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We set out to create a more personalized and effortless listening experience with the updated Sonos app. It was rebuilt from the ground up to ensure it could support future innovation in the years to come. For its initial rollout, we focused on how we could answer some of the most common requests from our customers, including increased reliability, performance, and faster access to music.

Many of you have shared valuable feedback on both the improvements that have made your experience better, as well as the areas where we fell short. We are listening to all of your comments and working to address them as quickly as possible. Over the coming weeks, we will reintroduce the below features, while fixing bugs and performance issues. Thank you for your engagement and we look forward to building upon this first step to create a listening experience that meets everyone’s needs.


Available now


To access these changes, check for updates in the iOS / Android app store to download the latest version of the Sonos app. Make sure your Sonos products are also up to date.

Last updated: Sept 24, 2024. See release notes.


Last week we released a new version of the Sonos app for iOS.

As announced, today we are releasing a new version for Android as well.


iOS - (Released on September 19)
Version 80.09.05

  • Improvements to setup flow
  • Improved performance when browsing content in Home and in Browse
  • Improved queue management including ability to delete, reorder and scroll
  • Added ability to set appearance between light mode/dark mode/system default
  • Continued improvements to the user interface
  • Added Trueplay support for iOS 18


iOS Service Pack - (Available starting today)
Version 80.09.07

  • Resolved a bug affecting users with multiple language keyboards configured
  • Resolved a bug preventing users with VoiceOver enabled from accepting the terms and conditions during setup


Android - (Available starting today

Version 80.09.04


  • Improvements to setup flow
  • Added ability to set appearance between light mode/dark mode/system default
  • Added setting to change the Alexa wake word language


You can also follow along with updates in this article: 



No firmware update.

Numerical values for volume and group volume sliders

Volume icon to reflect volume level

Support for SonosNet channel selection

Added stereo/mono configuration for Amp/Port output.


I can’t imagine many will be that delighted, taking the update at face value...

I know I was one of the ‘lucky’ ones as I didn’t have any major issues from day one (I received all the usual ‘fanboi’ abuse to show for it).   So for me each update is an improvement.  My ‘local library’ does not fade in and out as before, and I’m getting fewer ‘something went wrong’ errors, too.  
As @Rhonny hinted, I’m sure this isn’t the panacea for everyone.  

Yes, and I might have been another one of the lucky ones also. I keep hearing about all these wifi problems and I can’t figure out how an app update could cause a problem, but now that the SonosNet Channels are in place, it’s possible that Sonon might have change channels in their 2.4gHz band, which may have caused a problem for certain users. 

I just updated to the newest IOS app a little while ago. What I noticed was that when I went into my app (before updating it), I clicked on the gear and had it check to updates. It kept coming back telling me that I was up to date, but I know I wasn’t. I had to go to Sonos’s Download page, see that there was an IOS update and click on the IOS tab at the top which took me to the App Store, which indicated that there was an update. So I selected Update and it updated me. That is a positive so if someone forget to disable the Automatic Updates, the app wouldn’t update you unless you physically asked for it. 

Everything appears to still be working and I did notice the number value on the bottom mini player and then under Networks, it shows that I am on Channel 1 of SonosNet. This is probably the reason why I wasn’t having wifi problems like other users. I used to have wifi problems a few years ago until I configured my Sonos system for SonosNet, which is Sonos’ proprietary mesh network. I forget what channel I used to be on, but I’ll leave it on channel 1 for now. 

One more thing that I noticed was as soon as I opened the newly updated app, it had a picture of my Beam and told me to run TruePlay and that it would only take about a minute. Since I was using my iPad, I’ll perform that later on my iPhone.  

There might have been a couple of extra options when you scroll through your library, like “add to end of queue”, (which was there already) and maybe, “Play now”. But other wise it seems like a safe update. 

What I noticed was that when I went into my app (before updating it), I clicked on the gear and had it check to updates. It kept coming back telling me that I was up to date, but I know I wasn’t. I had to go to Sonos’s Download page, see that there was an IOS update and click on the IOS tab at the top which took me to the App Store, which indicated that there was an update. So I selected Update and it updated me. That is a positive so if someone forget to disable the Automatic Updates, the app wouldn’t update you unless you physically asked for it. 

