The New Sonos App and Future Feature Updates

We set out to create a more personalized and effortless listening experience with the updated Sonos app. It was rebuilt from the ground up to ensure it could support future innovation in the years to come. For its initial rollout, we focused on how we could answer some of the most common requests from our customers, including increased reliability, performance, and faster access to music.

Many of you have shared valuable feedback on both the improvements that have made your experience better, as well as the areas where we fell short. We are listening to all of your comments and working to address them as quickly as possible. Over the coming weeks, we will reintroduce the below features, while fixing bugs and performance issues. Thank you for your engagement and we look forward to building upon this first step to create a listening experience that meets everyone’s needs.


Available now


To access these changes, check for updates in the iOS / Android app store to download the latest version of the Sonos app. Make sure your Sonos products are also up to date.

Last updated: Jul 1, 2024. See release notes.

  • Added multi-product setup for professional installers for iOS

  • Improved accessibility for configuring alarms with VoiceOver and TalkBack

  • Added autoplay setting for analog devices using line-in for Android

  • Added support for SonosNet channel selection for Android

  • Added timezone settings for iOS 

  • Added the option to forget a system in order to connect to or create a new system for iOS

Coming soon

  • Local music library search and playback: July

  • Improved playback settings including Play Now: July

  • Create and edit local music library: July

  • Improved Autoplay settings: July

  • Improved Sub audio settings with Amp: July

  • Snooze alarms: TBD

Known issues and workarounds

Our latest update resolves some of the most critical known issues, but know we have more to do. We hear your feedback and are working hard to deliver the experience you expect and deserve.

1602 replies

Userlevel 4
Badge +2

We set out to create a more personalized and effortless listening experience with the updated Sonos app. It was rebuilt from the ground up to ensure it could support future innovation in the years to come. For its initial rollout, we focused on how we could answer some of the most common requests from our customers, including increased reliability, performance, and faster access to music.

Many of you have shared valuable feedback on both the improvements that have made your experience better, as well as the areas where we fell short. We are listening to all of your comments and working to address them as quickly as possible. Over the coming weeks, we will reintroduce the below features, while fixing bugs and performance issues. Thank you for your engagement and we look forward to building upon this first step to create a listening experience that meets everyone’s needs.

  • Screen reader for visually impaired customers: May 21
  • Adding and editing alarms: May 21
  • Adding to queue and playing next: early June
  • Sleep timer: mid-June
  • Local music library search and playback: mid-June 
  • Update Wi-Fi settings: mid-June

Hey, Sonos. Just eat the humble pie and let users return to the previous version, temporarily.  Until the new app is ready.  In the mean time,  I'm going back to my old Internet radio, until you sort this nonsense out.

Userlevel 2

Not giving me access to searching my extensive local music collection - which I predominantly listen to - is totally out of order. This is my primary use of the Sonos hardware and I’m being told I have to wait over a month before there is a possibility that I can do this again.

Just roll back to the previous version of the app to at least enable users to listen to their choice of music in the way they want. Any new version of the app can be released when it works properly with existing functionality.

Despite my investment in the company and their products, the catastrophes of the last few years mean that I will no longer be considering or recommending Sonos in the future.


Can't access the radio stations I was using prior to the upgrade or Amazon Music.


Pleaee fix asap

  • Can you i see reinstate th widget to control from home screen?
  • Many thanks 


Userlevel 2

Can we get access to the previous IOS release somehow?  

You can, bit of a hassle though.

Userlevel 3

“I predict it’s going to be a VERY bumpy ride for all of us who use our Sonos systems.”

I did not spend thousands of pounds developing a Sonos system around my house for a “VERY bumpy ride” at the expense of their complete incompetence / cock ups. Surely the simplest thing is for Sonos to back down and re-release the old app while they re-think and start over.  in my view, Sonos and its retailers have an issue now in that they are selling products in the full knowledge that, at this point in time, they dont have some basic functions or work in the way that a lot of end users are buying them for. If there is no imminent resolution then I suspect retailers are in for a bumpy ride of ,at best, customer issues re setting up / difficulty using products or returned products / complaints with further negative impact for Sonos. 

Userlevel 1

I use my Sonos system exactly one way:  I keep my music files on my NAS drive and only play those files.  I can’t do that with the app on my Android phone anymore, so effectively the phone is dead as a Sonos controller.  If I did not have the Sonos S2 app on my laptop I would be 100% cut off from listening to any of my music except for the files that still show up in the “Recently Played” bar on the app.

Please give us back the S2 app for Android until you have an app that lets users play music from libraries they have spent years curating and updating. 

What were you guys thinking???

i leave my iphone in “always on” mode. I want the Sonos App up always so I can constantly change volume as I entertain guests and myself. I have four ipads throughout the house in “always on” mode as well. 

The master volume bubble that you can slide to control volume is now not as sensitive to the placement of my finger. If I am looking directly at it it is. Normally I am sitting with my iphone on a table or on the seat. So the phone is at a bit of an angle and weird as it may seem...I can’t get it to move! So now as I watch the Dallas Stars in the playoffs I can’t simply finger over and drop the volume of the commercials without picking up my phone to look directly at the face of it. 

Furthermore, allow the small box at the bottom of the screen with the room/input/volume to be moved to the top of the phone view. If I have my arm on a pillow and the phone up against the pillow I can’t see the volume control without moving the phone or the pillow. 

Lastly, I want to listen to music during the commercials of a sporting event, just like a DJ would do to keep the energy high. In the old days when a commercial came on the TV remote would get muted and the stereo remote would get unmuted and commercials are then silent and music is playing. Not everyone wants to be hyper involved in making the party better...but I do. So allow a zone to have two inputs and two volume sliders visable next to each other. Allow the zone to play both inputs if desired or in this case fade one input (commercials) down and music up. 

