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how do i stop google assistant using tunein

I listen to my music through Sonos speakers and use Google assistant on  hubs to voice control these.

Up until this week BBC radio was available on TuneIn the radio app which Sonos used to radio stations. This now doesn't work which is fine as it advised I linked BBC sounds . I can listen to the BBC through the Sonos app all good. Problem is if I ask assistant to play BBC  radio 1 on sonos the reply is " playing BBC radio 1 from tune in " this results in silence .  I've deleted TuneIn from Sonos and it's still doing it. Even if I use the command "play BBC radio 1 from BBC" it either doesn't understand or just gives the same playing from TuneIn reply.  It also does it for all stations like radio X or heart . What command can I use or change stop assistant using TuneIn ?

Thanks sarah

54 replies

Still no fix for this? Unlike some others here I find depending on how I ask Google Assistant to play BBC Radio 2, it will either play nothing as it's not accessible, or occasionally it plays BBC Radio Cymru 2 on TuneIn as it finds that to be a match. As a non-Welsh speaker this was somewhat surprising to say the least. If you ask it to play BBC radio 6music it doesn't do anything as obviously this has been made inaccessible via TuneIn

Userlevel 7
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Well, you’re mostly right, in my opinion. It is a Google problem, they’re the ones who need to fix it. Sonos doesn’t have any control over that. 


Same issue here. Relived it's not just me. It's been driving me mad!


Same issue here, I asked google to play bbc radio 2 on bbc sound, it responses fine but it seems it’s a foreign language radio station???

Same issue here

Badge +1

Considering how much BBC are currently pushing this functionality on R2 it really would be nice if it worked on Google assistant. I really don’t think this is a Sonos thing, we have the same thing on various Google/Nest hubs. If asking to play BBC Radio 2 or any other permutation (including from BBC Sounds) we just get BBC Wales 2 from TuenIn. Can’t see anywhere to a) tell it to use BBC Sounds or, b) tell it not to use TuneIn.

Userlevel 1

Latest situation (8 months ago) is here. I’ve just asked @chriskimber for an update via Twitter because it’s still not fixed. Asking Google Assistant to play BBC Radio 2 on Sonos still starts playing BBC Cymru 2.

Userlevel 3
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Latest situation (8 months ago) is here. I’ve just asked @chriskimber for an update via Twitter because it’s still not fixed. Asking Google Assistant to play BBC Radio 2 on Sonos still starts playing BBC Cymru 2.


sorry not to have better news on this issue. We would like to enable Google Assistant to work with BBC Sounds on Sonos, but unfortunately we are not able to (it requires Sonos to do work which is not forthcoming). The Cymru2 stream playing is actually an anomaly itself. We will continue to try to rectify but its not within our control.

Userlevel 1

Latest situation (8 months ago) is here. I’ve just asked @chriskimber for an update via Twitter because it’s still not fixed. Asking Google Assistant to play BBC Radio 2 on Sonos still starts playing BBC Cymru 2.


sorry not to have better news on this issue. We would like to enable Google Assistant to work with BBC Sounds on Sonos, but unfortunately we are not able to (it requires Sonos to do work which is not forthcoming). The Cymru2 stream playing is actually an anomaly itself. We will continue to try to rectify but its not within our control.

Thanks Chris, this sounds like as a community of UK Sonos users we need to hassle Sonos ourselves to do the work on your/our behalf. Is there any kind of reference (other than your message above) that we can quote to try to link this up with communications that the BBC has been having directly with Sonos?

Userlevel 7
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Where does the knowledge “it requires Sonos to do work which is not forthcoming”, come from - when Sonos denies this and even on Google speakers it does not work.

Userlevel 3
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Where does the knowledge “it requires Sonos to do work which is not forthcoming”, come from - when Sonos denies this and even on Google speakers it does not work.

I’m a product manager on BBC Sounds and worked on the Sonos integration, that’s where this info comes from. We have spoken with both google and Sonos about the issue.

Badge +1

Where does the knowledge “it requires Sonos to do work which is not forthcoming”, come from - when Sonos denies this and even on Google speakers it does not work.

