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Nothing mentioned anywhere in "release notes"
To play Apple playlists using Alexa voice you need a Harmony Hub, set up favourites to play on your Sonos in Harmony, add a Yonomi routine to start the playlist, or Shuffle it then get Alexa to discover it.
To play Apple playlists using voice you need a Harmony Hub, set up playlists to play on your Sonos in Harmony, add a Yonomi routine to start the playlist, then get Alexa to discover it.
You are correct.
Well, you are obviously the top expert on all matters Sonos with almost 15000 posts (although no doubt some of these are as mean-spirited & offensive as those you direct at me.), so I have to accord you appropriate deference.

Post count be damned, I'm no more an authority than you are when it comes to this stuff. Instead of deferring to me, you should defer to the truth. You claimed things that were not backed up by the facts. You were wrong, and got called on it. Your response to that has not been a mature mea culpa, it has been childish attacks and passive aggressive nonsense worthy of a 6 year old. Not a very good look for you.
Well, you are obviously the top expert on all matters Sonos with almost 15000 posts (although no doubt some of these are as mean-spirited & offensive as those you direct at me.), so I have to accord you appropriate deference.
Oh lookie, silly passive aggressive retorts to getting called on their BS. How very droll.
Carry on your good work then.
Oh well - I'll just accept your judgement on all this, as evidently you are not foolish

If by "not foolish" you mean I do not make decidedly self-serving assumptions about the inner workings of two parties when I am not privy to any inside information, then yes, I am most certainly not foolish.
Oh well - I'll just accept your judgement on all this, as evidently you are not foolish
You're correct - but I assumed Sonos would lead on this - evidently I assumed wrongly, as it all seems to be dictated by Amazon.

Once again, you are inferring something for which there is no evidence. Sonos and Amazon jointly worked on an API for both Amazon and Sonos. The Amazon API will be used for interfacing with other speaker manufacturers, and the Sonos API will be used to interface with other voice control services. Both partners benefit. As to who benefits more or who is dictating what, you or I have no idea, and to speculate as you have done is foolish.
You're correct - but I assumed Sonos would lead on this - evidently I assumed wrongly, as it all seems to be dictated by Amazon. Because Sonos primarily a Network speaker manufacturer!! They do not have a vast software division creating their own voice control tools. Even the vast amounts MS, Apple, Google and Amzon are ploughing into this I still find myself shouting abuse mainly at Siri, but also Alexa and Cortana. Boy they can be stupid.

Besides all this Sonos are leading this, what other independant has a voice system. I have been using the voice control and been mighty impressed, yes there are issues but they will get resolved. Maybe it's because my glass is half full.
You're correct - but I assumed Sonos would lead on this - evidently I assumed wrongly, as it all seems to be dictated by Amazon.

I am well aware of the Amazon API - pity that Sonos gave the impression for over a year that they were developing their own integration rather than being more open about the process.

I'm still more old-school and prefer to operate my systems via controllers - this voice stuff is overhyped.

Your ability to make up an inference out of whole cloth is dwarfed only by your (prior to being called on it) ability to wedge discussion of Squeezebox into every post. Could you please point us to any reference by Sonos personnel where they "gave the impression they were developing their own integration"? This has been stated as a partnership with Amazon from the very first press release. Never did Sonos state, implicitly or otherwise, that it was anything but teaming up with Amazon to allow Alexa to control Sonos speakers.

Actually, the Libratone Zipp is a very nice player - it integrates into my 'other' system very well, either as upnp or airplay (it also has bluetooth).

It has more features than Sonos.

I'll give you that it has some features that Sonos does, but that's true in both directions.

It's not a bad player by any means, but it's almost never mentioned as better sounding than Sonos.

I am well aware of the Amazon API - pity that Sonos gave the impression for over a year that they were developing their own integration rather than being more open about the process.

I never recall seeing something that indicated what you've inferred. It may be a misunderstanding of the technology, as no everyone is dependent on Amazon for their connectivity. It's not an open platform.

I'm still more old-school and prefer to operate my systems via controllers - this voice stuff is overhyped.

Everyone will have their opinions. I think it'd be incredibly short-sighted for Sonos to ignore what clearly appears to be the future of mass market expectations for voice control (and streaming for that matter).

Well ... not really, as we have often discussed! But, they do seem to be marginally ahead of the competition (Heos, Libratone, etc.)

