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Sonos not connecting with Napster

My Sonos system is not letting me listen to any songs via Napster. The Sonos system is working fine via Sonos Radio but failing to bring any songs through via Napster. I tried the Napster App and is working fine as its own entity. Disconnected from Sonos and reinstated but no luck. I then tried to connect Apple Music but wouldn’t connect to sonos. Can you point me in the right direction of sorting this?


When browsing Napster via Sonos all menus are empty .

30 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +18

Hi @John94 

Welcome to the Sonos Community!

Thank you for reporting this. We were unable to reproduce this issue (we were able to browse and play), so I recommend you get in touch with our technical support team who have tools at their disposal that will allow them to give you advice specific to your Sonos system and what it reports.

I recommend first rebooting your router by switching it off for at least 30 seconds, just in case that helps.

I hope this helps.

Userlevel 2

Likewise, I’m getting ‘Napster account login information is not valid’ — even though I pay for Napster & have been using Napster with Sonos for years. What gives?

Userlevel 2

I deleted my (active) Napster account from Sonos, re-added Napster with my correct credentials, and I’m getting’Napster account not found.’

This is frustrating as I pay for Napster & use it with Sonos on a daily basis. What did Sonos do to break this? btw, my Sonos 1 app is up to date. 

Userlevel 2

ok Napster has acknowledged they’re working on their connection issues…

Hopefully someone from @Sonos will update their page as well. 

Since they’ve removed the side bar link for that, the pop up in this forum just points to

Napster is still not working in Sonos again, also can’t re add, shame that the status page shows Napster is working, there have been way too many faults this year with Napster 

Having same Napster issue. I use Napster often on my Sonos S1

Userlevel 2

Same problem - started earlier today, still broken.

Userlevel 2

I just realized I have way too many playlists tied up with Naptser…. I hope this is fixed soon.

Everything OK on Thursday but thr came to play last night(Saturday) and getting same issues as above. At least by the sound of it it is a problem at their end so let's hope it can be resolved quickly

Same issue not being able to use Napster.  Deleted account and tried again with no success


Identical issue - Napster no longer accessable via Sonos.  

Is this permanent or just a blip?

Account also not working via Android application (to play in car) but can log into Napster website.

+1 since yesterday. I can log in on Napster web but Sonos reports:

Account not found

The Napster server did not recognize your login information.


Sonos status says Napster is OK but evidently not for some of us.

Napster failed to function within Sonos.

I reset my Napster password, and logged into Napster via Chrome and via the Windows app. Externally Napster appears to be fine. 

I removed Napster from within Sonos services, tried to add again: 


This has been ongoing since Friday I believe. 

ok Napster has acknowledged they’re working on their connection issues…

Thanks BlackHook, much appreciated, Do you have a link to the Napster acknowledgement source please? 

+1 On Napster “Account not found” after deleting and trying to re-add it.  Connection to Napster was showing unavailable as of Saturday 08/26/2023.  Using Sonos S1.  Tested on Android and iOS apps. has also been updated to reflect the outage.

Same here, Napster now working fine on Napster app and weblink but SONOS can’t / won’t recognise my account, despite using Napster for years on the system. 

Napster was down this morning and I received an email advising so.

Is this yet another ‘great’ update from SONOS??

Seems to be back on now

I didn't have time to road test Napster, but before I left home for work, I was able to add the Napster service back into Sonos. 

Userlevel 7
Badge +23

Same here, Napster now working fine on Napster app and weblink but SONOS can’t / won’t recognise my account, despite using Napster for years on the system. 

Napster was down this morning and I received an email advising so.

Is this yet another ‘great’ update from SONOS??

Sigh. This is 100% a Napster issue.

+1 since yesterday. I can log in on Napster web but Sonos reports:

Account not found

The Napster server did not recognize your login information.


Sonos status says Napster is OK but evidently not for some of us.

Logged in successfully last night and Napster is marked as Operational on the Sonos status page, so I guess this is resolved.

Napser still not working says my account has expired when it is not
