I only hope and wish that it is true that people will no longer continually try to promote the absurd position that there couldn’t possibly be anything that might possibly sound better to some people than lossy on Sonos.
I fully understand and accept that some people are unable to understand and accept that some people may have different equipment and different Personal listening experiences. Just like people prefer different music Genres there is no absolute right or wrong. I’m merely suggesting that some people may prefer to try the sound of a cheaper USB cable on some systems. Great for me but might not do anything for others. It is not vaccines or Afghanistan it is merely about being open minded enough that other peoples might have different experiences and open enough to try them and see if it works for them rather than trying to limit people’s views and experiences.
Yep couldn’t agree more, music and listening is very personal experience. I really don’t care when people say I’ve listened on my x or y and so don’t waste your time, I’d give people a chance to decide for themselves
Many recording studios no longer work at 192/24 because this is not their idea of “Hi-res”. The files used by consumers are down sampled from higher resolution masters.
You can fuss with higher resolution at ProMates.
Even this is a little lame because some studios operate at higher rates.
Agree with that based on new released music since Apple went lossless. Pretty much everything is lossless. There is still some 16 but a lot of 24 Bit. I would say 44 still seems most popular rate with some higher sample rates but v little at 192. 24/44 seems most popular from what I’ve seen but a range of 16/24 and 44/48/88/96/192 lossless So the recoding industry does seem to see some merit in higher bit rates but is more ambivalent about samole rates. I’d say when I like the sound of a recording it is usually 24 bits but can’t distinguish higher sample rates personally. Certainly a noticeable difference when switching Apple from lossy to 14/24 -44 lossless bot not when moving from 16/24 - 44 to hires 24 -/48/88/96/192 for me personally on my hifi system.