The New Sonos App and Future Feature Updates

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Userlevel 6
Badge +6


So you released a mandatory “new and Improved” update in May which disabled the ability to access and play music from my personal library located on a NAS. (something that functioned well for at least 12 years.) And now you're telling me that 2 months latter you will try to get around to reinstating the only Sonos function I care about - the only reason I invested all the hardware I purchased from Sonos? Who thought this was a good idea? Based on your botched software launch, I have no confidence that you will successfully restore this basic function and I have no confidence that you will meet your schedule.

local library playback has not been removed and was present from day 1 of the new apps release.  This has been mentioned just a few thousand times around here. 

It may not have been removed for most but for those stuck with smb v1 equipment it was removed and without warning or solution. And tech support, when available, was worthless.


I’m not blind to the fact that many people can’t access their own libraries for a number of reasons, whether that be due to SMBv1 deprecation or due to bugs in the app of which their are plenty.


But I make no apology for correcting any number of posters when they use such flowery and bombastic language which is premised on either a falsehood or a downright lie.   If somebody wants to post asking for help because they can’t access their library, I’m sure the experts around here will continue to step in and help as they have always done.  But it serves no one on this forum to perpetuate the lie that local library access has been actively removed and coded out of the app.  It simply hasn’t.  

Userlevel 1

Hello,  I have been a Sonos proponent/fan from the day I bought my original Playbar and slowly converted the entire house to Sonos sound systems all the way to the patio.  The ease and connectivity just impressed everyone that came to visit and great sound to boot.  THAT ALL CHANGED WITH THE NEW SOFTWARE UPDATE!!!!! It doesn't work, I have lost my entire patio connected to an Sonos AMP and can't seem to reconnect no mater what I do.  Controlling the Playbar when watching TV has become a hit or miss situation most of the time it will not connect so no one can control the sound or change over from playing music to watching TV.  Naturally I wanted to contact customer service and get some help and it turns out that they are only available during business hours Monday thru Friday!  This will require me  take a day off to get help.  You would think with such an expensive system they would have people available on the weekends to help on a bugled upgrade!!!!!

Userlevel 2

We set out to create a more personalized and effortless listening experience with the updated Sonos app. It was rebuilt from the ground up to ensure it could support future innovation in the years to come. For its initial rollout, we focused on how we could answer some of the most common requests from our customers, including increased reliability, performance, and faster access to music.

Many of you have shared valuable feedback on both the improvements that have made your experience better, as well as the areas where we fell short. We are listening to all of your comments and working to address them as quickly as possible. Over the coming weeks, we will reintroduce the below features, while fixing bugs and performance issues. Thank you for your engagement and we look forward to building upon this first step to create a listening experience that meets everyone’s needs.


Available now

To access these changes, check for updates in the iOS / Android app store to download the latest version of the Sonos app. Make sure your Sonos products are also up to date.

Last updated: Jun 4, 2024. See release notes.


  • Improved playback settings including “Play next,” “add to end of queue,” and on iOS, the mute button
  • Improved product setup, Bluetooth discovery and WiFi settings
  • Added sleep timer settings
  • Improved Trueplay setup on iOS
  • Introduced distance settings for home theater surrounds
  • Improved navigation for users who are blind or visually-impaired 
  • Added VoiceOver support for toast messages on iOS


Coming soon

  • Continued improvements to navigation for visually-impaired customers: mid-June
  • Playback controls including mute and volume numbers: June
  • Local music library search and playback: mid-June
  • Improved playback settings including Play Now: July
  • Create and edit local music library: July
  • Improved Autoplay settings: July
  • Improved Sub audio settings with Amp: July
  • Snooze alarms: TBD


Our latest update resolves some of the most critical known issues, but know we have more to do. We hear your feedback and are working hard to deliver the experience you expect and deserve.

