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Trying to stop everyone logging in and switching the play list, wondering if there is any way to put a password on the system so only those with the code can access the system

The problem comes when people have the password. that is the real issue, not the security one that was so strongly stated. Security is already blown by giving up the WiFi password, how would it help for Sonos to have one thereafter?

I don't give people my WiFi password in a hurry, and I am personally up to here with passwords and remembering them. I for one would be quite irritated to have one more in my life. My vote therefore is for no change on this count.

Don't confuse the two issues though. The password to access configuration and playlists, and any possible external threat are separate. I'm just requesting some sort of access control to the Sonos.

No, I don't. I thought it was you that was confused, by using external threats as the justification for this need for passwords. I must have misunderstood your post.

I am curious though - how will these passwords work to stop a "friend" or a child from blasting music through the Sonos in your bedroom at 3 am if they are that kind of people?
1234Many people share their wifi passwords with friends and family or are in a shared network environment.

I really don't understand this... People hand out total access to their network, and then they're surprised that people (particularly kids) abuse it? Let's be kind and say that's just niave....

As previously suggested, put the Sonos kit on a private network and any untrustworthy people and children on a guest network - job done... Why on earth would you give access to your private network, which can hold all of your private data, to someone that you can't totally trust?
1234Many people share their wifi passwords with friends and family or are in a shared network environment.

I really don't understand this... People hand out total access to their network, and then they're surprised that people (particularly kids) abuse it? Let's be kind and say that's just niave....

As previously suggested, put the Sonos kit on a private network and any untrustworthy people and children on a guest network - job done... Why on earth would you give access to your private network, which can hold all of your private data, to someone that you can't totally trust?

You are assuming people are savvy enough to do this - or even know how to do this. Most people are not. What other private data would they have access to on your network? A NAS? A windows server? A linux server? These all offer access control via password. The odd man out here is the Sonos.

Regardless of what you think though - the question has come up and customers have asked for it and given specific examples of why they want it. That should be justification enough. The old Steve Jobs chestnut of 'don't hold it that way' really doesn't wash. Again - it should be optional - so if you don't want the feature, don't use it. Simples.
Regardless of what you think though - the question has come up and customers have asked for it and given specific examples of why they want it. That should be justification enough.

Good luck with that....
Regardless of what you think though - the question has come up and customers have asked for it and given specific examples of why they want it. That should be justification enough.

Good luck with that....

From the fanboi comments here and lack of response from Sonos i'm starting to feel that way too!
Regardless of what you think though - the question has come up and customers have asked for it and given specific examples of why they want it. That should be justification enough.

Good luck with that....

From the fanboi comments here and lack of response from Sonos i'm starting to feel that way too!

This is a forum where civil discussion of many things happens. Many, if not all, times when a suggestion is made some people will have a contrary view. That's just the way of things and to be expected. Just because people have a contrary view to you does not either 1) Make them a "fanboi" nor 2) Preclude them from commenting.

For what it's worth I am not a proponent of requesting Sonos become a surrogate for my own security responsibilities. So I shan't be giving access to MY private network to anybody who might take advantage of any security or aesthetic vulnerability in the Sonos app/controller, neither shall I call for Sonos to add password or finger print or iris scan access in order to allow me to be profligate with my security responsibilities.

I know people who want these added security "features" hate to be told to take responsibility for their visitors AND their actions but I'm afraid that's the way it is. Frankly I don't want to have extra hurdles to cross to change my settings because you allow dickheads onto your private network.

It is worth remembering. NOBODY has access to YOUR network unless YOU give them access to it - If you can't trust them not to hack into your system or play The Birdie Song at full volume then don't give them access (or at least put Sonos on the private side and give them a guest login and maybe change the password every week).
More importantly, I don't see how it will serve any long term purpose. Those that surrender Wifi passwords will, sooner or later, surrender these as well, for the same reasons. Why spend development dollars on something like this?

Just out of curiosity since I haven't seen them - what do appliances like refrigerators that are on the network do for restricting access? Devices like these will only increase in future, I am sure. All will have passwords over and above the one needed to access the network?
From the fanboi comments here and lack of response from Sonos i'm starting to feel that way too!

Whilst Sonos may run on some form of unix, like many devices these days, it is designed as a media device, not a computer that you have direct access to. Whilst many media devices today have simple parental controls, I think that you'll find that the overall requirement for Sonos is much more complex, with people wanting access controls at all sorts of levels to sort out their particular problem. For Sonos to satisfy all of these requirements, they'd virtually have to enable the locking off of any set of menus and/or facililties - and then users would no doubt want each of these to be separately configurable. And we all know how much Sonos love designing user configurable options...

If you don't want people to fiddle with your media devices, then don't give them access to the remote control - it really is that simple. If a child misbehaves, take the remote control away from them. In the case of Sonos, just change the guest network password and lock them out.
Some googling turned up this interesting article:

A much bigger issue that a few passwords isn't going to address. There are also reports of hacking a networked fridge to extract the gmail account details of the owners.

There is a lot of demand for voice control - but the technology may not be just a one way street. Alexa and Amazon may also be listening to you and your family's conversations - 24/7.

Interesting times:-).
There is a lot of demand for voice control....

Another trend that I'm out of step with, I fear...
Are their other systems out there where you are able to password protect or lock to specific device/s?

This is a Sonos board.[/quote]

We all know this is a sonos board but Sonos has ignored the boards/requests of the user base for like 5 years now! how are we not supposed to look for a better solution. they have dont nothing to keep me as a customer or shown that they are making improvements that are requested....
Are their other systems out there where you are able to password protect or lock to specific device/s?

