Any solution to this yet? Same problem here. (Logging in desktop app works though, only the mobile controler do not work)
I have the same issue
Generally short for “Customer Service”, aka Sonos support, I’d think. But I’ve never heard of support saying anything would be “fixed in 30 minutes”, either.
No, it was the same Account.
Just the login Procedure is different, email and password in steps.
Think they are working on new Version anyway.
I’m having a similar issue
here’s my conformation code
There isn’t one as i can’t login to the app. But when I try to login I use the same email as the web version i’m currently logged in to…
So when you reinstalled the app, and selected ‘connect to existing system’, does it do so? If not, what error message do you get? Only certain Settings are ‘behind’ a login so what happens if you tap Settings?
What version of Android are you running?
Latest Android. Just updated today in fact
Sounds like a plan. Thanks for your help anyway
Hi @Gbrewer3.
Welcome, thank you for reaching out to Sonos Community since you already tried all troubleshooting steps let me help you further.
Can you submit a diagnostic report from your Sonos system and reply back with your confirmation number?
If you need help with any other information, please be sure to let us know.
The number is 1789703710
I wonder if because I used a different email when I set it up if I don’t have to reset each speaker with in the system because they some how are linked to my old email and it’s some type of theft deterrent I don’t know just thinking out loud
Hi @Gbrewer3.
Welcome, thank you for reaching out to Sonos Community and providing the diagnostic report.
Make sure the email address login to your Sonos application is the one you're currently using.
Have you already tried to logout of the account that was log in to the sonos app.
Let us know if it works. If you need help with any other information, please be sure to let us know.
Need help ! My husband has a Android phone with the Sonos app and I have a Apple phone with so sos app installed . We both had different Emails that controlled the app ,but as of tonight his app kept asking him to sign in under my email ! He couldn’t sign in under his own name ! Any advise ?
Update, after getting the system ownership transferred to your email, I closed the app, and opened it back up. I was able to connect up to the point where it asks me for my wifi, it detected every wifi in my neighborhood except for mine..............................................................…
Patience is a virtue
When I tried first time, then there is no problem occurs but after 2nd or 3rd attempt, it causes errors again and again and I also informed support and still, my issue is pending to be resolved.
What did Sonos support say, after you called them?
As title.
Can login on the web version (hence i can write this question!), but can’t login to use my Andriod app.
I have reset the password multiple times, have uninstalled the app, have reset the app, have tried to set up a new account… None of these things worked.
Help please!
Many thanks
I find the “call customer service” for assistance false information. I called today and was told to use online support due to no live agents. Used online support and was told no agents available - the computer prompts did not include my problem.
Telling people to calm down and stop moaning is not really helpful especially when they seem calm and are not moaning but rightly expressing frustrated with the product. Drama? Seems to only be in your head.
Stop the judgements. You are helping no one with them.
“app is garbage”, “because it’s junk”, “probably going into the trash”, “Paperweights” is moaning and drama. So is replying to a post that is a month old and probably long ago solved just because you don’t like someone’s answer.
I am sure you must have checked this, but under Settings, Account, the email address is identical to that you use on the web?
By the way, welcome back! It’s been a while.
Any solution to this yet? Same problem here. (Logging in desktop app works though, only the mobile controler do not work)
Yes it’s fixed, I’ve just tried it a few moments ago and it logged in first time - no issues.
I’ve tried both iOS and Android devices and each are working okay.
If it’s still not working for you, then I suggest perhaps contacting Sonos Support via this LINK.