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is there going to be option to play music direct from android devices rather than have an external source?
Not odd when iOS is the cause of the removal.

That and when Android doesn't experience this issue.
Not odd when iOS is the cause of the removal.
First apple, then android, now removed from apple app and still on android. An odd evolution.
I think it will work. You should test at home before go. Otherwise find an old obsolete router just to use.
Oh so the Sonos CAN work with no Internet, that is good to know, it just needs to be on a Wifi network of some kind, even if not connected to net.

Ok I think this is the last question on this, sorry for all the questions and thanks for answering them.

So with the phone only option, such as I want to set it up in the washroom, there is no Wifi signal, and the phone has no Data plan, hence no access to the Internet what-so-ever. You have confirmed that Internet is not needed, so if I enable Wifi hotspot on phone, will this be enough to play music on Sonos even though there is no Data or connection to home router, similar to the old router at the Cottage scenario? I'm not sure how Mobile hotspot works on phone, I thought you needed a Data Plan, which obviously you do if you want other devices to connect to Internet but in this case we don't need Internet.
Only option would be an old router just use for wifi signal. Doesn't need internet.
That would require either connection to a home network or a Data plan on the phone, correct? I will have neither in this case.

I thought I read somewhere some guys talking about how it would be nice to bring the Sonos to the cottage to play music, a place where there was no Wifi or Network signal from phone, and there was a maybe a way to do this. I guess not then? (this is where I thought you just set it up at home on Wifi before going, but then once at Cottage you no longer need Wifi or a Network signal)
Understand you were given a whole home audio speaker not a Bluetooth speaker. They are fundamentally different so your criticism is rather unwarranted

There is an android application that can be installed on rooted android devices that allows you to play direct from any android app without going through Sonos app (wifi still required connected).
Sonos must have a wifi connection to work with your android phone. You could use wifi hotspot from android phone to make the connection.
Thanks Chris. I wasn't sure if I needed Google Play or not, I just did not want to be forced to use it if possible so glad to know I won't be.

So hang on now, we are back to the original question, Wifi not needed, in your original answer you said no Wifi not needed, but now it looks like you are saying it has to be connected to Wifi?

I think I read somewhere you have to initially set it up through Wifi, which for me will be fine I can do this sitting close to the router. However, I THEN need the ability to move far away from the router where the POS has no signal (washroom) and hope to play music there thus NOT connected to Wifi. Will this be possible?

See the thing is I am in Canada, have Rogers, they provide junk routers, and do NOT allow most routers on their network that are any good, and it seems very complicated even if you find a router that is approved by them to hook it up on the network. So I am stuck with a crappy router with terrible range, hence my questions.

I will say the lack of a Blue Tooth Option is VERY disappointing, never understand why companies don't understand the importance of options, Wifi is great, Blue tooth is great, giving people both was the ultimate un-limiting solution, instead they put extreme limitations on the device (like the whole You Tube issue, etc).
Jay - install the Sonos application on your android phone. Run the setup program and chose wifi only as your method of connection.

Once installed go into Sonos application and for music selection chose On this Phone and your music on the phone will show.

Yes this plays through your home wifi (it is not a Bluetooth or airplay speaker or the such).

I'm not sure why you are so upset about something about Google Play. You have no reason to use google play if you don't want google play ...not sure where you get impression you need google play.

Found this thread, it says you need to be connected to Wifi, it is 2 years old though

Edit - Oh one more thing, I only have the Play1, and intend to keep that way, no plans or money to buy any other equipment needed like Bridges etc (which turfs option for You Tube sadly from brief look)
Thanks for the reply. I was just given the Play 1 as a gift, I noticed the age of the thread and had read elsewhere that you HAD to use Wifi to use the Play1, hence I put the reply here where I thought it was most relevant and from briefly looking at the thread it "seemed" I could not do this.

So to change the question a little in lieu of your reply, how exactly do I connect to the Play1 via my Android phone? Do I need to stream through Google Play only music I have bought (crappy) or can I simply connect to the Play1 in some easy way, where I can play all the MP3 files that are loaded on it not through Google Play. (I have no subscription to Google Play nor do I want one)

Thanks for the help, this is a very important feature for me and without it I may return the unit, Wifi in my Condo is terrible.
Music on your phone can be streamed direct to Sonos - androids have ability to connect direct to sonos not via home wifi. I'm not sure your real issue as your posting on a 2 year old thread that had direct play from Android/IOS implemented long ago.
Are you telling me I can NOT stream music to the Sonos directly from the files on my phone without using Wifi?
Fully support this, its a shame that sonos can't play straight from video / phone / youtube. The use of the speakers is substantially limited without these features.
I see what the problem is now. I should have been using the Sonos app and selecting 'This Mobile Device' . I was using the music player on the 'droid and selecting the Sonos device from there. Mistake.
I've updated my Android Sonos app but it won't play the music on my 'droid to the selected Sonos device. The Sonos app says that the music is not encoded correctly. The Sonos app shows the track as 'Now playing' but I can't seem to make it work. The music plays fine on the HTC phone though and the same file will play from my NAS storage, so it leaves me thinking it's a problem with the Sonos app.
It's a real shame you can't play Google Play Music music direct. Not sure of the technicalities but this app can access Google Play Music: so not sure why Sonos app can't?

Hello, We downloaded the app and tested it out. It's doing something different with the music than Sonos. That app logs in to your Google Play account and either streams or downloads music from Google to your phone. What Sonos is doing is streaming that music from your phone over your network to your players. The reason for the restriction is that the default Google Play download location on the phone can't be accessed by our app. This is only for music downloaded directly from Google Play to the phone, if the music is first put on a PC and then synced over, Sonos can stream it just fine. Interestingly, when the app you linked to downloads from Google Play, it puts the music in a different folder than the Google Play default, so music downloaded in this manner can be streamed through our app. This app is free only for the first 50 downloads however, after that there's a fee. It seems other developers are aware of this download restriction. Thanks for sharing the link and I hope this info helps.
Fantastic! trying it now and it's working a treat Playing music stored off my Sony Xperia Z right about now, so all is bliss!
It's a real shame you can't play Google Play Music music direct. Not sure of the technicalities but this app can access Google Play Music: so not sure why Sonos app can't?
Hello everyone ! We are thrilled to announce that software version 4.1.1, for Android only, has been released this morning. You will now be able to play music and podcasts directly from your Android devices in any room of your home. Please find all release notes here: Android Software Update 4.1.1 release notes
Any news on when this will become available Cheers
forgot to say...the sound from this one little speaker is amazing..dont think it will be long before i get another and have a stereo pair.....
got the play 3 a few days ago, and now with the beta loaded on my HTC one its just so much better...worked great from the get go, plays great, finds album art so much quicker...looking good so far