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Totally Frutsrated after 20 years of Loyalty

I have 20 Sonos products and would like to know if the community members are as disappointed as I am with the new App. I tried the App on 1 iPhone and hated it. The functionality is awful. Then without my approval ALL of my apple devis=ces moved to the new torture APP.


My second question for this group - Would anyone like to participate in a CLASS ACTION LAWSUIT?

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13 replies

Userlevel 4
Badge +1

Same here.   I upgraded some 10 + devices at a cost of about £2500 with the upgrade discount to get to S2.  Boy what a mare to set it up, most devices took 2 to 3 attempts to update and one older port just sits there for hours (like 5+) and doesn’t update so that one is bricked.

The app is a beta release at best, with so many bugs, losing my library regularly, no library search, no alpha scroll, no tile view, grouping rooms randomly works, volume control drops down within 2 seconds (I have 10+ rooms so takes me that long to find them), losing rooms, and making a stereo pair with the 300 took about 20 attempts over two days.  More issues but can’t remember them!

i think this is a “let’s get this out on deadline” and to heck with the users, they can squeal all they like, we have a captive market.  Ha ha ha ha suckers!

I have 20 Sonos products and would like to know if the community members are as disappointed as I am with the new App. I tried the App on 1 iPhone and hated it. The functionality is awful. Then without my approval ALL of my apple devis=ces moved to the new torture APP.


My second question for this group - Would anyone like to participate in a CLASS ACTION LAWSUIT?

I see you’ve just joined the forum - welcome.  You don’t cite any particular issues, difficulties or specific problems you are having with the new app.  I hate to sound rude but the only ‘problem’ you state is that you think the functionality is awful, and even the notion of launching a legal case on that basis is pure nonsense.  

if you are having technical issues, ask as the community is here to help.  If you want to read more about a lawsuit then please refer to the other thread where this has been discussed in depth - to be blunt it does not need another thread to rehash everything that has already been discussed elsewhere.  

Userlevel 2

I have 20 Sonos products and would like to know if the community members are as disappointed as I am with the new App. I tried the App on 1 iPhone and hated it. The functionality is awful. Then without my approval ALL of my apple devis=ces moved to the new torture APP.


My second question for this group - Would anyone like to participate in a CLASS ACTION LAWSUIT?

I see you’ve just joined the forum - welcome.  You don’t cite any particular issues, difficulties or specific problems you are having with the new app.  I hate to sound rude but the only ‘problem’ you state is that you think the functionality is awful, and even the notion of launching a legal case on that basis is pure nonsense.  

if you are having technical issues, ask as the community is here to help.  If you want to read more about a lawsuit then please refer to the other thread where this has been discussed in depth - to be blunt it does not need another thread to rehash everything that has already been discussed elsewhere.  

it’s clear Andrew here is just a bot from Sonos! All of his replies defend Sonos’ POS product! Clearly she has no credibility on anything!


I have 20 Sonos products and would like to know if the community members are as disappointed as I am with the new App. I tried the App on 1 iPhone and hated it. The functionality is awful. Then without my approval ALL of my apple devis=ces moved to the new torture APP.


My second question for this group - Would anyone like to participate in a CLASS ACTION LAWSUIT?

I see you’ve just joined the forum - welcome.  You don’t cite any particular issues, difficulties or specific problems you are having with the new app.  I hate to sound rude but the only ‘problem’ you state is that you think the functionality is awful, and even the notion of launching a legal case on that basis is pure nonsense.  

if you are having technical issues, ask as the community is here to help.  If you want to read more about a lawsuit then please refer to the other thread where this has been discussed in depth - to be blunt it does not need another thread to rehash everything that has already been discussed elsewhere.  

it’s clear Andrew here is just a bot from Sonos! All of his replies defend Sonos’ POS product! Clearly she has no credibility on anything!


If you weren’t so lazy as to read at least some of myposts (you know — actually read them) you’d know all of my posts don’t defend Sonos, and that I have criticised the new app and its buggyness.  You’d also know that I defend the ethos of a community forum — this forum has a history of long-standing and expert users helping out others, finding solutions and generally being amiable.  You literally want to start insulting others within minutes of joining this forum ??  Who lacks credibility here ?  If you want to be childish and hurl abuse may I suggest you take your immature attitude elsewhere?  

I am frustrated with the new app. I cannot access my music on my Mac, and receive the error message Sonos cannot add your music folder. Error 913.


I am not a techie, my Sonos products have worked great since 2016, but the new updated app has failed. What to do?

Userlevel 7
Badge +19

I am frustrated with the new app. I cannot access my music on my Mac, and receive the error message Sonos cannot add your music folder. Error 913.


