
Alarms didn't work on the new sonos app

Userlevel 3

Hello, I am an Iphone user of the new sonos app but I can’t modify my alarms settings (desactivate, activate, delete or even create an alarm) while I am connected to my Sonos.

Is someone have a solution ?

78 replies

Userlevel 4

The only workaround I can find at the moment is to use the Windows app, the new web app doesn’t allow editing or adding alarms either, or at least I can’t find them.  How have they release an “improved” app with reduced basic functionality?

Userlevel 6
Badge +2

Same here: No way to create alarms in new iOS Sonos app. This morning an alarm that normally plays music from Amazon was playing the Sonos Chime for almost half an hour before I discovered it.

The new app looked promising but has sooo many issues. I thought they were all related to the UI, but I was sadly mistaken… 

  1. The UI is not well thought out: In System Settings you have to figure out that most settings are hidden behind “Manage.” Then when you tap that, for all options on the “Manage” slide-over, you have to tap the carrot “<” next to “SONOS” to go back a menu level. The carrot isn’t even part of the side over.
  2. The lack of attention to the UI makes it more understandable that they forgot to include a way to create an alarm...
  3. To add insult to injury, when I was looking at the alarm that didn’t play correctly this morning, the app deleted the alarm either when I tapped on it, or when I force-quit it. Now there’s no way to recreate it.
  4. It also seems the new app and/or speaker updates broke the queues on my speakers. I couldn't resume any music shown in the app on any speaker.
  5. The app reset my preferred service to Sonos Radio, which I don’t use at all.
  6. All “My Favorites” (now “pinned collections”) are broken; they don’t play at all. Apparently I have to delete them all and recreate them. (this happened with S2)
  7. Playing from my local music library takes forever.  Seems broken. Apple Music can’t be played; reauthorized. Still doesn’t work.
  8. Seems Amazon Music, Apple Music, Plex, etc all had to be re-authorized before they would work. Plex and local still do not work.
  9. Even the working services take several seconds to load their content pages. Sometimes that fails. And it takes 10 sec or more for selected music to start playing.
  10. Local music server is gone and no way to reinstall it!

These problems seem worse than when the S2 app was introduced. Sonos: you have one job--to play music. This just about assures that I will not buy any more Sonos speakers. What a terrible experience.

I just looked at the iOS app reviews… all 1-star for the past week or so. Hardly surprising but reassuring to know I’m not alone....




Userlevel 4

Sonos support have confirmed that many features are missing in the new app, so why on earth did they release it?  They had months of beta testing so they should have delayed it if they knew there are issues.

Userlevel 7
Badge +7

Alarms are completely absent from the new web app.

Userlevel 3

What a shame. i have the same problem. 

Userlevel 4

Also in my app. Only the switches are working. Modify an alarm?? Not possible, no reaction.

Userlevel 3

Same issue on my system. The support team confirmed the issue and promise soon an update of the app. In the meantime, the only proposed workaround is to use an Android device (but unfortunately I don’t have in my family’s house)


How can Sonos explain that after many days of test, they decide to deploy an app with this behavior ??

Userlevel 3

I discussed with the support and here is the official answer…. It’s not a surprise that this feature don’t work. How, such a big company like Sonos, can manage a new app like that 🤬


I understand how you feel about the functional change. This revitalization of the Sonos app is our most ambitious software update yet, and aims to address what our customers have been asking us for. It’s a huge undertaking, and we are taking the time and effort to ensure all features work seamlessly and meet both our standards and the standards of our listeners. With this commitment in mind, features such as playlist creation and queue editing within the Sonos app, sleep timers, and local library support will not be available at launch, but will be added to the app on a rolling basis.

Userlevel 2

What an absolute load of useless crap.

How can you possibly improve an app / service by actively and consciously making it considerably worse by removing functions!?!

And to add insult to injury, the functionality is essentially no different, it’s just a makeover – it’s been put through the TP-3000 turd polisher and rolled in glitter – it’s like putting lipstick on a pig, and a real ugly one at that.

Why not actually introduce something that may even be useful – such as grouping services / favourites into folders, so more than one person can use the app without the clutter of other people’s stuff, to get round the whole lame ‘only one person can own the system, so everything has to be chucked in one place’ diatribe.

Not to mention the whole chime alarm issue that appeared from nowhere a few weeks ago, and services being taken down.

Probably designed by very intelligent people with absolutely no common sense whatsoever.

Absolutely appalling beyond words. The whole thing. Abysmal to a depth never explored before.

Userlevel 1

Sir Patrick continues to screw up his company! I’d start with firing who ever built this app! Then I’d fire everyone in R&D! And everyone in the beta group! What a mess

Userlevel 2

This is so frustrating. I bought sonos for alarm feature and now they deleted it without letting us know. Wtf is happening here.

Won't recommend this to anyone 

Userlevel 2

Only way I see is to go to iOS app store and write a one star review. I suggest everyone does that.

any other thing and a company like Sonos that had left users in the past down also remebering the “we will no longer support this hardware…

they just don’t care…

Userlevel 2

Are you people at Sonos out of your freakin minds. You totally screw with your interface and now I can’t use the alarm feature. I own a dozen Sonos products. But I will never buy another one. 

Userlevel 1

I rely heavily on the Sonos alarm to combat my insomnia and avoid oversleeping for work. This is beyond frustrating. If anyone’s found a better workaround than using the desktop app, please share. 