So you released a mandatory “new and Improved” update in May which disabled the ability to access and play music from my personal library located on a NAS. (something that functioned well for at least 12 years.) And now you're telling me that 2 months latter you will try to get around to reinstating the only Sonos function I care about - the only reason I invested all the hardware I purchased from Sonos? Who thought this was a good idea? Based on your botched software launch, I have no confidence that you will successfully restore this basic function and I have no confidence that you will meet your schedule.

@slight: like many others I only can recommend to try SonoPad or SonoPhone in case you own a iOS device. Learned about alternative controllers for Sonos in this and the German forum and tried it last night. Totally happy with it. Yes, you can’t do everything with those apps but concerning the disaster with the new Sonos app it literally saved my day. Did find every speaker, total control of my music library (NAS), even with search function and including covers, normally working list of recently heard songs etc etc.

Yes, it shouldn’t be necessary to invest into apps that do what the original Sonos App is supposed to do but for me those 2.99 and 3.99 Euro were well spent. I can at least use my system and don’t get a nervous breakdown every five minutes.

Userlevel 6
Badge +6

Is this andrew s guy a a paid troll for Sonos Inc?

What a stupid suggestion.  But if it needs explicit clarification the answer is no, not that I believe your obviously built-in bias would accept it — it is a after all a fact and you don’t seem to like facts.

Userlevel 5
Badge +9


Userlevel 4
Badge +1


So you released a mandatory “new and Improved” update in May which disabled the ability to access and play music from my personal library located on a NAS. (something that functioned well for at least 12 years.) And now you're telling me that 2 months latter you will try to get around to reinstating the only Sonos function I care about - the only reason I invested all the hardware I purchased from Sonos? Who thought this was a good idea? Based on your botched software launch, I have no confidence that you will successfully restore this basic function and I have no confidence that you will meet your schedule.

local library playback has not been removed and was present from day 1 of the new apps release.  This has been mentioned just a few thousand times around here. 

Local library access was removed from the iOS app. I cannot access my music library from my iPads or iPhone. These are the devices I use 99% of the time. Local library playback is occasionally available on the OS app, but my laptop “forgets” the NAS location several times a day. Necessitating re-entering this info and re-indexing. This operation takes 45 minutes each time. I have not had this problem in the 10 years previous to the “new Improved” app launch.

Local library access was removed from the iOS app. I cannot access my music library from my iPads or iPhone. These are the devices I use 99% of the time. Local library playback is occasionally available on the OS app, but my laptop “forgets” the NAS location several times a day. Necessitating re-entering this info and re-indexing. This operation takes 45 minutes each time. I have not had this problem in the 10 years previous to the “new Improved” app launch.


No, it was not.  It is not working for a portion of Sonos users, which is far different from it being “removed”.   Stop trying to make this crappy app worse than it is. 

Userlevel 6
Badge +6


So you released a mandatory “new and Improved” update in May which disabled the ability to access and play music from my personal library located on a NAS. (something that functioned well for at least 12 years.) And now you're telling me that 2 months latter you will try to get around to reinstating the only Sonos function I care about - the only reason I invested all the hardware I purchased from Sonos? Who thought this was a good idea? Based on your botched software launch, I have no confidence that you will successfully restore this basic function and I have no confidence that you will meet your schedule.

local library playback has not been removed and was present from day 1 of the new apps release.  This has been mentioned just a few thousand times around here. 

Local library access was removed from the iOS app. I cannot access my music library from my iPads or iPhone. These are the devices I use 99% of the time. Local library playback is occasionally available on the OS app, but my laptop “forgets” the NAS location several times a day. Necessitating re-entering this info and re-indexing. This operation takes 45 minutes each time. I have not had this problem in the 10 years previous to the “new Improved” app launch.

I have IOS app on my iPhone and on my iPad and I have local library access, so I can tell you categorically it has not been removed.  

Userlevel 4
Badge +1

Good for you!

Userlevel 4
Badge +5

As many users suggested, please come back to S2. It’s quite impossible to enjoy music with the new app.

it’s quite strange that an improvement took less functionalities than previous release.

