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problem updating Sonos One SL

  • 24 June 2024
  • 8 replies

I keep getting Error 1000 when I try to set up my new ONE SL speakers. The update needed popup blocks me from using anything in the Sonos app and keep leading me to the error code. There's no way to bypass it and play existing speakers. Very frustrating! About to return all $2500 of speakers today!

8 replies

Badge +1

I'm in the same boat. Just purchased two of these and they're nothing but paper weights. My roam just packed it in as well. I'm ready to burn this crap to the ground. Why isn't there a solution to this problem? 

Userlevel 5
Badge +5

Check out this thread:


I'm in the same boat. Just purchased two of these and they're nothing but paper weights. My roam just packed it in as well. I'm ready to burn this crap to the ground. Why isn't there a solution to this problem? 

Customer service helped me out yesterday morning. Download the sonos app from their website and connect your patch cable from your router to the back of the speaker. Go to your phone app and add speaker. When it tells you that you need an update on your phone app, go back to the computer and update it there instead. Once that goes through on the computer, go back to your phone app go to settings, click the speaker that is now added but not registered and click it. Then click "fiix"  that worked for me

Badge +1

This is still not working. If this is indeed the "fix" why would Sonos not post it?

I'm so frustrated. Almost two decades of using Sonos and it's high priced garbage now.

This is still not working. If this is indeed the "fix" why would Sonos not post it?

I'm so frustrated. Almost two decades of using Sonos and it's high priced garbage now.

Sorry if it wasn't clear before but you need to download the Sonos app on your computer first. Keep the app on the computer open while you set up the new speaker on your phone app. Once it starts setting up the speaker on your phone, the computer app will say it needs to be updated, so you click on the computer app to update it while you keep your phone app open. I just setup my Sub yesterday this way without issue. Keep in mind that I had to have an ethernet patch cable from the new speaker directly to the modem (or router) for it to work. I asked the customer service why this wasn't posted as a current work around and with a thick Indian call center accent, he said, "our engineers are working 24/7 to fix this app issue"...which translates to: "I'm told what to say and I'm not willing or smart enough to tell managers about this obvious workaround solution they should post on forums while they fix the actual issue because I want to keep my job instead."

Badge +1

Awesome sauce!

Thank you so much. A couple hick-ups but got there in the end. It appears to be working for now.

My blood pressure thanks you as well. 


Awesome sauce!

Thank you so much. A couple hick-ups but got there in the end. It appears to be working for now.

My blood pressure thanks you as well. 


I love to hear it. Happy I could help brother!

Badge +1

Recent troubles with SL One
It must have been too good to be true that this would last.
Lost contact with one of my SL Ones, cannot get it to join, tried everything including this method which is no longer is working.
Here we go again..
