The New Sonos App and Future Feature Updates

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Userlevel 4
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Mac users, this video seems to have worked out how to fix the 913 error and share a library on a Mac (if you’ve already tried this, please don’t shoot the messenger):

Jgatie - 

Thank you very much for the clear and concise instructions.  I am loading my Music Library as I type this response.  Such a simple and convenient way to access my Music Library on a why couldn’t Sonos post this workaround?  Also, why can’t Sonos design the app(s) to access music library’s without the “NAS” workaround?

In any case, thanks again.

Jgatie - 

Thank you very much for the clear and concise instructions.  I am loading my Music Library as I type this response.  Such a simple and convenient way to access my Music Library on a why couldn’t Sonos post this workaround?  Also, why can’t Sonos design the app(s) to access music library’s without the “NAS” workaround?

In any case, thanks again.


Unfortunately, the elimination of support for the (supposedly) insecure SMB v1 protocol caused some local libraries to either disappear entirely, or give errors when trying to access, even on Macs which never used SMB v1.  On top of that, Sonos’ rushed-out-half-baked app left off the functions to manage local libraries, which further compounded the mess for people having these issues.  It was a screwup all around, but I’m glad for those folks out there that figured it out (Sonos support still hasn’t sorted it, that I know of).  Happy you are on the way to having it fixed (and don’t thank me, thank the person who made the video.  As long term folks here know, I’m not a Mac guy!). 

Userlevel 4
Badge +3

...and I can confirm, music is now playing as it used to on both the desktop app and the mobile device.  Just ridiculous that users had to go without music for nearly 1 month when there was such a simple solution available


Userlevel 5
Badge +9

for Ios - go get sonospad  now. It doesn’t do everything but it’s great, and let’s you play music.

Jgatie, thanks for the video but still did not work. support has identified as an smb problem but as i am using computer music files not a NAS and i cannot update the smb to 2 or 3. Sonos tech support was unable to resolve after an hour 2 weeks ago and yesterday after waiting for 90 minutes for somebody to answer my call i gave up.

it seems that Sonos’ solution to their update change is to purchase new computers or an NAS which i  would need to figure out how to setup myself. 

Userlevel 1

The single most concerning aspect to this entire debacle is in the new terms of use that we all must agree to in order to access the most recent iOS update. 



This does not bode well for anyone holding out for the return of a  functional Local Library, or in fact, a stable and functional system. The reality is that you’re agreeing to your hardware being bricked at anytime by Sonos and you’ve no comebacks. 

Userlevel 4
Badge +3

The single most concerning aspect to this entire debacle is in the new terms of use that we all must agree to in order to access the most recent iOS update. 



This does not bode well for anyone holding out for the return of a  functional Local Library, or in fact, a stable and functional system. The reality is that you’re agreeing to your hardware being bricked at anytime by Sonos and you’ve no comebacks. 

Sadly, almost every single modern software contract has language like this in place to help protect the maker of the product. When you think about it logically, all software has bugs. No software is perfect. There’s no way to achieve something without error or defect.

The single most concerning aspect to this entire debacle is in the new terms of use that we all must agree to in order to access the most recent iOS update. 



This does not bode well for anyone holding out for the return of a  functional Local Library, or in fact, a stable and functional system. The reality is that you’re agreeing to your hardware being bricked at anytime by Sonos and you’ve no comebacks. 


That language has been in every Sonos TOU/EULA since the beginning, and is standard for all software EULA’s.  It’s basically boilerplate for a limited license for software.

Userlevel 1

The single most concerning aspect to this entire debacle is in the new terms of use that we all must agree to in order to access the most recent iOS update. 



This does not bode well for anyone holding out for the return of a  functional Local Library, or in fact, a stable and functional system. The reality is that you’re agreeing to your hardware being bricked at anytime by Sonos and you’ve no comebacks. 

Sadly, almost every single modern software contract has language like this in place to help protect the maker of the product. When you think about it logically, all software has bugs. No software is perfect. There’s no way to achieve something without error or defect.

Indeed, but there’s errors and defects and there’s ERRORS and DEFECTS. I get the distinct impression that Sonos are clinging to those world like a lifeboat in a storm at the moment. They still choose to push a broken product instead of reverting to the previous functional one. That’s weapons grade arrogance. 

Userlevel 4
Badge +3

The single most concerning aspect to this entire debacle is in the new terms of use that we all must agree to in order to access the most recent iOS update. 



