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is there going to be option to play music direct from android devices rather than have an external source?

is there going to be option to play music direct from android devices rather than have an external source?
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157 replies

I am awaiting Android support from Sonos before purchasing. However, I have seen third party app 'Twonky Beam' used to stream audio to Sonos (and video to Samsung TV). On Youtube, there is a video under Twonky Mobile (replaced by Twonky Beam). Within Google Play, the screenshots for Twonky Beam show Sonos as device. Some users prefer BubbleUPnp to Twonky to do similar thing - both are free on Google Play. Probably, worth giving a go before returning Sonos, but agree this is a huge let down from Sonos given size of Android market.
download the BubbleUPnP Lisense app today, just found this out and i can play my play list from google, it is in the google play store.
+1 on having Android devices play directly to Sonos as iOS devices can. Also it would be very helpful to get a timeframe from Sonos, or acknowledgement that you're working on this function. Thanks!
+1 on having Android devices play directly to Sonos as iOS devices can. Also it would be very helpful to get a timeframe from Sonos, or acknowledgement that you're working on this function. Thanks!
Sonos don't do timeframes (almost no company does in fact), but the idea is tagged at the top of this page as "Under Consideration" that's as close as you'll get to Sonos saying they're working on it. People need to understand that iOS gets these things first because Sonos only have to get it working on 3 different hardware platforms and ONE operating system (this only works on iOS 6 remember), for Android it's potentially hundreds of different platforms and several different versions of the Android OS (I have made an assumption that 2.3 and onwards will be supported, they may restrict it to 4.x only, I don't know). That's going to take far longer to implement and test (you do want them to test that it works, right?).
Me too! I want to be able to do this, I have invested in a Nexus 7 tablet and a Sonos Play:5 system. Works great for my wife to stream directly from iPhone but i really need to be able to do this from the Android OS.
Please get this sorted for Android in the next update of the Sonos app. Have used Skifta to achieve direct playing from the Android device, but does not enable queuing of songs. Must be so many people similarly frustrated that they cannot play direct from their Android device. Also - why is this not stated on any of the Sonos information in stores? I did wonder why my local PC world had an HTC phone connected to the Sonos, but never seemed to be working....
Very frustrated that this feature has been made available to iOS users but not yet to Android. Please bring it to Android SOON!
Again, i agree its frustrating...but in the meantime go and get BubbleUPnP in the play store... I believe the free version lets you stream from your android device for 30 mins at a time I just bought the licence...£ currently streaming from my Galaxy S2 and posting this reply
It does seem an obvious oversight that you can't play music directly from your Android device or from Google Play. Good news though after trying various apps I have found one that not only plays your music library on the android device but also from Google Play directly, so I can play my uploaded tracks from any of my android devices! The app is called BubbleUPNP, there is a free version so you can check how it works for you but I found it so good I paid for the full version. Sonos team, can you please develop your Android app so it allows playing local media help on the android device and also directly from Google Play!
Userlevel 1
Not even sure why this has feature has to be even considered or voted on, when the SONOS app on iOS already has the feature. Seriously? SONOS, you guys do know that Android already surpassed iOS devices, right? So not sure why you guys are not even prioritzing this feature? SONOS, Please add this feature on ANDROID that is already available on iOS. Thanks!
Userlevel 1
Hello Michael, I have moved this over to the Ideas section as it is not currently supported. This way, other users can also add their support for this feature.
As others have said Bubble UPnP free from Google Play can play your Google music to Sonos devices
Is anyone actually reading this thread or just freaking out with rage? Whilst there is no option from Sonos (yet, i hope) there is a perfectly good and easy to use option with Bubble UPnp on Play Store. Try the free version first, and then youll upgrade to the premium version, £3 i think it cost me. Simple.
Userlevel 1
Yes, we're reading this thread. BubbleUPnP is a great 3rd party option, but a bandaid to the solution. Why should Android users who own SONOS feel like 2nd class citizens to iOS users? They already have this exact feature, that we, Android users have to beg for. Some of us will use BubbleUPnP as a temporary fix, but Android users should NOT settle with using a bandaid solution when an actual solution is already established on another platform. And no I'm not freaking out in rage. 🙂 Just disappointed.
