The New Sonos App and Future Feature Updates

We set out to create a more personalized and effortless listening experience with the updated Sonos app. It was rebuilt from the ground up to ensure it could support future innovation in the years to come. For its initial rollout, we focused on how we could answer some of the most common requests from our customers, including increased reliability, performance, and faster access to music.

Many of you have shared valuable feedback on both the improvements that have made your experience better, as well as the areas where we fell short. We are listening to all of your comments and working to address them as quickly as possible. Over the coming weeks, we will reintroduce the below features, while fixing bugs and performance issues. Thank you for your engagement and we look forward to building upon this first step to create a listening experience that meets everyone’s needs.


Available now


To access these changes, check for updates in the iOS / Android app store to download the latest version of the Sonos app. Make sure your Sonos products are also up to date.

Last updated: Jul 1, 2024. See release notes.

  • Added multi-product setup for professional installers for iOS

  • Improved accessibility for configuring alarms with VoiceOver and TalkBack

  • Added autoplay setting for analog devices using line-in for Android

  • Added support for SonosNet channel selection for Android

  • Added timezone settings for iOS 

  • Added the option to forget a system in order to connect to or create a new system for iOS

Coming soon

  • Local music library search and playback: July

  • Improved playback settings including Play Now: July

  • Create and edit local music library: July

  • Improved Autoplay settings: July

  • Improved Sub audio settings with Amp: July

  • Snooze alarms: TBD

Known issues and workarounds

Our latest update resolves some of the most critical known issues, but know we have more to do. We hear your feedback and are working hard to deliver the experience you expect and deserve.

1602 replies

I’m not talking about the Sonos App.

The Sonos Controller is on the same machine and main drive as the Music Folder I’m trying to add to the Controller’s Library. When I try to do that, it says it can’t, with “(913)” appended to the message.

I get the same error when I try to add any subfolder of the main Music folder.

Ah sorry 🙏 I misunderstood your post, I don’t know then in that case, I didn’t realise that Sonos had even made any changes to their Desktop Controller App. Anyhow I hope you can get it sorted soon. Here’s the link to contact Sonos Support (if required) …


From a community search, maybe see if this thread might perhaps assist you…



I can no longer add a speaker to the group that’s playing by holding the play/pause button. I’ve learned through this app update fail, that I used this feature a ton

I can no longer add a speaker to the group that’s playing by holding the play/pause button. I’ve learned through this app update fail, that I used this feature a ton

It’s working here.. maybe try a network reboot and/or power-cycle your players. I setup and began audio playback on 2 speakers called ‘Polo’ and ‘Utility’ I then went to the Kitchen Beam and held its play/pause button and it grouped with the playing rooms and all three were playing. 

Userlevel 1

Keith, I appreciate you and the team trying to stem the bleeding.  I don’t envy your position of having to clean up self-inflicted consequences from management decisions.

That said, these timelines strike me as tripling down on the tone deaf and self-congratulatory  “courageous” marketing messages being sent out.

You are telling me, the market leader Sonos speakers won’t be able to add a song to the listening queue for a month.  This capability was available last week, but no longer due to an unannounced impact of the “upgrade.”  

If I tried to suggest surprising users by taking away core functionality and promising to bring it back in a month, I’d be laughed out of a job.

The most obvious way to get back to current state parity is to provide access to the v16.1 app.  No need to rush development and testing on the v80.x.  Let those for whom the new app works continue.  Let those for whom the new app does not work migrate when core feature parity is achieved.  The last thing you want is to make the above promises and introduce new bugs.  

Yet, for unspoken reasons, this option is never mentioned.

I’m all for change and creating a new platform for the business.  I would like to see Sonos succeed.  However, I haven’t seen evidence of Sonos having the judgment to know how and when to course correct.

Best of luck.

I couldn’t agree more. Well said!

Does anyone have issues viewing any Album Art from Apple Music for uploaded albums to iCloud?  I can’t seem to get any album art to load.  I have re-added and re-authorized Apple Music a couple times now.