The Apple App Store can funky about ‘publishing’ new versions. Updates will appear eventually, tho’ you can ‘manually’ grab the latest version as you explain. That said, this morning’s version auto-updated on my iPhone but not on my iPad, so people who truly want to gate updates should disable automatic updates.

Restore S2 to S1 downgrade capability.

I wonder if Sonos will ever recover from this ongoing insanity. The common sense thing to do would be to roll back, but it looks like that ship has sailed. Tech media are picking up on it, installers are no longer recommending Sonos to clients, retailers are growing tired of apologising for Sonos (it’s only a matter of time before they start dropping them) and social media posts are nothing but negative commentary on the business. 

We might see a functional system once shareholders get angry enough.

Supposedly - nothing supposedly about it !!… SONOS is late to the party in stopping support for SMB1. Even so they have handled this appalingly


Show me a single Sonos system and/or local music library which was affected in any way by the use of SMB v1 and I’ll stop using the “supposedly” descriptor.  


The sonos speakers being impacted is not the point - the point is that if you have a NAS/Server/PC etc running SMB1 then it is open to being hacked and everything that can follow on from that.

Why do you think manufacturers, e.g Microsoft, Linux operating systems etc having deprecated SMB1 .. it’s not been done for no reason ….. is the industry standard security vulnerability database ...

I don’t really know what smb is but it was the 3 Sonos tech support people who told me me that the only way k could get my music libraries back available to Sonos was to update/upgrade my PCs and Mac to v2 or 3. Then they spent over an hour trying to do.  So I was told to wait until they came up with a fix - still waiting

OMG -  success on music library issue. So I managed to find a way to upgrade from sub v1 to 2 on my PC day but library still could not tie in library. So i called in and first off:

they finally have a callback function on the support line so i did not have to wait on hold for 75 minutes. 

When I received my callback on time the first support agent did not have a clue but a supervisor ( Noah) was able to get my PC and Mac libraries loaded. It did not appear to be related to smb issues but was sharing settings which i am not smart enough to reproduce. 


So if you can get through to the right person, they may be able to help those with lost libraries. 


No firmware update.

Numerical values for volume and group volume sliders

Volume icon to reflect volume level

Support for SonosNet channel selection

Added stereo/mono configuration for Amp/Port output.


I can’t imagine many will be that delighted, taking the update at face value...

I know I was one of the ‘lucky’ ones as I didn’t have any major issues from day one (I received all the usual ‘fanboi’ abuse to show for it).   So for me each update is an improvement.  My ‘local library’ does not fade in and out as before, and I’m getting fewer ‘something went wrong’ errors, too.  
As @Rhonny hinted, I’m sure this isn’t the panacea for everyone.  

Yes, and I might have been another one of the lucky ones also. I keep hearing about all these wifi problems and I can’t figure out how an app update could cause a problem, but now that the SonosNet Channels are in place, it’s possible that Sonon might have change channels in their 2.4gHz band, which may have caused a problem for certain users. 

I just updated to the newest IOS app a little while ago. What I noticed was that when I went into my app (before updating it), I clicked on the gear and had it check to updates. It kept coming back telling me that I was up to date, but I know I wasn’t. I had to go to Sonos’s Download page, see that there was an IOS update and click on the IOS tab at the top which took me to the App Store, which indicated that there was an update. So I selected Update and it updated me. That is a positive so if someone forget to disable the Automatic Updates, the app wouldn’t update you unless you physically asked for it. 

Everything appears to still be working and I did notice the number value on the bottom mini player and then under Networks, it shows that I am on Channel 1 of SonosNet. This is probably the reason why I wasn’t having wifi problems like other users. I used to have wifi problems a few years ago until I configured my Sonos system for SonosNet, which is Sonos’ proprietary mesh network. I forget what channel I used to be on, but I’ll leave it on channel 1 for now. 

One more thing that I noticed was as soon as I opened the newly updated app, it had a picture of my Beam and told me to run TruePlay and that it would only take about a minute. Since I was using my iPad, I’ll perform that later on my iPhone.  

There might have been a couple of extra options when you scroll through your library, like “add to end of queue”, (which was there already) and maybe, “Play now”. But other wise it seems like a safe update. 

Just a quick update, I did run the TruePlay in the Living Room and it went well. The hollow sounding Beam sounds a lot better with the surrounds. It’s just a little different than it used to be. It first starts off with about 30 seconds of sonar pulses (I guess similar to the newer speakers) then the next step is what everyone is familiar with when you walk around the room for about 60 seconds moving you device up and down. So it completed successfully. 