I’m a product manager on BBC Sounds and worked on the Sonos integration, that’s where this info comes from. We have spoken with both google and Sonos about the issue.

it may be worth reaching out to google too then  as it does not work on the Google/Nest hubs either. We get exactly the same problem with them along with Google assistant as the voice service on the Sonos



I am trying to set up Google assistant on my iPhone and Sonos app. Google assistant tells me it will use otheraccounts  preferences on shared devices  but still picks up TunIn or plays Cymru2. I have no devices with TuneIn so it  really feels like this is coming ftom Google as Sonos is now working very well with BBC Sounds all be it I have to use the touch stream. 

I hope the fix comes soon but I can imagin it is not a priority ????

Userlevel 3
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Where does the knowledge “it requires Sonos to do work which is not forthcoming”, come from - when Sonos denies this and even on Google speakers it does not work.

I’m a product manager on BBC Sounds and worked on the Sonos integration, that’s where this info comes from. We have spoken with both google and Sonos about the issue.

it may be worth reaching out to google too then  as it does not work on the Google/Nest hubs either. We get exactly the same problem with them along with Google assistant as the voice service on the Sonos


We did. As I said in my first reply!

Ha!   Thought I was going mad this morning.  My daughter asked if I wanted to buy her Sonos speakers as it was so easy playing radio 6 by just asking her Google speaker.  I thought surely you could link Sonos to assistant then ask in the usual fashion....tried myself and up comes BBC radio cymru....why?  Is it the first radio 2 in the list of UK BBC 2's.   Bloody hell, pia

Anybody sent a message to Patrick Spence himself (Sonos CEO)?


Hi all, I recently joined the Sonos community after some Christmas pressies! But so disappointed this issue exists as playing bbc radio via voice is one of the main features I use. Having to open the app to play it feels like such a backward step. Having an old hifi was faster! 

A fix I tried was adding a custom radio station to tune in using the streaming URL, but then when I ask google assistant to play it, it cannot find the new custom station, so this didn’t solve it unfortunately.


I have spoken with tech support and they’ve raised this as a feature request with the development team. I did say it was almost certainly already a request and could I bump that one instead but they said they couldn’t access the list). This is opened as case number **********


I have also emailed the CEO with this email:


Hello Mr Spence,


I wanted to first thank you for Sonos being such an awesome company. I always wanted to buy in to the system and have at last been able to afford to.

However I have been deeply disappointed that the main feature I wanted does not work.


I have replaced a google home speaker with 2x Sonos One speakers as a stereo pair, one with google assistant. The sound is astonishing, I love it! I was telling everyone how great this was.

However when I asked the voice assistant to play radio 2 it kept playing BBC radio 2 Wales. I thought this would be a simple location fix.


However I have now discovered it is not possible to play bbc radio stations through google voice assistant.

This is a huge issue for me as it was the main feature I wanted. I now have to get out my phone to launch radio 2, which is more faff than even an old hifi! I can imagine this sounds like a small thing to some people, but it is literally the thing I do multiple times a day every day.


There are many in the community who cannot believe this problem exists and also looking for a solution. (see here:

I have also spoken with Sonos technical help who have opened a feature request for this, though they couldn't tell me if there was already a request (which I assume there are many of the same already).

It is case number ********.


I hope this can be fixed soon, or I will be reviewing the speakers very poorly unfortunately as they are not the same as the google home, but with good sound quality, which is what I understood they would do for me,


Moderator Edit: removed case numbers

Another UK user. here.  It doesn't work on Alexa or Google Assistant on a play 1 or 3 for UK users. TThe speaker always tries to use tune-in.  This all worked fine before the tune-in to BBC sounds change.  Support will not help unfortunately.  Just say its not supported for my speaker even though it used to work fine and all other music services work.   Not happy with Sonos on this one.

Any update on this, seems to be a pretty basic function that's missing?

And is there any reason Sonos keep closing older threads on the same issue, hoping it’ll go away?

