
Rubbish new update, what do others think ?

  • 10 September 2016
  • 82 replies

Userlevel 3
Hi there, I'm not really one to complain because my sonos equipment is the best I've ever brought. But I must say. I've just done the new update and I think it's a load of rubbish! I don't want my playlist clearing when I want to play another, I'd like to clear it myself thank you please! What do others think? Please take this on board, thank you .

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82 replies

It’s really terrible. I like the macOS app where you can see all the players and the music and the playlist at once. The iPad is wide enough for all this info. Now you need 3 tabs to pause a player in another room. You could do it in one if all the players where in the picture at the same time.
Userlevel 7
Badge +17
The multi room feature now sucks, you have to dig down the bottom to get it and every time i want to switch rooms, to have different music playing in each it seems to move the music with me, wich is NOT what i want to do.

Give us back V7 - seriously, don't fix something that isn't broken.

For everyone out there - DO NOT UPGRADE if you can avoid it.

You've posted onto the end of a year old thread about a prior version of the app (v7) where the queue management was changed.

for any comments regarding v8 I suggest making a new thread or add to this one
Userlevel 3
The multi room feature now sucks, you have to dig down the bottom to get it and every time i want to switch rooms, to have different music playing in each it seems to move the music with me, wich is NOT what i want to do.

Give us back V7 - seriously, don't fix something that isn't broken.

For everyone out there - DO NOT UPGRADE if you can avoid it.
Indeed I have 🙂
I trust you have emailed the diagnostic number to Sonos Support as well - without that mail it will not be seen.
Diagnostic is submitted - just waiting on a reply. Will check AEX again but yes they were originally set up that way.

The SONOS can see the airport extreme from it's position - it is about 5 metres away! I have loads of devices, lots of airport extenders for WiFi - and nothing else has a problem.

That line of sight range should not usually need wiring to the router. Does Sonos and every device that hosts the Sonos controller app have reserved IP addresses in AEX? Easily done in my Time capsule router as I recall.
And I suggest submitting a diagnostic: it reveals network weaknesses that an update often throws up and fixing such issues usually delivers a happier future.
Users used to want cosmetic changes, but honestly most people I talk to now are more frustrated than excited! But I hear what you are saying - I used to be to one of the excited ones... I am only running a Play 5 so don't have an extended SONOS network to manage. I am in a free standing home (not unit block). I might have to look into running an ethernet through the roof to the SONOS to run it in boost mode, but the main frustration for me is this has never been a problem until the last update.

The SONOS can see the airport extreme from it's position - it is about 5 metres away! I have loads of devices, lots of airport extenders for WiFi - and nothing else has a problem. As I said, the SONOS had been perfect until the last update - which keeps leading me back to something in that update. I just had to roll back software updates on other applications I am running - for the same reason - untested issues causing problems. Back to the old versions and everything is perfect.

Still going to test a bunch of stuff with this SONOS - but this is what is frustrating me more and more: I don't have endless time to sort out problems that didn't exist previously. Yes there are times it is a practical, testable thing and you can find a solution, but there are plenty of times in more recent years where it is a software/firmware problem with an update.
I agree that updates often include cosmetic changes that I hate - because I have to relearn the use of the app - but not because of the update process itself which is swift, painless and once in a quarter, so not a big deal to my use of the kit.

But cosmetic changes and refreshes seems to be what the market wants and gets so it can have a fresh set of complaints each time as well.

In your case - are you on Sonosnet that needs at least one Sonos unit to be wired to the router? I have always had a Bridge so wired with reserved IP addresses for all WiFi kit, upgraded by the Boost when it was launched, and in an apartment complex with a dozen WiFi network visible I still have over 99% average uptime. Months pass unnoticed at 100%.
Kumar - I can use my Apple TV to stream wireless audio to my TV whenever I want to without any issues whatsoever. SONOS used to be the same, but is now problematic to say the least. I am running wireless bands that my neighbours are not, and I have no clashing IP addresses. Yes some of the responses on here are less articulate than they could be, but we are customers, and I think many of us are sick of updates - both for updates sake, and through lack of proper testing by most companies (SONOS is not major culprit in this area, hence the frustration at the new problems).
I can still do the experience control easily, as I have been able to since every update from the time I bought Sonos in 2011. Every wireless system faces network issues, and Sonos faces fewer than most others. I have come across a few and solved them with the help of users here and Sonos staff.