No firmware update.

Numerical values for volume and group volume sliders

Volume icon to reflect volume level

Support for SonosNet channel selection

Added stereo/mono configuration for Amp/Port output.


I can’t imagine many will be that delighted, taking the update at face value...

I know I was one of the ‘lucky’ ones as I didn’t have any major issues from day one (I received all the usual ‘fanboi’ abuse to show for it).   So for me each update is an improvement.  My ‘local library’ does not fade in and out as before, and I’m getting fewer ‘something went wrong’ errors, too.  
As @Rhonny hinted, I’m sure this isn’t the panacea for everyone.  

Yes, and I might have been another one of the lucky ones also. I keep hearing about all these wifi problems and I can’t figure out how an app update could cause a problem, but now that the SonosNet Channels are in place, it’s possible that Sonon might have change channels in their 2.4gHz band, which may have caused a problem for certain users. 

I just updated to the newest IOS app a little while ago. What I noticed was that when I went into my app (before updating it), I clicked on the gear and had it check to updates. It kept coming back telling me that I was up to date, but I know I wasn’t. I had to go to Sonos’s Download page, see that there was an IOS update and click on the IOS tab at the top which took me to the App Store, which indicated that there was an update. So I selected Update and it updated me. That is a positive so if someone forget to disable the Automatic Updates, the app wouldn’t update you unless you physically asked for it. 

Everything appears to still be working and I did notice the number value on the bottom mini player and then under Networks, it shows that I am on Channel 1 of SonosNet. This is probably the reason why I wasn’t having wifi problems like other users. I used to have wifi problems a few years ago until I configured my Sonos system for SonosNet, which is Sonos’ proprietary mesh network. I forget what channel I used to be on, but I’ll leave it on channel 1 for now. 

One more thing that I noticed was as soon as I opened the newly updated app, it had a picture of my Beam and told me to run TruePlay and that it would only take about a minute. Since I was using my iPad, I’ll perform that later on my iPhone.  

There might have been a couple of extra options when you scroll through your library, like “add to end of queue”, (which was there already) and maybe, “Play now”. But other wise it seems like a safe update. 


No firmware update.

Numerical values for volume and group volume sliders

Volume icon to reflect volume level

Support for SonosNet channel selection

Added stereo/mono configuration for Amp/Port output.


I can’t imagine many will be that delighted, taking the update at face value...

I know I was one of the ‘lucky’ ones as I didn’t have any major issues from day one (I received all the usual ‘fanboi’ abuse to show for it).   So for me each update is an improvement.  My ‘local library’ does not fade in and out as before, and I’m getting fewer ‘something went wrong’ errors, too.  
As @Rhonny hinted, I’m sure this isn’t the panacea for everyone.  

Yes, and I might have been another one of the lucky ones also. I keep hearing about all these wifi problems and I can’t figure out how an app update could cause a problem, but now that the SonosNet Channels are in place, it’s possible that Sonos might have changed channels in their 2.4gHz band, which may have caused a problem for certain users on their Wi-Fi networks.

I just updated to the newest IOS app a little while ago. What I noticed was that when I went into my app (before updating it), I clicked on the gear and had it check to updates. It kept coming back telling me that I was up to date, but I know I wasn’t. I had to go to Sonos’s Download page, see that there was an IOS update and click on the IOS tab at the top which took me to the App Store, which indicated that there was an update. So I selected Update and it updated me. That is a positive so if someone forget to disable the Automatic Updates, the app wouldn’t update you unless you physically asked for it. 

Everything appears to still be working and I did notice the number value on the bottom mini player and then under Networks, it shows that I am on Channel 1 of SonosNet. This is probably the reason why I wasn’t having wifi problems like other users. I used to have wifi problems a few years ago until I configured my Sonos system for SonosNet, which is Sonos’ proprietary mesh network. I forget what channel I used to be on, but I’ll leave it on channel 1 for now. 

One more thing that I noticed was as soon as I opened the newly updated app, it had a picture of my Beam and told me to run TruePlay and that it would only take about a minute. Since I was using my iPad, I’ll perform that later on my iPhone.  

