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Here we go again...

  • 19 December 2021
  • 67 replies

Yet again the wonderfully robust and user friendly software messes up my day. 

The Sonos software and update process is a piece of junk, there’s imply no way it should behave as it is, the lack of attention to detail is astonishing.

The hoops we have to jump through to get something working is absurd.

Of course to complain means I’ll get asked lots of questions, I’ll be asked to unplug this and that, connect this or that to something else with a piece of cable and so on and so forth, all the burden is on the customer.

I tried to update because the PS controller software insists that I update, yet it always fails. If I try the same update from my iPhone, again it fails.

The iPhone fails (I think) because the controller is “not S2 compatible” whatever that means. The PC software is not S2 yet that also fails and the error code I get varies each time.

e.g. “Error code 30: BRIDGE” or “Error code 1002: BRIDGE”.

If these error codes mean something then why not pull down the message text and display it in the controller software???

Everything was working but I have a Roam that fully discharged, I recharged it yet it was not visible in either the PC controller or the iPhone controller, as I tried to get more insight it kept suggesting I update so I tried.

Now the system can’t find jack s**t, it cannot see even one of the devices.

I submitted a diagnostic and the code I got back was: 703555998 perhaps that can shed light.

I’m a very experienced software engineer so before people rush in to defend Sonos don’t bother, this is abysmal, with today’s technology the customer experience can be far far better than it is.

Now I have no system, can listen to no music and was planning on a restful Christmas alone this year to do some reading and studying, without Sonos this really messes up what would have been a restful period for me.


The update almost works, I get this far:

but then I get this:




“More information” gives this:



and that’s pretty much that!

Now I’m stuck with this:

See? I cannot choose “Just continue running with current version” why? 

This update is something I CHOSE to try (because the Roam was not working) so by definition the existing version did work - at least - with the non-roam devices.

This is a one way trap door, the system works with some version, one tries to install an updated version - that fails - yet it is no longer possible to run with the older version - even though it was working!


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67 replies

Userlevel 7

The error code implies you have a Bridge in your system.

If you are looking to update to Sonos S2 then the Bridge needs to be removed first.

How to Remove a Bridge from your Sonos system

The Roam is only compatible with S2

Depending on what other Sonos devices you own, you might need to split your system into S1 and S2

How to split Sonos products into two separate S1 and S2 systems


The BRIDGE, along with certain other devices, continues to be an S1 only device. It will always fail in an attempt to update to S2.

If you desire to update to S2, you need to power off and disconnect your BRIDGE. You could, if you choose, replace it with a BOOST, which can operate under either S1 or S2, or, you could just remove the BRIDGE completely by either wiring a cable to one of your other S2 capable devices, or change your connection method from wired (the BRIDGE or a speaker) to WiFi, by following the instructions in the wired and wireless modes FAQ.

To be honest, it really isn’t clear in your post if you’re wanting to update everything to S2, so that your Roam and your other devices can be all grouped together, or you’re trying to maintain a ‘legacy’ system under S1, and your Roam under S2. 

Since you are a software engineer, I’m sure you’re aware that error messages need to be part of the code base that is running, and you may or may not be aware that the reason Sonos had to split S1 and S2 was that there just wasn’t enough space left to hold the code in order to add certain extra things. I’d think better error messages would have been part of that, along with other things, such as extending the Linux kernel to accept the extra space needed to include SMB versions beyond SMB v1. 

Hopefully, you have the patience to wait for a forum moderator to look at that diagnostic. Or, if you preferred a more synchronous discussion, you could call Sonos Support directly to discuss it.

When you speak directly to the phone folks, they have tools at their disposal that will allow them to give you advice specific to your Sonos system and network.

Userlevel 2
Badge +4

Even more bizzaroness - the S1 controller (the older of the two) says I must “Get the mobile app” but the S2 Controller (the newer one) does not ask me to get a mobile app, it lets me update!


See? thats the S1 Windows controller - can’t do an update from that.


This is the S2 controller and I can do an update from that.

This is just so so so bewildering.