I’m really disappointed about the new user experience.

Well, having been involved in a few, a ground up re-write will often omit “some” features. But nothing like this fiasco!

Yes, and all of this just for headphones that I probably will never buy. 

Took a month just to add play next smh how long to actually edit the queue 

Userlevel 4
Badge +5

The Sonos timeline for fixing the issues in the terrible new controller app seems very optimistic to me. Very little progress seems to have been made so far. 
Their approach by forcing device firmware updates with later versions of the 80.x apps is particularly underhand as it means you can’t roll back to a working version of the controller. 
I’ve disabled automatic firmware updates in the app and rolled my iOS devices back to the last 16.x version of the S2 app. All original functionality is restored nicely. 
I have no intention of buying any more Sonos gear so I’m entirely unworried about the supposed “benefits” of their crappy new app. 

I did the same and totally agree.  Auto updates is disabled.  But I would like to upgrade my Living Room two SL speakers to two ERA 100’s to give me just a little more bass (with my Beam). During some of the really lower frequency dramatic scenes, they seem to bottom out and start to vibrate. I notice that if I put my palm on top of the speaker and press hard, the noise will go away. It’s always difficult to troubleshoot lower frequency problems; the vibration could be coming from anywhere. But I’m nervous that if I do buy new speakers now, I might not be able to install them. I’m going to have to wait until all the dust settles and I start reading nice things about the new app.

Userlevel 1

Dear Community: It may be useful for you to know that I sent the letter below to Sonos's CEO the same day I downloaded and installed the new Sonos app. The reply I received from Sonos Support two weeks later was, word for word, the same non-responsive "Available Now - Coming Soon” email sent to so many of those who posted comments on the same subject. I was in no way enlightened or satisfied by Sonos’s reply. 

My letter:

"Along with the fact that the recent Sonos controller update (1) doesn't work as advertised (see many, many user complaints to that effect) and (2) once installed, leaves the user helpless to uninstall it and reinstall the former S2 controller in its place, the update serves no purpose but to enhance Sonos's now-transparent marketing strategy of having many Sonos adherents junk thousands of dollars of investment in a superior, functional residential sound system and purchase all-new Sonos devices that are S2-only compatible. 

“I fully expect that even if any of us is foolish (and wealthy) enough to do that, Sonos intends to limit even a new system's lifespan by renovating or replacing this latest update (now misleadingly called only "Sonos", suggesting that if one owns or buys any Sonos products, this app will control them all) with yet another non-backward compatible controller. In other words, you would have me spend another $10,000 to replace my existing built-in S1 Sonos system now with your (formerly S2) 2024 components, but with no assurance that you will not pull exactly the same ploy in, say, 2027. I assure you that I will not do that. I suggest to you that many other longtime Sonos adherents will come to exactly the same conclusion. 

"One more item: With the advent a couple of years ago of the now-obsolete S2 controller and the development of new products that cannot be incorporated into an existing S1-controlled system, you already forced anyone purchasing new add-on Sonos components to operate a single system with 2 non-syncable controllers simultaneously. That was inconvenient enough. This latest replacement of the S2 controller leads me (at very least) to ask questions like 'What do I do when you decide to eliminate the Sonos S1 controller app entirely, which would suddenly appear to be a likely next step?’'Is the new 'Sonos' controller going to be re-engineered' to incorporate S1 functionality, which would now appear to be inconsistent with the direction in which you and your marketing people are taking the company, its product line and its customers?

“I suggest to you that either of those two potential outcomes would represent a net reduction of Sonos's customer base -- and, by extension, its projected revenues. No prospective Sonos purchaser would be stupid enough to pledge his or her money and loyalty to a company that does not even propose to reciprocate -- and that relies, in the hope of controlling its market share, on planned-in-advance product obsolescence rather than on fair competition and enhanced product quality."



