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How do I sort Pandora alphabetically?

  • 14 November 2017
  • 67 replies

I just ran the most recent update of the controller on Mac (version 8.2, build 39247040). I notice that Pandora created a new subfolder of "My Stations" and inside of that, my stations are sorted by date most recently played. I'm sure that was requested by some users, but is of no use at all to me. I want to browse channels alphabetically as it has been. Is that a preference I can change or is this the new sort order we all have to use now?
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67 replies

Userlevel 2
It's your GUI we're using, not Pandora.

Totally agree. When every other Pandora streaming platform offers Alpha station listing, and Sonos does not, this is a Sonos problem. As a result, I will not cancel Pandora since it does Alpha everywhere BUT Sonos, I will cancel Sonos.
Was frustrated with my Sonos Pandora listing and found this forum. Adding my voice. The alpha listing for Pandora stations is a must have. Very frustrated to have to manually go through the list to find the stations I want. Please fix this and add an option to sort stations in alphabetical order.
Userlevel 3
Badge +2
Yur_Customer, robertpsmith, we can understand and are currently looking into this. It's most likely a change on the end of our music partner, but we're always looking to improve the experience for our customers.
I called SONOS and the rep acted as if he didn't understand what I was talking about in sorting Pandora stations... Then in the end he said we don't offer that feature any longer. Wow i'm shocked that they aren't willing to only improve the experience as opposed to limit features.
Userlevel 7
Badge +26
Hi Jeff, that's odd. The person you spoke with should have known what you meant by the sorting of Pandora stations. I'll follow up on that internally. He is correct that it's not a feature that's available. You can't edit the sorting of the Pandora listing within Sonos. It used to be alphabetical but was changed to most recently played with an overhaul of the Pandora on Sonos integration. I'll make sure your request for either an option of sorting or a reversion to the old format gets passed to the right team. If you haven't yet, it'd also be good to let Pandora know that you're looking for this too.
Re: I'll make sure your request for either an option of sorting or a reversion to the old format gets passed to the right team. If you haven't yet, it'd also be good to let Pandora know that you're looking for this too.

Thanks for the help and agree letting Pandora know might help. This is a really surprising deficiency to anyone that uses Pandora regularly ...
Userlevel 5
Badge +9
I let Pandora know for the last 3 months several times. Cancelled my Pandora last month when it came up for renewal. They didn't seem to care.
yes I agree! this feature is desperately needed!
Agree -- this is INSANE. We have a billion "stations". Now I have to scroll through all of them, to find what I want? Are you kidding me? Seriously nuts. Surely you guys are switching this back... Spotify, here ya go...
Userlevel 7
Badge +23
As has been stated too many times, Sonos never change the order of the data that is delivered from any music service, because obviously they have no idea when it might be ok (eg Albums) or when it is not (eg tracks on albums).

This is Pandora's problem to fix, and it would appear they they don't give a rip about it.
Another +1 to being able to sort Pandora stations alphabetically - it is maddening to find a particular station if you have many. I get this may be a Pandora dependency but I suspect they'll listen to Sonos asking for it as a feature.
I believe this is a Sono issue. I am able to sort my Pandora Stations on my Pandora app, but NOT able to sort my list of Pandora Stations through my Sonos app. VERY FRUSTRATING!!!!
Userlevel 5
Badge +9
The music comes from Pandora, The data for your station list comes from Pandora. Its a Pandora issue and they don't care. I have cancelled my subscription, I would recommend others do the same or at least contact them so hopefully they fix it.
Userlevel 2
Any update on doing this?
I too would really prefer to sort my music by artist. I have a lot of stations and it is really difficult to find the one I want to listen to at the time.
I saw your suggestion to let Pandora know as well. FYI, Pandora already lets you choose how to sort your artists. Attached is a photo of the sorting options they currently offer.

I too would really prefer to sort my music by artist. I have a lot of stations and it is really difficult to find the one I want to listen to at the time.
I saw your suggestion to let Pandora know as well. FYI, Pandora already lets you choose how to sort your artists. Attached is a photo of the sorting options they currently offer.

So I come to this community looking for the answer. Only to find requests going back a year?!?!
Sonos, is it a difficult task? I mean if it cannot be done, it cannot be done. Just be up front with us. 'Sorry dudes and dudettes, cannot be done. We apologise for the inconvenience' you can cut and paste if you like.
Or do you need like a signed petition?
What more would you like from the Sonos users that would help you accomplish this task?
I know it shouldn't be contacting Pandora! And on that note, might I suggest you look, if not use, the products that can be associated with your product (i.e. Pandora) so that you may speak more intelligently and more educated on such products. Having done so in this case might have kept some egg off Sonos' face from the reply to contact Pandora and get them to do it first.
Userlevel 7
Badge +23
See many earlier responses regarding sorting on Spotify and Pandora. It is up to those services to provide the sorting (and better default sorting for that matter), for reasons explained many, many times.