Userlevel 7

Other than the Bridge, what is the oldest Sonos product you own?

Sonos Product compatibility


Probably because the App was not connected to an ‘existing’ S1 Sonos System - you can only create a new S1 system if you have an S1 only device. (You also need to remove the S2 App to create a new S1 system). There are threads here on the forum that explain these things. 

Edit: It’s not clear what you are looking to do, is it remove your Bridge and upgrade all to S2. If so, did you first try the S1 system compatibility checker in "Settings/System/System Tools” to ensure your devices can all move to S2?

Are you running an S1 Sonos system, an S2 Sonos system, or both? If you don't know the answer to that question or what the question means, then I think we have found the source of your problems. 

Userlevel 2
Badge +4


Probably because the App was not connected to an ‘existing’ S1 Sonos System - you can only create a new S1 system if you have an S1 only device. (You also need to remove the S2 App to create a new S1 system). There are threads here on the forum that explain these things. 

Edit: It’s not clear what you are looking to do, is it remove your Bridge and upgrade all to S2. If so, did you first try the S1 system compatibility checker in "Settings/System/System Tools” to ensure your devices can all move to S2?


Hello and thanks.

I have four PLAY:3 devices and a BRIDGE (Which it seems is not compatible with S2). I also have a ROAM purchased recently, everything was working (despite the incessant prompts on my PC Controller to update) fine until the ROAM accidentally fully discharged.

I recharged that overnight but the controller could no longer see the ROAM only the four PLAY3 devices.

After several frustrating attempts to have the system discover the ROAM, I just decided to try the update that the controller was prompting me to do.

That’s when I got the repeated update failures.


Just now I disconnected the BRIDGE (since it seems it was not actually that essential) and plugged a PLAY3 device right into the router, that has been discovered now and is visible on my iPhone.

Now the S2 Controller on the PC does not prompt me to update, but it can only see the single PLAY3.

I haven’t tried playing music but I strongly suspect that won’t be a problem.

So now I have the other three PLAY3 devices and of course the ROAM.

In the iPhone S2 app I can see the single PLAY3 but when I ask it to add a device and it begins to search for devices it seems to hang endlessly.

The other devices are of course not directly connected to the router and I have not tried disconnecting the first PLAY3 that is still directly wired to the router, no idea if it will still be seen were I to disconnect it from the router.


This is most frustrating but I do appreciate people’s advice.


Please try the following

1 Leave the Play:3 connected by cable.

2. Make sure it will play music using the S2app

3 Factory reset JUST ONE of the other Play:3s. Unplug the others from power.

4. In the S2 mobile app, use Add Product to add the reset speaker.

5. Please post back with the outcome

Userlevel 2
Badge +4

ok will do, thx, bear with me...

To factory reset

Userlevel 2
Badge +4

This was successful.

The first PLAY3 did play music fine, I disconnected two from the power and factory reset the other and the iPhone SONOS app was able to add it and then update it and music played on that too.

I guess I should now simply repeat the process for the other two units.

by the way, what was the role of BRIDGE? I bought this stuff like 9 or 10 years ago and can’t recall whether the BRIDGE was my idea or the stores…

If the bridge is useful then can it be upgraded? can one get a new bridge?



Yes repeat for other two speakers. You can't use the Bridge on S2 and they are

Wiring any Sonos device to the network triggers Sonos devices to communicate over their own mesh. Originally that was the only way Sonos could work. Now it is one option with purely WiFi being the other. The Bridge was used where no speaker was close enough to the router to cable.

Userlevel 2
Badge +4

OK I repeated this for the next PLAY3, that went OK and the device is listed in the iPhone app.

When I select the device it reports a message “Not registered” I have no idea what that means.


Userlevel 2
Badge +4

Yes repeat for other two speakers. You can't use the Bridge on S2 and they are

Wiring any Sonos device to the network triggers Sonos devices to communicate over their own mesh. Originally that was the only way Sonos could work. Now it is one option with purely WiFi being the other. The Bridge was used where no speaker was close enough to the router to cable.


