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Samsung JS/JU Model TVs Audio Issue with PLAYBAR

We've determined there to be an issue with Dolby Digital playback devices (including the Sonos PLAYBAR) and Samsung televisions in the JS and JU series. An example of a TV model number of this line would be the Samsung UN55JS8500. The optical output from these televisions doesn't pass a consistent signal to devices wired in through that connection. This could present when you're watching any Dolby Digital content through the TV's optical connection.

As a workaround if you're using one of these TVs, you can set the output of the TV to PCM (Stereo). There isn't any issue currently with that TV streaming stereo content to the PLAYBAR through the optical. Otherwise, you can look into using a different device. Some suggestions for setups and community recommended devices can be found here on our megathread.

We are working with Samsung on this issue, but there isn't currently a timeframe for a resolution. We'll update you as soon as there are any further details.

Because of the nature of this issue, we've added these televisions to our PLAYBAR Compatibility page which can be found here.
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214 replies

Understand there was no timeframe to resolution at the time of this post, but I'm wondering if there has been any progress/movement. We have a brand new JU7100 and were seriously considering the Playbar for the TV and Sonos for our house, overall. This (and the, apparently long-outstanding, DTS issue) are forcing us to reconsider and look at other options, which is really disappointing.
Userlevel 7
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Hi MJ,

We'll update this thread and others if there's any news on this issue. Currently we're working with Samsung to see if we can get things resolved. Thanks for asking.
Can you clarify how often this happens and what I should be looking for?

I just got a JU6700 yesterday and have been experimenting with it and Dolby Digital 5.1 all morning with no dropouts etc.
Right now I have been watching a Netflix movie on my Apple TV 4 with Dolby Digital 5.1 for the past hour - no dropouts.

I'll keep a watch on it.
Userlevel 7
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Can you clarify how often this happens and what I should be looking for?

I just got a JU6700 yesterday and have been experimenting with it and Dolby Digital 5.1 all morning with no dropouts etc.
Right now I have been watching a Netflix movie on my Apple TV 4 with Dolby Digital 5.1 for the past hour - no dropouts.

I'll keep a watch on it.

It can be irregular, so it might be consistent, or rare. We're working on the trouble with Samsung currently and will let you know as soon as we have more details. Thanks!
I will keep a watch on this thread. Terribly frustrating when you spend time researching a great tv and great audio...only to find they can't work together. We have audio cutouts all the time. 😞
I am following up here that I experience the occasional cutout. It only happens once an hour or so and there is silence for maybe half second.

I have my Telus Optik set to stereo anyways since the TV channels are all so inconsistent and find that vocals are sometimes real low with non-stereo streams.

If issue keeps up and really bugs me I guess I will have to change to stereo... don't think will make much of a difference for me since I don't have surrounds (just playbar and sub). I'll try it and compare for curiosity.
Just purchased a Samsung JS9000 TV and a Sonos Playbar & Connect:AMP to use the in ceiling speakers.

Spent most of Saturday with Sonos support, who are really helpful, but all works OK when playing music but the the rear ceiling speakers do not work with the TV or when playing a DVD. It doesn't drop out - the rear ceiling speakers have no output when playing the TV.

Tech support are investigating the error message but it is really disappointing.
kenmonty I didn't notice the audio dropouts at first but they do happen maybe once an hour or longer. It's not a constant dropout so just keep a listen for this audio dropping for a second or so now and then. Hope you get the other surround issue resolved.
Does this apply to the new KS models? UN65KS8500, etc. Thanks!
Userlevel 7
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Does this apply to the new KS models? UN65KS8500, etc. Thanks!

Good question, we haven't confirmed any fault with that line at this time, but if you have one and experience similar trouble it'd be great to give us a call on our support line and work with a technician live so we can look into it.
Userlevel 2
Ran into this issue today with a new Sony TV. Model XBR-55X850D. No audio from a Sony DVD player. Changed the audio setting on DVD player from Auto to PCM and the audio worked beautifully from the Sonos PlayBar.
Badge +1

I'm looking at the SAMSUNG UE55JU6400. Do we know / think it will have the same problem?

