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New app update

Since the update Sonos has lost connection to my music library and will not reconnect. All I get is an error message saying “Sonos was unable to add the shared folder”

26 replies

Userlevel 7
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Feature not available till June. 

Userlevel 2

Same issue.  The Chat Bot told me no one was available to discuss it and ended the chat - super unhelpful.  I cannot connect through NAS on my laptop or my modem and the file on my laptop that worked perfectly until the update is no longer accessible either.  Apparently, either the Sonos app developers think we don’t want to play our own music or Sonos was paid off by the streaming services to cut access off.  I can’t think of another reason this is so broken.  So, now I have to pay to stream and/or repurchase my already purchased music to use my speakers????  It’s such a let down.  I was super happy with the system before this.

Userlevel 1

Since the update Sonos has lost connection to my music library and will not reconnect. All I get is an error message saying “Sonos was unable to add the shared folder”

Same here.  Customer “Service” says to upload all my audio (over 64GB) to the web and use a Music Service to stream it, taking up bandwidth and accruing storage charges.


This seems like a big F U to their customers.

Userlevel 7
Badge +19

Same issue.  The Chat Bot told me no one was available to discuss it and ended the chat - super unhelpful.  I cannot connect through NAS on my laptop or my modem and the file on my laptop that worked perfectly until the update is no longer accessible either.  Apparently, either the Sonos app developers think we don’t want to play our own music or Sonos was paid off by the streaming services to cut access off.  I can’t think of another reason this is so broken.  So, now I have to pay to stream and/or repurchase my already purchased music to use my speakers????  It’s such a let down.  I was super happy with the system before this.

Or you wait till June, and use a free streaming service until then. 

It's not just the new app either.


These clowns turned it off in the previous app within the last 48 hours too.


I rolled the app back on Android and had full functionality for a few days and now I have lost access to my NAS both on the previous version of the mobile app and the current version of the desktop app (which also had been working 100% despite the update).

It is infuriating.

Userlevel 2

Same issue.  The Chat Bot told me no one was available to discuss it and ended the chat - super unhelpful.  I cannot connect through NAS on my laptop or my modem and the file on my laptop that worked perfectly until the update is no longer accessible either.  Apparently, either the Sonos app developers think we don’t want to play our own music or Sonos was paid off by the streaming services to cut access off.  I can’t think of another reason this is so broken.  So, now I have to pay to stream and/or repurchase my already purchased music to use my speakers????  It’s such a let down.  I was super happy with the system before this.

Or you wait till June, and use a free streaming service until then. 


  1. No guarantees this will be fixed in June.  
  2. Why?  I like my music - it’s why I purchased it.  Why should I not be able to play my music on speakers?  This is a speaker/hardware product.  It’s sole purpose is to provide sound - from whatever source.  It is the core mission of the product.

After 2 hours on the phone, it’s been determined that the reason I lost access to my NAS is that it’s old and running something (connection security? software? something...) which is no longer supported by Sonos (unclear why? too slow? not secure?)

Anyhow, now I’m reaching out to the NAS manufacturer to see if I can change the setting on the NAS so that it’ll work again on the old Sonos app (v16) (because as of right now, even if they brought back all features and options into the new app it would not help me).

Otherwise… I guess I’ll have to buy a new NAS.

Userlevel 7
Badge +19

After 2 hours on the phone, it’s been determined that the reason I lost access to my NAS is that it’s old and running something (connection security? software? something...) which is no longer supported by Sonos (unclear why? too slow? not secure?)

Anyhow, now I’m reaching out to the NAS manufacturer to see if I can change the setting on the NAS so that it’ll work again on the old Sonos app (v16) (because as of right now, even if they brought back all features and options into the new app it would not help me).

Otherwise… I guess I’ll have to buy a new NAS.

SMB v1 has security issues; this is (probably) what’s dropped from support. This has been the subject of older threads, if you want to know more. 