Userlevel 4
Badge +3

WHY did you break Folders?! What’s the point? Both the Controller and App are already the most user-hostile software I continue to use. Do you also not understand regression testing, so you don’t break existing function while “improving” it?


Folders (I assume you mean local library) are working, that’s if you are sharing the local library using SMB v2 (or higher). The new Sonos App does not support SMB v1 or http shares, by design, as mentioned elsewhere in the community.

The only issue I’m seeing is that some artwork is missing on some screens, but otherwise things should be working okay. I’m using an iOS controller in the attached example, but Android is working here too.

Still can’t adde my music library on a Mac: 

Sonos is allowed to access in Music, so not sure why I can’t add, or see, the music library.  Fortunately my playlists have been saved on the Mac desktop controller, I hope they will sync back to the music library whenever I am able to add it.


Btw, Ken - the Sonos headphones (which are presumably going to be announced tomorrow) were a key purchase for me.  However, there is no way I will purchase any additional Sonos products until I can access my Music Library.  Actually I am thinking that I may need to replace my Sonos components, which would be expensive and painful….

Still can’t adde my music library on a Mac: 

Sonos is allowed to access in Music, so not sure why I can’t add, or see, the music library.  Fortunately my playlists have been saved on the Mac desktop controller, I hope they will sync back to the music library whenever I am able to add it.


Btw, Ken - the Sonos headphones (which are presumably going to be announced tomorrow) were a key purchase for me.  However, there is no way I will purchase any additional Sonos products until I can access my Music Library.  Actually I am thinking that I may need to replace my Sonos components, which would be expensive and painful….

Did you try the earlier link above in the thread… this one: 

Did the fix mentioned there not work for you?

I’m not seeing the issues you have, my NAS SMBv2 local library is working fine here, so I’m still out to get the Sonos Headphones. It’s each to their own though and entirely upto you what you buy/sell.

I have emailed my concerns to the Sonos ceo

the email is on the Sonos website,

Userlevel 2

I received an email from Sonos regarding a new product launch.  Yea NOT going to spend any additional money with Sonos since they could not give a crap about their customers.  I have spent thousands on Sonos equipment and hate the new APP.  I was a huge proponent of Sonos and would tell everyone about their products and yes they are expensive, but they were so easy to use.   NO MORE.   You have turned me against your company and I will continue to use the speakers I have (when the APP is fixed), but I will not be buying any new products.  You have lost me as a customer because of this APP disaster just to sell a stupid set of headphone which I have zero interest in!!  


I just bought a Sonos Sub Gen 3 in order to improve the sound of my Beam 2. Problem is i cannot Set up the Sub because of the faulty new app. Is there an update planned to fix it ?

I just bought a Sonos Sub Gen 3 in order to improve the sound of my Beam 2. Problem is i cannot Set up the Sub because of the faulty new app. Is there an update planned to fix it ?

I think you really need to ask Sonos Support Staff this question - not least because they may be unaware of the issue at the moment - I’d perhaps get in touch with them, as there might be many other reasons for the Sub not bonding to the Beam, such as having the Beam wired and it’s WiFi adapter disabled, as one example of several I can think of.

Here is a link to contact them…

Totally agree with many of the negative comments on here about the new App. My biggest complaint is how slow it is. It takes forever to open, to load, to be able switch any station off, on, over, and the volume takes even longer to react. My wife says it keeps asking her to log in.  It is just terrible now, terrible, terrible, terrible. 

Sonos, you need to get this fixed now.

Userlevel 4
Badge +3

The Register have picked the story up now. Hope it gains some more traction in the press.


Userlevel 4
Badge +3

Still can’t adde my music library on a Mac: 

Sonos is allowed to access in Music, so not sure why I can’t add, or see, the music library.  Fortunately my playlists have been saved on the Mac desktop controller, I hope they will sync back to the music library whenever I am able to add it.


Btw, Ken - the Sonos headphones (which are presumably going to be announced tomorrow) were a key purchase for me.  However, there is no way I will purchase any additional Sonos products until I can access my Music Library.  Actually I am thinking that I may need to replace my Sonos components, which would be expensive and painful….

