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Support Spotify Connect to allow users to use the Spotify app as the controller.

  • 3 September 2013
  • 366 replies

Spotify Connect was just announced and I was surprised that I didn't see Sonos in the list of companies that would provide support. Many Spotify users have been asking for a long time to be able to use the Spotify app as the controller for selecting songs, as it provides a superior experience (you still can't even see the Top 5 songs in the Spotify view within the Sonos app, and it is difficult to look through an artist's collection to find a specific song unless you know which album it was in). Please support spotify connect. Additional details on Spotify Connect are here: If you look at the post on theverge, even the first comment was one asking for Sonos support for the feature.
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366 replies

Userlevel 1
I just saw the news too. I bought my Sonos just a few weeks ago and would be bummed if you do not add the support. Please make it happen!
Userlevel 2
Badge +7
Read this report in a couple of places this morning, and I was wondering how this would affect Sonos... knowing anyway that the no 2 enhancement request (which is supposedly under consideration) is a better implementation of Spotify, including the Spotify Radio feature. Hopefully Spotify might have made their API easier - allowing Sonos to get on and do the connection.
Have been asking for this feature in other threads for ages. PLEASE allow us to use the Spotify app instead of the Sonos app. Spotify pure = music discovery heaven, Spotify on Sonos = frustration, no social support & missing features
I have to agree with all the comments, using spotify on sonos is frustrating. It would be phenomenal if I could directly stream to my sonos from spotify apps (including the desktop application!).
Userlevel 2
Or why not write a Sonos App for Spotify to bring the additional Sonos functionality (zone control, etc.) to the Spotify App?
Userlevel 7
Badge +17
quote - "Pascal de Mul, global head of hardware partnerships at Spotify, told Techcrunch that there was "no plan to extend Connect to Sonos and no plan to continue to develop with Sonos" seems Spotify for one reason or other dont consider Sonos a partner any more. I guess I can forgot about any more Spotify features (radio, starring tracks) via my Sonos app 😞
Userlevel 2
Badge +7
Now that is a bummer ... guess I can still use Sponos from my Android device ... which is good, but sometimes halts after a few tracks .... but I would rather see an official integration
Userlevel 2
this sucks.
Userlevel 7
Badge +17
quote - "Pascal de Mul, global head of hardware partnerships at Spotify, told Techcrunch that there was "no plan to extend Connect to Sonos and no plan to continue to develop with Sonos" seems Spotify for one reason or other dont consider Sonos a partner any more. I guess I can forgot about any more Spotify features (radio, starring tracks) via my Sonos app :-(
the question then is what Sonos users value more - Sonos (and all that goes with that) or Spotify. If its Sonos then they'll ditch Spotify for something else and Spotify lose out. If its Sonos they'll keep their Spotify subscription, ditch Sonos kit and buy something from the other hardware providers. Sonos lose. Otherwise just continue with a poorly integrated Spotify service via the Sonos app but I dont think I can go much longer like that as the Spotify app continues to evolve where as the Sonos one is stuck in the digital stone-age.
Userlevel 2
absolutely agree. so what other service can be recommended in terms of music range, sound quality and sonos implementation?
Userlevel 2
Badge +7
This Forum is called "Ask Sonos" .... let's hope that they will reply
Userlevel 7
Badge +17
".... let's hope that they will reply " dont hold your breath !
Userlevel 1
I wish Sonos would start to build their Software the way their customers want it and not how they want their strategic blabla to be. But I guess they won't participate in Spotify's turnover when we listen through the Spotify App...
I wish Sonos would start to build their Software the way their customers want it and not how they want their strategic blabla to be. But I guess they won't participate in Spotify's turnover when we listen through the Spotify App...
And just what is Sonos supposed to do that when their so called "partner" says the following?: "Pascal de Mul, global head of hardware partnerships at Spotify, told Techcrunch that there was "no plan to extend Connect to Sonos and no plan to continue to develop with Sonos" This looks to be one where you can't blame Sonos.
Spotify obviously taking heat, for they have backed way off from their quote from above: "Update: Spotify says the quote is taken out of context, in that it cannot share future plans, not that it doesn’t have any at all. “We will continue to support and improve the Spotify experience on Sonos,” a spokesperson noted, once again not confirming any timescale or specifics."
Userlevel 2
I have found another de Mul quote which does not sound like good news: "We aren't going to do bespoke Spotify embeds into any system going forward," explains de Mul, perhaps spelling danger for the likes of Sonos in the future."
I have found another de Mul quote which does not sound like good news: "We aren't going to do bespoke Spotify embeds into any system going forward," explains de Mul, perhaps spelling danger for the likes of Sonos in the future."
Sounds like de Mul is going on a scorched earth campaign for his new tech, only to be reeled back in by the corporate suits. It was long rumored that the relationship between Sonos and Spotify was not the most cooperative, and this does nothing to quell that rumor.
Userlevel 2
I just tweeted de Mul asking if they will indeed stop development for/with sonos and received the following response: "No this is not correct. We will continue to develop and even expand that relationship. We are trying to get this rectified." Well, let's keep finger crossed...
Userlevel 1
I wish Sonos would start to build their Software the way their customers want it and not how they want their strategic blabla to be. But I guess they won't participate in Spotify's turnover when we listen through the Spotify App...
If Sonos really wanted to continue the partnership they would sure negotiate a solution.
Userlevel 7
Badge +17
I have found another de Mul quote which does not sound like good news: "We aren't going to do bespoke Spotify embeds into any system going forward," explains de Mul, perhaps spelling danger for the likes of Sonos in the future."
agreed - the back tracking will not change their underlying view of no further development with Sonos. Spotify have really pulled the proverbial rug from under Sonos' feet 😞
I wish Sonos would start to build their Software the way their customers want it and not how they want their strategic blabla to be. But I guess they won't participate in Spotify's turnover when we listen through the Spotify App...
Last I heard, it takes two to "negotiate", and at this time it seems Sonos is much more willing to work with them than du Mul is to work with Sonos. Personally, when I assign blame, I usually assign it to the party that appears to be being difficult, not the one who seems to be willing to cooperate. YMMV.
Userlevel 1
I asked him if he means "Spotify Connect": "(...)no that is not what I am saying. Not playing games but you'll need to watch this space."
Userlevel 2
Rather enigmatic reply...
Check out this article for some more details: It's essential for SONOS to add, else they will be blasted away by competition. I expect it be in the beta of SONOS very soon, and to have them as primary adoptor. Else the brand is dead 🙂
Badge +18
Hi folks, There's not much to say at the moment but we'd like everyone to understand where we're coming regarding the announcement from Spotify. Sonos is a platform for music lovers and we want Sonos customers to enjoy all the music on earth from whatever source they choose. We have an excellent partnership with Spotify which is, and will continue to be, an important part of many of our customers music listening experience on Sonos. Thanks for your continued support.