These kind of smart functions are what I would expect from Sonos. 



3 arcs. 5 subs. 8 fives. 8 ones. 2 Era 300’s. 1 Amp. 1 Move. 1 Roam.

P.S. Not being able to Bluetooth two Moves together, is keeping half your subscribers that own a Move from buying a second one. Personally I would by a total of four Moves for going to the park, playing pickleball, going on vaction, ect. Who wants to be considered a music man and show up with one speaker to the outside party? Making me look lame. 


Userlevel 1

None of this even matters if I cant change the volume or see what my speakers are playing because of the crippling latency between the app and the speakers. Is there a plan to fix that?

Userlevel 4
Badge +3

Apologies if I’ve missed this in earlier posts here. 

I would suggest disabling automatic device firmware updates in the controller app for the time being. I wouldn’t put it past Sonos to push out an update that would block us from using the S2 versions. This would give them perfect cover for saying no, we can’t re-publish the old versions. 


Userlevel 1

Roll the app back on the apps stores.

Find out how your customers, most of whom have paid thousands of dollars for your equipment, actually use their equipment.

Tell us how you plan to make future changes to the app.



As it stands right now, I won’t spend another dime if, tomorrow, you will remove the features that I use. And you have shown with this update, you will remove features at the drop of a hat.

Userlevel 5
Badge +4

Apologies if I’ve missed this in earlier posts here. 

I would suggest disabling automatic device firmware updates in the controller app for the time being. I wouldn’t put it past Sonos to push out an update that would block us from using the S2 versions. This would give them perfect cover for saying no, we can’t re-publish the old versions. 


Sounds like a good idea - but what are the steps to find that setting in the new app? I can’t find it. Thanks.

I use my Sonos system exactly one way:  I keep my music files on my NAS drive and only play those files.  I can’t do that with the app on my Android phone anymore, so effectively the phone is dead as a Sonos controller.  If I did not have the Sonos S2 app on my laptop I would be 100% cut off from listening to any of my music except for the files that still show up in the “Recently Played” bar on the app.

Please give us back the S2 app for Android until you have an app that lets users play music from libraries they have spent years curating and updating. 

What were you guys thinking???

Same for me.  Took 5 minutes to replace new app with pre-update version using apk mirror (

Everything back to the way it was.  Once done disable auto updates within the Sonos app and on Play Store.


Please make sure that you add ASAP a one click  option to delete the queue entirely. 

Also, why can we no longer see how much power our Sonos speaker actually has? That miniature battery icon is a utterly useless. 

Userlevel 1

does somebody from Sonos hear us please give us s2 for now 

I don’t like the new App. The alarm function went away. But the second reason I really hate it is, I go find music I want to play and then it plays in the room displayed at the bottom. So you have to start it there then move it. So how do you choose the room without messing up another rooms music? 

Userlevel 3 service with scrobbling will return when?

Userlevel 2

Really sad. The app is too broken, am going to Bluetooth music for now. Not buying any new Sonos products until I can be confident the company isn't broken too. 

Userlevel 1

This will surely become a Harvard business school case study of how to destroy a company's reputation with just one thoughtless, ill-conceived update. Everyone who authorized this must be seen off the premises first thing Monday morning. I no longer have use ipif one of my components because I have to unplug it to keep it from waking me earlier than I need it to. Thanks for nothing Keith.

Userlevel 7
Badge +3

I can only imagine that the Sonos competitors are loving this.  They could base a whole ad campaign around the fact that the Sonos system does not even support playlists or queues or other basic functions.

Userlevel 1

The app update is horrible.  I was a big proponent of sonos and recommended it to many friends.  But after this fiasco, I sadly can't endorse the products anymore. Give us back the old app ASAP and then rerelease the new app when all features are available.  Horrible customer experience for a premium product.  I've been a sonos customer since 2013, and I'm very disappointed. 

Userlevel 7
Badge +3

I think that the Sonos executives need to go visit the Wizard to trade in their courage for a brain.

Userlevel 5
Badge +2

Over the coming weeks, we will reintroduce the below features, while fixing bugs and performance issues. Thank you for your engagement and we look forward to building upon this first step to create a listening experience that meets everyone’s needs.​​​​​​

Given the timeline you put forth here: you need to put 16.1 back as the default app version until you get all of these features working again and they survive a beta test period of at least a month or two.

Version 80 should have stayed in beta -- it’s clearly not done and is not ready for production deployment!   Instead, if’s dates are correct, it was pushed to release after a 1-day beta period.


Userlevel 5
Badge +4

Over the coming weeks, we will reintroduce the below features, while fixing bugs and performance issues. Thank you for your engagement and we look forward to building upon this first step to create a listening experience that meets everyone’s needs.​​​​​​

Given the timeline you put forth here: you need to put 16.1 back as the default app version until you get all of these features working again and they survive a beta test period of at least a month or two.

Version 80 should have stayed in beta -- it’s clearly not done and is not ready for production deployment!   Instead, if’s dates are correct, it was pushed to release after a 1-day beta period.


So the timeline is now a month just to be able to drag and drop songs around in the queue?

I have to wait a month before I can do what was effortless a week ago?

OR: could we just have a roll back immediately and then we could all go back to proper queue management right now and we don’t actually have to wait a month?



Userlevel 2

Plus 1 to re-releasing the old version, like many others I use my system to play music from a NAS which is now virtually impossible from my phone but at least the app loads on that unlike on my tablet which just hangs and does nothing!
