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Unable to browse music - there was a problem connecting to Apple Music

  • 14 January 2024
  • 10 replies

Really struggling to stream Apple Music using the Sonos app. I keep seeing “Unable to browse music - there was a problem connecting to Apple Music”. Though after several attempts I can get some of my albums to display. Then when I select an album to play the message reappears, or a couple of random tracks from the album might play.

Problem occurs on Mac, iPad and iPhone. 
Only change to my system is new fibre modem installed last week. Router and WiFi network however are unchanged. All my other 20 networked items are behaving just fine.

I’m at a loss as to what the issue might be. Any suggestions appreciated.

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10 replies

Have you rebooted your entire network, starting from your router down to the speakers? I could easily see some sort of DNS change with the new fiber not being properly transmitted from the modem to the router, etc, causing issues. 


Have you rebooted your entire network, starting from your router down to the speakers? I could easily see some sort of DNS change with the new fiber not being properly transmitted from the modem to the router, etc, causing issues. 

Thanks Bruce.

So far I’ve rebooted each of the speakers, removed Apple Music from Sonos and re-registered, but not restarted router. I’ll have a look tomorrow 


Remember to reboot the speakers after you reboot the modem/router. Or have them powered off while the router is rebooted…

I’m not guaranteeing this, but it’s a possibility, especially with a new router. 


No joy I’m afraid. Also tried changing DNS to google’s (, but no difference there either.

I’ll pursue with Telephone Support (I had an hour on Chat yesterday and tried everything they suggested). 


Telephone support had me go through uninstall/reinstall of Sonos and Apple Music apps, and removal and reconnecting Apple Music service in the Sonos app. Still no joy. 

It then transpired, after connecting to another department, that there is a known issue at the moment which is under active investigation by Sonos…


Still waiting.., 😡

I’ve resorted to using AirPlay 


Checked again with Sonos. They are ‘working’ on the issue (how long do they need…??).

Why nothing showing on the status page - 🤔 


Now that I’ve removed Apple Music, I am unable to add it back. Whats going on Sonos??

That certainly suggests something is blocking the ability of your Sonos speakers in reaching the Apple or Sonos servers properly. Are you running any VPN, work profiles, port blocking software, or virus protection? Have you tried connecting at least one Sonos device to your router with an Ethernet cable? Sometimes (but not always), that can help. 

What did Sonos Support say when you called back in?

In answer to your question, weeks to months, if they’re even working on the issue. Given that you’re the only one who appears to be reporting this, I would not think it is as important to others that have multiple diagnostics submitted and called in, so that the data can be passed to an engineer. Hard data is always preferable to an anecdotal report, it gives someone a better chance of understanding and reproducing the issue, so that it can be fixed. If Sonos support says they’re working on something, though, that’s a good sign. The real question is how much to does the fix they’re working on match the issue you’re reporting. Unfortunately, a single symptom doesn’t match with a single issue, networking is complex. 


Apple Music seems to be working properly again (today). Hoping the issue is now resolved…🤞🤞