints came rolling in from their user base they were forced to make unrealistic timelines for releases, heading down a road of “patch and release” seemingly without a normal QA, beta test and release program. Moving forward with this direction will normally result in missed deadlines and additional buggy features. 

As a long time Sonos user with a few thousand dollars invested I hope they can solve what seems to be a very difficult situation.

Hindsight might suggest they should have released the new app as S3 and maintain S2 until S3 was solid enough to attract people to upgrade to S3.

Since I’m an iPhone user who updated, I’ve decided to disable firmware updates and use an app called Sonophone until the new one is ready for prime time. It’s an adequate substitute for the old S2 version 16 app.

Just some input from a retired, career system developer.


Hindsight might suggest they should have released the new app as S3 and maintain S2 until S3 was solid enough to attract people to upgrade to S3.


I’ve no idea what were they thinking... Breaking your users like this is non sense. They should never have release a new APP (removing access to the old one) with 200% confidence it was working.



This app is a complete disaster at the moment.

If I were a new customer and didn't know how it worked before, probably I would leave Sonos.

It's just incredible this has been released in such a beta state.

Every time I open it, it shows half the enabled services. I close it and reopen and (maybe) they show up again.

A frustrating experience.

Yeah... So since I'm on android I actually managed to install the old version and I can see it's way faster starting and so far it always recognized my system. But one thing that I did noticed is that the Amazon music integration is still pretty broken. So that much seems like is not just on the new app. Is the integration done by Sonos or Amazon? Either way, even if it's done by Amazon, Sonos needs to push for some fix as Amazon was teased as a supported Dolby Atmos service. Alternatively it should just remove Amazon support because at this point it's pretty useless (then maybe they care in properly supporting it).

Right now, searching for music in Amazon fails almost all the time as well as opening albums. Sometimes the album does open (after 4/5 tries) but it takes about 10 seconds. Is someone experiencing the same?

Ever since your recent “upgrade” nothing has worked on my Sonos system. It will not let me load my music file from my windows computer. I constantly get error message 913. I now have a $2000 system that is totally worthless. Despite your promises to fix this problem by mid-June, it is now June 19th and there is no sign of any improvement. I smell a class-action suit!

Ever since your recent “upgrade” nothing has worked on my Sonos system. It will not let me load my music file from my windows computer. I constantly get error message 913. I now have a $2000 system that is totally worthless. Despite your promises to fix this problem by mid-June, it is now June 19th and there is no sign of any improvement. I smell a class-action suit!

OR you could search the forum for the solution to the error 913. It comes up with one search.

‘Class action lawsuit’: noun. Used often when someone has no intention of visiting a lawyer themselves.

For perspective, 

CEO doubled down in May.

"’s actually much easier to navigate, more responsive, and just a better overall experience, and that is the thing for the 99 percent of customers that you’re never going to hear from as you go through it."

For perspective, 

CEO doubled down in May.

"’s actually much easier to navigate, more responsive, and just a better overall experience, and that is the thing for the 99 percent of customers that you’re never going to hear from as you go through it."

Just sad, most companies are begging their users for feedback and here we have Sonos ignoring the community begging them to listen. I finally gave up and downgraded the app on my android to 16.1 and it's a breath of fresh air after spending the past month with their “upgrade”. I can actually control the volume of my speakers and they show up when I open the app the first time. I really wish they did the release like they did before where they released the new app alongside the old one giving users the option test it.

For perspective, 

CEO doubled down in May.

"’s actually much easier to navigate, more responsive, and just a better overall experience, and that is the thing for the 99 percent of customers that you’re never going to hear from as you go through it."


FWIW, in terms of navigation I don’t think it’s a downgrade in comparison with the old app. Now, in terms of overall experience, I’m guessing the CEO never really used the APP. It#s the only reasoning I can think for that statement.


For perspective, 

CEO doubled down in May.

"’s actually much easier to navigate, more responsive, and just a better overall experience, and that is the thing for the 99 percent of customers that you’re never going to hear from as you go through it."

Just sad, most companies are begging their users for feedback and here we have Sonos ignoring the community begging them to listen. I finally gave up and downgraded the app on my android to 16.1 and it's a breath of fresh air after spending the past month with their “upgrade”. I can actually control the volume of my speakers and they show up when I open the app the first time. I really wish they did the release like they did before where they released the new app alongside the old one giving users the option test it.


I’ve done the same and the app starts reliably and way faster. But Amazon music is still pretty bad experience. Not sure if the integration is done by Amazon. Do you happen to use Amazon? If so, does it work for you? 


We set out to create a more personalized and effortless listening experience with the updated Sonos app. It was rebuilt from the ground up to ensure it could support future innovation in the years to come. For its initial rollout, we focused on how we could answer some of the most common requests from our customers, including increased reliability, performance, and faster access to music.