Did you try the earlier link above in the thread… this one: 

Did the fix mentioned there not work for you?

I’m not seeing the issues you have, my NAS SMBv2 local library is working fine here, so I’m still out to get the Sonos Headphones. It’s each to their own though and entirely upto you what you buy/sell.

I likely have the older SMB1 set up on my computer.  I made sure Sonos had Read access (it was custom before).  Still doesn’t work.  

The thread you sent me was for PC’s only….the only Mac suggestion was to set up a NAS, which I am not going to do.  Unfortunately I will have to wait till June.  The only workaround I have found is to Airplay my computer (using the Apple Remote App) to Sonos speakers.  This way I can play the music library through Sonos, but without the Sonos software.

1 month is such a long time to get this Music Library issue fixed, it makes me think that Sonos intended to cancel Music Library access permanently.  Who know is this will ever get fixed.  

Btw, the stock is down 1½ points since this fiasco started.  That is about $200M in market cap, close to -10% down.  Perhaps that is the only indicator that will get managements attention about brand loyalty and customer service.  The press is bad, and the financial institutions that are large holders are starting to figure it out. 


IP is Sonos’s only asset other than brand awareness and customer loyalty.  Both are being diminished every day we have to wait, now the public markets are taking notice.


Userlevel 3
Badge +9

Search and play your local music library from June 21? Sorry what?

Do you not realise how many of your users have huge libraries of locally stored music and THIS IS THE ONLY REASON WE USE YOUR APP?!!!

So in the name of a "user experience upgrade" you take away my core user experience for six weeks?

How did it not occur to you that this would annoy your oldest and most loyal customers? But perhaps that doesn't count for anything. It certainly feels like it right now. 

My Sonos products are getting quite old now and I was thinking of replacing them. I guess I will but it won't be with Sonos. Give yourselves a big round of applause. 

Exactly… no access to my 6000 NAS albums overnight. Just like that. No one tested this important functionality before release… I really don’t get… it is TOO absurd. 

Just remembered the old SonoPad app… I now can play my locally stored music… 😜

Search and play your local music library from June 21? Sorry what?

Do you not realise how many of your users have huge libraries of locally stored music and THIS IS THE ONLY REASON WE USE YOUR APP?!!!

So in the name of a "user experience upgrade" you take away my core user experience for six weeks?

How did it not occur to you that this would annoy your oldest and most loyal customers? But perhaps that doesn't count for anything. It certainly feels like it right now. 

My Sonos products are getting quite old now and I was thinking of replacing them. I guess I will but it won't be with Sonos. Give yourselves a big round of applause. 

Exactly… no access to my 6000 NAS albums overnight. Just like that. No one tested this important functionality before release… I really don’t get… it is TOO absurd. 

No no, they knew that this and the other features were missing, people are pissed because they misrepresented this and released it anyway. 

Userlevel 5
Badge +2


It should eventually look something like this (attached), based on the animated preview screens published on 


Can’t wait for “eventually” to get here. 

I'm a time traveller and already at ‘eventually’…. (I didn't update and have core, been there for years, expected, why would a music app not do this, functionality….)

Turns out I have over 39,000 songs in my local library. 

I read that the new app is cloud based. Does that mean that I won’t be able to use the app unless I am connected to the Internet? That would be a major issue. 

Is Sonos making my account accessible from the Internet without 2 factor authentication? 

Hoping my understanding of “cloud based” is different thanks Sonos’ implementation. 

The app is accessible without internet. 
There is no 2fa. 

The new web app at is cloud based.  The mobile app is not cloud based.

Userlevel 5
Badge +2

The new web app at is cloud based.  The mobile app is not cloud based.

Holy crap. Just logged into Sonos on a browser user/password and started playing music on my devices. It’s easy, but it’s terribly insecure. Someone could hack my system and start playing music on any or all of my devices at any time at any volume. How do I opt out of this until they have acceptable security?