This does not bode well for anyone holding out for the return of a  functional Local Library, or in fact, a stable and functional system. The reality is that you’re agreeing to your hardware being bricked at anytime by Sonos and you’ve no comebacks. 

Sadly, almost every single modern software contract has language like this in place to help protect the maker of the product. When you think about it logically, all software has bugs. No software is perfect. There’s no way to achieve something without error or defect.

Indeed, but there’s errors and defects and there’s ERRORS and DEFECTS. I get the distinct impression that Sonos are clinging to those world like a lifeboat in a storm at the moment. They still choose to push a broken product instead of reverting to the previous functional one. That’s weapons grade arrogance. 

Oh believe me… I don’t disagree with you at all. This was a textbook case of how NOT to roll out a new app… Not “just” an app, but an app so incredibly critical to the ecosystem to your product no less. It’s like selling a car without a steering wheel or brakes, and saying “oh, we’ll get to that functionality in a few months”. Out of all the blunders I’ve seen in my IT career, this one certainly takes the cake. If I was a Sonos shareholder, I would not be happy. While nobody knows the backstory of how this all went down, to me it seems to be the classic example of management/shareholders having unrealistic expectations regarding the complexity and timeline of being able to roll out a new app that should have carried over all its previous functions, and capable of adding new functionality, such as capabilities for these Sonos Ace headphones that I will just simply never buy. I have lost all trust in this company with this particular blunder. Their app isn’t even close to being out of the woods yet, and I feel a huge amount of empathy and sympathy for the developers and support staff on their end, who have taken the brunt of this “courageous move”, as management put it.

Truthfully… I’m going to start experimenting with WiiM. I bought a wireless receiver…a nice set of powered speakers, all of which costs less than 1 sonos speaker. My music is already available through Plex on the local network. I’m going to give it a whirl. If I like it, I will continue to expand, and you will find my Sonos gear up on eBay here pretty soon.

Userlevel 1

From your April press release … “Patrick Spence, CEO of Sonos. “After thorough development and testing, we are confident this redesigned app is easier, faster and better.”

This statement is FALSE! The overwhelming number of complaints illustrates that the app is NOT easier, faster or better. And obviously it was not thoroughly tested or developed since it is missing so many features.

The result is many frustrated users like me. I came back from vacation, tried to turn on my SONOS, and found that the apps on my iPhone and iPad were now updated and could not find my music library on my NAS. Totally broken. 

When will SONOS have some accountability instead of vague corporate-speak promises, and actually fix this disaster?


When will SONOS have some accountability instead of vague corporate-speak promises, and actually fix this disaster?

Userlevel 1
Badge +2

We set out to create a more personalized and effortless listening experience with the updated Sonos app. It was rebuilt from the ground up to ensure it could support future innovation in the years to come. For its initial rollout, we focused on how we could answer some of the most common requests from our customers, including increased reliability, performance, and faster access to music.

Many of you have shared valuable feedback on both the improvements that have made your experience better, as well as the areas where we fell short. We are listening to all of your comments and working to address them as quickly as possible. Over the coming weeks, we will reintroduce the below features, while fixing bugs and performance issues. Thank you for your engagement and we look forward to building upon this first step to create a listening experience that meets everyone’s needs.


Available now

To access these changes, check for updates in the iOS / Android app store to download the latest version of the Sonos app. Make sure your Sonos products are also up to date.

Last updated: Jun 4, 2024. See release notes.


  • Improved playback settings including “Play next,” “add to end of queue,” and on iOS, the mute button
  • Improved product setup, Bluetooth discovery and WiFi settings
  • Added sleep timer settings
  • Improved Trueplay setup on iOS
  • Introduced distance settings for home theater surrounds
  • Improved navigation for users who are blind or visually-impaired 
  • Added VoiceOver support for toast messages on iOS


Coming soon

  • Continued improvements to navigation for visually-impaired customers: mid-June
  • Playback controls including mute and volume numbers: June
  • Local music library search and playback: mid-June
  • Improved playback settings including Play Now: July
  • Create and edit local music library: July
  • Improved Autoplay settings: July
  • Improved Sub audio settings with Amp: July
  • Snooze alarms: TBD


Our latest update resolves some of the most critical known issues, but know we have more to do. We hear your feedback and are working hard to deliver the experience you expect and deserve.

What about Sonos Radio needing to be reauthorized?

