The New Sonos App and Future Feature Updates

We set out to create a more personalized and effortless listening experience with the updated Sonos app. It was rebuilt from the ground up to ensure it could support future innovation in the years to come. For its initial rollout, we focused on how we could answer some of the most common requests from our customers, including increased reliability, performance, and faster access to music.

Many of you have shared valuable feedback on both the improvements that have made your experience better, as well as the areas where we fell short. We are listening to all of your comments and working to address them as quickly as possible. Over the coming weeks, we will reintroduce the below features, while fixing bugs and performance issues. Thank you for your engagement and we look forward to building upon this first step to create a listening experience that meets everyone’s needs.


Available now

To access these changes, check for updates in the iOS / Android app store to download the latest version of the Sonos app. Make sure your Sonos products are also up to date.

Last updated: Jun 17, 2024. See release notes.

  • Added numerical values to volume and group-volume sliders
  • Updated the volume icon to reflect the volume level on iOS
  • Introduced mute button on Android
  • Added stereo or mono configuration for Amp/Port output on iOS
  • Improved TalkBack screen reader support for volume sliders on Android
  • Added support for SonosNet channel selection on iOS
  • Expanded support for service reauthorization on Android


Coming soon

  • Continued improvements to navigation for visually-impaired customers: mid-June
  • Local music library search and playback: mid-June
  • Improved playback settings including Play Now: July
  • Create and edit local music library: July
  • Improved Autoplay settings: July
  • Improved Sub audio settings with Amp: July
  • Snooze alarms: TBD


Our latest update resolves some of the most critical known issues, but know we have more to do. We hear your feedback and are working hard to deliver the experience you expect and deserve.

1522 replies

Userlevel 1


Apologise & compensate 

Userlevel 1

Still mind boggling to me that you have no solution for the “sign in as system admin” bug. I AM the system admin because I have only ever had one Sonos login. You all have to do better than this for what you charge for your products. “No solution or workaround” is not acceptable.

when will the S1 downgrade function for ie Boost be available again - cried the little boy in the corner silently...

Am I the only one who can not set up system any more? Continuisly - products not found. I tried everything even rebooting and adding all the products again. But it doesnt work - even when I succeed to add the product I get the mesaage saying - THR PRODUCT HAS BEEN ADDED BUT MIGHT NOT APPEAR IN SYSTEM SETTINGS. and even when i unplug it and plug it back in as suggested - the products are not visible. What do I do?? Its driving me nuts  I have an android phone, sonos ray, one sl and roam. 


Anyone noticing an issue playing music?

I use YouTube music and when I try play a song from my Playlist sometimes, it plays a completely different song.


For example, say I click What I've Done by Linkin Park, the Sonos App will play Payphone by Maroon 5... Not even sure what I can do about that.


Sonos Support, any ideas? I can share a screen recording if that helps. 

Userlevel 1

While I appreciate the message that you’re working on it, releasing the new app as a replacement to the old version with so many bugs and missing basic features has lost a massive amount of trust that I had for Sonos. Most of us just want our music system to work properly, not act as your unpaid beta testers.

Userlevel 4
Badge +1

(...) not act as your unpaid beta testers.

I think you meant paying beta testers...

Suddenly my rooms have returned and all my products are working correctly. Here’s hoping it stays that way - praise be to the Sonos software gods. Iteration over revolution - thank you.

Suddenly my rooms have returned and all my products are working correctly. Here’s hoping it stays that way - praise be to the Sonos software gods. Iteration over revolution - thank you.


Could be a refresh of IP leases.  The initial install does a reboot of all devices which can cause duplicate IP addresses if the router’s allocation table is corrupt or wiped.  Once the IP lease runs out, the router issues a new IP that (hopefully) isn’t a duplicate. 

Here’s hoping that is the case. God bless.

Userlevel 5
Badge +2

Imagine not being able to update your WiFi settings until Sonos decide it’s ok. 
But I suppose being an employee of Sonos - in the absolute fuzzing gutter - is definitely worse. 