Userlevel 1
Is anyone actually reading this thread or just freaking out with rage? Whilst there is no option from Sonos (yet, i hope) there is a perfectly good and easy to use option with Bubble UPnp on Play Store. Try the free version first, and then youll upgrade to the premium version, £3 i think it cost me. Simple.
Yes, we're reading this thread. BubbleUPnP is a great 3rd party option, but a bandaid to the solution. Why should Android users who own SONOS feel like 2nd class citizens to iOS users? They already have this exact feature, that we, Android users have to beg for. Some of us will use BubbleUPnP as a temporary fix, but Android users should NOT settle with using a bandaid solution when an actual solution is already established on another platform. And no I'm not freaking out in rage. 🙂 Just disappointed.
Is anyone actually reading this thread or just freaking out with rage? Whilst there is no option from Sonos (yet, i hope) there is a perfectly good and easy to use option with Bubble UPnp on Play Store. Try the free version first, and then youll upgrade to the premium version, £3 i think it cost me. Simple.
I agree that its a simple request that Sonos should have sorted by now...its just bewildering that people can get SO wound up about it. Anyway, im off to listen to some music stored on my Galaxy S2 via Bubble UPnp 🙂
I am an Android user and I would like to buy a Play:5 or Play:3 but without support for Amazon Cloud Player in EU, nor Google Play, nor local Android library why should I?
I, too would like to see support for streaming directly from my Android to Sonos. On a side note: Is there a way to stream to multiple Sonos units through BubbleUPNP? From my experimentation, I can only stream to one Sonos unit at a time.
Userlevel 5
I started a topic some while ago asking Sonos to support WiFi Direct, this feature would solve all you are asking for and then some. Regards, Johan
Hello Michael, I have moved this over to the Ideas section as it is not currently supported. This way, other users can also add their support for this feature.
is there any update on when this might be made available?
You can with stream from Android, direct to PLAY:3 & PLAY:5's but depends on revision of software, customisation, company So far I can confirm two handsets as have played and tested both Sony Xperia P Handset (4.04) using the Walkman App does stream direct (I would be safe to assume that the all Xperia's in the new line will as well, unless things change) HTC One XL (4.1.1) using the Native Music Player App also streams with no issue Samsung & Motorola Handsets is currently and unconfirmed, if someone can test that would be amazing One thing also is that it only allows for one stream at any one time, not multiple streams like iOS as the stream actually is managed via the SONOS app itself rather than the native iOS Music Player App Wilson Law
You can with stream from Android, direct to PLAY:3 & PLAY:5's but depends on revision of software, customisation, company So far I can confirm two handsets as have played and tested both Sony Xperia P Handset (4.04) using the Walkman App does stream direct (I would be safe to assume that the all Xperia's in the new line will as well, unless things change) HTC One XL (4.1.1) using the Native Music Player App also streams with no issue Samsung & Motorola Handsets is currently and unconfirmed, if someone can test that would be amazing One thing also is that it only allows for one stream at any one time, not multiple streams like iOS as the stream actually is managed via the SONOS app itself rather than the native iOS Music Player App Wilson Law
Something interesting also, for the devices which can stream to the PLAY:3 or PLAY:5 the SONOS app is not required. This is either a glitch, or something that can be taken advantage of. *Note I have a PLAY:3 & PLAY:5 and tested with both Known devices that work Asus Transformer Prime TF201 (Version 4.1.1) Native Music App HTC One XL (Telstra) (Version 4.1.1) Native Music App Sony Xperia P (Version 4.0.4) Walkman App
I totally agree.... I dont have a pc or laptop and use my galaxy s3 for everything.... I feel let down that I cant even listen to my music from my phone via sonos
Please get this sorted for Android in the next update of the Sonos app. Have used Skifta to achieve direct playing from the Android device, but does not enable queuing of songs. Must be so many people similarly frustrated that they cannot play direct from their Android device. Also - why is this not stated on any of the Sonos information in stores? I did wonder why my local PC world had an HTC phone connected to the Sonos, but never seemed to be working....