Userlevel 4

Please, put the old Sonos app back in the stores, so we can download it.

Userlevel 3

I’m adding to the rant: OUTRAGEOUS!!! - that we can’t set an alarm or sleep setting with the new App - Nor were we “warned” before we downloaded the new “Ambitious” App. Nor can we go back and download the old one. Who thought that you could release a new App, and take away a huge function like Alarm or Sleep Timer? Moronic. Who is accountable for this???

Userlevel 1

This “new” app seems to be some kind of a bad joke, really. Yesterday after the update to the “all new and improved” there was no option to change the alarms. From today morning you can’t even switch it on/off - it is gone completely. 

Dear Sonos - please take your time and test your half-ready ready beta-releases properly before launching those and making all the noise. Your heads-up email should have said something like this: we will be releasing something we haven’t really tested, changed the colour of the app icon and played a bit randomly with the UI design to make it less intuitive. And by the way, we also deactivated some useful functions like the alarm. 

Please bring back the old version and come back with the new one once it is ready.

Userlevel 3

Same here: No way to create alarms in new iOS Sonos app. This morning an alarm that normally plays music from Amazon was playing the Sonos Chime for almost half an hour before I discovered it.

The new app looked promising but has sooo many issues. I thought they were all related to the UI, but I was sadly mistaken… 

  1. The UI is not well thought out: In System Settings you have to figure out that most settings are hidden behind “Manage.” Then when you tap that, for all options on the “Manage” slide-over, you have to tap the carrot “<” next to “SONOS” to go back a menu level. The carrot isn’t even part of the side over.
  2. The lack of attention to the UI makes it more understandable that they forgot to include a way to create an alarm...
  3. To add insult to injury, when I was looking at the alarm that didn’t play correctly this morning, the app deleted the alarm either when I tapped on it, or when I force-quit it. Now there’s no way to recreate it.
  4. It also seems the new app and/or speaker updates broke the queues on my speakers. I couldn't resume any music shown in the app on any speaker.
  5. The app reset my preferred service to Sonos Radio, which I don’t use at all.
  6. All “My Favorites” (now “pinned collections”) are broken; they don’t play at all. Apparently I have to delete them all and recreate them. (this happened with S2)
  7. Playing from my local music library takes forever.  Seems broken. Apple Music can’t be played; reauthorized. Still doesn’t work.
  8. Seems Amazon Music, Apple Music, Plex, etc all had to be re-authorized before they would work. Plex and local still do not work.
  9. Even the working services take several seconds to load their content pages. Sometimes that fails. And it takes 10 sec or more for selected music to start playing.
  10. Local music server is gone and no way to reinstall it!

These problems seem worse than when the S2 app was introduced. Sonos: you have one job--to play music. This just about assures that I will not buy any more Sonos speakers. What a terrible experience.

I just looked at the iOS app reviews… all 1-star for the past week or so. Hardly surprising but reassuring to know I’m not alone....




Thank you very much for the heads up that they reset my preferred service from Apple Music to Sonos Radio without my authorization. I appreciate your other notes, as well. 


Why release an app before it is finished , no alarm control unless you use a laptop version! This is very poor to release an app that is less functional than the last! Also it is very confusing to use ! Not impressed good software should be easy to use and this is not!!! Very angry to see such utter incompetence!!!

Userlevel 1

Indeed this preferred music service change happened to me as well but also: where are the numbers/scale on the volume slider? and I understand those Sonos “ new and improved UI design” experts don’t consider mute function as something of significant relevance anymore. Outrageous.

Userlevel 3

I did the update of the app this morning with the hope of a solution but the devs have been delete the alarm service (It diseapear from the Manage option) and I coudn’t find it.

Sincerely, I think this app is not ready to be an “official” update, it is still a beta.

Userlevel 2

Probably months to years of development and they cocked up this update.  I would like to go back, but can't.  The Sonos response is a weak admission that they have got it wrong.  Bringing back features on a rolling basis is not good enough.  Bye Sonos, my upgrade is to an alternative system.…

Sonos response to Nicolas_Ayrton:

"I understand how you feel about the functional change. This revitalization of the Sonos app is our most ambitious software update yet, and aims to address what our customers have been asking us for. It’s a huge undertaking, and we are taking the time and effort to ensure all features work seamlessly and meet both our standards and the standards of our listeners. With this commitment in mind, features such as playlist creation and queue editing within the Sonos app, sleep timers, and local library support will not be available at launch, but will be added to the app on a rolling basis."

Their software is getting so bad, everytime I do a system update I lose my arc and surrounds and have to reset my speakers and rebuild the surround. Now this, no alarms and no fix. Software development team does need to get replaced

No more alarms?
What a total disappointment !  I have a large amount invested in a system that years ago was leading edge, now not so much. I would not recommend to anyone anymore. I will keep mine for now but I won’t be purchasing anything new.
This latest “upgrade” is the last straw. What have you really given us except a headache with frustration. How do you push such a change without telling or showing us of the big changes…such as no more alarms before you do it?

Maybe warn us a little? Many of us use them instead of our phones. Was it decided to drop this feature? Or did you “forget” to add it in? 

Your response to others saying we are working on it and it was a large change and we will add features back as we can. Really, I worked in software R&D for years and we NEVER launched an upgrade unless we were 100% satisfied with it in our own environment. 
Sonos, you really need to do better, your brand is dropping in ratings. 

Userlevel 1

We need to find a way to Send a powerful message to these ****.


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