There might have been a couple of extra options when you scroll through your library, like “add to end of queue”, (which was there already) and maybe, “Play now”. But other wise it seems like a safe update. 

Just a quick update, I did run the TruePlay in the Living Room and it went well. The hollow sounding Beam sounds a lot better with the surrounds. It’s just a little different than it used to be. It first starts off with about 30 seconds of sonar pulses (I guess similar to the newer speakers) then the next step is what everyone is familiar with when you walk around the room for about 60 seconds moving you device up and down. So it completed successfully. 


  • ADM Res

I wonder if Sonos will ever recover from this ongoing insanity. The common sense thing to do would be to roll back, but it looks like that ship has sailed. Tech media are picking up on it, installers are no longer recommending Sonos to clients, retailers are growing tired of apologising for Sonos (it’s only a matter of time before they start dropping them) and social media posts are nothing but negative commentary on the business. 

We might see a functional system once shareholders get angry enough.

Sonos is in the process of committing ritual corporate seppuku.

There’s a very simple solution. Instead of doubling down on its mistake — à la Donald Trump — Sonos CEO Patrick Whatsisname needs to issue a public apology; and Sonos IT needs to promptly offer every user the option to quickly, simply and seamlessly restore the Sonos controller as it existed prior to the ‘upgrade.’ 

99 out of 100 Sonos owners experienced a user friendly, trouble free, enjoyable listening experience before someone in management decided to ‘create a more personalized and effortless experience.’

Wiping out my entire music library, accumulated over the course of nearly a decade and saved in my Sonos playlists, is not ‘a more personalized and effortless experience.’ It’s the equivalent of breaking into my home and setting fire to all of my books. 

Force-feeding me a Sonos controller that won’t even permit me to place music tracks in a queue, and subsequently remove a track I’d prefer not to listen to again, is not ‘a more personalized and effortless experience.’ 

And no, Patrick Whatsisname, I’m neither sufficiently gullible nor sufficiently clueless to believe I’m now enjoying ‘a more personalized and effortless experience,’ no matter how hard you try to convince me I am.

It has not escaped my notice that my Sonos sound system is now completely FUBAR… all because you and your associates have made a hellaciously stupid mistake and refuse to own up to it.

Setting up Google Voice Assistant with a Roam speaker is no longer working with the latest app update. My understanding after 2 hours with your support is that the new app update broke this critical feature. 

Product management team - Make sure you are aware of the main features that had your customers buy your products and ensure that those critical features function in every release.

What I noticed was that when I went into my app (before updating it), I clicked on the gear and had it check to updates. It kept coming back telling me that I was up to date, but I know I wasn’t. I had to go to Sonos’s Download page, see that there was an IOS update and click on the IOS tab at the top which took me to the App Store, which indicated that there was an update. So I selected Update and it updated me. That is a positive so if someone forget to disable the Automatic Updates, the app wouldn’t update you unless you physically asked for it. 

The Apple App Store can funky about ‘publishing’ new versions. Updates will appear eventually, tho’ you can ‘manually’ grab the latest version as you explain. That said, this morning’s version auto-updated on my iPhone but not on my iPad, so people who truly want to gate updates should disable automatic updates.

Yes, I would recommend that just to be sure. Now what you’re saying makes sense because the date of that version I think was June 14 and couldn’t figure out why it was released today. I thought maybe Sonos was testing it before releasing it. Thanks for clearing that up. 

Supposedly - nothing supposedly about it !!… SONOS is late to the party in stopping support for SMB1. Even so they have handled this appalingly


Show me a single Sonos system and/or local music library which was affected in any way by the use of SMB v1 and I’ll stop using the “supposedly” descriptor.  


The sonos speakers being impacted is not the point - the point is that if you have a NAS/Server/PC etc running SMB1 then it is open to being hacked and everything that can follow on from that.

Why do you think manufacturers, e.g Microsoft, Linux operating systems etc having deprecated SMB1 .. it’s not been done for no reason ….. is the industry standard security vulnerability database ...

I don’t really know what smb is but it was the 3 Sonos tech support people who told me me that the only way k could get my music libraries back available to Sonos was to update/upgrade my PCs and Mac to v2 or 3. Then they spent over an hour trying to do.  So I was told to wait until they came up with a fix - still waiting

OMG -  success on music library issue. So I managed to find a way to upgrade from sub v1 to 2 on my PC day but library still could not tie in library. So i called in and first off:

they finally have a callback function on the support line so i did not have to wait on hold for 75 minutes. 