From your April press release … “Patrick Spence, CEO of Sonos. “After thorough development and testing, we are confident this redesigned app is easier, faster and better.”

This statement is FALSE! The overwhelming number of complaints illustrates that the app is NOT easier, faster or better. And obviously it was not thoroughly tested or developed since it is missing so many features.

The result is many frustrated users like me. I came back from vacation, tried to turn on my SONOS, and found that the apps on my iPhone and iPad were now updated and could not find my music library on my NAS. Totally broken. 

When will SONOS have some accountability instead of vague corporate-speak promises, and actually fix this disaster?


Everyone hit their OKRs! The problem was the “user testing” the design team did was confirmatory and self-aggrandizing.  Just the UX issues are a train wreck that anyone who’s taken an online UX course could avoid, but no one had the incentives to do The Right Thing.    I’ve seen it millions of times and it train wrecks launches consistently. People doing work but completely disconnected from actual impact + outcomes. 

I’ve used Sonos for over 12 years and completely hate opening the app now.  Bravo Sonos.  There isn’t a “fix” — this is a “we screwed up, start over” moment. 


Userlevel 4
Badge +5

TOTAL INCOMPETENCE- i have never seen any company company provide and update that eliminates key features - like allowing users to listen their music library.

i am surprised that the media and investment community has not yet picked up on this. 🤔

Of course, it has been stated dozens and dozens of times, maybe hundreds of times that Sonos has not remove the ability to play local libraries.  I’ll repeat that, as for some reason the message gets lost.  Sonos has NOT removed the ability to play local libraries.


i have been enjoying my own local library from day one of the new apps release, and so has every other Sonosuser I know.

There has been posts about any specific issues that may have caused your own library not to be available, and I suggest looking them over or calling Sonos for support.  But whatever that reason is, it it’s not because that functionality has been removed. 

One of the things that would be really helpful would be for the release notes for the updates to have a list of known issues.

Local library access is a good example of the requirement for this because as far as I can tell there are two types of issue:

  1. The drop of SMB-V1 support. This should be easy to identify and has a known resolution (even if users are unhappy about it).
  2. Other undefined issues. I’m sure that as Sonos investigate this they will find patterns that may include the NAS/File Sharing Service, the speakers in use, etc. These may be harder to diagnose and/or fix but by collating and publishing the information Sonos can at least demonstrate that they understand what is happening. This will also help manage customer expectations. But Sonos need to take into account that for the users in this group the file sharing worked with the old app so the inference is that Sonos broke it.

Sonos might not be able to fix everything in a day but they can communicate better and in my opinion the biggest problem with the release of this App is the ack of communication. 

Sonos used to be a lot better than this. Yes, you listed the two biggest issues above. Users should have been informed about the dropping of the SMB1 support with the new app. That is what really caused most of the problems. I’m sure we will all get over this in the near future (I hope).  I remember years ago, my music stopped working and I contacted Sonos Tech Support and they knew right away what the problem was. In my setup, I point my Sonos music library to my iTunes library, since all the music that I purchase is usually through iTunes. But when the music stopped a while back Sonos knew right away that Apple had changed something in the iTunes directory which caused the music not working. We talked for a while since we were both technical and I realized that in order to work for Sonos Tech Support, you had to know all the intricacies of all the various music services to keep these expensive speakers running. So I was always impressed with Sonos. So hopefully they will survive this mishap and we will all be up and running soon. Can’t wait. 

I have purchased a Sonos ARc and I've been trying to connect it for a week with no success. 

Spent hours on the phone and on chats and nothing works. Keep getting error 1101. I’ve tried all suggestions, and I still can’t connect to Sonos server. And the answer I get is that it must be my network. 

Amazing that the LG TV I installed the same day had no issues connecting and updating.

I am at a complete loss on what to do next other than get a different system

Userlevel 4
Badge +5

TOTAL INCOMPETENCE- i have never seen any company company provide and update that eliminates key features - like allowing users to listen their music library.

i am surprised that the media and investment community has not yet picked up on this. 🤔

Of course, it has been stated dozens and dozens of times, maybe hundreds of times that Sonos has not remove the ability to play local libraries.  I’ll repeat that, as for some reason the message gets lost.  Sonos has NOT removed the ability to play local libraries.


i have been enjoying my own local library from day one of the new apps release, and so has every other Sonosuser I know.

