
Sonos Ace - Buzzing / Static Noise and low volume HELP

Userlevel 3



I hope anyone has a similar issues or noticed the same thing on their ACE (I’m hoping it’s a software issue and not hardware). 

Basically after testing my Sonos Ace today I’ve noticed that in my right ear (when on noise cancelling) there’s a static or buzzing sound almost like the mics for noise cancelling are not working properly (just a theory). 

I know it has nothing to do with my hearing as if I swap ears the disturbance can be heard in my left ear. So it’s defo a problem with the headphones. 

has anyone noticed this on their pair? I’m hoping it’s a software issue and maybe others have also noticed it so I don’t need to return my pair. 

I tried to call Support today but after I was transferred to the technical team I was left on a queue for over 50min and I gave up.


please if anyone else has this issue and it’s not my pair being faulty then let me know! 


Best answer by Jayperry 19 June 2024, 02:46

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170 replies

Userlevel 2

Has anyone successfully exchanged their faulty Ace and received a new unit that DOES NOT have the ear cup buzzing/clicking issue?

Not that I’m aware, it hasn’t been my case either, I’m returning my replaced headphones because they seem to have the same exact issue.

Userlevel 2

I just returned my Ace today. In the mean time I will wait until they solved this problem and then I wait a little longer when they will introduce the other stuff. If this is succesfull I will consider to pick one up. 

@Sonos Staff. 

I called two days ago regarding the Sonos Ace buzzing issue, and I was told that I would get an email with Tier 2 escalation information. 


Should I assume nothing will happen and just return the Sonos Ace headphones? 


Userlevel 2

@Sonos Staff. 

I called two days ago regarding the Sonos Ace buzzing issue, and I was told that I would get an email with Tier 2 escalation information. 


Should I assume nothing will happen and just return the Sonos Ace headphones? 


I called two days ago, got someone right away. They tried some things for about 15 minutes. I was then escalated to Tier 2 and that agent setup replacements in about 5 minutes. The replacement has already shipped and should be delivered tomorrow. 

@Sonos Staff. 

I called two days ago regarding the Sonos Ace buzzing issue, and I was told that I would get an email with Tier 2 escalation information. 


Should I assume nothing will happen and just return the Sonos Ace headphones? 


I called two days ago, got someone right away. They tried some things for about 15 minutes. I was then escalated to Tier 2 and that agent setup replacements in about 5 minutes. The replacement has already shipped and should be delivered tomorrow. 

Thank you! That is awesome you got your right away. I’m not sure why they don’t have this process nailed down and giving people different experiences…

I’ll try again, if not, I will return them today. 

Userlevel 2

Has anyone successfully exchanged their faulty Ace and received a new unit that DOES NOT have the ear cup buzzing/clicking issue?

I returned my first pair. The second pair DOES NOT HAVE THE ISSUE.  Just came back to report. I had been using it for 2 days, zoom calls, phone calls, all modes. IT WORKS.

Userlevel 5
Badge +13

Great news!!!

Userlevel 1

So my replication of the issue is if I have dual connection enabled, and I try to play another video , the audio doesn’t come through but the electronic sound shows up. So if I am on my laptop with Youtube, and I try to play a video on instagram on the iPhone, it will make that sound. Vise versa, if I am on a phone call and I try to play a YouTube video it will do the same.

Userlevel 1

Preordered the headset and received it with the issue present. Asked for a replacement but Sonos never got back to me. Now I have simply created a return from their website to get my money back.

Then went to a local store and bought a new pair of Aces, and happy to report that they do not have the issue. Static noise completely gone, also when using bluetooth multipoint on iPhone and Macbook + ANC enabled. Based on this, it does indeed seem to be a hardware issue. 

Experiencing the same issue with my just-opened, just-updated pair. (I chose the option to update the firmware during the initial setup, when promprted.)


The problem is definitely more of an issue in transparency (pass-through) mode.


These are going back, and I’ll wait for them to sort through this in the next hardware revision(s).

I am now on my second ACE headphones. Just finished with SONOS support via chat. Their solution was replace the headphones and issued an RO number. However after chatting with the support agent I discovered whether I send them back to SONOS or exchange at my local Best Buy, either way it will make it back to them for analysis. I am opting for a local exchange as it is much quicker for me. Here is hoping my soon to be THIRD ACE headset does not have the same issue. Good luck all.

@Sonos Staff. 

I called two days ago regarding the Sonos Ace buzzing issue, and I was told that I would get an email with Tier 2 escalation information. 


Should I assume nothing will happen and just return the Sonos Ace headphones? 


Putting a bow on this - Sonos NEVER got back to me, and I am returning the headphones. A company is usually judged not by its great moments or products, but how they handle the moments when everything goes bad. You guys built the car and drove it off the cliff. Really disappointing for SONO. 

Userlevel 2

To update: I just got my first replacement headset directly from Sonos and can confirm that the issue still exists in the right ear cup during aware/transparency mode.


while I will say that the volume of it does appear to be about half of my prior headset - it is still there… 


I do really love these headphones all things considered but this minor issue is definitely a quality control issue from what appears to be a rushed product entirely.. 


not saying that to roast Sonos or prevent you from purchasing.. just want users to know that if they are a perfectionist, they should temper their hopes for now. I do believe they will come to a resolution eventually but it might be months before they sort it out.. in addition to a lot of electrical waste from faulty units.