Userlevel 7
Badge +11

The CEO will have been grateful for your valuable input, I’m absolutely certain.

Userlevel 1

Rhonny, do I detect in your reply a certain lack of sincerity?

Userlevel 7
Badge +11

Rhonny, do I detect in your reply a certain lack of sincerity?

To be fair, a letter will have stood out vs a full inbox. 

Userlevel 7
Badge +8

The CEO will be grateful for your valuable input, I’m absolutely certain.

He will, of course, ignore it in the same way as he has ignored multiple emails from others.

Away from the hyperbole this will not be the end of Sonos or Patrick Spence. 

Much as it will disappoint many users all we can do is accept the weekly updates until the app is completed and stable.

If you want to “punish” Sonos then do not buy further Sonos products “new” to avoid giving them money. Selling or throwing them away does not hurt them at all because they already have your hard earned money. 

Ultimately this will sort itself out and our systems will work properly it may take a while but the app will get there and for some that day will be sooner than for others. Roll on Tuesday 11th 😄

Userlevel 4
Badge +5


So you released a mandatory “new and Improved” update in May which disabled the ability to access and play music from my personal library located on a NAS. (something that functioned well for at least 12 years.) And now you're telling me that 2 months latter you will try to get around to reinstating the only Sonos function I care about - the only reason I invested all the hardware I purchased from Sonos? Who thought this was a good idea? Based on your botched software launch, I have no confidence that you will successfully restore this basic function and I have no confidence that you will meet your schedule.

local library playback has not been removed and was present from day 1 of the new apps release.  This has been mentioned just a few thousand times around here. 

It may not have been removed for most but for those stuck with smb v1 equipment it was removed and without warning or solution. And tech support, when available, was worthless.

Yes I felt the same way when I updated my IOS app and lost my music library. I took me some time and luckily I had an extra NAS that supported the smb v2 protocol, so I moved my music library over to a WD My Cloud, which I brought around 2015, and with the help of my Windows controller, I set the path to my new NAS and everything came back. I still trying to get used to the various menus and screens in the new IOS app, and I know it’s still in flux, but I don’t know if I really like it. Maybe because it’s new and I’m used to the old app. Time will tell. 

I do remember around 2005, when Sonos first came out, I was thinking about going with a company called BlueSound. I was shown this at my high end stereo store. This device would rip all your CDs, store and create play lists, play world wide radio stations, and basically do all the things that Sonos does (or used to do). But then I saw a one time commercial during the SuperBowl that year for Sonos and I eventually went with Sonos. I wonder if BlueSound is still in business?


Userlevel 4
Badge +5


So you released a mandatory “new and Improved” update in May which disabled the ability to access and play music from my personal library located on a NAS. (something that functioned well for at least 12 years.) And now you're telling me that 2 months latter you will try to get around to reinstating the only Sonos function I care about - the only reason I invested all the hardware I purchased from Sonos? Who thought this was a good idea? Based on your botched software launch, I have no confidence that you will successfully restore this basic function and I have no confidence that you will meet your schedule.

local library playback has not been removed and was present from day 1 of the new apps release.  This has been mentioned just a few thousand times around here. 

It may not have been removed for most but for those stuck with smb v1 equipment it was removed and without warning or solution. And tech support, when available, was worthless.

Yes I felt the same way when I updated my IOS app and lost my music library. I took me some time and luckily I had an extra NAS that supported the smb v2 protocol, so I moved my music library over to a WD My Cloud, which I brought around 2015, and with the help of my Windows controller, I set the path to my new NAS and everything came back. I still trying to get used to the various menus and screens in the new IOS app, and I know it’s still in flux, but I don’t know if I really like it. Maybe because it’s new and I’m used to the old app. Time will tell. 