There has been posts about any specific issues that may have caused your own library not to be available, and I suggest looking them over or calling Sonos for support.  But whatever that reason is, it it’s not because that functionality has been removed. 

One of the things that would be really helpful would be for the release notes for the updates to have a list of known issues.

Local library access is a good example of the requirement for this because as far as I can tell there are two types of issue:

  1. The drop of SMB-V1 support. This should be easy to identify and has a known resolution (even if users are unhappy about it).
  2. Other undefined issues. I’m sure that as Sonos investigate this they will find patterns that may include the NAS/File Sharing Service, the speakers in use, etc. These may be harder to diagnose and/or fix but by collating and publishing the information Sonos can at least demonstrate that they understand what is happening. This will also help manage customer expectations. But Sonos need to take into account that for the users in this group the file sharing worked with the old app so the inference is that Sonos broke it.

Sonos might not be able to fix everything in a day but they can communicate better and in my opinion the biggest problem with the release of this App is the ack of communication. 

Sonos used to be a lot better than this. Yes, you listed the two biggest issues above. Users should have been informed about the dropping of the SMB1 support with the new app. That is what really caused most of the problems. I’m sure we will all get over this in the near future (I hope).  I remember years ago, my music stopped working and I contacted Sonos Tech Support and they knew right away what the problem was. In my setup, I point my Sonos music library to my iTunes library on a WD My Passport drive hanging off the back of my router, since all the music that I purchase is usually through iTunes. But when the music stopped a while back Sonos knew right away that Apple had changed something in the iTunes directory which caused the music not working. We talked for a while since we were both technical and I realized that in order to work for Sonos Tech Support, you had to know all the intricacies of all the various music services to keep these expensive speakers running. So I was always impressed with Sonos. So hopefully they will survive this mishap and we will all be up and running soon. Can’t wait. 


Userlevel 4
Badge +3

TOTAL INCOMPETENCE- i have never seen any company company provide and update that eliminates key features - like allowing users to listen their music library.

i am surprised that the media and investment community has not yet picked up on this. 🤔

Of course, it has been stated dozens and dozens of times, maybe hundreds of times that Sonos has not remove the ability to play local libraries.  I’ll repeat that, as for some reason the message gets lost.  Sonos has NOT removed the ability to play local libraries.


i have been enjoying my own local library from day one of the new apps release, and so has every other Sonosuser I know.

There has been posts about any specific issues that may have caused your own library not to be available, and I suggest looking them over or calling Sonos for support.  But whatever that reason is, it it’s not because that functionality has been removed. 

One of the things that would be really helpful would be for the release notes for the updates to have a list of known issues.

Local library access is a good example of the requirement for this because as far as I can tell there are two types of issue:

  1. The drop of SMB-V1 support. This should be easy to identify and has a known resolution (even if users are unhappy about it).
  2. Other undefined issues. I’m sure that as Sonos investigate this they will find patterns that may include the NAS/File Sharing Service, the speakers in use, etc. These may be harder to diagnose and/or fix but by collating and publishing the information Sonos can at least demonstrate that they understand what is happening. This will also help manage customer expectations. But Sonos need to take into account that for the users in this group the file sharing worked with the old app so the inference is that Sonos broke it.

Sonos might not be able to fix everything in a day but they can communicate better and in my opinion the biggest problem with the release of this App is the ack of communication. 

Sonos used to be a lot better than this. Yes, you listed the two biggest issues above. Users should have been informed about the dropping of the SMB1 support with the new app. That is what really caused most of the problems. I’m sure we will all get over this in the near future (I hope).  I remember years ago, my music stopped working and I contacted Sonos Tech Support and they knew right away what the problem was. In my setup, I point my Sonos music library to my iTunes library, since all the music that I purchase is usually through iTunes. But when the music stopped a while back Sonos knew right away that Apple had changed something in the iTunes directory which caused the music not working. We talked for a while since we were both technical and I realized that in order to work for Sonos Tech Support, you had to know all the intricacies of all the various music services to keep these expensive speakers running. So I was always impressed with Sonos. So hopefully they will survive this mishap and we will all be up and running soon. Can’t wait. 

Not entirely true. My shared music library is hanging off of a Windows 2019 server. SMBv1 is disabled by default, and SMBv2/3 has been in use for years. I haven’t had any visibility or sharing issues until this latest update when my shared library, and practically all other functionality disappeared. It’s an app issue. My PC controller app didn’t change. Only in the process of troubleshooting did I upgrade it from 16.1 to 16.2 with no luck. Again, primarily an app issue. Right now it’s a waiting game until Sonos can get their ducks back in a row. A looonnnggg waiting game.