This is a Sonos board.

We all know this is a sonos board but Sonos has ignored the boards/requests of the user base for like 5 years now! how are we not supposed to look for a better solution. they have dont nothing to keep me as a customer or shown that they are making improvements that are requested....[/quote]

No. they just haven't implemented THIS request. It's four pages long and most of the posts are from people saying they don't want it Thankyou very much. I'd say that actually demonstrates Sonos is going with the majority.

And just because I know you like a bit of drum beating. O N L Y those people YOU gave access to your network can access Sonos. If not having a password on your Sonos app is a worry to you don't give your wi-fi credentials to any Tom, Dick or Harry (Or Yvonne, Bette or Jane). If you do give out your password like that to people who can't be trusted you are going to get what you deserve
No. they just haven't implemented THIS request. It's four pages long and most of the posts are from people saying they don't want it Thankyou very much. I'd say that actually demonstrates Sonos is going with the majority.

And just because I know you like a bit of drum beating. O N L Y those people YOU gave access to your network can access Sonos. If not having a password on your Sonos app is a worry to you don't give your wi-fi credentials to any Tom, Dick or Harry (Or Yvonne, Bette or Jane). If you do give out your password like that to people who can't be trusted you are going to get what you deserve[/quote]

@stuart_W, it's as easy as putting a toggle button, "Require Security", "Dont Require Security" if users like yourself want to keep their system fully unsecured and open to random connections then you can continue to do so, BUT for users that like to secure things on their network because they know the importance of securing any system connected to their network they could do that as well...If you know anything about network security you might understand the importance of this.

@stuart_W, it's as easy as putting a toggle button, "Require Security", "Dont Require Security" if users like yourself want to keep their system fully unsecured and open to random connections then you can continue to do so, BUT for users that like to secure things on their network because they know the importance of securing any system connected to their network they could do that as well...If you know anything about network security you might understand the importance of this.

I personally don't leave my system fully unsecured and open to random connections, which is why I employ a Guest network that not only keeps people out of Sonos, it keeps them from accessing my PC, my backups, my NAS drive, my printers, my lights, my thermostat, my home security system, my TV, etc., etc., etc. If I can't trust someone to not change my music, I certainly don't want them accessing my private data, my heat/AC, or my security alarm.
Do you ever let people on your main network to use a service (maybe printer, file server, TV/movies etc) ? If so are the other devices you password protected or are the other devices etc open to anyone who gains access?

I'm not personally concern or care about Sonos not having authentication, but can accept that some user have legitimate use cases/pov that require password even.
Most wireless routers have a GUEST Network option. Set up the GUEST Network and keep your Sonos system on your PRIMARY wireless network. Do not share the password for your PRIMARY wireless network. Rather, provide your friends and guest access to the GUEST network only. By separating the two networks, you eliminate access to the Sonos by anyone not on your PRIMARY network. Your friends and guests can access the internet but cannot see your Sonos system.
Hello, There isn't a way to set a password or limit accessibility of the Sonos system. If someone has an iOS or Android device and is able to connect to your main network and gone through the setup process with the Sonos application they will have access to the system. Are we expecting to see anything in the near future? my girlfriends brother connecting to my device is starting to get frustrating!
Just installed my first sonos system, yesterday. Easy to set up, good sound, many options to connect to whatever source your want... Great ! but no way to secure your setup ?!

So, for what it's worth considering the many, many months customers have been requesting this, please note another one is just asking the same thing: I'd like to be able to let others (kids, friends, visitors) use my sonos, not necessarily change the setup !

but no way to secure your setup ?!

If your router permits you to, you might consider activating a guest wifi and give your visitors it's password. In that way they won't have access to the main wifi, on which you have installed the Sonos gear.
If your router permits you to, you might consider activating a guest wifi and give your visitors it's password. In that way they won't have access to the main wifi, on which you have installed the Sonos gear.

We are in 2017. EVERY connected device should be protected by password, full stop. (then it's your responsibility if the password is too easy). Of course we can all setup guest wifi, or setup a wifi dedicated to sonos, or don't give password of the wifi to no one... At the end of the day it would be much easier for everybody if the system could be protected. Like my TV, my PS4, my set top box, my camera, my NAS, my whatever... Funny how Sonos considers login with complex password is required to publish comments on this forum, while considers protecting its own devices is not really needed...
The comment wasn’t specifically aimed at you.  However, when you say that you don’t have a problem with the request per se, your closing comment of your previous post suggested otherwise and that it would be ‘bothersome’.  As I said in my post, I don’t see why that needs to be the case at all or why many/most users would even be affected.

And yes, there’s nothing at all wrong with general suggestions of proper discipline for those entrusted with wifi access.  The issue with said advice is that it’s usually given as THE solution to people’s problem with the lack of Sonos access control without understanding the context or questioning any reasoning for a user’s particular setup.

As I said, while the advice for a guess wifi access may suit some, it isn’t appropriate for others.  Suggestions for more discipline required may equally be correct in some cases – but rather offensive in others.
Still waiting...
This thread is salty as ****.

As a product manager, prioritization is difficult, and you often can only lead your development teams through influence, so I understand that these things don't get answered.

That said, the people debating this topic don't seem to realize that a Sonos owner might not have control of the wifi. Imagine putting this in a dorm or shared office space. We'd love to use one in our coworking community without getting Rick rolled.

There's a time and place for proper security, and a little password can still go a long way.

I, for one, do NOT want "added security" aka cumbersome botheration to listen to my music thankyou very much

Having a password feature be optional wouldn't hinder you at all.