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Move 2 dropping out on Bluetooth

Connection keeps dropping out on Bluetooth when using move 2

30 replies


Just purchased the Move 2 and having exactly the same issues.  I’d hazard a guess that it’ll has dropped out around 50 times during the course of an album.  My device is close to the speaker so it’s not a distance issue. Also works fine with other (much cheaper) speakers.  If I can’t find a resolution it will be going back.  I’ve already got a play 5 which I can no longer connect via WiFi. 


I have had the exact same issue. Both with my new Move 2 and my old Move. The only fix I have found is to go through the Bluetooth re-pairing process EVERY TIME I want to use Bluetooth to play music on the speaker, which is obviously not a good workaround. Would be nice if this were addressed. 

Just purchased a Move 2 -great sound for sure though it drops Bluetooth connection constantly. In an hour of listening maybe 100 times or more. I am sitting less than 2 feet away from the speaker and am using an iPhone 15 pro max, so distance and/or using old tech is not the problem. My old Bluetooth speakers did not have this issue and I am hoping that to have good sound I do not have to accept constant cutting out in the middle of a song. Truly hoping for a fix. 

Same issue but with more info:
Doubt it's interference because issue happens camping, just me. Back home, drops happen with another iPhone, as well. Regular drops too on Spotify, specifically. You can't submit diagnostic on BT (or see battery %, jeeeez). Music is downloaded local to the phone, too.
I'll still try a Factory reset and report back. When calling support, level 1 was no help and she didn't want to pass me up/off. Tres.frustrating. But the sound is so good. I'd hope this will be fixed in the future...because it sure is annoying when your tunes are blasting.
More info : I also thought to recreate the issue in a controlled environment, like a Sauna. Because while outside and playing at 50-75% volume, the outside temperature can get warm close to 40C. And even with humidity, the Move is always in the shade. I'll actually take some readings this weekend and get's to solid data. I also need to try other audio sources when she happens again.

I have exactly the same issue. When I play music with my iPhone 15 pro (Spotify, music downloaded) it keeps stuttering. Other iPhones; no problem. Other Bluetooth box (with my iPhone 15), no problem. Super frustrating. 

Userlevel 7
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Hi @hsjd700 et al

Welcome to the Sonos Community!

Thanks for reporting this - I’d like to look into the situation for you all.

Could you please recreate the issue and submit a support diagnostic afterwards? You will need to be connected to WiFi to send the diagnostics. Please let me know here when you have done so, but please do not share the given numbers. Thanks.

I have the same issue with Move 2 on Bluetooth connection with iPhone 15 Pro. With iPhone 14 pro it was working constantly. With 15 pro, on BT it loses connection for half a second few times a minute. It is very frustrating. And I don’t see the point in sendig diagnostics while it is connected to wifi becaouse it happens when it is out of my wifi area, when I use BT connection only, during vacations.

Userlevel 7
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Hi @Woo71 

The speaker is a computer, and it keeps system logs. If you could please recreate the issue on Bluetooth and submit diagnostics while on WiFi, the speaker’s logs of what was happening while the speaker was on Bluetooth will be included in the report.

I’ll try, when I’m back home in few weeks so.


Userlevel 1

Issues are persistent on wi fi as much as bluetooth.

Diagnostics number ***********

Moderator edit: diagnostic number recorded and removed.


Userlevel 7
Badge +18

Hi @Woo71 

Apologies - I didn’t realise you were on holiday right nowI recommend you restart/reboot both your phone and Move 2. To reboot Move 2, take it off charge, hold the power button for 5 seconds until the light goes off, wait 10 seconds, then press the power button or apply power once more. That’s about all you can really try at the moment.

I hope this helps.


Hi @hsjd700 

Thank you!

Userlevel 7
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Hi @hsjd700 

It seems you were playing AirPlay prior to submitting that diagnostic, so I cannot troubleshoot Bluetooth performance from it. In addition, the speaker had only been on for less than a minute. Please test with Bluetooth for around 30 minutes before submitting a diagnostic. Thanks. I should have made that clearer in my earlier post - apologies.

Userlevel 1

I couldn’t get the move 2 to play for more than a minute in wifi or bluetooth. it was a constant stutter and I was switching from bluetooth back to wifi over and over. No good.
Are you suggesting that I cannot use airplay for this device?

Userlevel 7
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Hi @hsjd700 

Not at all! I was just saying that to troubleshoot a particular connection method, we need to see that method in use in the logs. As many of the logs only record once or twice a minute, there just isn’t enough data to look at. Even if Bluetooth will not continue play, we need to see more time with the speaker powered on and trying to do things - as it currently stands, we can’t see much. I do see your repeated attempts at playing, to be clear, but there’s not enough background data to judge why you are not able to play (wireless interference levels, for example). With more speaker uptime, hopefully that will become clear.

I would, however, recommend rebooting your phone first - just in case it is that easy a fix.