My music library is on a hard disk internal; to my PC not on NAS. I had to switch it to this disk years ago when SONOS stopped allowing NAS connections. Now they have completely ruined everything as the new app won’t even allow connection to a fixed disk - goodbye and good riddance SONOS!!

Userlevel 7
Badge +19

My music library is on a hard disk internal; to my PC not on NAS. I had to switch it to this disk years ago when SONOS stopped allowing NAS connections. Now they have completely ruined everything as the new app won’t even allow connection to a fixed disk - goodbye and good riddance SONOS!!

Sonos still support NAS devices, AIUI.  

If you read my original answer to your op: just wait, till the feature returns in June. Frustrating: yes. Worth a temper tantrum and chucking out your speakers: not in my opinion, though you seem to be of a different opinion. 

I write and produce my own music, presently with no intention to release it to streaming services.

My previous Sonos app was connected to my apple laptop hard drive iTunes/music so I could play these and many many other recordings I'm on too through my many Sonos speakers).

So, now it seems I am unable to do this.  To say I am disappointed is an understatement!!

(It feels a bit like when Apple chose to take away the CD burners and many of the input/output connections from their laptops).

I can only hope that this facility/service will be returned in the software update.

If not replacing my Sonos equipment might be my best long term solution.

Does anyone know when this update is due?

I write and produce my own music, presently with no intention to release it to streaming services.

My previous Sonos app was connected to my apple laptop hard drive iTunes/music so I could play these and many many other recordings I'm on too through my many Sonos speakers).

So, now it seems I am unable to do this.  To say I am disappointed is an understatement!!

(It feels a bit like when Apple chose to take away the CD burners and many of the input/output connections from their laptops).

I can only hope that this facility/service will be returned in the software update.

If not replacing my Sonos equipment might be my best long term solution.

Does anyone know when this update is due?


See the following video on how to get your Mac sharing your library again:


Userlevel 7
Badge +14

Hi @Phil Davison, this new app release has been a mess. Especially around local music.

Here’s something I wrote yesterday that may provide some useful context …

And here’s something I wrote last month that may help if you’re on Windows …


Userlevel 6
Badge +6

I write and produce my own music, presently with no intention to release it to streaming services.

My previous Sonos app was connected to my apple laptop hard drive iTunes/music so I could play these and many many other recordings I'm on too through my many Sonos speakers).

So, now it seems I am unable to do this.  To say I am disappointed is an understatement!!

(It feels a bit like when Apple chose to take away the CD burners and many of the input/output connections from their laptops).

I can only hope that this facility/service will be returned in the software update.

If not replacing my Sonos equipment might be my best long term solution.

Does anyone know when this update is due?


See the following video on how to get your Mac sharing your library again:


Phil… You’ll get your libraries back IF you reinstall the S2 app on your laptop/desktop computer(s). Be sure to delete your existing library in the Sonos/Preferences/Music Library settings then, after going through the machinations in the aforementioned video, add that same library back in.  It worked for me and others.  The caveat is that any functionality with their crap iOS iPhone app is lost.  And, no, I don’t stream nor do I want to.

This seems like a big F U to their customers. Exactly. I used to recommend Sonos to others. I said it was nice to actually have adults producing useful technology for a change. Now I recommend any other speaker system but certainly NOT Sonos. A 35 minute wait to talk to someone? NOPE! I don’t know where the adults went but they sure had NOTHING to do with the new ap. I used to be able to play my computer music folders easily on my Sonos speakers. Now I cannot at all. The old ap used to be just a click or two to get my speakers playing what I wanted. Now it’s swipes to nowhere and takes way too long to change what I was doing to what I want next.  NOT an improvement. I would like to have the CHOICE to use the old ap or the new one. I would take the old ap any day. The old saying “Don’t fix it if it ain’t broke” applies to Sonos. I won’t be buying anything else from them Oh by the way the “Boost” attachment is a joke - it doesn’t help at all. What a shame - Sonos used to be great system.

