Sonos Arc loud pop then audio loss

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updated my Apple TV 4K to tvOS 17… so far no popping… let us pray 🙏 

I would be happy for you, but I don't think tvOS17 will change anything. I think Sonos needs to do something here. It really just seems to be about Dolby Atmos MAT and they should find the bug. Because Dolby Atmos (DD+) works perfectly.

You're right cause my PS5 plays DD+ blurays with no issue.

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I was able to make the POP go away by unplugging the TV , XBOX and ARC for 60 secs then plug everything back in . CEC also disabled . This is a guarantee fix for me but it’s annoying every time I have to do that when I turn on my TV and XBOX 

How frequently it happens ?

Userlevel 4
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Can reproduce this at will flicking between an atmos title on xbox series x and home - vid here:!At6Mgf3ymchZhJBUhmqLsqwM54sik. Fifth time to support today, they said to switch to Dolby 5.1!

“I have checked this and we are aware of this behavior and are investigating it, but we do not have any additional information to share at this time.

Workaround: Disable Dolby Atmos and use Dolby Digital 5.1 instead.”


Beyond a joke, this is a company knowingly selling a product that has issues performing what it’s advertised to do to consumers without warning them. After the whole S1 to S2 forced obsolescence debacle, I should have learnt my lesson.



Ridiculous. As I’ve said before it’s time to switch. And never look back.

updated my Apple TV 4K to tvOS 17… so far no popping… let us pray 🙏 



So far I haven’t had any pops lately, I cant remember what I was doing when I had it pop.

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Just throwing something out there, a little crazy, perhaps.

Just curious, who here (who is experiencing the issue) is an Infuse user on their Apple TV?

Ridiculous. As I’ve said before it’s time to switch. And never look back.

Switch to what? …It happens on other makes of soundbar too, by all accounts.. I would rather ditch the Xbox or Apple TV 4K, but I’m happy to use DD5.1 anyway, personally speaking, until the matter is resolved. I still think the issue lies with the Mc LPCM codec, but that’s just a guess on my part.

updated my Apple TV 4K to tvOS 17… so far no popping… let us pray 🙏 

Nevermind.. its back with a vengeance… back to 4k Firestick I go 😩

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Now ever since the pop has happened I have a massive audio delay on my Apple TV with atmos. 

this is awful all of a sudden my arc is stuffed

Wish we had some good news for you chief. Sadly Sonos do not give a **** about fixing this. Now now, not for the past 3 years. 


So everything was perfectly in sync before I got the first pop today. 

so are you saying that it will just never be back in sync now?

What did Sonos say when you contacted them with your diagnostics number after submitting it?

I have this happen multiple times a day, its been happening for at least a year and I search for a solution every few months to find there is still no solution. I have a 900H with the Arc plugged into eARC, I watch content exclusively on Apple TV 4K (2nd Gen). We frequently watch Disney+ content which has a ton of Atmos content available, we can rarely make it through a single piece of media without the pop and sound cut out at some point, if we back out of the video playing and hit play again the sound comes back.

Many topics exist related to this, the issue should be escalated to the product team instead of telling people to file individual support tickets.

My own personal understanding is slightly different, as there is a solution offered for those that are experiencing the ‘popping’ issue, which is to temporarily switch off Atmos metadata in the audio stream and use Dolby Digital 5.1 audio instead. I would not have a huge problem with doing that, as only the height channel audio is being lost and it doesn’t ruin the overall enjoyment of the Movie/Show etc.

As the Staff have mentioned in this thread, only some devices are affected by this and it is an issue that is being experienced by ‘other’ manufacturers’ sound systems too - A fix hopefully will be sorted eventually, if people (individuals) continue to report their issue and supply relevant data to help some hardware-manufacturer and/or software-developer to resolve the issue.

That’s why those seeing/reproducing the issue need to report the matter via this Sonos Support LINK, together with their diagnostic report reference/data.

I’m confident that the details will then get passed along to those that perhaps require the data and that they then can offer a fix in some form, or another.

Userlevel 6
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I’m sorry to hear that Odnam. Are you sure Atmos is off in Apple TV settings? I’d get the pop even during the screensaver, no sound playing, but only if Atmos was on in the settings. 
And then for our thread reference, is your setup still Hisense U8G, Xbox Series S, and Apple TV?