If you are in this thread and come across this post - BUY A SAMSUNG, SONY, JBL, or KLIPSCH. Similar if not better quality, better price, and actual connectivity/capabilities that are listed on the box. Sonos’ pitch of premium usability and software/app features is nothing short of laughable at this point.

Allow users to revert to the previous app should they choose. Absolutely asinine to push this app out. There initial bugs, and then there’s complete lack of any QA. I had already used apps for amazon and walmart -quality speakers that had less connectivity and software issues than Sonos, even with S2. But S3 is purely shameful.

This post downplays the gravity of the task at hand. It is asking customers to wait months at a minimum for standard capabilities and connectivity.

I tried to sell my Sonos system because I expected QA and software to get worse, and boy was I correct. Unfortunately, many others have been experiencing similar issues and the market is flooded with second hand Sonos products that people are trying to get rid of. And I don’t blame them.

Userlevel 5
Badge +9

TOTAL INCOMPETENCE- i have never seen any company company provide and update that eliminates key features - like allowing users to listen their music library.

i am surprised that the media and investment community has not yet picked up on this. 🤔

Of course, it has been stated dozens and dozens of times, maybe hundreds of times that Sonos has not remove the ability to play local libraries.  I’ll repeat that, as for some reason the message gets lost.  Sonos has NOT removed the ability to play local libraries.


i have been enjoying my own local library from day one of the new apps release, and so has every other Sonosuser I know.

There has been posts about any specific issues that may have caused your own library not to be available, and I suggest looking them over or calling Sonos for support.  But whatever that reason is, it it’s not because that functionality has been removed. 

One of the things that would be really helpful would be for the release notes for the updates to have a list of known issues.

Local library access is a good example of the requirement for this because as far as I can tell there are two types of issue:

  1. The drop of SMB-V1 support. This should be easy to identify and has a known resolution (even if users are unhappy about it).
  2. Other undefined issues. I’m sure that as Sonos investigate this they will find patterns that may include the NAS/File Sharing Service, the speakers in use, etc. These may be harder to diagnose and/or fix but by collating and publishing the information Sonos can at least demonstrate that they understand what is happening. This will also help manage customer expectations. But Sonos need to take into account that for the users in this group the file sharing worked with the old app so the inference is that Sonos broke it.

Sonos might not be able to fix everything in a day but they can communicate better and in my opinion the biggest problem with the release of this App is the ack of communication. 

Sonos used to be a lot better than this. Yes, you listed the two biggest issues above. Users should have been informed about the dropping of the SMB1 support with the new app. That is what really caused most of the problems. I’m sure we will all get over this in the near future (I hope).  I remember years ago, my music stopped working and I contacted Sonos Tech Support and they knew right away what the problem was. In my setup, I point my Sonos music library to my iTunes library, since all the music that I purchase is usually through iTunes. But when the music stopped a while back Sonos knew right away that Apple had changed something in the iTunes directory which caused the music not working. We talked for a while since we were both technical and I realized that in order to work for Sonos Tech Support, you had to know all the intricacies of all the various music services to keep these expensive speakers running. So I was always impressed with Sonos. So hopefully they will survive this mishap and we will all be up and running soon. Can’t wait. 

Not entirely true. My shared music library is hanging off of a Windows 2019 server. SMBv1 is disabled by default, and SMBv2/3 has been in use for years. I haven’t had any visibility or sharing issues until this latest update when my shared library, and practically all other functionality disappeared. It’s an app issue. My PC controller app didn’t change. Only in the process of troubleshooting did I upgrade it from 16.1 to 16.2 with no luck. Again, primarily an app issue. Right now it’s a waiting game until Sonos can get their ducks back in a row. A looonnnggg waiting game.

I, too, have gotten the “you must be using SMB1” response. Same as you, of course I’m not, I’ve been using the S2 app for as long as it’s been around. It is the update that is breaking everything! Thank goodness I spend $3.99 of Sonospad so I can use my stuff - it’s really good for basic playing - better than the Sonos app.

We set out to create a more personalized and effortless listening experience with the updated Sonos app. It was rebuilt from the ground up to ensure it could support future innovation in the years to come. For its initial rollout, we focused on how we could answer some of the most common requests from our customers, including increased reliability, performance, and faster access to music.