Userlevel 7
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I'm looking at the SAMSUNG UE55JU6400. Do we know / think it will have the same problem?


Yes, for the time being, any Samsung TV with JS or JU in the model number could have this problem with any optical device. They're working to get it fixed though, so we'll let you know when it's confirmed to be resolved.
Userlevel 1
Thanks for the update! I REALLY hope you guys can finagle a fix between you and Samsung. I can definitely feel the loss of depth and surround effects when my TV is in PCM.
Userlevel 3
Question, if I'm just listening to the Playbar along with the sub, will I hear the difference in sound when the Dolby setting is switched to PCM?
Userlevel 7
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Question, if I'm just listening to the Playbar along with the sub, will I hear the difference in sound when the Dolby setting is switched to PCM?

Good question. Strictly speaking, Dolby Digital can have up to 6 dedicated channels of audio, the 6th is the ".1" in a 5.1 system, which is the channel for a subwoofer. This means that when you're playing a DD5.1 signal, you will likely have a fully dedicated channel for the SUB.

The PCM format is stereo in this case, so only left and right are being sent to the PLAYBAR, which in turn will create a surround solution out of that signal. You will absolutely hear a difference with the SUB on PCM. On any stereo signal, the SUB will pick up the low end of the audio and sound throughout the room. It may be more pronounced with a Dolby Digital source, but you certainly will be able to tell a difference.
Userlevel 3
Thank you for the reply Ryan. Even though I did the temporary fix, I'm hoping Samsung will correct the issue.
Hi Mikedagreek,

I have a similar issue with the Samsung TV. Sonos indicated that Samsung are looking to develop a software fix. However, when I emailed Samsung support they were not aware of any intention to provide a fix. It maybe worthwhile to register your issue with Samsung. Hoping that if they receive lots of complaints they may actually do something.

Userlevel 3
Hi Ken, thank you for that information. If that is in fact the situation, that would be very disappointing because that would mean Sonos is giving false information to all of its customers.
I'm going to contact Samsung as well, thank you very much.
By the way, did You try the " temporary fix"'that was mentioned on another thread?
( changing the HDMI audio format on the TV to PCM and Setting HD Audio to ON"?

I think and hope the Sonos information is correct and expect that the support part of Samsung would not be aware of the plan to develop a fix.

No I haven't tried the other work around .. I will go looking for that thread

Cheers Ken
Userlevel 3
It worked for me but you lose some sound quality.
Userlevel 1
Never mind, found another thread.
Userlevel 2
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Was thinking of buying the Playbar for my Samsung UE40JU6470 until I ran into this incompatibility issue as mentioned in this thread.

I mean I really love my 2 Sonos Play 5 speakers which I'd like to add to the Playbar for the big TV (surround?) sound experience.

But for this kind of money, ie. the Playbar is more expensive than my Samsung TV, one should expect an error free operation.

From what I've read here it is not clear if Sonos is actually dealing with the issue, or merely pointing at Samsung (who's doesn't seem to be aware of any issues) for it to take action. So nothing really seems to be happening at all? What is actually the status of this?

Anyone running the Samsung UE40JU6470 with Playbar and noticing any issues? Just checking to be sure.

Just do not wish to spend this kind of money for nothing, or at least for something which appears to be below the normal Sonos standard.

I have the Samsung UE48JS8500 with Soundbar, sub and 2 play 3's for the surround. When it works its great. We only occasionally experience a drop out - not every hour and not every day either.

If I stream a movie from my NAS, there is never any drop out - the same as from Amazon Prime - just normal Tivo. If we get the drop out and then rewind, it's OK.

Not going to PCM as it defeats the whole object of 5.1.

Hears hoping for a fix soon.
Userlevel 6
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I have the Samsung UE48JS8500 with Soundbar, sub and 2 play 3's for the surround. When it works its great. We only occasionally experience a drop out - not every hour and not every day either.

Hi Lance_Shaw, welcome to the community.
Would it be possible to wire the PLAYBAR to your ISPs cable box? (if it has an optical port of course) Let us know how it goes.