@Ken_Griffiths you don’t think potential customers should get a heads up that Atmos may not work with Apple TV or Xbox?

It strikes me that if it is the case that the LPCM (Atmos) Audio is being sent by Apple and Microsoft devices as ‘Multichannel PCM Audio’ and ‘Atmos Object Metadata’ and that these two things are ‘perhaps’ arriving at their destination out of sync, then that’s not actually a Sonos issue - whether they should publicly comment about the quality of another partners data quality is another matter, plus it might even be something en-route between devices that’s causing the sync issue.

Either way, it seems everyone wants Sonos to pick up the mess and sort it and I’m not personally sure the ball should be in their court to do that.

All this of course is speculation anyway and based on an interpretation of the AI response to my question and I’ve no way personally of corroborating it. If anyone should comment on the matter though, I would have thought it should be Apple, or Microsoft, as they are the originator/owner of the data.

In my view, it’s also a pity Apple and Microsoft do not offer an alternative to their customers and allow them to use other codecs …Dolby TrueHD and/or DD Plus …as those codecs appear to be working in every other situation, whereas their current audio delivery method seems to not be working as it should be, if of course, the above thoughts are correct.

Anyway, my answer would be ‘No’ I do not think Sonos should comment on the quality of partner data in public, the owner of the data is the one that should comment and it is for them to research and find out why their own data is arriving at the intended destination out of sync. I would just expect Sonos to assist those other companies in their research, without publicly commenting. 

Userlevel 1

Curious if anyone who has this issue has access to the PS5 beta which includes Atmos. 

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Anyone know if Sonos S2 v. 14.0 fixes this popping issue? The update just dropped today and I know Sonos was developing a fix. 

Update: I just fired up my Xbox Series X and repeatedly jumped between 2 games that use Dolby Vision/Atmos and the Home Screen which usually triggers that loud pop. So far, no popping issue to report here. Did this for about 20 minutes and nothing. Seems like 14.0 might have fixed the issue but it would be great to hear others experience with the new update. 

Time will tell — I thought the same after the last update.

I think the truth is, the installation just includes a reboot of the Sonos, which commonly—but temporarily—fixes the issue.

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I called Sonos Support yesterday trying to get an update on this issue. I was disconnected after explaining the issue (again) for nearly 10 minutes. She had no clue about this issue. Of course she didn’t call back. Why do they ask for your phone number? I digress.

The second ‘tech’ was even worse. Had never heard about the issue. I guided him to a few Sonos Community threads. Wanted me to start changing cables and resetting my Arc to factory settings blah, blah, blah. If you are reading this, I’m betting you can relate. 

Then I switched to chat support. After getting past the bot, Mateo helped me and told me the update which came available yesterday/today was set to address this issue. I found that to be very coincidental, but hopefully it will help. Fingers crossed. Here is the update details: 

App Version: 14.12 (build 69131120)

Sonos are definitely aware of the issue — perhaps not at a customer support level, who for the most part (I’m assuming are scripted).

I emailed “the CEO” a few months back, which was forwarded onto an internal engineer who was definitely aware of the issue.  I’ve been trying to provide feedback where possible, including diagnostics, and at least in the case of the Apple TV, they confirm that this is something that was introduced as part of tvOS 15.

The new build of Sonos sounds positive, so fingers crossed.  I’m also running the tvOS 16 beta in case we seen any improvement there too…


I’ve disabled eArc in my TV settings and since then, no pop. Not cool, cause the Arc should be able to connect to eArc, but it was too frustrating. 

I’m assuming this has the same effect as disabling Atmos — as eARC (and it’s bandwidth) is required for Atmos content?

I hope they’ve passed that data on to the engineers. Thank you for trying to be part of a solution!

I’m sorry to hear that Odnam. Are you sure Atmos is off in Apple TV settings? I’d get the pop even during the screensaver, no sound playing, but only if Atmos was on in the settings. 
And then for our thread reference, is your setup still Hisense U8G, Xbox Series S, and Apple TV?

Yes, the setup is the same.

and yes, I’m sure Atmos was disabled.

You can see the audio settings in the picture (In spanish, sorry)


Userlevel 4
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Curious if anyone who has this issue has access to the PS5 beta which includes Atmos. 

