
Google Assistant Support

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When does Sonos expect to have support for Google Assistant?

Best answer by Ryan S 14 May 2019, 21:10

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225 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +20
It's coming, guys. We just don't have a date to share. We will update you when there is. Many thanks for your patience.
Userlevel 7
Badge +20
I just got an update for my Sonos one but to my dismay there was no google assistant in it :?:@:(

What’s going on sonos ?

Thanks for your post, ernestotle. We haven't yet announced a release date for this functionality, hence its exclusion from the update. We will be sure to forward your desire for it, the more the better. Let us know if you need anything else.
I just got an update for my Sonos one but to my dismay there was no google assistant in it :?:@:(

What’s going on sonos ?

Thanks for your post, ernestotle. We haven't yet announced a release date for this functionality, hence its exclusion from the update. We will be sure to forward your desire for it, the more the better. Let us know if you need anything else.

if it really is "the more the better" then I'd like to add my voice here: please bring us the Google Assistant on this lovely speaker! I think Alexa can tell I resent her a little... 🙂
Userlevel 7
Badge +26
As others have mentioned, this is only launching in the USA today, however our team is working to bring the Google Assistant on Sonos to additional countries in the coming months. We're starting with the UK, Germany, Canada, Australia, France, and The Netherlands as soon as July. We'll share more about the country expansion as we get closer to availability.
Userlevel 3
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Not sure what the attraction is. I have two Google speakers, which I rarely use. Prefer Alexa. I suppose Alexa is just so much more natural and nicer to say than "OK, Google!", or "Hey Siri!". When Alexa can't answer something (getting rarer all the time) is about the only time I resort to asking Google. Siri is hopelessly dumb.

I couldnt agree with you less. After having used both there is no comparison for me.. Yes the wakeword is objectively worse but google simply understands everything i ask it where as Alexa is a useless cow who has trouble with even the most basic commands unless i phrase them exactly the way that she likes.. And thats not even getting into all the new google festures like the ability to have a continuous conversation without using the wakeword
Spence said today that Google Assistant integration is being targeted for the holiday shopping season. So, November, hopefully earlier. Not too much longer to wait.
Userlevel 7
Badge +26

Anyone else getting "subscription tier for google play music is not supported"? Do I require a paid subscription for this now?

I get this when trying to stream to sonos but not when I stream to google home device.

I'm getting this same error from the google assistant.
Someone said you need to have a CC on file with Google Play Music even if you're using the free account. Well I have that and it still doesn't work. I even have a $25 Play Music credit.
Using the Sonos App on the phone, I can get Sonos to play my library songs that I uploaded to Google Play Music.
But it won't do the same thing when I ask Google Assistant.
It's acting as if the only supported music source is to stream from a paid account at Google Play Music.

At this time, Google Assistant needs to use a Google Play Music Premium account to play music on Sonos. I'll make sure to let the team know you're looking for this, but for now, the only free services supported are TuneIn and Pandora when using Google Assistant.
I would love to have Google Assistant available on my Sonos One.
I'm not yet a Sonos customer, but I will be when Google Assistant is available. ?
Userlevel 1
Are you going to offer the Google Assistant integration on only the Sonos One product in 2018? I feel like I've been left in the dark ages with Sonos only supporting Alexa.
I am also looking forward to the Google assistant integration very much. Knowing it would come some day was the reason for me to buy the Sonos One

At this time, Google Assistant needs to use a Google Play Music Premium account to play music on Sonos. I'll make sure to let the team know you're looking for this, but for now, the only free services supported are TuneIn and Pandora when using Google Assistant.

This is just painful. Such a long wait for such an arbitrarily limited delivery.

I have a large library of music sitting in my computer, which has the Sonos Desktop Controller installed. This same collection is in the Google Cloud and available through Google Play Music. I also have an Amazon Music subscription. All those work well with the Sonos app, but I can't touch any of them with the Google Assistant-Sonos bridge. What a let-down. It's the kind of thing that makes you just want to give up. Had a bought a Google Home Max none of this would be happening.

