New App is a Disaster!!

Userlevel 4

It doesn’t sync my speakers.  There is a huge lag between adjusting volume and effect. Pressing pause or stop took more than 5 seconds to register. 

It’s utterly unintuitive and should never have been released. I can’t find out how to downgrade - surely this is possible?

62 replies

I also sent an email to the CEO.  I think if more people do this, we might get a response.  This is a disaster of an update.

Userlevel 6
Badge +4

I also sent an email to the CEO.  I think if more people do this, we might get a response.  This is a disaster of an update.

No. We womt. 


Totally agree with all the comments. Unresponsive app, doesn't display what it should in a timely manner. Track controls don't respond volume controls don't respond or have such a delay they aren't useable. Look and feel is just pants. Think this is arrogance on the part of Sonos that they can release this app without apparently consultation and due diligence. 


Not a great advert for their products and customer care.

It doesn’t sync my speakers.  There is a huge lag between adjusting volume and effect. Pressing pause or stop took more than 5 seconds to register. 

It’s utterly unintuitive and should never have been released. I can’t find out how to downgrade - surely this is possible?

Agree with you and everyone else here.  Terrible. So clumsy and unnecessarily fiddly to navigate 

Userlevel 3

You have to send Sonos your “feature” request in order for it to be considered and worked on according to Sonos moderators on this forum. Best of luck to you and Sonos.


Userlevel 2

For such a premium product this is a miserable attempt. The old app had some problems that could have been fixed. My system is defaulting to one speaker and won’t change. It’s now taking over my you tube on my I pad and blasts it out unexpectedly. Please allow a downgrade to the old app make it flawless and leave everything else alone. The new app looks like it was designed by a child. I was looking forward to the new ARC replacement but now I think I’ll pass. 

Same here. Defaults to one speaker. Never lets me switch to control the ones that are playing. Lags in any sort of volume adjustment. Terrible software.

I also sent an email to the CEO.  I think if more people do this, we might get a response.  This is a disaster of an update.

No. We womt. 


Then it needs to get traction on social media.  If they won’t fix it, then people need to be aware to stay away from the products.  Sad that I have 13 speakers and can’t get the right ones to play now and blasts the wrong ones at full volume.  I might end up having to abandon this since it is just about useless now.  You cannot even pick sources anymore.  I put the radio on the patio speakers not realizing it was blasting in the basement until my wife asked me what I was doing.  It switches to default on that speaker constantly.

Userlevel 6
Badge +4

I also sent an email to the CEO.  I think if more people do this, we might get a response.  This is a disaster of an update.

No. We womt. 


Then it needs to get traction on social media.  If they won’t fix it, then people need to be aware to stay away from the products.  Sad that I have 13 speakers and can’t get the right ones to play now and blasts the wrong ones at full volume.  I might end up having to abandon this since it is just about useless now.  You cannot even pick sources anymore.  I put the radio on the patio speakers not realizing it was blasting in the basement until my wife asked me what I was doing.  It switches to default on that speaker constantly.

Warn everyone.


Userlevel 3

My 10 Yr old son just said to me. The sonos app is total rubbish.  Use Spotify instead.  

He only uses the app for linking the speakers.  

I hate it when I have been outsmarted by my kids.  


I have the new app too - it’s a disaster!

What happened to own music library on NAS?

I have thousands of old songs that can’t be found on Spotify etc.


Is there a way to downgrade back to older version on Android?

So, how do I adapt to this change?

Android crash

To be fair, this is a new thing since yesterday.

Previously to that, after this update, I was only getting device not found errors every other launch of the app. And all the other new inconveniences as discussed before.

What a terrible roll out, and I say that as a software developer. Did you do any QA at all on this release? Or did you just test it on a few dev machines, say ‘runs OK on mine’ and ship it?

Luckily I have the Windows app, which is now the only way I can control my speakers.

May I suggest you roll back this update, give it a bit more time in the oven, and try again when it’s in a fit state.

I also sent an email to the CEO.  I think if more people do this, we might get a response.  This is a disaster of an update.

No. We womt. 


He should resign. 

Userlevel 4
Badge +5

I’m selling up, and won’t touch Sonos again.

Yes the app is a mess, and missing core functionality, and a masterclass in bad UI design. But it’s how these companies respond that makes all the difference. Sonos’ arrogant and cringeworthy attitude and response to this is beyond insulting. Basically we are all stupid, this is what we want, we just don’t understand, and they have “courage” lol. Sound like are they being run by some kind of cult or something. There must be some very fragile egos at the top of this firm if this is how they think they should respond to this.

Yes I’m angry and ranting. But I make no apology, I spent thousands on their gear. All goodwill and trust out the window. Incredible. 


You can also use the  sonostube app.  It can find the system and play songs and videos similar to YouTube.  I’ve been using this for years with the Sonos app but now since the Sonos app won’t play my library, I’m down to this.

