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Can I use Sonos from my Chromebook?
The Android app only works when connected to the same network as the Sonos system (WiFi), and not on a mobile network. I'm not sure why, but whatever the reason, it might make it complicated to make a web-based app, since that will require a connection over the web, and not in a LAN. Just a thought.
+1 for chromebook and web based client spotify now has a web client - which is really good. come one guys....html5 is there to stay!
wish my chromebook could sonos too
For Sonos, this topic should be merged with another Chromebook request that has more votes:
+1 for chromebook support / web based controller!
+1 for Chromebook and Chromebox
+1 for Chromebook
+1 for Chromebook/web controller
+1 for Chromebook (or simply web-based) support.
I support this feature as a optional password protected web page (no pairing necessary like traditional controllers). Then guests can be given the URL with the password (if one is set). I personally would not set a password as I do the authentication at WLAN-level (if you can access my WLAN, it's OK for me that you can access the web controller).
That could be a great solution for Linux user too.