I do . And confirm still exist on PS5 atmos

Userlevel 3

Now ever since the pop has happened I have a massive audio delay on my Apple TV with atmos. 

this is awful all of a sudden my arc is stuffed

Wish we had some good news for you chief. Sadly Sonos do not give a **** about fixing this. Now now, not for the past 3 years. 


So everything was perfectly in sync before I got the first pop today. 

so are you saying that it will just never be back in sync now?

First time I’ve come across a desync issue after a pop. Does the desync go away if you disable Atmos?

Userlevel 4
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I was able to make the POP go away by unplugging the TV , XBOX and ARC for 60 secs then plug everything back in . CEC also disabled . This is a guarantee fix for me but it’s annoying every time I have to do that when I turn on my TV and XBOX 

Is it really a guaranteed fix if it happens again? 

I have been using my system without Atmos because I don’t want to hear those loud bangs. I’m not happy about this and Sonos needs a fix soon because I didn’t buy an Atmos system to not use it. Otherwise, I want a refund on my equipment so I can find something that works as advertised. 

Badge +1

Now ever since the pop has happened I have a massive audio delay on my Apple TV with atmos. 

this is awful all of a sudden my arc is stuffed

Wish we had some good news for you chief. Sadly Sonos do not give a **** about fixing this. Now now, not for the past 3 years. 


So everything was perfectly in sync before I got the first pop today. 

so are you saying that it will just never be back in sync now?

Did you power cycle all devices? If not, try it

Userlevel 6
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It’s not an issue I’ve personally encountered with my Arc or Beam, but then again I don’t use MC LPCM as I don’t have an Xbox or Apple TV 4K etc. (however I do use Dolby Vision FWIW🤔?)

@Ken_Griffiths , I thought you didn’t have an Apple TV or Xbox and that you had never been affected by the pop. 
Has your situation changed? Are you now also affected?

Userlevel 4
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PS5, have the same issue.  Have Arc, 2 Subs, 2 Fives, 2 Ones, 2 OneSL and a move, all within the 45 day window, probably get my 4k+ back, this is so bad and makes using the system not enjoyable.  

This is do find surprising — as the PS5 isn’t Atmos enabled.  It does support bitmapped Atmos from Blu-Rays, but this is normally encoded as TrueHD, not MAT so shouldn’t be an issue…

Really weird, happened last night playing a game, (NHL23) would come on when I wasn’t actually in a hockey game, when character was in locker room or not in the actual game, sound came back on, as soon as the game went to an actual game…happened, every time. 

Considering you purchased your Sonos Arc recently, perhaps the “recent” models have cheaper components inside to cut manufacturing costs. As I’ve said in a previous posts this is all speculation and not the point.  We all have a defective product, if you have the opportunity to return it, I would take it back. I wish I could.

@Ken_Griffiths , I’m not saying that Sonos should cast aspersions against Apple and Microsoft. Clearly what I wrote wouldn’t be a corporate response! ”They should feel bad.” Lol. 

Im saying that Sonos ought to disclaim that there may be a compatibility issue with Apple TV and Xbox. Do you really think customer do not deserve a heads up? Is it preferable that they spend thousands on a Sonos system, find out afterwards they can’t use Atmos with Apple TV or Xbox, potentially after being out of the return window?

I can perhaps only very briefly reiterate what Sonos Staff have mentioned already on this topic …that the matter is being investigated ..and my own understanding is that in the meantime, the Sonos Staff here have advised users to switch off Atmos when using McPCM. Clearly that’s just in these circumstances only and the other forms of Atmos (Dolby TrueHD/DD+ codecs) are still working perfectly fine. McPCM 5.1 surround audio is also working fine too, originating from the devices mentioned (as, unlike McPCM Atmos, that audio format does not require the object metadata).

I’m not sure that Sonos can add anything further to what they’ve already said. Unless something new perhaps comes to light.

If ‘other’ companies are still investigating, then I guess Sonos are having to wait too, along with the rest of us.

Please note @ProfessorFrag all I’m doing here is speculating (based on the AI response) as to the possible reasons why there maybe an issue with the ‘McPCM Atmos’ format and that the heart of the issue ‘might’ be that the Atmos Object Metadata is arriving at the destination out of sync with the McPCM audio, causing the ‘pop’ noise.

Maybe when the investigation is complete we may all discover the actual reasons behind this and why it’s proving so difficult to fix. For now though we can each only speculate about these things. 