Libratone? Seriously? Give me a break!

You do know that Sonos is suing the maker of Heos for serious patent and copyright infringement, right? They’ve stolen their entire system from Sonos.

You’re also apparently blissfully unaware that the Alexa integration was dependent on an Amazon API that took Amazon over a year to publish, and is still preliminary. None of Sonos’ competitors has integrated it yet.

Actually, the Libratone Zipp is a very nice player - it integrates into my 'other' system very well, either as upnp or airplay (it also has bluetooth).

It has more features than Sonos.

I am well aware of the Amazon API - pity that Sonos gave the impression for over a year that they were developing their own integration rather than being more open about the process.

I'm still more old-school and prefer to operate my systems via controllers - this voice stuff is overhyped.

I can however see a significant increase of Amazon Music subscriptions coming out of the Sonos user base and I suspect Amazon will carefully weigh the pros/cons of allowing Alexa to initiate music from other streamed sources

Consider me Exhibit A, I suppose.. I have had a premium membership to Spotify for quite a while, almost as long as I have had a Sonos system in my house. For an old geezer, I got into this stuff pretty early. I have always tried to stay out ahead, when it comes to home stereo.

I am now on the free trial period for Amazon Unlimited, as of last week, with an Echo Dot due to arrive today. I already have a Prime Membership, so the cost to me will be basically $80.00 per year, for what appears to me to be functionally equivalent to Spotify, without regard to the "Alexa factor". I originally gravitated to Spotify because I would not accept a service that chose my music for me. My loyalty stops at the entrance to my wallet. Amazon has made the investment into Alexa. It seems inevitable that its investment will pay off.

Well ... not really, as we have often discussed! But, they do seem to be marginally ahead of the competition (Heos, Libratone, etc.)

Libratone? Seriously? Give me a break!

You do know that Sonos is suing the maker of Heos for serious patent and copyright infringement, right? They’ve stolen their entire system from Sonos.

You’re also apparently blissfully unaware that the Alexa integration was dependent on an Amazon API that took Amazon over a year to publish, and is still preliminary. None of Sonos’ competitors has integrated it yet.

What "competing products" are those? Sonos is the very first third party multi-room streamer with voice control.

Well ... not really, as we have often discussed! But, they do seem to be marginally ahead of the competition (Heos, Libratone, etc.)

Oh fer cripes sake! Squeezebox is not a competitor for Sonos. It is a defunct product kept alive by the enthusiast's version of chewing gum and twine. To be a "competitor", you have to actually compete.

What "competing products" are those? Sonos is the very first third party multi-room streamer with voice control.

Well ... not really, as we have often discussed! But, they do seem to be marginally ahead of the competition (Heos, Libratone, etc.)

nobody said we expect it to do something not promised.We're commenting on how poor the feature set is compared to competing products. I hardly call what they've done fantastic, especially since they've taken well over a year to deliver it.

If I was in the market to buy whole home audio, I probably wouldn't be looking at Sonos anymore. IMHO, they've lost their edge and sales will only decline further when apple lanch the homepods

What "competing products" are those? Sonos is the very first third party multi-room streamer with voice control.
It amazes me that people whine about a fantastic enhancement to their existing Sonos devices, which cost them nothing, because they expected it to do something that was never promised.

nobody said we expect it to do something not promised.We're commenting on how poor the feature set is compared to competing products. I hardly call what they've done fantastic, especially since they've taken well over a year to deliver it.

If I was in the market to buy whole home audio, I probably wouldn't be looking at Sonos anymore. IMHO, they've lost their edge and sales will only decline further when apple lanch the homepods
It amazes me that people whine about a fantastic enhancement to their existing Sonos devices, which cost them nothing, because they expected it to do something that was never promised.
When Airplay 2 is added then that should open up Siri control of Apple Music. Although what Sonos hardware that would work on remains unclear, as does much else.
The only two built-in music services on the Alexa devices are Amazon Music and Spotify. Spotify is also not available if you group 2 echos (also 'coming soon'). Forcing users over to Amazon Music is unlikely to be the reason why other services aren't available - it's a software/hardware issue.

I can however see a significant increase of Amazon Music subscriptions coming out of the Sonos user base and I suspect Amazon will carefully weigh the pros/cons of allowing Alexa to initiate music from other streamed sources