@Sonos Staff. 

I called two days ago regarding the Sonos Ace buzzing issue, and I was told that I would get an email with Tier 2 escalation information. 


Should I assume nothing will happen and just return the Sonos Ace headphones? 


Putting a bow on this - Sonos NEVER got back to me, and I am returning the headphones. A company is usually judged not by its great moments or products, but how they handle the moments when everything goes bad. You guys built the car and drove it off the cliff. Really disappointing for SONO. 

Update about Sonos: They just updated their privacy policy to say that they will sell our personal data now. The language “We will not sell your data” was removed. Awesome App update, phenomenal Sonos Ace release and now to make money they will sell our data! What’s next? 

Hi all a quick update 

Sonos issued a replacement code. * took 48 hours. 

 My local retailer in Australia were very happy to replace them under warranty anyway

( A big call out to  “jb hi fi “ for making this stuff easy as always - the 1 reason  I buy all my tech from them ) 

Reading in this thread that a replacement pair worked for someone else and so with nothing to lose, I replaced them on the spot as am travelling overseas tomorrow and wanted to use these and … so far so good ! 

no buzzing I can detect 

good luck if your having this issue I hope you find a fix also 

I just love the sound quality and comfort - exceptional ! 







Both ears buzz! Right one is stronger! It feels like there are mosquitos flying inside the ear-cups. Microphone doesn’t work at all on Mac. NC is horrible comparing to other products on the market.

Also I hate the ugly placed logo on one of the ears, but it just imo. Definitely Return.

Userlevel 1

Hi Everyone and @Corry P after going to second level support I was able to get a return to Sonos of the ACE. I’ve now shipped through the return process managed by second level support and I hope that the new pair of ACE that they will ship back to me will not have the problem.

will let you know.


Unfortunately I am the same. Right ear buzzing with soft cracks/pops. Worse in aware mode. 

Will call Sonos tomorrow and see what they say. Disappointing as first premium over ears I have bought.... I suspect a refund and wait until it is fixed

Same problem with my Ace headphones, be great to hear if anyone finds out more.

Userlevel 2

Pre-ordered a pair of Ace the day they went on sale. Upon receipt, I heard a noise in the right ear cup while listening to music or when nothing was playing but ANC was on. Contacted Sonos support, got a human in about 5 minutes who had me do a few things for around 20 minutes that did not fix it. Was then transferred to Tier 2 support and within 5 minutes I had an RMA and a replacement order.

Tier 2 offered me two ways to exchange:

  1. Send the Ace back, when Sonos get them, they’ll send me a new pair
  2. Put a hold on my credit card for the full cost of Ace headphones and Sonos would send a replacement pair out immediately, and so long as I returned my original headphones within 14 days I would not be charged.

I opted for #2 and received my replacements within a few days, the original pair has already been sent back and should be back to Sonos by tomorrow. My support experience was excellent, as I did not have to wait long or get the runaround.

Having listened to the replacement headphones for a few hours now, I do not hear any static/clicking sounds in my right ear cup as before. I did have to update the firmware to 2.9.3x, but apart from that so far so good.

Userlevel 6
Badge +10

I saw my first pair on display at a Bestbuy store in Canada yesterday. I tried them on to see how they fit my head. Before I pressed the display “play” button I heard the buzzing in the right ear. You'd think Sonos would at least check the devices intended for consumer sales and testing before sending them to retail stores.

Userlevel 1

I returned mine the very next day at the store.  Picked up Bowers/Wilkens Px7 s2e and couldn't be more happier.  Thank you Sonos for screwing this up! Got cheaper headphones that sound 100% better with zero issues!

Userlevel 1

I ordered my Ace beginning of June, and for me it also has the buzzing issue.

So I requested replacement and received it the 17th of June. The buzzing issue is gone in the silent mode. But if I switch to aware mode, I can still hear it, with the sound being lighter compared with the previous headset.

With this result I wouldn’t consider the buzzing issue to be completely solved at the moment. But I see sonos making great effort and takes the responsibility trying to get things right. The customer support is very helpful to issue the replacement.


I returned my brand new ACE because of the buzzing issue.

Maybe I'll wait a few weeks (or months) and then place another order when the problem is solved (hopefully).

After a few days of use, today I also had some strange “fuzz” hissing a few times, but on the left air. 

Using Apple Music and playing various music. The “fuzz” hissing sound only lasted for a second or two and started with a lower pitch increasing to higher, with a hizzing volume that fainted quickly away (all within those 1-2 seconds). I am guessing I have had this hizzing perhaps 10-15 times during the last 2 days, playing 4-5 hours of music in total.

Yes, ANC was enabled. 

I have not tried other phones or other players but indeed there was a sound which is not present in the music being played. I even tried the same tracks using the roam- no hizz sound. Played at home on the ARC and surround, no hiss - streamed on my macbook - no fizz..

so - the only place that got the unwanted sounds - was the ACE. 

I also had 2 occurrences where ACE quietly got disconnected. Phone battery high, ACE 80-90% battery - so all looked good. 

Are there some Bluetooth chip issues?

I hope this is firmware fixable. 

Besides from this, I like the ACE. 
