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unable to add songs in Apple Music to queue with new sonos app

I just updated to the new Sonos app which looks great. I use Apple Music and there’s no way to select an individual song and add it to a queue. The “play next” and “add to end of queue” options are gone. The only option is “replace queue”.  This is a big bug as I use and revise my queue all the time. Will this be addressed in future updates?

30 replies

Userlevel 1

Some acknowledgment from Sonos would be good. 
It’s still not right - can’t move items in the queue or remove individual items, but it’s moving in the right direction. 

Userlevel 1

Actually, quite unbelievable the silence on their end. Nothing reassuring, no apologies, no direction at all. I am a new customer and find it pretty surprising and mostly disappointing.

This isn’t fixed is it? Also - no mute button when you have a speaker group. Nuts! 

Userlevel 1

Yeah, not exactly fixed. Had a friend over yesterday who also is a Sonos user - we bitched about the quality of the app. The layout, design, ugly little icons, and everything. I’m half of it. It doesn’t work very well and is totally counterintuitive. At least I can put my songs in a queue now I cannot believe they have not reached out and apologized, and promised to do better. Shocking. 

Fix this issue, I paid good money for a premium sound system the best money can buy, and the app is now trash?!?

Sonos, get this fix, stop your dillydallying!

