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We set out to create a more personalized and effortless listening experience with the updated Sonos app. It was rebuilt from the ground up to ensure it could support future innovation in the years to come. For its initial rollout, we focused on how we could answer some of the most common requests from our customers, including increased reliability, performance, and faster access to music.

Many of you have shared valuable feedback on both the improvements that have made your experience better, as well as the areas where we fell short. We are listening to all of your comments and working to address them as quickly as possible. Over the coming weeks, we will reintroduce the below features, while fixing bugs and performance issues. Thank you for your engagement and we look forward to building upon this first step to create a listening experience that meets everyone’s needs.


Available now


To access these changes, check for updates in the iOS / Android app store to download the latest version of the Sonos app. Make sure your Sonos products are also up to date.

Last updated: Sept 24, 2024. See release notes.


Last week we released a new version of the Sonos app for iOS.

As announced, today we are releasing a new version for Android as well.


iOS - (Released on September 19)
Version 80.09.05

  • Improvements to setup flow
  • Improved performance when browsing content in Home and in Browse
  • Improved queue management including ability to delete, reorder and scroll
  • Added ability to set appearance between light mode/dark mode/system default
  • Continued improvements to the user interface
  • Added Trueplay support for iOS 18


iOS Service Pack - (Available starting today)
Version 80.09.07

  • Resolved a bug affecting users with multiple language keyboards configured
  • Resolved a bug preventing users with VoiceOver enabled from accepting the terms and conditions during setup


Android - (Available starting today

Version 80.09.04


  • Improvements to setup flow
  • Added ability to set appearance between light mode/dark mode/system default
  • Added setting to change the Alexa wake word language


You can also follow along with updates in this article: 


What’s the betting that your wireless network and router are both secured with a username and password too, eh🤔

That’s not a helpful answer.  What’s the betting that my LAN is a secure network.  Even if that was true, one problem does not justify another. This seems to be a big liability for Sonos. Isn’t it relatively easy to implement 2 factor authentication these days? I’m just looking out for potential problems. I would think Sonos would want to address this before the next catastrophe happens. 

Your system has quite probably always been accessible over the internet…

Music services can stream to your devices, the setup can receive updates from Sonos, voice assistant access, Sonos API etc. I don’t know why all the fuss, as long as the the transport method from end to end is encrypted, it’s as secure as accessing your own bank accounts, online stores etc. it’s upto you though to keep your login credentials secure.

My Home window blinds, security cameras, heating system and Philips hue lights, to name just a few things are all accessible remotely over the internet too.

If your Sonos is ever breached, having accidentally disclosed your credentials etc. and you find yourself listening to someone who perhaps plays music not to your taste, then solve it by changing your password, which I assume is what we would all do with our local network security and other smart-home devices too.

You seem defensive, but ok, no problem. Let me know when that wealthy company executive wakes up at 3:00 am to Metallica playing on all his devices at 90 decibels.

Good hackers don’t need a person to disclose their credentials to gain access to their system.

That’s it, I’ll get of my soap box now.

Erreur "Se connecter en tant que propriétaire du système" lors de la mise à jour des produits lors de l'installation

  • Solution de contournement : Aucune solution de contournement n'est actuellement disponible

J’ai une solution : remboursez moi les produits que j’ai acheté que je ne peux plus utiliser ! Vous en dites quoi ? ;) 

If your Sonos is ever breached, having accidentally disclosed your credentials etc. and you find yourself listening to someone who perhaps plays music not to your taste, then solve it by changing your password, which I assume is what we would all do with our local network security and other smart-home devices too.

Odds are you wouldn’t be able to change your password, as the first thing the ne’er do well does is change your password (common in IoT attacks). ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

2FA is basic blocking and tackling, and makes a lot of sense for those of us keen on good security.

For its initial rollout, we focused on how we could answer some of the most common requests from our customers, including increased reliability, performance, and faster access to music.


At the expense of breaking features ?  You are kidding right?


Many of you have shared valuable feedback on both the improvements that have made your experience better..


I know you got the corporate script in hand, but that’s a joke right?  Whose experience is better and how?  Did they just upgrade from an 8-track cassette player? I could see that as those things were frustrating as hell - like this new app!

I can’t find alarms in the new app

I can’t find alarms in the new app

...or a music library, or playlists...

