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Resolved - Pandora Unable to Browse or asking for Authorization Code

Pandora decided to stop working today. It finally said it needed to be “reauthorized”. I hit the button and brought me to a page that asks for an activation code. But I don’t have an activation code… when I hit “forgot code” or “where to find code”, I get this... 


I forgot my code

If you have forgotten your code, you can retrieve it from the product you are trying to set up. Simply select the Pandora option on your product, and it will give you a code to use on this page.


But no matter where I look on the Sonos app, I don’t see an activation code.  When I hit the authorize button it pulls me through a screen or two within the app but no code found there.  

I also tried to remove the service and re add. And have the same issue… I know this was much easier when I did it forever ago...

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106 replies

Thanks Airgetlam..…

I didn't know anything about that page when I was trying to figure out what was going on and found this posting. Then I found the link to the status page somewhere else. I bookmarked it for future reference, and I appreciate your reply !


Thanks !

Check and you’ll find Pandora is down currently.

10/29/20 - Its not working again…..although this is the first time I have experienced it on my system.

Spotify works, Sonos Radio works, music library works…….Pandora can not connect to my Sonos system, and Sonos tell me there is a network problem when I try to add the service to my Sonos account via my phone or tablet.

Userlevel 7
Badge +26

Hi everyone, sorry for the interruption over the weekend, as you all know by now, there was an outage of Pandora on Sonos that cropped up on during the day on Saturday. As of Saturday night it should be fully resolved. As of now, if you’re having any trouble with Pandora on Sonos, it shouldn’t be related to this outage and I’d encourage you to contact our support team to look into the issue. 

If you suspect any service issues, a great place to start is our status page.

Moderation note: I’ll be moving some of the other converstations on this outage to this thread for tracking purposes.

As of this morning, Pandora is back up and working again on my system. It must have been a back-end fix because I didn’t do anything locally to correct the issue (other than cursing :-) ).

Mine started working late yesterday, Sat Apr 18. I had fully removed Pandora from Sonos app on Mac OS and was trying to re-add it. It was hung up on the Activation Code error. Then, no explanation, it just started working.

Sunday mid-day EST… Still out. Any ideas how to fix this? Any word from Pandora or Sonos on this?


Try unplugging your Sonos devices from power, then reboot your router. When the router comes back up, plug your Sonos devices back in. 

Same issue here, it’s broken since yesterday. 


Thank you so much, you two.

Last week I found a had three different leaks in my house and it's ending up to be my roof. I found mice in my house, and then finally, the electricity blew out at my circuit breaker box and the actual circuit breaker needed to be replaced too.

I didn't want to lose my music too! Hahaha

I have Pandora running on Sonos again.  Thanks for all of your comments!  At least it wasn't just me.

all good. it’s back.. 

Userlevel 1

Just tested again, looks like it’s back up!

Sonos has absolutely no control over Pandora’s server farms. That’s up to the folks at Pandora. 

Userlevel 1

It’s a cloud system so usually there’s plenty of failover. I’d suspect that if someone at Sonos knew about the outage, it would be fixed within minutes.

the problem here i think is that operations needs to realize there is a problem and then get their arse in gear! 

Userlevel 1

Hello All - mine just came back online. Give it a go. 


Pandora outage

Userlevel 1

I lost Pandora on my Sonos and guess what? Same thing!

Then it says to just “open product” and it will display activation code. NOT.


If you look the url has the activation code in the url. The problem is that the receiving end isn’t accepting it

Userlevel 1

This site suggests the outage started around noon pst and has been down 5 hours.


Solved, working again!

Userlevel 1


Note: Pandora uses different servers to feed the Sonos speakers than they do to serve their own application. 

Thank this is very helpful as we now know they are aware!

It’s back !!! Thank god 

Yup!  Looks like Pandora removed said heads from #$%%.

Thank you forum! 

Same issue here..  I think my Sonos system has covid-19.