When I received my callback on time the first support agent did not have a clue but a supervisor ( Noah) was able to get my PC and Mac libraries loaded. It did not appear to be related to smb issues but was sharing settings which i am not smart enough to reproduce. 


So if you can get through to the right person, they may be able to help those with lost libraries. 

Or it could have been a combination of the two, but in any case I’m glad you got a knowledgeable support person who helped you. There is still hope. 

local music playback - mid June.

We’re PAST mid June

When are you going to fix the ability of playing music I own from my local drive?

You’ve destroyed your reputation, pissed off your customer base, and I’m sure negatively impacted any future sales from current customers. You’ve created this mess, and the fixes are not coming fast enough.

Please HELP!

What is going on with the Sonos APP? I cannot do anything with my system. I cannot add new speakers, nothing. The app is asking me to sign in when I am already signed in. It has been a month and a new update was released today….and even got worse. Please fix it.

@Keith N, when is Sonos reinstating the feature to downgrade from S2 to S1? A date would be useful for your customers…..



No firmware update.

Numerical values for volume and group volume sliders

Volume icon to reflect volume level

Support for SonosNet channel selection

Added stereo/mono configuration for Amp/Port output.


I can’t imagine many will be that delighted, taking the update at face value...

I know I was one of the ‘lucky’ ones as I didn’t have any major issues from day one (I received all the usual ‘fanboi’ abuse to show for it).   So for me each update is an improvement.  My ‘local library’ does not fade in and out as before, and I’m getting fewer ‘something went wrong’ errors, too.  
As @Rhonny hinted, I’m sure this isn’t the panacea for everyone.  

Yes, and I might have been another one of the lucky ones also. I keep hearing about all these wifi problems and I can’t figure out how an app update could cause a problem, but now that the SonosNet Channels are in place, it’s possible that Sonos might have changed channels in their 2.4gHz band, which may have caused a problem for certain users. 

I just updated to the newest IOS app a little while ago. What I noticed was that when I went into my app (before updating it), I clicked on the gear and had it check to updates. It kept coming back telling me that I was up to date, but I know I wasn’t. I had to go to Sonos’s Download page, see that there was an IOS update and click on the IOS tab at the top which took me to the App Store, which indicated that there was an update. So I selected Update and it updated me. That is a positive so if someone forget to disable the Automatic Updates, the app wouldn’t update you unless you physically asked for it. 

Everything appears to still be working and I did notice the number value on the bottom mini player and then under Networks, it shows that I am on Channel 1 of SonosNet. This is probably the reason why I wasn’t having wifi problems like other users. I used to have wifi problems a few years ago until I configured my Sonos system for SonosNet, which is Sonos’ proprietary mesh network. I forget what channel I used to be on, but I’ll leave it on channel 1 for now. 

One more thing that I noticed was as soon as I opened the newly updated app, it had a picture of my Beam and told me to run TruePlay and that it would only take about a minute. Since I was using my iPad, I’ll perform that later on my iPhone.  

There might have been a couple of extra options when you scroll through your library, like “add to end of queue”, (which was there already) and maybe, “Play now”. But other wise it seems like a safe update. 


No firmware update.

Numerical values for volume and group volume sliders

Volume icon to reflect volume level

Support for SonosNet channel selection

Added stereo/mono configuration for Amp/Port output.


I can’t imagine many will be that delighted, taking the update at face value...

I know I was one of the ‘lucky’ ones as I didn’t have any major issues from day one (I received all the usual ‘fanboi’ abuse to show for it).   So for me each update is an improvement.  My ‘local library’ does not fade in and out as before, and I’m getting fewer ‘something went wrong’ errors, too.  
As @Rhonny hinted, I’m sure this isn’t the panacea for everyone.  

Yes, and I might have been another one of the lucky ones also. I keep hearing about all these wifi problems and I can’t figure out how an app update could cause a problem, but now that the SonosNet Channels are in place, it’s possible that Sonos might have changed channels in their 2.4gHz band, which may have caused a problem for certain users on their Wi-Fi networks.

