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Two Sub Mini's

The best thing about Sonos is their modular structure and the freedom that gives the consumer to build the setup they want. So why on earth are they not allowing two sub mini’s as they do with two subs? I’ve heard a ton of people that prefer an even distribution of lows rather than more powerful lows and we should have the option to choose between them. Especially if you live in an apartment. There is an artificial barrier that sonos has set up to try and force people to pick a sub instead of two sub minis that i don’t understand considering they make money out of the two options. 

31 replies

Not being snarky in this particular case. That I’m aware of. 

I ‘think’ it has to do with the port that the bass comes out of. But I’m also a believer in doing things that are right for me, and not worrying about what other people think. But I don’t have a mini, just two of the normal sized subs. 

Userlevel 2

Thanks again for sharing your thoughts!  At first I was fine with horizontal, but now just damn curious why the “requirement” for vert.  Anyone else with any theories?

Userlevel 7
Badge +22

I’d guess like so many other things Sonos tested the various options and picked the one that sounded the best to the most people.

I’m a big believer in following the manufacturer’s recommendations and seeing how things work set up that way. Once I have done that I have no problem trying different things to see how they work out and using the one that sounds best to me. I’m also open to moving things if the spouse is unhappy, even if they sound a bit worse.


Userlevel 2

After some deep thought, I am convinced that the only reason Sonos requires vertical for the mini, is liability!!  If they "allowed" or "endorsed" laying a sub mini in its side, guess what?? It could roll around the room, and potentially be a trip and fall trigger!  Mini, being that it's cylindrical, MUST be vertical!!!

Please put me in the camp of “I want my two sub minis to work in my one theatre” if I wanted the big honker I’d have bought the big honker lol. I want one in each corner of my room and really done care about the big honker vs sub minis. It should work. 

Please and thank you, 

a very loyal Sonos customer 

Allowing for dual sub minis, makes a lot of sense, especially for people who already own two sub minis and now would like to put them in the same room. Why would we spend $800 to buy another subwoofer when we already have two. This is a complete greed Viewpoint from Sonos to not allow this. The coding is already there to make dual subs, they just have excluded the mini from the code which would take probably 10 minutes to fix. They need to look at current economic conditions and customer demand for their product. If they piss off their customers, they will no longer have a base to sell products too . 