I do remember around 2005, when Sonos first came out, I was thinking about going with a company called BlueSound. I was shown this at my high end stereo store. This device would rip all your CDs, store and create play lists, play world wide radio stations, and basically do all the things that Sonos does (or used to do). But then I saw a one time commercial during the SuperBowl that year for Sonos and I eventually went with Sonos. I wonder if BlueSound is still in business?



So you released a mandatory “new and Improved” update in May which disabled the ability to access and play music from my personal library located on a NAS. (something that functioned well for at least 12 years.) And now you're telling me that 2 months latter you will try to get around to reinstating the only Sonos function I care about - the only reason I invested all the hardware I purchased from Sonos? Who thought this was a good idea? Based on your botched software launch, I have no confidence that you will successfully restore this basic function and I have no confidence that you will meet your schedule.

local library playback has not been removed and was present from day 1 of the new apps release.  This has been mentioned just a few thousand times around here. 

It may not have been removed for most but for those stuck with smb v1 equipment it was removed and without warning or solution. And tech support, when available, was worthless.

Yes I felt the same way when I updated my IOS app and lost my music library. I took me some time and luckily I had an extra NAS that supported the smb v2 protocol, so I moved my music library over to a WD My Cloud, which I brought around 2015, and with the help of my Windows controller, I set the path to my new NAS and everything came back. I still trying to get used to the various menus and screens in the new IOS app, and I know it’s still in flux, but I don’t know if I really like it. Maybe because it’s new and I’m used to the old app. Time will tell. 

I do remember around 2005, when Sonos first came out, I was thinking about going with a company called BlueSound. I was shown this at my high end stereo store. This device would rip all your CDs, store and create play lists, play world wide radio stations, and basically do all the things that Sonos does (or used to do). But then I saw a one time commercial during the SuperBowl that year for Sonos and I eventually went with Sonos. I wonder if BlueSound is still in business?



So you released a mandatory “new and Improved” update in May which disabled the ability to access and play music from my personal library located on a NAS. (something that functioned well for at least 12 years.) And now you're telling me that 2 months latter you will try to get around to reinstating the only Sonos function I care about - the only reason I invested all the hardware I purchased from Sonos? Who thought this was a good idea? Based on your botched software launch, I have no confidence that you will successfully restore this basic function and I have no confidence that you will meet your schedule.

local library playback has not been removed and was present from day 1 of the new apps release.  This has been mentioned just a few thousand times around here. 

It may not have been removed for most but for those stuck with smb v1 equipment it was removed and without warning or solution. And tech support, when available, was worthless.

Yes I felt the same way when I updated my IOS app and lost my music library. It took me some time and luckily I had an extra NAS that supported the smb v2 protocol, so I moved my music library over to a WD My Cloud, which I brought around 2015, and with the help of my Windows controller, I set the path to my new NAS and everything came back. I’m still trying to get used to the various menus and screens in the new IOS app, and I know it’s still in flux, but I don’t know if I really like it. Maybe because it’s new and I’m used to the old app. Time will tell. 

I do remember around 2005, when Sonos first came out, I was thinking about going with a company called BlueSound. I was shown this at my high end stereo store. This device would rip all your CDs, store and create play lists, play world wide radio stations, and basically do all the things that Sonos does (or used to do). But then I saw a one time commercial during the SuperBowl that year for Sonos and I eventually went with Sonos. I wonder if BlueSound is still in business?



Userlevel 4
Badge +5


So you released a mandatory “new and Improved” update in May which disabled the ability to access and play music from my personal library located on a NAS. (something that functioned well for at least 12 years.) And now you're telling me that 2 months latter you will try to get around to reinstating the only Sonos function I care about - the only reason I invested all the hardware I purchased from Sonos? Who thought this was a good idea? Based on your botched software launch, I have no confidence that you will successfully restore this basic function and I have no confidence that you will meet your schedule.

local library playback has not been removed and was present from day 1 of the new apps release.  This has been mentioned just a few thousand times around here. 

It may not have been removed for most but for those stuck with smb v1 equipment it was removed and without warning or solution. And tech support, when available, was worthless.