I just updated to the newest IOS app a little while ago. What I noticed was that when I went into my app (before updating it), I clicked on the gear and had it check to updates. It kept coming back telling me that I was up to date, but I know I wasn’t. I had to go to Sonos’s Download page, see that there was an IOS update and click on the IOS tab at the top which took me to the App Store, which indicated that there was an update. So I selected Update and it updated me. That is a positive so if someone forget to disable the Automatic Updates, the app wouldn’t update you unless you physically asked for it. 

Everything appears to still be working and I did notice the number value on the bottom mini player and then under Networks, it shows that I am on Channel 1 of SonosNet. This is probably the reason why I wasn’t having wifi problems like other users. I used to have wifi problems a few years ago until I configured my Sonos system for SonosNet, which is Sonos’ proprietary mesh network. I forget what channel I used to be on, but I’ll leave it on channel 1 for now. 

One more thing that I noticed was as soon as I opened the newly updated app, it had a picture of my Beam and told me to run TruePlay and that it would only take about a minute. Since I was using my iPad, I’ll perform that later on my iPhone.  

There might have been a couple of extra options when you scroll through your library, like “add to end of queue”, (which was there already) and maybe, “Play now”. But other wise it seems like a safe update. 

Just a quick update, I did run the TruePlay in the Living Room and it went well. The hollow sounding Beam sounds a lot better with the surrounds. It’s just a little different than it used to be. It first starts off with about 30 seconds of sonar pulses (I guess similar to the newer speakers) then the next step is what everyone is familiar with when you walk around the room for about 60 seconds moving you device up and down. So it completed successfully. 



We set out to create a more personalized and effortless listening experience with the updated Sonos app. It was rebuilt from the ground up to ensure it could support future innovation in the years to come. For its initial rollout, we focused on how we could answer some of the most common requests from our customers, including increased reliability, performance, and faster access to music.

Many of you have shared valuable feedback on both the improvements that have made your experience better, as well as the areas where we fell short. We are listening to all of your comments and working to address them as quickly as possible. Over the coming weeks, we will reintroduce the below features, while fixing bugs and performance issues. Thank you for your engagement and we look forward to building upon this first step to create a listening experience that meets everyone’s needs.


Available now

To access these changes, check for updates in the iOS / Android app store to download the latest version of the Sonos app. Make sure your Sonos products are also up to date.

Last updated: Jun 17, 2024. See release notes.

  • Added numerical values to volume and group-volume sliders
  • Updated the volume icon to reflect the volume level on iOS
  • Introduced mute button on Android
  • Added stereo or mono configuration for Amp/Port output on iOS
  • Improved TalkBack screen reader support for volume sliders on Android
  • Added support for SonosNet channel selection on iOS
  • Expanded support for service reauthorization on Android


Coming soon

  • Continued improvements to navigation for visually-impaired customers: mid-June
  • Local music library search and playback: mid-June
  • Improved playback settings including Play Now: July
  • Create and edit local music library: July
  • Improved Autoplay settings: July
  • Improved Sub audio settings with Amp: July
  • Snooze alarms: TBD


Our latest update resolves some of the most critical known issues, but know we have more to do. We hear your feedback and are working hard to deliver the experience you expect and deserve.

I noticed that you pushed back the “Create and edit local music library “ from mid-June to July. Not a good thing since, while reading all comments in this group, most people are waiting for this feature to come back. 

It is a total mess again after this update (18.06). Sub mini was out of my system and I don't know why. Fortunately I was able to connect it again. "Unable to load content" for sonos favorites or "something went wrong" messages for the app at all keep going on and on no matter what I am doing with the app. I am very discouraged about the SONOS brand. Veeeeery disapointing

@Keith N, when is Sonos reinstating the feature to downgrade from S2 to S1? A date would be useful for your customers…..


Totally agree , until this ‘feature’ comes back I have a completely useless play one speaker , unless I decide to by a new nas drive that supports smb2 , I DONT NEED ONE,  unless you ‘Sonos’ want to buy me one !!!! As you have decided to make my speaker useless now


apalling !!

When do you plan to provide the DOWNGRADE function for the many long time Sonos advocates who have no interest in S2?  I just bought another port that worked without a peep -- and now suddenly I have no path to use a new product of yours??

When do you plan to provide the DOWNGRADE function for the many long time Sonos advocates who have no interest in S2?  I just bought another port that worked without a peep -- and now suddenly I have no path to use a new product of yours??