Userlevel 5
Badge +2

Its official - Sonos as a company is cancer. All for some dogshizz Bluetooth headphones. 
Fuzz you. 

Userlevel 6
Badge +8

I disabled updates in the App, reasonable expectation that App won’t update; wrong, apparently…

Nice Try SONOS…



There are several things that annoy me about the new app and how Sonos have handled the roll out. But I have to disagree on the above. Users adjusting system update settings in the app when what they really want to adjust is app update settings is user error.


Userlevel 2

Have just bought two new sonos speakers and after days of a frustrating loop where they could not be connected to get an update I find out its because of a new app update. Wild that a company as huge as Sonos would be OK to leave customers with new useless products for over a month until they add back the integral ability to add/manage a network. Considering returning the speakers and looking at other solutions. 

Userlevel 1

Why did Sonos think they could release a version that doesn’t include something as simple as adding songs to a queue?!?! 

Userlevel 3
Badge +2

Have just bought two new sonos speakers and after days of a frustrating loop where they could not be connected to get an update I find out its because of a new app update. Wild that a company as huge as Sonos would be OK to leave customers with new useless products for over a month until they add back the integral ability to add/manage a network. Considering returning the speakers and looking at other solutions. 

It’s fraudulent that they are allowing people to purchase products which they know won’t work!!!
They even had the audacity to send out a “25% off” email two days ago!! Totally tone deaf. 
The CEO should be ashamed. 

Userlevel 1

We set out to create a more personalized and effortless listening experience with the updated Sonos app. It was rebuilt from the ground up to ensure it could support future innovation in the years to come. For its initial rollout, we focused on how we could answer some of the most common requests from our customers, including increased reliability, performance, and faster access to music.

Many of you have shared valuable feedback on both the improvements that have made your experience better, as well as the areas where we fell short. We are listening to all of your comments and working to address them as quickly as possible. Over the coming weeks, we will reintroduce the below features, while fixing bugs and performance issues. Thank you for your engagement and we look forward to building upon this first step to create a listening experience that meets everyone’s needs.


Available now

To access these changes, check for updates in the iOS / Android app store to download the latest version of the Sonos app. Make sure your Sonos products are also up to date.

Last updated: May 21, 2024. See release notes.

  • VoiceOver on iOS now properly interacts with individual elements of the Sonos app's home screen - and now adds improved VoiceOver support for allowing for navigating and controlling the Now Playing Screen, System View, Output Selector, Queue, Volume Sliders, and Add Product
  • Improved TalkBack support for the Now Playing Screen, System View, and Add Product
  • Improved Local Music Library playback of folders
  • Adding and editing alarms with the ability to Search for content


Coming soon

  • Continued improvements to navigation for visually-impaired customers: mid-June
  • Adding to queue and playing next: early June
  • Sleep timer: mid-June
  • Local music library search and playback: mid-June
  • Update WiFi settings: mid-June
  • Snooze alarms: TBD


Known issues and workarounds

"Sign in as the System Owner" error while updating products during setup

  • Workaround: No workaround currently available.


Our latest update resolves some of the most critical known issues, but know we have more to do. We hear your feedback and are working hard to deliver the experience you expect and deserve.

 My sonos still completely ot of action, after waiting 40 min for chat advisor then trying fix it with advisor for another 40 min, she fed up, refereed me to call centre…so..after 1.5 hanging and waiting for someone to pick up the phone, eventually line dropped and call centre closed…ABSO FUCKING LUTLY shameful and unbelievable how this size company with money and resources can do such a shitstorm…yet this ceo who should resign defends app update…I mean is everyone drunk or high in headquarters of Sonos or what…???? I will go one more try next week and of no success Im submitting small claim court in uk demanding compensation for 3 speakers that sonos made impossible to use it.