Many of you have shared valuable feedback on both the improvements that have made your experience better, as well as the areas where we fell short. We are listening to all of your comments and working to address them as quickly as possible. Over the coming weeks, we will reintroduce the below features, while fixing bugs and performance issues. Thank you for your engagement and we look forward to building upon this first step to create a listening experience that meets everyone’s needs.


Available now

To access these changes, check for updates in the iOS / Android app store to download the latest version of the Sonos app. Make sure your Sonos products are also up to date.

Last updated: Jun 4, 2024. See release notes.


  • Improved playback settings including “Play next,” “add to end of queue,” and on iOS, the mute button
  • Improved product setup, Bluetooth discovery and WiFi settings
  • Added sleep timer settings
  • Improved Trueplay setup on iOS
  • Introduced distance settings for home theater surrounds
  • Improved navigation for users who are blind or visually-impaired 
  • Added VoiceOver support for toast messages on iOS


Coming soon

  • Continued improvements to navigation for visually-impaired customers: mid-June
  • Playback controls including mute and volume numbers: June
  • Local music library search and playback: mid-June
  • Improved playback settings including Play Now: July
  • Create and edit local music library: July
  • Improved Autoplay settings: July
  • Improved Sub audio settings with Amp: July
  • Snooze alarms: TBD


Our latest update resolves some of the most critical known issues, but know we have more to do. We hear your feedback and are working hard to deliver the experience you expect and deserve.

What about Sonos Radio needing to be reauthorized?

Improved setup?

I still can’t set-up my new Sonos ARC soundbar after a whole week of trying. And the response from Tech support is that my network is the problem. It hasn’t been a problem on any other products.

Do better!

Userlevel 6
Badge +6


I tried to sell my Sonos system because I expected QA and software to get worse, and boy was I correct. Unfortunately, many others have been experiencing similar issues and the market is flooded with second hand Sonos products that people are trying to get rid of. And I don’t blame them.

Putting aside my own thoughts, feelings and experiences of the new app, I have seen a lot of posts like this that state (or imply) that Sonos kit is now worthless, because of the new app.  This post states that @av18 tried to sell his system, suggesting that he was unsuccessful in doing so.

In the first instance there is no suggestion that the hardware is faulty and of course the app doesn’t render the hardware faulty, so that alone would suggest that the value is not significantly impacted by the new app.  But nobody has to take my word for this — just a quick look at EBay’s completed listings show that second hand Sonos kit sells extremely well and for prices that are broadly in line prices obtained before May’s software release.  

If you want to sell up and move on, you are completely at liberty to do so, and you of course should be happy with where you spend your money.  But why you are trying to convince the forum here that your (and by extension our) kit is no worthless is beyond me. This is blatantly not the truth of the matter.  

Userlevel 4
Badge +3

In the first instance there is no suggestion that the hardware is faulty and of course the app doesn’t render the hardware faulty, so that alone would suggest that the value is not significantly impacted by the new app.  But nobody has to take my word for this — just a quick look at EBay’s completed listings show that second hand Sonos kit sells extremely well and for prices that are broadly in line prices obtained before May’s software release.

The hardware isn’t faulty. Neither is the Windows Controller app. In fact, that is the only way I can currently use my system, by manually logging into my Windows box, and directing music from the app to the specific speaker. Music and services play fine through there. Zero issues. This is as of the latest v16.2 I just updated today (some patch which kept the version at 16.2).  The app on the other hand, is completely unusable as of today’s latest release - 80.02.07-release+20240605…

But I’m very serious about selling at this point too. I’ve just ordered some WiiM hardware, and will be playing with that this weekend to decide which direction to go.

The 80.02.04 is still useless ! The system doesn’t work. It connects and disconnects without any reason. Music plays and stops playing without any reason.

Will there be a solution to this nightmare or shall I forget about all the money spent in my Sonos system which doesn’t work as simple speaker anymore ?

Userlevel 6
Badge +6

The 80.02.04 is still useless ! The system doesn’t work. It connects and disconnects without any reason. Music plays and stops playing without any reason.

Will there be a solution to this nightmare or shall I forget about all the money spent in my Sonos system which doesn’t work as simple speaker anymore ?

It sounds like at least some of your issues are not related to the app.  Music is not routed through the phone or the app on the phone, so if it is stopping unexpectedly this would not be the app.  It could be network issues causing this.
