Sonos Desktop app keeps popping up on my screen with each new song played
Sonos desktop app keeps popping up on my screen with each new song played. This is quite annoying when you have other windows open, doing work and it pops up forcing you to close it.
Is there a setting I'm not seeing?
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Pc or Mac?
I’m on a PC laptop with Win10.
@samsal, the PC app should only come up from the background when there's a message displayed, such as a failure to play a song. The next time this happens, can you submit a diagnostic and post the confirmation number? We'll check it out and let you know if there's an error message flashing on screen that you didn't see.
Ok, just sent report
confirmation number
Thanks, looks like there are a lot of error messages in there trying to play one specific song "Gentle Sea Waves on Flat Beach" off of Amazon Music. Can you check if it's in your queue and remove it from there?
Do you have any trouble with other Amazon Music songs? If not, perhaps it's a particular issue with just that track.
It is not just that song, it occurs with every song that is played.
Hello, did you ever find a resolution to this issue? We are running Sonos with a PC in the studio. The Sonos desktop continues to pop up every time a new song starts. We have to minimize this every time to continue working on the desktop PC. I can't find any settings that will allow me to turn this notification off. Can you advise?
Hello, did you ever find a resolution to this issue? We are running Sonos with a PC in the studio. The Sonos desktop continues to pop up every time a new song starts. We have to minimize this every time to continue working on the desktop PC. I can't find any settings that will allow me to turn this notification off. Can you advise?
It must be throwing multiple errors. Look in Help>Error Log.
Hey ratty - thanks for the reply. Yes you are correct. I opened up the Error Log and there are a you know how to clear these out?
And they are all from today and yesterday with the "Unable to play - the connection to Spotify was lost". I don't know it's giving that error. It hasn't crashed on us since I connected directed to the router and went off of wifi last month
It must be throwing multiple errors. Look in Help>Error Log.
JOOI, any idea how long this log keeps data for?
It must be throwing multiple errors. Look in Help>Error Log.JOOI, any idea how long this log keeps data for?
They age out after a few days. I don't recall how many.
I was not able to find a resolution. I continue to have to close the app with each new song.
I was told that there were errors in my log as well, but the truth is it should only log the errors and continue working without popping up. I may need to invest in another type of sound system.
Personally I'd want to resolve the cause of all these errors. They shouldn't be occurring.
Does the window pop even when minimised?
There are simple third party tools for hiding application windows, leaving just a notification area icon. A hidden window shouldn't pop.
Hey ratty...Yeah it pops up every a new song starts even when it's minimized. Now that I know where to look for errors, it appears that it skipping every other song. I see an error notification "Unable to play "Beautiful" - the connection to Spotify was lost" and then it proceeds to play the next song in the queue. I can't figure out why it does this every time, but I believe that's what is causing the main screen to pop up between songs
Yes, it pops up even when minimized.
I appreciate that your taking the time to help us.
Having same problem here is Diag number 259893618
Hope we get a fix otherwise I have to close the app to keep from popping up
Same problem here. Every new song, Sonos pops up and disrupts workflow and screen view. Very annoying. Please fix asap. PC windows 10. Just started with the new update. Wish you guys would actually try your fixes before you send them out to the world...
Could you post a screenshot of one of these pop ups, please? I’m struggling to understand exactly what they look like.
The app itself pops up to the front of your work just like this.
Ah. For some reason, I was thinking it was a notification popup, not the full app. What happens if you close the app completely, letting the speakers continue to play. Does it open the app again, and pop to the front?
And thank you for the visual aid. Much appreciated :)
If you close the app it will not pop back in front. It is only when the app is minimized. When the song changes it pops in front.
Gotcha. I never leave the app open once I’ve started it, so I’ve never seen this behaviour myself. And I don’t have an easy solution for you, beyond closing the app, which obviously isn’t what you want to do. Hopefully, it’s on Sonos’ roadmap, and we’ll see it some day.