Userlevel 1

We set out to create a more personalized and effortless listening experience with the updated Sonos app. It was rebuilt from the ground up to ensure it could support future innovation in the years to come. For its initial rollout, we focused on how we could answer some of the most common requests from our customers, including increased reliability, performance, and faster access to music.

Many of you have shared valuable feedback on both the improvements that have made your experience better, as well as the areas where we fell short. We are listening to all of your comments and working to address them as quickly as possible. Over the coming weeks, we will reintroduce the below features, while fixing bugs and performance issues. Thank you for your engagement and we look forward to building upon this first step to create a listening experience that meets everyone’s needs.


Available now

To access these changes, check for updates in the iOS / Android app store to download the latest version of the Sonos app. Make sure your Sonos products are also up to date.

Last updated: May 21, 2024. See release notes.

  • VoiceOver on iOS now properly interacts with individual elements of the Sonos app's home screen - and now adds improved VoiceOver support for allowing for navigating and controlling the Now Playing Screen, System View, Output Selector, Queue, Volume Sliders, and Add Product
  • Improved TalkBack support for the Now Playing Screen, System View, and Add Product
  • Improved Local Music Library playback of folders
  • Adding and editing alarms with the ability to Search for content


Coming soon

  • Continued improvements to navigation for visually-impaired customers: mid-June
  • Adding to queue and playing next: early June
  • Sleep timer: mid-June
  • Local music library search and playback: mid-June
  • Update WiFi settings: mid-June
  • Snooze alarms: TBD


Known issues and workarounds

"Sign in as the System Owner" error while updating products during setup

  • Workaround: No workaround currently available.


Our latest update resolves some of the most critical known issues, but know we have more to do. We hear your feedback and are working hard to deliver the experience you expect and deserve.

Why can't I control volume from my phones volume controls like I can on S1 and could on S2? I have to have my phone unlocked and the Sonos app open to control volume. I don't see this on your list. Also to echo other comments,  roll back to S2 and bring out S3 for your headphones, they don't even form part of your ecosystem so why p**s off all of your current user base ?

Pandora modes must be restored!!!

Am I the only one who can not set up system any more? Continuisly - products not found. I tried everything even rebooting and adding all the products again. But it doesnt work - even when I succeed to add the product I get the mesaage saying - THR PRODUCT HAS BEEN ADDED BUT MIGHT NOT APPEAR IN SYSTEM SETTINGS. and even when i unplug it and plug it back in as suggested - the products are not visible. What do I do?? Its driving me nuts  I have an android phone, sonos ray, one sl and roam. 


I added Arc a few days ago. Worked on first try. 


I’ve decided to NOT use my Sonos until it works

ive wasted days trying to workaround what is clearly poor coding and lip service

ive got better things to do

u fellas go figure it out

i give this 2 months and then  I sell my whole lot

sonos get your * together!!

*Moderator Note: Modified in accordance with the Community Code of Conduct.*

Just purchased 2 x ERA 300 to add to my existing system. I’m unable to add them as surrounds to my setup! Checked online & it appears others are having the same issue since the last app update! I’ve now got 2 very expensive paperweights!

You may well be getting 2 ERA 300s returned.

Userlevel 3

How about roll back to the old version.  Fix all the stuff, and then release it after June!  Make a dang headphone only S3 version if you must.  Try to win back some good will by doing it right!

That makes WAY too much sense. No. They just take our ability to play the music we actually want to play away from us. Why would they release an update that doesn’t allow us to make basics queue changes?  F’ing !d!ots.

I hate this company. I’m so tired of their BS. I’m giving my speakers away to someone who is considering buying from Sonos so they won’t waste their money. 

Iphone app. I select music hit play , it plays but the player pill on the bottom of the screen doesn’t update and keeps showing a previous source. Many times the controls fail to function. Just terrible.

Userlevel 3
Badge +2

Everyone you can email the CEO here 

It would appear that no one at Sonos is taking any notice of the users on here.  

Perhaps he might get the hint when he gets 2000 emails??