I just tried to downgrade back to the Sonos 1 ap but it said the ability to downgrade was not available. I’m done with this company. I’ll be getting a new system from the someone else. 

No customer service

No ability to find an ap that works

Complete regression in capabilities and sacrifice of what was great before

Tech “support” that takes away capability instead of adding to it. Does this make sense?

Userlevel 6
Badge +6

This seems like a big F U to their customers. Exactly. I used to recommend Sonos to others. I said it was nice to actually have adults producing useful technology for a change. Now I recommend any other speaker system but certainly NOT Sonos. A 35 minute wait to talk to someone? NOPE! I don’t know where the adults went but they sure had NOTHING to do with the new ap. I used to be able to play my computer music folders easily on my Sonos speakers. Now I cannot at all. The old ap used to be just a click or two to get my speakers playing what I wanted. Now it’s swipes to nowhere and takes way too long to change what I was doing to what I want next.  NOT an improvement. I would like to have the CHOICE to use the old ap or the new one. I would take the old ap any day. The old saying “Don’t fix it if it ain’t broke” applies to Sonos. I won’t be buying anything else from them Oh by the way the “Boost” attachment is a joke - it doesn’t help at all. What a shame - Sonos used to be great system.

I’d like my options back as well.  The Error 319 video allowed me to get my libraries functioning via my iMac S2 desktop controllers but, I still don’t have any functionality from the iPhone/iOS app at all.  I updated yesterday but no cigar. I’m way too paranoid at this point to update the firmware of my speakers, a step that has been recommended in this forum (Preferences/System Settings/Your System/Manage/System Updates/Check for Updates).  You’ll be greeted with a message that “updates are available for your products (speakers) that must be completed (several minutes) before you can use them.”  Does anyone else wanna’ give that a shot considering what’s happened? Would I lose the ability to play from my S2 desktop controllers?  I’d feel much better if a new TESTED iPhone app was released and did any and all updating for me - like they used to do.  I may be ignorant but the SMBv1 / HTTP smoke screen isn’t sitting well with me.

Userlevel 6
Badge +6

I just tried to downgrade back to the Sonos 1 ap but it said the ability to downgrade was not available. I’m done with this company. I’ll be getting a new system from the someone else. 

No customer service

No ability to find an ap that works

Complete regression in capabilities and sacrifice of what was great before

Tech “support” that takes away capability instead of adding to it. Does this make sense?

Like I’ve said over and over again, the responsibility to fix this shouldn’t rest with the consumers who laid down A LOT of money for a system that markets itself by showcasing sound quality and “ease of use.” Some in here have posted something to the effect of “well, if you don’t want to resolve your issues...”  You know, I’ve tried many, many times to do just that.  Please reread the first sentence of this post.

Originally the thing that sold me on Sonos was how simple it was to set up. Completely intuitive and took seconds to plug and play. I’m not a computer programmer and I am not going to do “machinations” to load and unload and reprogram my system because some Sonos tech weenie couldn’t try out this ap before it was released so they could find out what its drawbacks were. At least let me go back to my old ap while this ap is revised. 

Originally the thing that sold me on Sonos was how simple it was to set up. Completely intuitive and took seconds to plug and play. I’m not a computer programmer and I am not going to do “machinations” to load and unload and reprogram my system because some Sonos tech weenie couldn’t try out this ap before it was released so they could find out what its drawbacks were. At least let me go back to my old ap while this ap is revised. 


I assure you, the “tech weenies” had nothing to do with this.  The release of the half-baked app was to ensure it was in place to support the headphones’ end of fiscal year sales.  That’s not an IT decision, that’s something the suits decide.  So you can back off on the “weenie” insults. 

Userlevel 6
Badge +6

Originally the thing that sold me on Sonos was how simple it was to set up. Completely intuitive and took seconds to plug and play. I’m not a computer programmer and I am not going to do “machinations” to load and unload and reprogram my system because some Sonos tech weenie couldn’t try out this ap before it was released so they could find out what its drawbacks were. At least let me go back to my old ap while this ap is revised. 