Isn’t plain user/password security considered insecure these days? I could see hackers breaking into user systems just to cause havoc.


Didn’t Sonos just drop support for an older file system on user’s LAN because they said it wasn’t secure. This seems like a potentially bigger issue.

The new web app at is cloud based.  The mobile app is not cloud based.

Holy crap. Just logged into Sonos on a browser user/password and started playing music on my devices. It’s easy, but it’s terribly insecure. Someone could hack my system and start playing music on any or all of my devices at any time at any volume. How do I opt out of this until they have acceptable security?


Isn’t plain user/password security considered insecure these days? I could see hackers breaking into user systems just to cause havoc.


Didn’t Sonos just drop support for an older file system on user’s LAN because they said it wasn’t secure. This seems like a potentially bigger issue.

What’s the betting that your wireless network and router are both secured with a username and password too, eh🤔? 

Userlevel 5
Badge +2

The new web app at is cloud based.  The mobile app is not cloud based.

Holy crap. Just logged into Sonos on a browser user/password and started playing music on my devices. It’s easy, but it’s terribly insecure. Someone could hack my system and start playing music on any or all of my devices at any time at any volume. How do I opt out of this until they have acceptable security?


Isn’t plain user/password security considered insecure these days? I could see hackers breaking into user systems just to cause havoc.


Didn’t Sonos just drop support for an older file system on user’s LAN because they said it wasn’t secure. This seems like a potentially bigger issue.

What’s the betting that your wireless network and router are both secured with a username and password too, eh🤔? 

That’s not a helpful answer.  What’s the betting that my LAN is a secure network.  Even if that was true, one problem does not justify another. This seems to be a big liability for Sonos. Isn’t it relatively easy to implement 2 factor authentication these days? I’m just looking out for potential problems. I would think Sonos would want to address this before the next catastrophe happens. 

Userlevel 5
Badge +2

The new web app at is cloud based.  The mobile app is not cloud based.

Holy crap. Just logged into Sonos on a browser user/password and started playing music on my devices. It’s easy, but it’s terribly insecure. Someone could hack my system and start playing music on any or all of my devices at any time at any volume. How do I opt out of this until they have acceptable security?


Isn’t plain user/password security considered insecure these days? I could see hackers breaking into user systems just to cause havoc.


Didn’t Sonos just drop support for an older file system on user’s LAN because they said it wasn’t secure. This seems like a potentially bigger issue.

What’s the betting that your wireless network and router are both secured with a username and password too, eh🤔? 

That’s not a helpful answer.  What’s the betting that my LAN is a secure network.  Even if that was true, one problem does not justify another. This seems to be a big liability for Sonos. Isn’t it relatively easy to implement 2 factor authentication these days? I’m just looking out for potential problems. I would think Sonos would want to address this before the next catastrophe happens. 

Additionally, the security of my network is on me. The security of the entire Sonos user community on the Internet is on Sonos. 

Think users are upset now.

What’s the betting that your wireless network and router are both secured with a username and password too, eh🤔? 

That’s not a helpful answer.  What’s the betting that my LAN is a secure network.  Even if that was true, one problem does not justify another. This seems to be a big liability for Sonos. Isn’t it relatively easy to implement 2 factor authentication these days? I’m just looking out for potential problems. I would think Sonos would want to address this before the next catastrophe happens. 

Your system has quite probably always been accessible over the internet…

Music services can stream to your devices, the setup can receive updates from Sonos, voice assistant access, Sonos API etc. I don’t know why all the fuss, as long as the the transport method from end to end is encrypted, it’s as secure as accessing your own bank accounts, online stores etc. it’s upto you though to keep your login credentials secure.

My Home window blinds, security cameras, heating system and Philips hue lights, to name just a few things are all accessible remotely over the internet too.

If your Sonos is ever breached, having accidentally disclosed your credentials etc. and you find yourself listening to someone who perhaps plays music not to your taste, then solve it by changing your password, which I assume is what we would all do with our local network security and other smart-home devices too.
