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Unable to Browse Music - Imported Playlist

Like everyone else, I have had so many issues with the app. I was finally able to install/index my music library from iTunes. However, it unfortunately stopped working.  I called support and the reuploaded it for me. Now I get the message “UNABLE TO BROWSE MUSIC” if i click on a specific playlist, artist or song. I have called customer support twice on this issue and they just delete and reupload my music library. However, once the library is fully indexed/uploaded, I get the same message. So reuploading the music library is not the solution. If I try to access my music library from the app on my iPhone, it either won’t show my imported music library or say “error, try again” if I try to play a song from it.

I have a Mac and an iPhone. Has anyone else had this issue? Any solutions?

50 replies

After recently updating the Sonos app on my laptop that uses Windows, I keep getting the same issue “unable to browse music” that many others have mentioned. I’m writing this message out of pure frustration after wasting plenty of my time trying to figure out how to get access to my music library on this app. There’s a problem when Sonos can flood you with sales ads to get you to buy more of their products but when it comes to support and transparency … nothing, not a word.

I have now gone through several Sonos app issues, Airplay not connecting to Sonos speakers (but Airplay connects to all my other devices), updates that lose your complete music library and now this issue with the “unable to browse music”. Like a lot of other folks, I have put a lot of time in building up my personal music library, I don’t just listen to streaming music stations. There should be no reason for these constant errors in your software updates and least alone for Sonos to just quietly sit there without any effort to reach out to their customers and alert everyone regarding these mistakes and how soon they will be corrected.

 I will end this with a message directed to Sonos upper sales management; I for one will not invest another penny or advise anyone else I know to buy any Sonos product until this company gets it’s technical support act together and I can feel confident that when I open up this app and know I can enjoy and or entertain others with this great sounding product. There is no point to have an audio system when you are limited to what and how you can play your music on it. 

Userlevel 7
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After recently updating the Sonos app on my laptop that uses Windows, I keep getting the same issue “unable to browse music” that many others have mentioned. I’m writing this message out of pure frustration after wasting plenty of my time trying to figure out how to get access to my music library on this app. There’s a problem when Sonos can flood you with sales ads to get you to buy more of their products but when it comes to support and transparency … nothing, not a word.

I have now gone through several Sonos app issues, Airplay not connecting to Sonos speakers (but Airplay connects to all my other devices), updates that lose your complete music library and now this issue with the “unable to browse music”. Like a lot of other folks, I have put a lot of time in building up my personal music library, I don’t just listen to streaming music stations. There should be no reason for these constant errors in your software updates and least alone for Sonos to just quietly sit there without any effort to reach out to their customers and alert everyone regarding these mistakes and how soon they will be corrected.

 I will end this with a message directed to Sonos upper sales management; I for one will not invest another penny or advise anyone else I know to buy any Sonos product until this company gets it’s technical support act together and I can feel confident that when I open up this app and know I can enjoy and or entertain others with this great sounding product. There is no point to have an audio system when you are limited to what and how you can play your music on it. 

I know you’re on Windows but did you also update the phone app this week which addressed some of the music library access issues? And then go to Settings - Manage - System Updates - Check for Updates to check whether the speaker firmware needs an update? 
I wonder if that might then have a positive knock-on with your Windows app…

I’m also affected by the “Unable to browse music” Playlist problem in current versions on both Windows and iOS.

Don’t waste time trying to troubleshoot this like I did. Sonos caused this issue with bad updates and I suspect that only they will be able to fix it with a new release...

Same here - has been stable and working for years, now even on the pc app (iphone app is of no use now of course) can’t play playlist, can’t browse library. Things just keep getting worse and worse.

Userlevel 7
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(iphone app is of no use now of course) can’t play playlist, can’t browse library.

Even after the iOS and Android app update on Monday that fixed many music library issues?

Userlevel 1
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Same issue here. Not able to browse. Was working fine before the software regression was released. 

After Crowdstirke, you’d think Change Control and the Quality Control chain (if one even exists) would be more restrictive. As a systems engineer, it floors me that something like this was built and then approved. How does that happen?

Yes I have checked for updates on my phone app and all is current for both. Just for the record, neither phone nor laptop will play my playlist. Thxs, I do appreciate your reply


I’m having the same issue and was going to call Sonos but it sounds like this is a software issue that hopefully they will fix in the near future.  I use iTunes playlists on a WD My Cloud NAS drive with my Sonos Connect and am unable to view or play any songs on my playlists.  I can still play the iTunes songs by using Songs, Albums, or Artists, but when I try to open up a playlist, it says “Unable To Browse Music”.   Everything is updated and current.  I tried uninstalling everything and reinstalling it but that didn’t do any good.  Thanks to the people on this thread because now I know it’s not just me.  I’ll be keeping an eye on this thread to see if there are any updates.

Hey, judging by the email letter sent today from the CEO Mr. Spence, someone must have finally told the emperor about the new clothes Sonos tech dept. has been putting out. This matter is past sooner and now in the later stage of the game, especially since issues have been coming up going back to May with upgrades to the app. I must say there’s also a need to upgrade the level of testing and quality control if things have gotten this bad on a consistent basis. Sono's products are only as good in their sound as they are good in how they work.  

hey guys, did someone got the issue Unable to Browse Music - Imported Playlist solved?