I am a software engineer and I have written silly apps integrated with Google Assistant. All you need is an OAuth server, a server to handle the GA requests, and the will to do it. Two years and all we get is this. Man...
I long for a Google Assistant integration! Google works so much better than other voice assistants, it controls my calendar better, and it doesn't restrict its functionality to third-party devices. Please complete this feature soon!

Kind of a shame that you can't setup Google and Alexa at the same time. it would have been fund to see if you could get google to talk to Alexa and vice versa. maybe setup some sort of infinite loop.

What's kind of a shame is that you can't setup Google at all.
Userlevel 7
Badge +26
As of today, we've officially rolled out support for Google Assistant on Sonos players, and control of Sonos devices using Google Home devices. For more details, check out our announcement post here, and some of our getting started and tips and tricks posts.
Still not available in the UK. Rubbish.

For one minute I got excited when I saw the option in the app, quickly turned to disappointment when I received the not supported in your country message. Super!!!
Userlevel 2
This is great news but the wait goes on for me in the UK.
I bought a Sonos one after contacting Sonos about the support for google assistant. Sonos, do you have any updates on this? I am eagerly looking forward to this.
I am not going to buy another Sonon unless you support Google assistant. I would love to pair my current sonos one, but if you are not going to support google assistant then i will have to switch to the google new speaker system.

Sonos has already announced they are going to support Google Assistant. Expect it later this year.
It's coming, guys. We just don't have a date to share. We will update you when there is. Many thanks for your patience.. Phew! Thanks Edward. Good to hear because GA is really better. I'm using both right now and it gets songs right way more often. Problem is, Sonos Ones sounds so much better!
Note that the Amazon/Sonos partnership was not simply using the Alexa API. There is significant work on the Sonos end also, work that was done in conjunction with Amazon, but with an eye toward making a Sonos based cloud and universal voice control API suitable for all voice assistants. If Sonos had wanted exclusivity with Alexa, it would have simply done a "Alexa, tell Sonos to . . . " skill and be done with it.

The same holds true for the Google side. I highly doubt they are going to go out of their way to create a Sonos voice control API and then use some off the shelf code to incorporate Google. This is why it takes longer. This agnostic approach is more difficult and time consuming than coding directly to each specification, and it requires some amount of compromise between vendors. However, in the long run it allows you autonomy and ease of maintenance.

This is the approach that enabled Sonos to incorporate more music services than all other multi-room audio systems combined, and it seems to have been successful, if not very efficient to implement in the beginning phases.

When oh When is this google assistant integration going to be upon us? I've got 2 One's and can't wait.........

In 2018.
The grouping functionality that the Sonos ecosystem offers is far superior to that of the Google Home ecosystem. Have you considered the possibility that it's not possible to group them together because Sonos do not want to cripple their system?

Where is the button in the Google Home app that I can use to group and ungroup speakers on the fly at any time, while streaming anything from music services, radio, local sources or even TV sound, without so much as a stutter?
For Google Home or related devices, I have to create a pre-defined group and add devices to it. Why do you think this is? The system cannot handle the dynamic way that Sonos groups speakers and it cannot handle all of the inputs that Sonos can!

Grouping Google Home/Chromecast together with Sonos would require the devices to interface in the same way, and that is unlikely to happen, since they are fundamentally different devices. Be aware that Sonos was already doing multiroom before anyone had ever thought of Google Assistant. If anything, the Google speakers would have to change to the superior way Sonos works, not the other way around. You would quickly find that all of these lower end companies that already had GA integration, would be struggling to make that happen. This is why Sonos is the more expensive option, because it's more than just a speaker with voice control!

The point about other speakers implementing GA much quicker just boils down to the same fact. These products are just that, speakers. Sonos is a much more complex system to have interact with the GA API. And, as has been mentioned here very often, it might as well have been Google dragging their feet, for fear of another competitor.

I'm not going to debate the policy of Sonos regarding their communication. Sonos do not share their roadmaps or timelines. Ever.