Userlevel 6
Badge +4

I also sent an email to the CEO.  I think if more people do this, we might get a response.  This is a disaster of an update.

No. We womt. 


He should resign. 

Obviously something is very wrong with him

Userlevel 4
Badge +4

I have the new app too - it’s a disaster!

What happened to own music library on NAS?

I have thousands of old songs that can’t be found on Spotify etc.


Is there a way to downgrade back to older version on Android?

 Hi @Johnco , there have been a number of people posting directions to this website but here’s a quick version…..

Go to

Download it. 

Uninstall the current app from your phone.

Turn off Auto Update in the Play Store. 

While in Play Store, find the Sonos S2 app and, in the top right corner, uncheck the Auto Update switch.

Find the downloaded file, click on it and it will install for you.


Good luck and be very thankful you’re not using the Apple version.  It’s apparently impossible for them to revert like this.


Sonos please fix this new app. Speaker is on the network and works fine with google assistant, but not on the app and thus no app control. Product has gone from nearly flawless to a piece of junk in one app upgrade. Ultra frustrating to say the very least. 


I have finally found a solution to the problems with the app.  Turn off your Sonos and don’t use it until they finally fix the app.  In the meanwhile, buy the headphones.

The group that wrote the new app would * up a one car funeral. Change it back

*Moderator Note: Modified in accordance with the Community Code of Conduct.*


Userlevel 1

It doesn’t sync my speakers.  There is a huge lag between adjusting volume and effect. Pressing pause or stop took more than 5 seconds to register. 

It’s utterly unintuitive and should never have been released. I can’t find out how to downgrade - surely this is possible?

I can’t believe they didn’t beta test this in the market. It’s so bad. I want the old software back hate the way we choose what to play where. Seem to have lost all my Spotify tools too ? Was always poor interface when playing Spotify but this is sooooooo much worse 

I can’t believe they didn’t beta test this in the market. It’s so bad. I want the old software back hate the way we choose what to play where. Seem to have lost all my Spotify tools too ? Was always poor interface when playing Spotify but this is sooooooo much worse 


Of course they beta tested it.  There are accounts from beta testers in this very forum; they all reported the bugs and the missing features.  Sonos ignored their input and released it anyway, more than likely to meet the end of fiscal year deadline for the new hardware.  This wasn’t a technical decision, and it wasn’t due to a lack of testing, it was to please investors by meeting a deadline.  

I subscribe to all current messages critical of the new app; in summary it is entirely dysfunctional!  The previous release introduced a number of annoying quirks each of which required considerable patience on the part of the user; the one prior to that worked just fine!  

I have a relatively simple system in my home - three Play 1s, each in separate rooms and the main group in the living room comprising two paired Play 5s and a Sub.  In fairness, I can’t speak more highly of the hardware - they are the speakers of my dreams but I wonder how the disconnect arose between equipment of such high quality and an operating system that should be considered nothing short of an embarrassment!  A roomful of randomly selected chimps could have done better but when all is said and done, WHERE was the quality control?

In truth, my system is now entirely inoperative and unless there is a REAL fix and not a hodge-podge of excuses and messy work arounds, I will have no option but to sell up!

I am so disappointed with an upgrade that has removed so many features that I used in a daily basis. 
i’ve been a Sonos fan since they first came to the UK 2003! I was about to buy more products!!

I never normally take the time to post but feel compelled. 

can’t do play next

no  sleep timer

no Add to playlist

SIMPLE features !!! 
to add insult to injury I just received an update yesterday and nothing has changed !! disgraceful that I can’t revert.

Very sad. 

I don't disagree with what everyone is saying, the new app is far from being a Minimum Viable Product.

With that said, it should be easier to find guides to help resolve these issues. I'm assuming that like me, most people weren't aware that you may need to reset your Sonos App (Account Menu, App preferences, reset app) or that due to the app changes your system is more susceptible to duplicate IP's preventing setup, so you have to address things outside of Sonos, caused explicitly by Sonos.

Personally I battled for a few days and finally got my system working. I did speak to support, and it did help me to diagnose my problem, but the solution was Incredibly invasive. Essentially I had to remove my wired router using PPPoE, then connect directly to my Google WiFi Pro, something I knew nothing about before doing.

The fact is, people buy Sonos because it was easy to install and use. The new App has made people think twice about why they chose Sonos in the first place.

Userlevel 1

I hate the new app but have found a way of finding some of my NAS library which had disappeared.

I had a large collection in Flac and I do not want to be without the music.

On my laptop I just added artists to my favorites rather than songs or albums.

It works, I can at least now select favorite artist and see their whole collection. Its not as good as S2  where I could just scroll down through all artists and their albums.

The favorites in their circles looks really poor but at least I can play them now.

Now I have 50 bands in my favorites though and it is slow to navigate like before….

I guess the wealth and success has made this company arrogant and they do not care but I am borrowing a Denon Heos Link and Denon Home 35 to see if I like it.

my Sonos may be on ebay UK by the weekend! 