No change after latest update 😔

Userlevel 1
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A workaround for me has been to go to Sonos Playlists and select Play Now. At least it fills the queue with that. Can’t browse them though. 

It’s about a week now and still no fix. I wish they would at least push out a roll back version. 


So, I’m not the technical guru but if this latest version for the app is not working, wouldn't it be a better option to rollback it back and return an older version that works. Which I think would have less complaints than having nothing that works and waiting until who knows when for a fix. If someone at Sonos actually follows these messages, is that too much to ask? 

So, I’m not the technical guru but if this latest version for the app is not working, wouldn't it be a better option to rollback it back and return an older version that works. Which I think would have less complaints than having nothing that works and waiting until who knows when for a fix. If someone at Sonos actually follows these messages, is that too much to ask? 


You aren’t going to get a rollback.  Sonos released the app half-baked because they promised investors a release of their new headphones before the end of the fiscal year.  So there’s no way they are letting people revert back to an app that doesn’t support the headphones.

It is unbelievable that this company is still in business.  What a piece of junkware their “Controller” application is.  I finally got my music library back (I fixed it myself after the penultimate “update”) then to only have another update this week that screwed it all up again.  

I truly don’t care that the CEO, Patrick Spence, invites emails.  Who really believes he reads them?  Who really believes that he cares about the end user?  I’m sure he’s got a comfy golden parachute and the Company’s stock hasn’t crashed . . . yet.   I am sooooo over Sonos.  

Same here - I have all the latest updates on my iPhone, iPad and iMac.  Can’t play my music.  I’ve been a Sonos user since Sonos first came out.  I recently updated my equipment from legacy S1 stuff to brand new equipment with S2 software.  I’ve had a ton of trouble.  Lost functionality in the way of features.  I see they added a few features back but now I can’t access my music or playlists.  It's embarrassing and frustrating to have friends over when you can’t play your music on thousands of dollars worth equipment.  I was hoping with the July 22nd release I would be back up and running but no such luck.

Userlevel 1

Same problem. Unable to use my playlist. “Unable to Browse”. Unable to replace que. This seems to happen all too often. I waste a lot of time trying to figure what is going on- restarting my computer, re-indexing, etc. Only to find out it is a Sonos problem. Don’t you test your new software releases??? You at least need to notify your customers when this happens,  so we don’t waste so much time. 


There’s an app update available now that tackles music library issues. 

Queue management is coming end August.

It tackled the music library all right, just not for the good. It was actually this latest Sonos update from about a week ago that caused all the issues regarding imported playlists, among many other things. After hours of working on this prior to that update, I finally had everything working. Then that update wiped it all out. I would’ve liked to have given Sonos the opportunity to fix it all, but it’s now been 2 months of a lot of wasted time. Now I am told to wait until August ?. What will it be then ?. Sept or Oct ?. I could never get away with doing my job in this manner. And when I stop to think about the cost of Sonos products, it makes this that much more unacceptable.

So incredibly disappointing.  Spent hundreds of hours creating my Itunes playlists and have enjoyed them on Sonos for years.   Until now.  I am completely frustrated and have wasted many additional hours trying to figure out why things changed.  Fix the damn problem, please.  

Userlevel 1

I’ve found a workaround for not being able to play the playlists I’ve created in the Mac Music app. If I try to play them via the Sonos phone app via Your Sources > Music Library > Imported Playlists, it still fails. I can see all my playlists but get the “Something went wrong” error if I try to view or play them.  However, I am an Apple Music subscriber and also have an iTunes Match subscription. If I go to Your Services > Apple Music > Playlists, I can access and play all the playlists I’ve created on my Mac. I can use basically the same technique on the Sonos Controller app on my Mac.

I realize this fix may only apply to Apple Music/iTunes Match subscribers, but for me it successfully allows me to play all my playlists. Of course the overall Sonos app is still riddled with bugs. I just had to reboot my Mac because the Sonos app suddenly and inexplicably couldn’t find my music library. (Eye roll.) Rebooting fixed the error—for now.

Userlevel 1

Same here - I have all the latest updates on my iPhone, iPad and iMac.  Can’t play my music.  I’ve been a Sonos user since Sonos first came out.  I recently updated my equipment from legacy S1 stuff to brand new equipment with S2 software.  I’ve had a ton of trouble.  Lost functionality in the way of features.  I see they added a few features back but now I can’t access my music or playlists.  It's embarrassing and frustrating to have friends over when you can’t play your music on thousands of dollars worth equipment.  I was hoping with the July 22nd release I would be back up and running but no such luck.

Boy, ain’t that the truth. It’s summertime and this is when we have friends over. Listening to music is a constant. It’s embarrassing when what you want to listen to doesn’t work. As I try to defend my purchases of Sonos products to my friends, they say no thanks. You’d think that Sonos who used to be a top name would try and do better. They’ve actually made things worse with each update. Sorry Sonos, but you’ve turned your name into mud to a lot of people. I’d be curious to know who is going to be held responsible at Sonos for the disasters they have created since last May. This can’t be good for Sonos shareholders.

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Latest update (Version: 16.3.1 (build 80155240) fixed browsing 

Userlevel 7
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I believe this has been fixed with the latest firmware 16.3.1.

New update working. Thanks fox fixing what u broke @Sonos!


Fixed for me too!  Woo hoo!

Userlevel 1

Appears to be working for me thru the Windows App, but not yet thru the iOS app.  At least I’m back in business!  Whew!