It would have likely been for the controller app not the streaming. The same setup is at Best Buy. It says something to the effect of control from your smart phone. . .
So I got my notification that there was to be an update to the Sonos App for Android along with system updates. I was hopeful, I opened the mail, read the detail and noticed it didn't mention the "Play music direct from music stored on Android devices". I thought "oh well, they've just not highlighted it?" but it's bound to be there, right?? WRONG!!! It seems that Android users have to vote to allow this feature, which is fundamental for a music service, so is just ridiculous. Sonos I ask you this did iOS users have to be invited to "add their support" to the idea of playing music directly from their devices? NO!!! Why would they? It should be and is an inherent feature for them! Imagine if you will......You want to buy a music app and a streaming music speakers system? After hefty research, you choose Sonos as everyone says "they're the best", you install and set it all up, you're excited now! You fire the app up and hey presto your music stored on your device is there and you sit back and enjoy the music......oh wait I must've been dreaming I had an iDevice because my reality was "oh wait how come I can't see my music?!? Sonos please wake up and realise that the world is free to choose the OS it has on their phones and not all of us want or care to own an iDevice. We want the dream of using our Android, or indeed Windows (other OS's are available), phones and be able to enjoy the same levels of Service and Functionality that iDevices do! Please Sonos make my dream a reality? I am sorely disappointed in Sonos after this update. I was looking to extend the Sonos equipment I own and add the Sonos Connect and a Play:3. But I cannot justify it while I am confined to Spotify and Tunein Radio (the only 2 services I use) I have music that isn't available on Spotify, and more to the point I want the ability to play music is Flac direct from my phone to my stereo system, Sonos should allow me to do this! I use BubleUPNP at present but this won't work when I have multiple Sonos devices I wish to stream to!!! Get you act together and give us equality with others on lesser OS's that use Sonos! Very disgruntled.....rant over.
Bravo to Jay, quite rightly said. Its seems lately (well over the last year or so) i am constantly reading articles stating how android phones and tablets are starting to dominate the market place. This has even got to the point in recent weeks where some tech journalists are starting to say that apple is falling behind and is no longer leading the field. I understand that one of the claimed issues with Android is that it operates on a wide range of handsets, all with different specs and capabilities. This tends to be the general excuse for why certain apps are not released on android, or in Sonos case, are limited in their functions. However, since Android 4.0 we have started to see a standard be set for android devices. Now i dont pretend to know the ins and outs of how apps work across different handsets, so i may be mistaken here, but what puzzles me more is that the users in this forum have already highlighted on several occasions that there are solutions to be found on the marketplace today.... bubblepnp for one. Therefore, is it really that hard to add this functionality to the android sonos app? Would it cost sonos that much time and money to develop such a solution? As Jay has stated above, did Iphone users have to grovel, beg and vote for what appears to be such a obvious function? One that this forum has highlighted we already assumed was possible. One of the main issues for me though has been the way the sonos devices are set up in store. It may not be the same everywhere, but on the several stores I visited before purchasing my sonos device, the sonos stand had both a PLAY:3 and a PLAY:5 connected to android phone. Quite clearly, this suggests that you can play music off your phone. Not just control it. It seems cheeky that an android phone was chosen for the Sonos stands and not an Apple. It seems to verge on mis-selling, misleading the customer. Come on Sonos, wake up. Provide us with a solution. At least provide us a response to let us know your thoughts and plan of action. Or no doubt the rants will just continue. For me, the PLAY:3 was just going to be the start, i had hoped to add more devices to my home to really achieve the potential of what Sonos has to offer. It seems like such a good idea, but is let down by this one major issue. Until this is solved i will not be expanding my Sonos collection. Good day sir!
I am really in trouble - I can't play from my Android phone - I can't play from Google play - I can't play from Amazon cloud player - It is really hard work being a Sonos customer all of my streams are not available - Playing from all of these sources is a must have not an option for consideration - just get on with it Sonos so your customers can use their very very expensive systems how they want to use them - stop procrastinating