I assure you, the “tech weenies” had nothing to do with this.  The release of the half-baked app was to ensure it was in place to support the headphones’ end of fiscal year sales.  That’s not an IT decision, that’s something the suits decide.  So you can back off on the “weenie” insults. 

I agree with you, jgatie, about using derogatory terms like “tech weenie”. I’m quite sure I’ve never typed that in here. I think we can agree that frustration levels have been quite high in here. I’m assuming it wasn’t personally directed. Please keep posting possibly solutions.

So you can back off on the “weenie” insults. 

Great technical advice! What a help! This whole idea of using a forum to voice complaints, insults, and provide somebody’s home grown idea of a fix is simply ridiculous. I have yet to actually reach anyone in Sonos technical assistance or anyone else, suit or weenie, who can help me to get my original system back into operation. I doubt a “suit” would know how to screw up a perfectly good ap this badly all on their own. I doubt a “suit” in the front office just flipped a switch to take away from us what was working great. Someone with tech knowledge had to do that.  If Sonos suits want to make money without providing the quality product they used to provide and that I too paid A LOT of money for, then they’ll get no more of mine. Feel free to forward my comments to the suits. I’m out of here - what a waste of time.


Userlevel 6
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The analogy I was thinking about in the gym about 3 hours ago goes like this:  My brother knows how to build furniture, houses, sweat copper pipe, wire electrical systems and other things. That’s his gifting in life.  I, on the other hand, wasn’t wired like that at all. I’m thankful to have him around to help me in those areas.  I’ve wired several analog stereo systems over years and, in fact, ran speaker cable through our entire house during construction with a friend of mine.  When it came time to buy into Sonos gear, I wanted nothing to do with elaborate wiring and A/V connectivity, switchers and the like so, I welcomed the simplicity of the Sonos ecosystem.  I loved it.

Fast forward to this notorious app.  I can appreciate those in here who have the digital and technological where-with-all (gifting) to sleuth and employ workarounds to regain the functionality of the their Sonos systems.  Hands down… I wish I was “wired” like that.  I am not.  Therefore, I’m really, really hoping that Sonos can make the rest of us non-techies whole again with either updates or, an app specifically for tailored to us.  I would very much appreciate that.

Userlevel 2

It’s clear Sonos doesn’t give a **** about user complaints.  This has got to be part of some twisted business model where Sonos somehow ends up making more money by pissing off its loyal customers. Did investors take over the company to crash it after calculating they could maximize profit by selling off the patents?

It’s clear Sonos no longer cares about making excellent products.  I will go back to a laptop plugged in with RCA jacks to my grandpa’s 1970’s Marantz stereo before I buy another Sonos product. Sonos is suddenly overpriced.  I can get better playlist performance from old playlists burned onto CDs or Amazon pumped through JBL Bluetooth speakers. 

Userlevel 6
Badge +6

It’s clear Sonos doesn’t give a **** about user complaints.  This has got to be part of some twisted business model where Sonos somehow ends up making more money by pissing off its loyal customers. Did investors take over the company to crash it after calculating they could maximize profit by selling off the patents?

It’s clear Sonos no longer cares about making excellent products.  I will go back to a laptop plugged in with RCA jacks to my grandpa’s 1970’s Marantz stereo before I buy another Sonos product. Sonos is suddenly overpriced.  I can get better playlist performance from old playlists burned onto CDs or Amazon pumped through JBL Bluetooth speakers. 

CurtF… I have a similar set up in my upstairs office where I have two older Play 1’s and a separate Sonos library. I resurrected my old 1976 Kenwood 80 watts/channel receiver and two Advent Maestro speakers. In the Aux port, I got a Bluetooth receiver so I can port it from iTunes on my 2015 iMac to the analog/bluetooth boosted gear.  What program are you using on your laptop to push your burned music to your Marantz?  I’m looking to find a program other than iTunes to push my Sonos library through to the retro equipment.