Please give users a choice to roll back to old version of the app until you’ve worked out the many bugs. I’ve been a huge supporter of your products and services and I’ve loved every moment of owning them. However, they don’t work with the new app, period, plain and simple. There are so many bugs I can’t begin to explain nor do your clients have time to play around with this and troubleshoot. Give us the option to go back to what we can use until you guys fix the many issues. Don’t give us a reason to look elsewhere. I don’t have time for this. No one does.

With the June 2024 update will I be able to play my own music files stored on my Android phone's local storage to my Sonos One SL speakers ?  I don't want to be forced to stream all the time.

Have had time to reflect on this debacle. The feedback I can give is that you have lost my trust in you as a brand. You went out with a fanfare for this new app, KNOWING that you’d removed features people relied upon. Sleep timer and music library are hurting me the most. Music I could play in April is no longer working for me. 

Transparency about what you’re doing would have helped. But a postponement until ‘no loss of current functionality’ would have been far more preferable.


And now you’ve deleted your entire catalogue of Instagram posts?

Unable to play local library content from Folders view


I just want to listen to my music. I have a few thousand dollars worth of speakers that no longer do anything. The web app doesn’t work either - it will not play anything on my system; it just keeps giving me the error, “something went wrong”. 

Software updates are not supposed to be trial and error with your customers. 


  • Workaround: No workaround currently available.


this is such a flex lol

What about adding songs to existing playlists. Seems like a basic thing you guys have skipped over. 

Yes that needs sorting too, not that I personally use that feature very much, as I tend to create and store them in the MSP Apps and use my own .m3u playlists for local library stuff. I’m guessing though it’s somewhere on the Sonos ‘to do’ list. The priority though I think should be the accessibility features and voice over that some users need asap.

I'm not blind or anything, but if I was, I wouldn't need accessibility features if there is no basic functionality to access

But thanks for the advice to do as much as you can without the Sonos app. It has been well noted.

All I can say is:  Another good reason I don’t update software until I know its safe (by the way that generally holds for most products with potentially the exception of Google or Apple who are laser focused on it).  Glad I didn’t update.

This is not the first time they have released bad updates - S2 vs S1 shenanigans as well as the one that stopped many subwoofers working as they should.  The response in both cases was not of empathy to customers but a time consuming update that kept their loyal customers in limbo for many months.  

You should never TAKE AWAY features from EXISTING customers as a general rule.  Sonos is a company that sells audio hardware at a premium with its key selling point being how it interacts with software.  Without good software, there is no reason to buy the product - as apposed to most other audio equipment which is not sold under that premise.  So I find it amazing that they don’t test it thoroughly before release.  

99% of the time I play from a streaming service I use Spotify Connect or Airplay for Apple Music because its faster, easier and more intuitive - >90% of users probably only have 1 audio streaming service anyway.  The only reason I would use the Sonos app is to control the hardware OR play files I have stored locally (such as ripped lossless CDs whose content is no longer available on a streaming service)  - and it seems that the update has compromised those 2 very things.  

Running the app on the cloud is only asking for trouble - Think of the lack of security and the speed loss - which is ironic as they were trying to sell their Sonos voice assistant as being “on device” so it would be faster to execute demands.  It is therefore no surprise that many have found the app “laggy”.

Illogical and poor management.  And to think they want to compete in the media streaming business with their upcoming media stick against the like of Google and Apple - good luck!

Another well known, significant bug in the current version of the app is in the procedure to add a new speaker in a existing system, which doesn't work - ie users won't be able to connect speakers they recently bought to an existing sonos system. The procedure doesn't complete correctly after playing the audio PIN, and even inserting manually the serial number behind the speaker, or connecting it through Ethernet won't solve the issue. This has been referenced by many users in separate topics 

The fact that adding new components is difficult with the new app is the only example of serendipity I can associate with your horrendous software cock-up, because until you totally upgrade the appalling new controller, I won’t be buying any more hardware!

So disappointed with Sonos right now.

If your Sonos is ever breached, having accidentally disclosed your credentials etc. and you find yourself listening to someone who perhaps plays music not to your taste, then solve it by changing your password, which I assume is what we would all do with our local network security and other smart-home devices too.

Odds are you wouldn’t be able to change your password, as the first thing the ne’er do well does is change your password (common in IoT attacks). ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

2FA is basic blocking and tackling, and makes a lot of sense for those of us keen on good security.

2FA is fine as long as I don’t have to do it numerous times a day each time I perhaps use the Sonos web interface/SMAPI and that there is also the option to not enable 2FA.