I see so the speaker that is wired to my router now, must remain wired to it?

Userlevel 2
Badge +4

OK I repeated this for the next PLAY3, that went OK and the device is listed in the iPhone app.

When I select the device it reports a message “Not registered” I have no idea what that means.



OK I’ll reply to my own message - it means the setup was not quite complete that’s all, its updating the unit now...

I would stick with SonosNet if one of your speakers is close enough to router to keep wired.

If not then you would need to buy a Boost, which replaced the Bridge, or you could try fully WiFi.

Userlevel 2
Badge +4

OK the third of the four PLAY3s is now done too, but during the setup it mentioned something about “adding the PLAY3 to your account” and I have no idea what “account” means.

It seems to also imply I have a subscription to “Sonos Radio HD” whatever that means (yes this is something to do with “the account”).

Userlevel 2
Badge +4

Of course I’ll need to setup the ROAM again I guess, I suppose I should just dig out the original setup guide for that.

Because you factory reset the devices your system treats them as new devices and registers them to your existing Sonos account.

I believe Sonos Radio HD is a paid subscription service but none of this resetting could have triggered that.

Of course I’ll need to setup the ROAM again I guess, I suppose I should just dig out the original setup guide for that.

I would try just powering off and on first. Btw the Roam can connect only to WiFi not SonosNet but that doesn't stop other devices connecting via SonosNet.

Userlevel 2
Badge +4

What I loathe about the roam is the audio cue when I switch it off, but silence when I switch it on, this is the kind of detail that is just hard to understand how nobody cared to do that.

Anyway I’m having trouble with this part, the app can’t detect it (or it doesn’t seem to even after several minutes) and I wonder if the ROAM is somehow connecting to a different WiFi network (rather than the apparently transient one created by the PLAY3 setup).



Userlevel 2
Badge +4

The ROAM is not acting as expected.

Here’s the instructions, (red is what I think is missing and should be included):


  1. Press and hold the power button on the back of your Roam for 5 seconds to power it off. You will hear an initial chime and after the five seconds another, different chime, the status LED on the front near the top, will turn off.
  2. While holding the Play/Pause button, press and release the power button on the back of your Roam, the LED will initially be a slowly flashing white.
  3. Continue holding the Play/Pause button until the light on the front flashes orange and white, this usually takes between X and Y seconds.
  4. The light will eventually flash green when the process is complete (this usually takes between J and K seconds) and your Sonos Roam is ready to be set up.


Mine doesn’t ever flash orange/white even after holding for like a minute, it just stays white…

My mistake - the need to hold the power switch for five seconds when switching it off was overlooked, I heard the chime and had no idea there was a second chime to wait for.

That’s not how you factory reset the Roam… try this:

  1. Power off the Roam (5+ second press) on rear power button until you hear the 4 descending shutdown tones.
  2. Wait 10 seconds
  3. Hold down Play/Pause - and power on with rear power button - keep Play/Pause button pressed until you see LED flash Amber. Then let go the button.
  4. Status LED will switch to flashing Green, at which point open the S2 Sonos App and setup the device on your existing system.
Userlevel 2
Badge +4

That’s not how you factory rest the Roam… try this:

  1. Power off the Roam (5+ second press) on rear power button until you hear the 4 descending shutdown tones.
  2. Wait 10 seconds
  3. Hold down Play/Pause and power on with power button - keep Play/Pause pressed until you see it flash Amber. Then let go the button.
  4. Status LED will switch to flashing Green, at which point open the S2 Sonos App and setup the device on your existing system.

Well I got all this now but it just won’t play ball, after setting it up the app says something like  “it might not appear in the system” tab so hold the power switch for 5 seconds and then switch the unit back on then “in the app, continue with the rest of the setup” but the app sees nothing.

In the app searching for “nearby products” again just seems to hang endlessly.

During setup I could see it was connecting the ROAM to one of the WiFi channels generated by my repeater, not the network the PLAY3 are connected to.



Maybe switch off the repeater temporarily and see if it switches/appears in your App (fully close and reopen the App).