Can I pointlessly add my opinion 


it’s such a shame it doesn’t work because its perfect on my other Google devices. The G Devices use BBC Sounds and even gives you a picture for the radio station on the Google Max ( shame it doesn’t give you current listening info but it works other than that ).


I presume that BBC Sounds is another casualty of the stupid war between Sonos and Google. Like the inability to properly link Google and Sonos speakers this will just be another problem that never gets fixed.

Hi All,

Me again,  I emailed "the ceo" using Sonos' link om their support page. I'll paste the reply below but in tldr fashion: 

- Sonos are not fixing it

- Sonos say it is not their fault 

- They don't seem to acknowledge the importance of this


- i have put a google nest speaker next to my sonos unit and use it for everything assistant related 

- i have switched Sonos to use Alexa instead of google assistant and this supports bbc sounds with no problems

- im actually pretty happy with this setup overall because the google nest hears me better than the sonos One gen2 did and seems more reliable with shopping lists etc, and Alexa on the sonos seems more reliable with asking for playlists, or spotify tracks or radio stations too so best of both worlds

- for google loyalists, I am one too and this is the first time i had to use Alexa

- it also let me finally use my ring doorbell system with Alexa as had never done this before.

Hope this helps!


The email back from Sonos:


Hello XXXX

Thank you for taking the time to reach out to Sonos. 

My name is Ünal, and I'm an Escalation Specialist on the Customer Experience team here at Sonos.
Our CEO, Patrick, let me know that you had contacted us and asked me to reach out to you in order to be of assistance.

Thank you very much for your kind words! 

I understand that you are having difficulty using your Sonos system and the voice assistant from Google when you try to listen to BBC Radio, which can be frustrating, and I would like to let you know that the feature to play BBC Radio via a voice assistant does not work on Google Assistant given that BBC has changed the way they handle their radio stations. They make announcements about this change even on their own radio stations. If you're a listener of theirs, you've more than likely heard the changes they make. 

As BBC are making changes to the way they distribute BBC radio services, we recommend that if you are listening in the UK you add the BBC Sounds content service to your Sonos app for continued uninterrupted listening. If you are not in the UK we recommend you install the BBC Sounds app on your mobile and cast it to your Sonos device. For further information please see here

Besides, the commands that Google Assistant accepts are not controlled by us. Everything is controlled by the Google team. They also determine what actions the Google Assistant can perform. 

As my colleague told you, we will treat this matter as a feature request. I want to assure you that all of these requirements go forward to our engineering team, who will take all necessary actions to try to add the features requested by customers to Sonos products. I can't promise that this will happen as it is a more sensitive situation due to the changes the BBC are making.

Your case number is xxxDELETEDxxx.

I would like to thank you in advance for your understanding. 

If there is anything else that I can help you with, please let me know and I will be more than happy to assist you! 

I wish you a great rest of the day! 

With best regards,

Ünal C


Just to add my frustration to the general discontent.  I bought Sonos One speakers after hearing the quality of the sound and in the belief they work fine with google only to find, as others, that you can’t get BBC radio on them except through the app not voice control.  So infuriating and thought it was me initially.  I can see not now and agree with all others whoever needs to resolve it should do so ASAP for all our sanity.  Customers getting caught in corporate crossfire I fear.

My wife refuses to use an App to listen to the radio in the kitchen. This leaves me feeling bit shame-faced after investing significant money on a Play Five and a Move.

She now hates Sonos with a vengeance and takes every opportunity to castigate me for spending so much for something she can't easily use. I have now went back in time and bought a radio for the kitchen. She's happy - I'm not!

Oh this is awkward, I think we might be married to the same person 😂

Ha-ha! There is however a serious point. This anomaly is alienating many people. Just think you are cooking in the kitchen. Your so-called Sonos Smart speaker not so smart that if you want to listen to BBC 6 Music you have to down tools - wash your hands - find your phone - and use an App simply to get the radio. It is just bonkers! I have another cheap Onkyo Smart speaker in a bedroom - absolutely no issue asking Google to put BBC Radio on. 