Many of you have shared valuable feedback on both the improvements that have made your experience better, as well as the areas where we fell short. We are listening to all of your comments and working to address them as quickly as possible. Over the coming weeks, we will reintroduce the below features, while fixing bugs and performance issues. Thank you for your engagement and we look forward to building upon this first step to create a listening experience that meets everyone’s needs.


Available now

To access these changes, check for updates in the iOS / Android app store to download the latest version of the Sonos app. Make sure your Sonos products are also up to date.

Last updated: Jun 17, 2024. See release notes.

  • Added numerical values to volume and group-volume sliders
  • Updated the volume icon to reflect the volume level on iOS
  • Introduced mute button on Android
  • Added stereo or mono configuration for Amp/Port output on iOS
  • Improved TalkBack screen reader support for volume sliders on Android
  • Added support for SonosNet channel selection on iOS
  • Expanded support for service reauthorization on Android


Coming soon

  • Continued improvements to navigation for visually-impaired customers: mid-June
  • Local music library search and playback: mid-June
  • Improved playback settings including Play Now: July
  • Create and edit local music library: July
  • Improved Autoplay settings: July
  • Improved Sub audio settings with Amp: July
  • Snooze alarms: TBD


Our latest update resolves some of the most critical known issues, but know we have more to do. We hear your feedback and are working hard to deliver the experience you expect and deserve.

If I cant add my library to the new upgrade it’s not much use to me. I moved to this eco system long ago and the software was uno nano . I would expect that this release would have this area humming as it’s a  significant function for users- a hot selling point, just disappointed. The library has been working and now I'm just get a message that it ain’t, then message gone and no sight of where the set up is



Today’s nightmare is with Radio stations. Not being able to play some, some playing wrong station but showing the correct one on the app etc etc. If it wasn’t so expensive to scrap the lot and start again I would be moving to different speaker. 

Please end this nightmare asap.

If I cant add my library to the new upgrade it’s not much use to me. I moved to this eco system long ago and the software was uno nano . I would expect that this release would have this area humming as it’s a  significant function for users- a hot selling point, just disappointed. The library has been working and now I'm just get a message that it ain’t, then message gone and no sight of where the set up is




Where is your library stored?  Sonos has ceased supporting SMB v1 and HTTP sharing sue to security concerns.  You need to share via SMB v2/v3 and reindex your library.  How you do that depends on where your library is stored. 


Thanks for the quick response 

my library is stored on a NetgearReadyNAS

This is attached to a win10 machine

Not sure how to solve this

Thanks for the quick response 

my library is stored on a NetgearReadyNAS

This is attached to a win10 machine

Not sure how to solve this


You need to contact Netgear and get the NAS running SMB v2 or SMB v3.  Then download the Sonos PC app from here:

Add your library using the Sonos PC app (Manage > Music Library Settings) and then check to see if it is on the mobile app.  If it isn’t, close out of the mobile app entirely and restart.  If no again, reset the mobile app, restart, then choose to connect to an existing system.  That should get your library back. 



I can’t find in the “Coming soon” features the management of Alarms. Did I miss something ?
Not just about snooze it but just an alarm clock function (playing music at a specific time in a room)


I can’t find in the “Coming soon” features the management of Alarms. Did I miss something ?
Not just about snooze it but just an alarm clock function (playing music at a specific time in a room)


That was released on 5/14.  I believe it was the second follow up for the app:

80.00.05 (Android)
80.00.08 (iOS)

Release date: 5/14/2024


In this update:

  • VoiceOver on iOS now properly interacts with individual elements of the Sonos app's home screen.
  • Adding and editing alarms has been re-added to the Sonos app.
    • The ability to snooze alarms is coming soon.
  • Fixed an issue with a software update screen that would block access to the rest of the app.
  • Fixed an issue where network permissions for the app could not be enabled.
  • Additional bug fixes and performance enhancements.


Thank you so much @jgatie I currently use the latest version on iOS devices and on the manage setting I have the ability to set up alarms. But my sonos never play music at the time.
I concluded that this features isn’t fully implemented.

For you, this feature is up and ready so I must raise a ticket ?

Thank you so much @jgatie I currently use the latest version on iOS devices and on the manage setting I have the ability to set up alarms. But my sonos never play music at the time.
I concluded that this features isn’t fully implemented.

For you, this feature is up and ready so I must raise a ticket ?


No idea.  I never use alarms.  But they are there for me.  

Are you able to test ?

Are you able to test ?


Yes, they work for me.

Ok so I have a local problem. Any idea ?

Ok so I have a local problem. Any idea ?

I have the same issue. Can set alarms up, but they never activate.

Ok so I have a local problem. Any idea ?


Are your speakers running the latest update ?  What happens ?  Does your alarm not play at all, or do you get the chime instead of the chosen music?  I read that some users have their system set to the wrong time zone.  Bizarrely this set, I believe by their location in their online profile and not by anything on the app.  Or at least I think this is what I read 😋 — might be worth checking.  

No speakers play any music (even the default schime). Where did you configure the timezone ?