For anyone that will not take that effort, no wireless audio set up is suitable. Except the simple one of bluetooth speakers but the price paid for the ease there is lower sound quality in general, occasional stuttering, and beeps and pops when the source phone is being used for other reasons.
Agree 100% - update is pretty rubbish all round. The entire reason I bought the SONOS, besides the sound quality, was the fact it just worked as I wanted - it played music. When I wanted it to. I could control the experience as I wanted to.
Userlevel 4
Badge +1
Last thing that happened was that when I set it up with WiFi when the Boost (so-called Enterprise level device) could not carry the load (WiFi on Channel 11 Boost on 1) of 2 Play 1s and a Connect in a pretty small footprint - 1 floor - it said I could disconnect the Boost (or other router connection) and later informed me it had to have a Boost or other network connect because I was employing a network extender. So it works somewhat with the Boost reconnected - is that a Boost tax? The system was great. It is now a pain beyond tolerance when you add the "software upgrade". I will bash them wherever I get the opportunity. The Crutchfield chatter asked me why I was switching and I gave her an ear full.
Userlevel 4
Badge +1
Bought a new Denon system. I am sure I will have issues, but I have had it with Sonos.
Userlevel 4
Badge +1
Found the problem; error checking in the controller. There is a certain kind of error in playing music that resets the controller. The error trapping has a hole in it.
Userlevel 4
Badge +1
Oh, it was meant to be a last one but something else happened to my "lovely" Sonos setup today. About every 2-3 minutes playback stops on any queue and when you look the queue is empty and all settings - volumes, groupings, everything - is gone. Everything is cleared in the controller, just like it was freshly installed. Rebooted all, from the server to the Boost. Sonos here always fails right at special occasions, just to add insult to injury. Family coming for turkey day and no music - that's Sonos here for sure. All the more reason to throw it in the trash despite all the $ I spent.
Userlevel 4
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One last thought - I am abandoning Sonos because of their approach and attitude. It might take awhile for the others to catch up, but SONOS - they will.
Userlevel 4
Badge +1
In a nutshell - they rule and they don't really give a rat's rump. IF they did, they would give the old dogs a bone.
Userlevel 4
Badge +1
I typed a lengthy reply and then the website wanted me to sign in and dumped my reply. Shame on me.

I maintain same as in the past - new system stupid because it does not provide friendly accommodations for the users that built the company reputation on solid hardware and user-friendly software for those who built it by their $. Thumbs down on Sonos the company.
Userlevel 3
Badge +4
I really liked the old way. I really hate that now one errant finger changes what's playing. I can see that others might like it though. I think it should be an option.
Userlevel 2
Badge +2

Manual or no manual, this update looks like it's trying to make Sonos more like iTunes rather than sticking to its own identity, and, for me, that's not working.

Yup. That's exactly what they're doing. Following instead of leading. If this is the first effort after their internal shakeup, I'm not encouraged.
The queue has always been a key design feature, way ahead of iTunes, great for a bunch of people sharing music. I never had to read a manual and no one who came over to my house ever did. It was elegant design. Now, I give the controller to a guest and I need to run them through a tutorial about the entirely counter-intuitive thinking someone has written in to this. Eg no music is playing so you choose play now for a song and then add to end of queue for the next one, the first song plays, but it's at the beginning of an old queue and the second one you chose is at the end!! Before, play now put the song at the end of the queue and add to queue went after it.
Manual or no manual, this update looks like it's trying to make Sonos more like iTunes rather than sticking to its own identity, and, for me, that's not working.
Good point DGR1! It's going to take some time to get used to the update. I miss my Queue! Which I accidentally deleted due to the update, but the new update allows us to get to our music faster. The poll someone is taking is showing little support for 6.4 now. My guess is that in couple weeks, most of us will be happy.
Userlevel 4
Badge +4
I really like the new update. I tend not to be a big user of the queue, so the ability to play music quickly is a bonus. I do have a few playlists saved for specific reasons, but in general listen to an album, clear the queue, then listen to another. I can see that 6.4 is a significant change which will take time to feel like normal.