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I've been living with lip sync issues (audio behind the video) since I got my Playbar about a year ago but I finally decided to do something about it. After multiple conversations with Sonos support and the LG's support people (they kept blaming each other for the audio delay), I decided to email Sonos' CEO about the issue.

After a few hours, I got a reply back from him, CCing a team manager who was going to look into the issue. We scheduled a call and he had me send various diagnostics to him. He said that the engineering team was going to investigate and get back to me.

A week later, I got an update. He told that they are still working on the issue. He also said that only one other person had reported the same issue (I assume that means that only one other person with an LG TV). So, if you're having audio delay issues and you've tried all other troubleshooting, reach out to Sonos support and have them look into it. If it helps you might mention my reference number, which has already been escalated:

Keep in mind that my setup is pretty straight forward (LG C6 OLED TV connected directly to the Playbar via Optical, audio playing from the built-in apps) and every single thing LG and Sonos suggested, including going into the TV's service menu and changing things there.

I know there are multiple post on the topic so hopefully we can solve at least some of the issues causing audio delay.

I took 10 minutes yesterday looking for such a device on Amazon, and could not find one.  Doesn’t mean they don’t exist, but Amazon US doesn’t seem to recognize the search terms I was using, I got a bunch of devices that can accept and pass an eARC signal, but none that could natively create that signal from an incoming HDMI input. 

I’d imagine there are some folks working on that right now, given there’s a rather pent up demand for such. It will be interesting to see what price point it comes in at, as most devices that include that type of electronics are TVs, and the opportunity for us to notice a significant price difference is low, since there’s so many other electronics in that package.  Perhaps someone like Flexson is already dealing with a purveyor that’s close to production? We just don’t know. 

I took 10 minutes yesterday looking for such a device on Amazon, and could not find one.  Doesn’t mean they don’t exist, but Amazon US doesn’t seem to recognize the search terms I was using, I got a bunch of devices that can accept and pass an eARC signal, but none that could natively create that signal from an incoming HDMI input. 

I’d imagine there are some folks working on that right now, given there’s a rather pent up demand for such. It will be interesting to see what price point it comes in at, as most devices that include that type of electronics are TVs, and the opportunity for us to notice a significant price difference is low, since there’s so many other electronics in that package.  Perhaps someone like Flexson is already dealing with a purveyor that’s close to production? We just don’t know. 

Here is one I found earlier on amazon


XOLORspace 63021PRO 1x2 4K 60HZ HDMI Splitter YCbCr 4:4:4 8 bit HDR 1 HDMI input 1 HDMI audio/video output and 1 HDMI audio output only, with audio extractor Optical, stereo 

That device doesn’t create eARC, it merely passes it along when it’s connected to an eARC device that is sending it (via HDMI 1)

That device doesn’t create eARC, it merely passes it along when it’s connected to an eARC device that is sending it (via HDMI 1)

You’re right. Realised it today after reading up on the ARC input requirements of the Beam and Arc. What we need is a splitter that can mimic an eARC. 



Can B9/C9 owners confirm if audio sync is still a problem in those models? I’ve heard a firmware update fixed it. Thanks

@Marc_51, as soon as I find one, I’ll be posting it where ever I can. So far, nada. But then again, I suspect the market for such a device has increased many fold, so it would not surprise me to see something two or three months down the road. I’ll make do with HDMI-ARC for now. 

I found the weirdest thing today. Whenever I watch Netflix, Disney+, etc via my Apple TV I always get lip sync issues. However, when I watch something on Apple TV+ it will stream in 5.1 DD with no lip sync whatsoever. It’s really weird. One day I’ll figure it out but I will probably have got an eARC TV by then. 

I’m not sure if you mean no lip sync issues, or no lip sync.

If you set your Apple Tav’s audio settings properly, it will only send Dolby Digital audio to your TV, and the TV would then forward that to your Sonos.

That may be a moot point when Sonos releases S2, we don’t know yet, and it would also depend on your connection method. For instance, I have an optical connection, which I believe can’t carry Dolby Digital Plus anyway. 

Just to clarify, my ATV is set to output DD5.1. And my beam was connected using ARC. There is a lip sync issue with all apps except the TV+, which for some reason is perfectly in sync. Just thought it was strange. When I connect to the beam using optical everything is in sync anyway.

I was just experimenting as I would like to go back to ARC instead of optical as it’s just messy using audio extractors and optical switches, and would save a lot of excess cables behind the tv unit. 

I'm having the same issue. Just bought a new LG C7, Xbox One X. It is just terrible. You should plug in a pair of headphones into your xbox controller and you'll see just how bad it is. I haven't set up my Roku yet to see if I have the same issue, but it sounds like I will. Very disappointing. When I was playing Destiny it was crazy bad. My shots sounded like they were an echo.

Quite remarkably I came to this forum because I’ve just got a Sonos Beam with surround. An Xbox One X and noticed severe audio delay when playing Destiny. It’s unusable. However comforting to find I’m not the only one with the issue it’s exceptionally disappointing that your post was 2 years ago and the problem remains. What a shame

Sonos can only play a sound as quickly as it is handed the sound on a digital input. All analog inputs are subject to the 70 ms delay for buffering that Sonos requires. 

It is indeed unfortunate that there are many TVs that apparently can’t pass through an HDMI input without processing and delaying that input. 

Sonos can only play a sound as quickly as it is handed the sound on a digital input. All analog inputs are subject to the 70 ms delay for buffering that Sonos requires. 

It is indeed unfortunate that there are many TVs that apparently can’t pass through an HDMI input without processing and delaying that input. 