Yes I felt the same way when I updated my IOS app and lost my music library. It took me some time and luckily I had an extra NAS that supported the smb v2 protocol, so I moved my music library over to a WD My Cloud, which I brought around 2015, and with the help of my Windows controller, I set the path to my new NAS and everything came back. I’m still trying to get used to the various menus and screens in the new IOS app, and I know it’s still in flux, but I don’t know if I really like it. Maybe because it’s new and I’m used to the old app. Time will tell. 

I do remember around 2005, when Sonos first came out, I was thinking about going with a company called BlueSound. I was shown this at my high end stereo store. This device would rip all your CDs, store and create play lists, play world wide radio stations, and basically do all the things that Sonos does (or used to do). But then I saw a one time commercial during the SuperBowl that year for Sonos and I eventually went with Sonos. I wonder if BlueSound is still in business?



Userlevel 1


Disable 5ghz in your router settings. This resolves all app reliability, speed and connection issues.

Userlevel 2


So you released a mandatory “new and Improved” update in May which disabled the ability to access and play music from my personal library located on a NAS. (something that functioned well for at least 12 years.) And now you're telling me that 2 months latter you will try to get around to reinstating the only Sonos function I care about - the only reason I invested all the hardware I purchased from Sonos? Who thought this was a good idea? Based on your botched software launch, I have no confidence that you will successfully restore this basic function and I have no confidence that you will meet your schedule.

local library playback has not been removed and was present from day 1 of the new apps release.  This has been mentioned just a few thousand times around here. 

It may not have been removed for most but for those stuck with smb v1 equipment it was removed and without warning or solution. And tech support, when available, was worthless.

Yes I felt the same way when I updated my IOS app and lost my music library. I took me some time and luckily I had an extra NAS that supported the smb v2 protocol, so I moved my music library over to a WD My Cloud, which I brought around 2015, and with the help of my Windows controller, I set the path to my new NAS and everything came back. I still trying to get used to the various menus and screens in the new IOS app, and I know it’s still in flux, but I don’t know if I really like it. Maybe because it’s new and I’m used to the old app. Time will tell. 

I do remember around 2005, when Sonos first came out, I was thinking about going with a company called BlueSound. I was shown this at my high end stereo store. This device would rip all your CDs, store and create play lists, play world wide radio stations, and basically do all the things that Sonos does (or used to do). But then I saw a one time commercial during the SuperBowl that year for Sonos and I eventually went with Sonos. I wonder if BlueSound is still in business?



So you released a mandatory “new and Improved” update in May which disabled the ability to access and play music from my personal library located on a NAS. (something that functioned well for at least 12 years.) And now you're telling me that 2 months latter you will try to get around to reinstating the only Sonos function I care about - the only reason I invested all the hardware I purchased from Sonos? Who thought this was a good idea? Based on your botched software launch, I have no confidence that you will successfully restore this basic function and I have no confidence that you will meet your schedule.

local library playback has not been removed and was present from day 1 of the new apps release.  This has been mentioned just a few thousand times around here. 

It may not have been removed for most but for those stuck with smb v1 equipment it was removed and without warning or solution. And tech support, when available, was worthless.

Yes I felt the same way when I updated my IOS app and lost my music library. I took me some time and luckily I had an extra NAS that supported the smb v2 protocol, so I moved my music library over to a WD My Cloud, which I brought around 2015, and with the help of my Windows controller, I set the path to my new NAS and everything came back. I still trying to get used to the various menus and screens in the new IOS app, and I know it’s still in flux, but I don’t know if I really like it. Maybe because it’s new and I’m used to the old app. Time will tell. 

I do remember around 2005, when Sonos first came out, I was thinking about going with a company called BlueSound. I was shown this at my high end stereo store. This device would rip all your CDs, store and create play lists, play world wide radio stations, and basically do all the things that Sonos does (or used to do). But then I saw a one time commercial during the SuperBowl that year for Sonos and I eventually went with Sonos. I wonder if BlueSound is still in business?



