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Dead spots on CR200

  • 14 November 2009
  • 312 replies

Hi there,

Since upgrading to 3.1 my cr200 has become unresponsive in certain parts of the scree. For example if i try and adjust the treble in the music equalisation screen I cant move the slider. If I try and slide up and down using the A-Z slider at the RHS of my music index it stutters at E and jumps to M. I have contacted Sonos who suggested that I reset the controller but to know avail. Any ideas?

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312 replies

Badge +9
just out of curiousity...though you can't grab the slider... can you still tap above or below it a few times to make it move?
I am not sure if this is related, but two screens on two controllers have become unresponsive in particular zones.

I don't think this is software.... more like a hardware problem here.
Userlevel 2
I think I'm suffering a similar problem; I can't use the 'L' button. What to do?
see this thread:
Userlevel 2
Also this thread that I started,

I had treated my CR200 really carefully, but it developed the fault after only a couple of months. Resets do not solve the problem, or at least in my case they didn't. Sonos replaced the unit no problem and they will send you out a new one before they get yours back. You just have to phone them and give them your credit card details - if you don't return the faulty unit then they will bill you. Quite understandable considering the cost of the remotes.
That's funny - this has happened to me too. I treated the controller really well - no scratches, bumps, drops etc..

Fortunately as everyone else has said, the support is good and a new unit has already been shipped out to me.

I am slightly concerned however that this may indicate a general build problem with CR200 controllers?

Or maybe all of us have had controllers from a bad batch?

It's a good job this happened after 3 months, and not 13!
Userlevel 2
Thats odd. My CR200 (as of yesterday) now have a 'dead zone' down at the bottom of the screen. I can't use 'Music menu', 'View queue' or the i. The arrow far left at the bottom works tho. I haven't used the CR200 for a few days and all of the sudden its suffering from this deadzone problem. I've tried resetting the controller to factory defaults and removing the battery for a few hours but its still acting funny. This controller is ~1 month old. Do I need to get a replacement unit?

Edit: The CR200 in question was roughly 5 months old I see looking at my products in my profile. I've been in touch with support and have received a RMA number. Good thing I have a second CR200 😛
Userlevel 2

I am slightly concerned however that this may indicate a general build problem with CR200 controllers?

I was thinking this too. Although from what more experienced members say on this site, Sonos do a lot of testing of their products before they are released, so hopefully, as you also mentioned, these were from a bad batch.
Userlevel 2
I was thinking this too. Although from what more experienced members say on this site, Sonos do a lot of testing of their products before they are released, so hopefully, as you also mentioned, these were from a bad batch.

Lets hope its just a bad batch. I notice tho that the deadspot CR200s is spread all around the globe.
Userlevel 2
My first CR200 developed this problem after about 3 months: it had two "dead" spots in the upper-right corner and middle of the screen. Reset and factory-reset did not fix the problem.

Sonos support was very cooperative when responding to my problem and shipping me a new controller.

Now, roughly 3 months later, the new controller is showing the same problem: a "dead" spot in the worst possible location, the bottom-middle where the "play/pause" button is located.

I suppose it's back to Sonos support to get a third controller. Based on my experience and others, it does seem that there is an inherent design or manufacturing flaw with the touchscreen. I am wondering if I can "downgrade" to a CR100...
Based on my experience and others, it does seem that there is an inherent design or manufacturing flaw with the touchscreen.

I hope not. Do you ever clean the screen with anything? Maybe the seals are less than perfect?
Userlevel 2
Same problem here, the strip just above the Music Menu/Queue strip is not responding. It means I can't choose all zones, use the bottom row of the keyboard etc. Very annoying.

Similar timeframe too, I bought my system in early January.

For a component that costs €350, this is not really good enough and putting me off expanding.

Maybe it's time someone from Sonos responded?
Userlevel 2
I am wondering if I can "downgrade" to a CR100...

I know what you mean, but this is not the answer. If there is a problem with the CR200 then it needs to be fixed by Sonos and replaced where necessary.
Userlevel 2
I've jumped through the hoops - over the space of three or four updates - and my controller is being collected on Monday. There was no mention of a replacement being sent just it was going back for "repair/replacement". Anybody know how long I can expect to wait or should I demand a replacement now?
Userlevel 2
I started having problems at the top right hand corner of the cr200. Emailed support who quickly provided the rma details. A couple of days later and the problem had spread to virtually the whole screen, rendering the controller completely unusable.

I delivered the offending unit to UPS 2 weeks ago today and have heard nothing since. Emailed returns dept early Thursday morning and still nothing.

Not impressed with the poor build quality of such an expensive item or the response of the returns department. Shame as the cr200 is a pleasure to use - but it will be another Touch for me next time.
Anybody know how long I can expect to wait or should I demand a replacement now?

I may be wrong, but I think it depends on where you are. I think US customers can offer a credit card number as security, and will get a replacement controller sent out before they send theirs back. UK customers get an RMA number once they have exhausted all other possible remedies, and need to send their defective unit back before Sonos dispatches a replacement. Despite UPS execrable performance, turn-around can be quite quick - within the fortnight, I seem to remember.

I delivered the offending unit to UPS 2 weeks ago today and have heard nothing since. Emailed returns dept early Thursday morning and still nothing.

UPS seems to me to be the weakest link, at least if you are a UK customer. Worth tracking the prgress of your return via their website (if it works ;))

Userlevel 2
UK customers get an RMA number once they have exhausted all other possible remedies, and need to send their defective unit back before Sonos dispatches a replacement.

Not quite right. I telephoned Sonos after I was given an RMA number via email and simply gave them my credit card number. They authorised a replacement straight away. I still used my defective controller until the new one arrived (about four days I think) and then used the packaging it came in to send my faulty CR200 back via UPS.

But I agree with others, this problem should not have happened considering the cost of the remote.

Perhaps someone from Sonos may like to comment - I understand they read these forums.
Userlevel 2
I just received my new CR200 yesterday, and so far it is working perfectly. I became aware of the touch screen problem last night when an acquaintance spoke of have two CR200 controllers that are experiencing misbehaving screens. This concerns me, and I will be watching my new CR200 for any signs of a malfunction. I had planned to sell my CR100, but now I think I should keep it for a while.
Add me to the list.....

Screen has got steadily worse over the last couple of weeks and is now very frustrating to use and I'm back to the CR100. I've emailed Sonos support.
I am having the same problem and got an RMA number yesterday. Website saying that this was not available for my region though (UK). I will call again tomorrow 😢 to try and sort it out. The dead spot is in a very problematic area.

Userlevel 2
How long are you in the UK waiting for the controller to be returned? Been waiting over a week now with no update.

Still no reply from Sonos? Their support on twitter are ignoring me on the issue as well? Is it a conscious effort to ignore it and hope it will go away? For a €350 remote control, I expect better.
Userlevel 3

Sorry to hear that your CR200 is experiencing issues. Please contact our Tech Support team directly so that we may look into the matter for you.

I hate to add a 'me too' to this thread.... but me too. My dead spot is right over the play / pause button and next track button. With the desktop and iPhone controllers it isn't devastating but the CR200 is so much nicer to use. I haven't yet contacted Sonos or my retailer but will do so when I get a chance.

We have the option in the UK of choosing to give our credit card details and get a swap out unit. You then have 14 days to return the original after they ship yours. I have just filled in the form and hope to get the return label early next week. So I am hoping to have one that I can keep using.

I'm not sure what the options are in Australia but have e-mailed Sonos and am awaiting a reply.