I hope this helps.

Userlevel 1

This is the process I used to re-boot. I’m not saying it’s the right way but, at the moment I have day two on continuous music.

  1. Turn off the Move 2
  2. While holding the bluetooth button on the back, place the speaker on it’s charger
  3. do not take you finger off the bluetooth button
  4. Continue to hold down the bluetooth button, it takes a bit of time but stay with it.
  5. You will hear a confirmation sound; one pulse 

I’ll let you know if anything changes - so far so good : )

Userlevel 1

I’ve had the Sonos move 2 playing for over an hour now.
Bluetooth stuttered four times. Nothing too bad but noticeable.

I’ve diagnostics. do you want the number? 

Userlevel 7
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Hi @hsjd700 

This is the process I used to re-boot. I’m not saying it’s the right way but, at the moment I have day two on continuous music.

  1. Turn off the Move 2
  2. While holding the bluetooth button on the back, place the speaker on it’s charger
  3. do not take you finger off the bluetooth button
  4. Continue to hold down the bluetooth button, it takes a bit of time but stay with it.
  5. You will hear a confirmation sound; one pulse 

I’ll let you know if anything changes - so far so good : )

That there is the process for RESETTING your Move 2, not rebooting it. We recommend you do not reset your Sonos products without being specifically instructed to do so (unless selling them). Having said that, if it has improved things for you, I’m glad to hear it!

I have your diagnostics already - no need to share the number. Thanks!

When you say “day two on continuous music”, is that with AirPlay? I ask because you mention in your next post 4 interruptions on Bluetooth.

Userlevel 1

Yes all using airplay. I then switched to wifi, played for two hours without interruption.



Userlevel 7
Badge +18

Hi @hsjd700 

Ok, I’ll admit I’m a little confused now - AirPlay uses WiFi.

I want to make sure I understand things correctly:

AirPlay works with out issue - great!

Then you played WiFi, also without issue (meaning, presumably, that you used the Sonos app to play?) - also great!

But you are still seeing issues with Bluetooth playback, yes?

If I have all this correct, please let me know.

In addition, how far is the Move 2 from the Bluetooth source when you play, and do you see the same results if you use a different device to play to the Move 2? Thanks.

Userlevel 1

Played from apple music for both bluetooth and wifi.

I did not use the Sonos app

I even placed my phone on to of the speaker while playing bluetooth as I know I’ll be asked that question too


Userlevel 1

update 30th July 2024

  1. Turned on the move 2 at 6:48pm
  2. Selected the bluetooth option at the back of the speaker
  3. On my iphone 11 I selected apple music
  4. I chose an album to play from the iphone 11
  5. Selected move 2 from the bluetooth option drop down on my iphone
  6. Played music for about 42 minutes
  7. The speaker stuttered 16 times randomly (I counted) in that time
  8. The speaker and the phone were 2 metres apart
  9. Submitted diagnostics at 7:30pm


Userlevel 7
Badge +18

Hi @hsjd700 


I even placed my phone on to of the speaker while playing bluetooth as I know I’ll be asked that question too

This is what I was worried about - this is too close! Your later report of 2m is much better - I’d stick to roughly that range.

So, with AirPlay playing well, we know this issue is not due to interference near the Move 2.

We can see that the Move 2’s buffer never gets above 10% - this implies an issue with the incoming stream not coming in fast enough, so the buffer occasionally runs empty and you get the interruption. Do you have a device other than your iPhone that you can Bluetooth to the Move 2 from? If so, please compare results and let me know. If you do not, are you able to borrow one for 10 minutes so you can test, perhaps? This is an important test to perform. Thanks.


Hi @Woo71 

The speaker is a computer, and it keeps system logs. If you could please recreate the issue on Bluetooth and submit diagnostics while on WiFi, the speaker’s logs of what was happening while the speaker was on Bluetooth will be included in the report.

I’ve just sent diagnostics.


Moderator Note - Removed and recorded diagnostics number.

Userlevel 7
Badge +18

Hi @Woo71 

Thanks for the diagnostics - I have found that your Move 2 is on an older version of the speaker software than all your other devices - please check for updates in the Sonos app while the Move 2 is showing as present in the app. Settings icon » Manage » System Updates » Check for Updates.

Once done, please test again.

Please note, however, that I see the same 10% buffer fill that I saw on @hsjd700’s diagnostics. So, I’d also like to ask you to please reboot your iPhone and Move 2, test AirPlay playback, try sources other than Bluetooth and AirPlay, and, if you can, test with another device transmitting Bluetooth, and try the Move 2 in a different location too. If you continue to see issues, please submit a support diagnostic after testing and let me know. Thanks.

I hope this helps.


Thanks. In my opinion, this is the issue of connection with iPhone 15 pro (all the peaple here wrote, they use that model of iPhone) When I was useing 14 pro everything was ok. Also now, when we connected my wife’s iPone 14, it was working ok.