So you released a mandatory “new and Improved” update in May which disabled the ability to access and play music from my personal library located on a NAS. (something that functioned well for at least 12 years.) And now you're telling me that 2 months latter you will try to get around to reinstating the only Sonos function I care about - the only reason I invested all the hardware I purchased from Sonos? Who thought this was a good idea? Based on your botched software launch, I have no confidence that you will successfully restore this basic function and I have no confidence that you will meet your schedule.

local library playback has not been removed and was present from day 1 of the new apps release.  This has been mentioned just a few thousand times around here. 

It may not have been removed for most but for those stuck with smb v1 equipment it was removed and without warning or solution. And tech support, when available, was worthless.

Yes I felt the same way when I updated my IOS app and lost my music library. It took me some time and luckily I had an extra NAS that supported the smb v2 protocol, so I moved my music library over to a WD My Cloud, which I brought around 2015, and with the help of my Windows controller, I set the path to my new NAS and everything came back. I’m still trying to get used to the various menus and screens in the new IOS app, and I know it’s still in flux, but I don’t know if I really like it. Maybe because it’s new and I’m used to the old app. Time will tell. 

I do remember around 2005, when Sonos first came out, I was thinking about going with a company called BlueSound. I was shown this at my high end stereo store. This device would rip all your CDs, store and create play lists, play world wide radio stations, and basically do all the things that Sonos does (or used to do). But then I saw a one time commercial during the SuperBowl that year for Sonos and I eventually went with Sonos. I wonder if BlueSound is still in business?



Bluesound have never supported SMB1 and have no intention of ever supporting it - I enquired directly of their pre-sales team a few years back

Userlevel 4
Badge +3


Disable 5ghz in your router settings. This resolves all reliability, speed and connection issues.

A properly configured home Wi-Fi setup should easily support devices on both 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz SSIDs.  I still let my Sonos gear set up their own 2.4 GHz SonosNet mesh network which I keep away from the channels that I use for the SSIDs on my Unifi 2.4 GHz wireless access points.  The same SSIDs are also broadcast on the 5 GHz spectrum.  My iOS/Android devices all tend to be connected to the 5 GHz SSIDs at any given time.  No issues contacting my Sonos gear via the Boost which is the only Sonos device hardwired to the network.

As Sonos removed the ability to control this in their abortion of an app update, it doesn’t surprise me that some users are struggling with Wi-Fi connectivity.

Userlevel 2
Badge +2


Disable 5ghz in your router settings. This resolves all reliability, speed and connection issues.

A properly configured home Wi-Fi setup should easily support devices on both 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz SSIDs.  I still let my Sonos gear set up their own 2.4 GHz SonosNet mesh network which I keep away from the channels that I use for the SSIDs on my Unifi 2.4 GHz wireless access points.  The same SSIDs are also broadcast on the 5 GHz spectrum.  My iOS/Android devices all tend to be connected to the 5 GHz SSIDs at any given time.  No issues contacting my Sonos gear via the Boost which is the only Sonos device hardwired to the network.

As Sonos removed the ability to control this in their abortion of an app update, it doesn’t surprise me that some users are struggling with Wi-Fi connectivity.

Agreed, still using Boost hardwired. Still shows up on router mapping as running speakers. Not going to ditch it anytime soon... it was one of their clever innovations 20 years ago! There are issues with virtually every aspect of this update, why self-inflict another? 

Userlevel 4
Badge +3

Unfortunately, this Wi-Fi issue is yet another problem caused by Sonos removing features and controls when they force released the 80.x S2 controller app.

It’s no surpise that so many users are frustrated, angry and confused trying to get back to anything like the funcionality and ease of use they enjoyed before the first launch of the “new and improved” controller app.

I can honestly see it being months before Sonos restore features and the stability that we have all enjoyed for years.