As I mentioned earlier, I have lots of devices accessible from the internet already, including Hive Home Heating, Hue Lights, Echo devices, Security Cameras, Louvolite Blinds, TP-Link Plugs, Ring Doorbell, I also use Plex & Emby remote services, all in addition to Sonos products. My TV cable box is also remotely accessible, just so I can record things when away from Home.

I allow numerous online streaming services to gain access to my devices. I currently run a Linux VPN server aswell to extend my home network to remote locations.

So I’m just not personally going to worry about the encrypted API service that Sonos provide. I’ll just step out and leave you worry about it and go listen to some music instead.


Gosh what a load of tosh ! 
No boss I don’t appreciate Sonus efforts to improve the app when it’s clear from just 5 mins check that many of the essential basics have gone out of the window . 
Suggestion don’t continue to ruin what was once a good experience . Communicate with your customers what it is you plan to to restore / improve the matters noted by majority of users . 

The technical side will leave to you but in any other company when the core usps are so badly affected / destroyed an immediate clear out of the app development team would be in order . Ensure your industry knows these folk are unemployable - and if it’s not their fault find out whose fault it is and sack them !

what about trueplay tuning it does not work in the new update ?

It will not start tuning it just stop then it should start.

Depending on what type of phone you are using - if it’s Android will not work, if it’s IOS make sure that has at least IOS 16, and is not missing any updates. 

If your Sonos is ever breached, having accidentally disclosed your credentials etc. and you find yourself listening to someone who perhaps plays music not to your taste, then solve it by changing your password, which I assume is what we would all do with our local network security and other smart-home devices too.

Odds are you wouldn’t be able to change your password, as the first thing the ne’er do well does is change your password (common in IoT attacks). ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

2FA is basic blocking and tackling, and makes a lot of sense for those of us keen on good security.

2FA is fine as long as I don’t have to do it numerous times a day each time I perhaps use the Sonos web interface/SMAPI and that there is also the option to not enable 2FA.

As I mentioned earlier, I have lots of devices accessible from the internet already, including Hive Home Heating, Hue Lights, Echo devices, Security Cameras, Louvolite Blinds, TP-Link Plugs, Ring Doorbell, I also use Plex & Emby remote services, all in addition to Sonos products. My TV cable box is also remotely accessible, just so I can record things when away from Home.

I allow numerous online streaming services to gain access to my devices. I currently run a Linux VPN server aswell to extend my home network to remote locations.

So I’m just not personally going to worry about the encrypted API service that Sonos provide. I’ll just step out and leave you worry about it and go listen to some music instead.


So, there’s websites set up for entire user communities that you use that show your hardware and allow you to control it with a simple user/password login?

When I log into my cable companies website it users 2FA to login. I believe my cable company uses secure communication to access my cable box.

After a week of the unusual punishment of being woken up by a rogue machine at 6:42 am - the Sonos team courageously showing me what it would be like to live in a dystopian future where the AI tells me when to wake up - I have been granted back control of my own sleeping pattern.

That said, I was starting to like the routine and comfort of not having to think for myself - maybe it would be better if Sonos decided when I should and should not wake up, a future feature perhaps?

Anyway, for now I'd say just focus on getting to queue and playing next back and we'll take another step towards iPod level functionality!

 SONOS app developers? WTF you have done? SONOS CEO - are you aware how humongous cluster * happened? No one cares about your new headphones now, just bring all app back or buy back my speakers from me because you broke it and it does not play anymore. I did all possible workaround and my 5, 3 and sub , nothing, once sonos 5 was visible, but no airplay and sonos 3 visible but not playing,  then both doge and sub is quite like sub...marine under water. I can’t believe it!!!!! I praised you so many years for easy connection etc...u have destroyed this completely with new update , also I was so focused on new product and wating for new headphones, ready to switch from Apple Pro Max - ohhh .never, apple at least is reliable and updates are move forward not back to 0. 

*Moderator Note: Modified in accordance with the Community Code of Conduct.*

Why not change the message to “Your Sonos system is up to date but not functioning. Pleas check back in mid-June.”


Why does the app on my mac not work when i have the app on the iPhone open. I have to log out of either to use the other where as before they were sync’d, yet another tedious issue with this BS change by Sonos 

Why not change the message to “Your Sonos system is up to date but not functioning. Pleas check back in mid-June.”


As far as i can tell some of the features are delayed and will be back somewhere in mid June. What exactly are you trying to do with the Mac PC there? connect to system?

Another missing feature: you cannot change the sonosNet channel after the update. Need to restore this feature, my network is unstable and can´t find the way to fix it.