New products is what caused the split to S2.  The new products required more RAM/storage than the legacy products had on board, so they could never support any of the new products and thus the S1/S2 split was born. So since S1 can never include the new product support without exceeding the limits of the legacy products, there’s no way S1 can ever run the new products.

Search and play your local music library from June 21? Sorry what?

Do you not realise how many of your users have huge libraries of locally stored music and THIS IS THE ONLY REASON WE USE YOUR APP?!!!


My Sonos products are getting quite old now and I was thinking of replacing them. I guess I will but it won't be with Sonos. Give yourselves a big round of applause. 


You need to address this or you will lose yet another customer. Local media library is an absolute MUST, it is the reason I originally bought Sonos kit. Get it fixed ASAP. What a disgusting way to treat your customers.

You have just invested how many dollars in your latest headphone product yet at the same time you have removed access to local media libraries, why would I waste my hard earned pounds on headphones that don’t allow me to listen to my long collected and personal music? Additionally, I bought the Beam2 just before this appalling downgrade of the app and had I known you were about to do this, I wouldn’t have wasted my money. Just what market are you now targeting? You have alienated a huge proportion of your existing customer base and seeing this attitude towards your customer base will soon stop new customers going for Sonos products. You survived the S1 - S2 farce, will you survive this?

Wondering when the basic functionality of the new app will be fixed.  The app is completely unresponsive when you try and change the volume, it is constantly showing the wrong song playing and will not update unless you shut down app and relaunch (and even then, it takes a few times), and it does not show the actual speakers that are playing music.  So, for example, when you can hear music coming out of the sonos speakers, the app says nothing is playing, so you have absolutely no control of your system.  I have been a sonos customer and supporter for years, and I can’t believe how badly they have ruined their own product.

I recognise the delay in the system noticing a new song is playing. I do not recognise the other problems you mention - so they are not general problems (though maybe widespread). Since these maybe particular to your system or systems like yours, Sonos and you could benefit if you’d call Sonos and talk to them about the problems.

or its initial rollout, we focused on how we could answer some of the most common requests from our customers, including increased reliability, performance, and faster access to music.


Are they really listening to their customers?! I do not know if I should cry or laugh with all of this mess. Performance and reliability are two words that, at this point at least, cannot be used with this APP. 

. I do not recognise the other problems you mention - so they are not general problems (though maybe widespread).


I think you may be lucky… For me it’s far from reliable and the last update even made it worst. Opening an album it’s a lottery. 50% of the time works and the other 50 it fails with “Something went wrong”. Opening the app is also always a different outcome. Either it does not recognize my system, or fails to load artworks or favorites are not there (searching for music and navigating through services is also a mess and slow). Eventually it opens as it should. Also as pointed out by others, choosing a music to play is far from being reliable. Most of the times just plays the wrong music. So this is all less than stable and please don’t come telling me it’s a particular issue on my system or network. C’mon, I have no other problems in terms of connectivity at home and from what I can see, lots and lots of other users are complaining about similar things! And a 1.2 rating in google play store really tells the whole story!

And performance wise… My god! Terrible


I said this in another thread, I’ll say it also here. If sonos can’t handle this, please just rollback, give us a simple app to just control/configure the system and let the playback functionality for third party apps like spotify or amazon (given that sonos actually allows/supports to play music with full quality from these apps). Seriously, Sonos is not a startup (and even if it was) so I can’t really understand/believe how could they release an APP in this mediocre state. And the worse part is that updates are not improving it at all. Yes, it’s bringing more features (some of them broken actually) but the team fails to realize that they need to first fix the fundamental issues! Performance and Stability! Not being able to reliable play (or choose) a song is really ridiculous and embarrassing. And I know all this “hate” is not helpful but c’mon, sonos is really asking for it.

Long story short, I do love the sound on my era 300 but if sonos continues to fail to recognize how poor their app is, I’m not going to buy any other product from them (hopefully for me I did not really committed to sonos yet).


Update: At first glance, it looks like spotify integration works way better than Amazon but I can’t really tell since I only have subscription on Amazon so I can’t choose the music to play on spotify which almost always fail with Amazon (also get a lot more “Something went wrong”). This all means, nice to have dolby atmos speakers in theory because in practice I struggle a lot to be able to actually listen to/choose atmos music. Sight...