Hi Bruce, sorry you’re right I didn’t make it clear, having read through this forum thread (and countless others) I completely agree it doesn’t seem to be a Sonos problem at all. In fact it seems to be somewhere between TV manufacturers and, in my case, Xbox. As all my media comes from the Xbox, I’ve opted for the optical adapter solution which has completely eliminated the problem.

Worth noting, I was still able to pair my TV remote for volume control via the Sonos app. The only real caveat of using optical over Arc is the loss of TV control via Google Assistant or Alexa. Neither of which was a deal breaker for me.

Ah, understood. There are many people that want to point the finger at Sonos. While Sonos does have some limitations, this isn’t one of them. 

Yea, optical only travels one way, so the Sonos can’t communicate back up the line to tell the TV what to do. Probably why the system is called HDMI-CEC, and not Optical-CEC :)


Have the sony x900f and experiencing noticeable lag with ARC and optical..

Currently have it setup via optical as I didn't want to lose one of the enhanced hdmi ports on the back of the TV.. Inbuilt apps work fine with the exception of Disney plus which only outputs stereo for some reason, but the sky satellite box and xbox (was aware of the xbox problem) have issues with the sound being after the video..

Am I correct in thinking that an optical switch would alleviate these issues, I guess the problem then is that optical won't carry dolby digital plus so you'd have to make sure each of your input devices have an audio setting to output just plain dolby digital correct? 

Still new to all this..


Edit : purchased the following from amazon and hoping it solves my issues:


Have the sony x900f and experiencing noticeable lag with ARC and optical..

Currently have it setup via optical as I didn't want to lose one of the enhanced hdmi ports on the back of the TV.. Inbuilt apps work fine with the exception of Disney plus which only outputs stereo for some reason, but the sky satellite box and xbox (was aware of the xbox problem) have issues with the sound being after the video..

Am I correct in thinking that an optical switch would alleviate these issues, I guess the problem then is that optical won't carry dolby digital plus so you'd have to make sure each of your input devices have an audio setting to output just plain dolby digital correct? 

Still new to all this..


Edit : purchased the following from amazon and hoping it solves my issues:


I have the same issues on my Panasonic. I have connected all external sources to the Beam using optical via a switch and picture and sound are perfectly in sync. You have to make sure that all sources output DD 5.1 only. 


Hi, my turn to complain ahah. I have a Philips 43PUS7354 and a Sonos Beam which works perfectly while watching content from apps inside the TV (Kodi, Netflix, Amazon Prime Video...), but when I use a PS4, there is a delay in audio of something between 0,5 to 1 second, which is very annoying, specially in FPS. I’ve set my TV settings to “Multichannel” output and my PS4 to “Bitstream (Dolby)”. The sound is great with 5.1 output but with a delay. If I put the PS4 to “Linear PCM” and/or the TV to “Stereo”, then there is no delay, but it’s much less immersive… I tried pretty much every combination (HDMI or Optical), and if I connect directly the Beam in the Optical output of the PS4, I get 5.1 and no delay. So there’s definitely something in the processing by the TV that delays audio. 

I have an hypothesis : when the Beam is plugged into the PS4, the Beam tells “I want DD 5.1” so the PS4 decode the audio, encode it in the right format and passes it to the Beam. With a TV in the middle, the PS4 decode the audio, encode it to whichever format the TV accept (and it can accept a lot), which is then decoded by the TV and reencoded in DD 5.1 to be send to the Beam. The extra process could explain the delay, which could depend on the power of the TV. 

I could be totally wrong on this, but if it’s true, there is no viable solution, except asking Sonos to support to support more format (DTS, Dolby Digital Plus) or asking TV manufacturer to put an option to manually set the audio format the TV can accept through its HDMI ports. 

Since the Sonos effectively plays the audio information handed to it as quickly as possible, it sure seems like the issue is upstream from the Sonos.

I have a Marantz NR1510 AV Receiver and don’t experience any audio delay or audio sync issues.  What is it with these Sonos soundbars that cause these audio sync issues?

I briefly owned a Beam and returned it after having audio delay and not wanting to deal with optical switches, etc..  I currently have a Sonos Arc on pre-order and am hoping it doesn’t have the same audio sync issues as the Beam I tried.

I’ve tested to unplug the beam, and by passing Bistream Dolby from the PS4, there is also a delay in the audio from the internal TV speaker. This means that the problem is the TV processing audio coming from HDMI sources causing the delay. So if there is a delay with the Beam, the Arc should also experience the same issue… I’ve read a lot about this and it seems that many TVs have trouble to pass audio from one HDMI source to another, inducing a delay. 

Agreed. In every case with a solution, it has been the processing / delay caused by the TV. Bypassing the TV’s audio stream has resolved the issue, which certainly relieves any responsibility from Sonos. The challenge then shifts to the handling of data from smart apps in the TV. 

So I’m not having this issue with my LG CX and Marantz NR1510 because all of my sources are connected to the Marantz instead of directly to the TV?

Possibly, yes. I’m guessing you’re stripping out the audio signal before it gets to the TV’s electronics. 

So then this issue wouldn’t be there if the Sonos Arc had multiple HDMI inputs like a regular soundbar / AV Receiver and I had all my sourced going through the Sonos Arc.

Nor would it be there if some TV manufacturers would pass through the audio without adding a delay to the signal. 

For instance, I have two Vizio TVs, and not an issue at all. 

That is indeed what is usually recommended (you theoretically get a better audio signal since it goes directly to the speaker and is not passed through multiple sources).