I am not a techie, my Sonos products have worked great since 2016, but the new updated app has failed. What to do?

There are many posts offering suggestions, explanations and solutions. Have you tried the search function? 

Userlevel 2

Andrew et All,

No need to attack any owners of Sonos systems. Our Love for music is what got us all here. In response YES, I have read several threads. My specific issues:

  1. I like the previous version of the APP better.
  2. How do I find my 40 plus previously saved playlists?
  3. How do i save a new playlist and be able to edit it?
  4. How do I edit a current playlist?
  5. Since I own many speakers it is now difficult to identify them by full room name since only a few characters show up in the APP display  so how do I increase the visible characters?
  6. It is no easy to navigate from 1 Group of speakers to another. How can i simplify that?
  7. How can I play different songs on different speakers at the same time? Used to be very easy.

I probably have more complaints but the Bottom Line is the previous version of the APP worked fine. I based purchases of additional speakers on that prior functionality and SONOS is now in Default of that mutual agreement hence the need for Litigation. Alternatively SONOS must offer Owners a choice and I will revert to the prior APP version.

Thanks, Lt. Dan



Userlevel 2

Ok it’s been a few days and nothing is resolved here. I have written the CEO of SONOS asking for the contact details of the General Counsel. Enough is enough! I have emailed Morgan and Morgan to initiate a review for a Class Action Lawsuit against Sonos…and you Andrew the BOT a.. hole!

Userlevel 7
Badge +8

I have spent over NZ$6000 over the last 5 years with Sonos and everything has worked really well for me over that time.
It is therefore in my best interest that Sonos succeed moving forward. I am therefore most concerned re the way they released the new app in the state that it was/is without forewarning their users regarding missing features and the obvious bugs/shortcomings. It certainly shows a lack of respect to their loyal customer base.
How the hell did that happen? I assume marketing needed the Ace headphones to be released on a certain date and only the new app supported that product so we got the app push upon us all before it was ready.
I have personally worked around the new app by installing a 3rd party app that handles my local music library and radio stations. I have also installed Plex on a local NAS which also provides me access to my music outside of my LAN. 
I have just this week purchased the Ace and I generally don’t have any of the issues that others are experiencing apart from low volume when connected via connection. I hope that the Ace succeeds for Sonos.
I also hope (doubt) that in a couple of months that all of the issues re the new app will be put behind us, but the whole experience / lack of communication etc does make me doubt whether the powers that be within Sonos are making fatal decisions which will in the long run adversely affect all of us more that their buggy app does.


Userlevel 1
Badge +1

I have 20 Sonos products and would like to know if the community members are as disappointed as I am with the new App. I tried the App on 1 iPhone and hated it. The functionality is awful. Then without my approval ALL of my apple devis=ces moved to the new torture APP.


My second question for this group - Would anyone like to participate in a CLASS ACTION LAWSUIT?

I see you’ve just joined the forum - welcome.  You don’t cite any particular issues, difficulties or specific problems you are having with the new app.  I hate to sound rude but the only ‘problem’ you state is that you think the functionality is awful, and even the notion of launching a legal case on that basis is pure nonsense.  

if you are having technical issues, ask as the community is here to help.  If you want to read more about a lawsuit then please refer to the other thread where this has been discussed in depth - to be blunt it does not need another thread to rehash everything that has already been discussed elsewhere.  

it’s clear Andrew here is just a bot from Sonos! All of his replies defend Sonos’ POS product! Clearly she has no credibility on anything!


If you weren’t so lazy as to read at least some of myposts (you know — actually read them)   


Andrew, not everyone has time to read all topics.
People buy a product and want it to work.  They don’t want to spend hours and hours reading through all topics.  

Userlevel 4
Badge +1

Rosswells - I share your frustration.  I just recently upgraded at a cost of some £3k to all new kit because of the S2 issue.  It took about 3 days to get only 12 units up and running (with a couple taking three weeks) and not one (mostly new) worked first time!  Not ONE!!!  I am a tech and have a modern, fast and robust hard wired network throughout our house.  The Era 300s were the worst - took 2 days of trying to get them as a stereo pair.

And issues I have with the new S2:

Very flaky and poor UX setup for ALL devices (Port, Era etc).  Sometimes it just cycles through a load of setup questions many times.

No search on music libraries, no alphabet scroll (can’t go to a letter), and a list but no tile view - I have many thousand albums and it takes like 100 swipes to get to anywhere so I have just given up - it makes using your music library impossible (unless you just listen to albums or artists starting with A!).

No playlists!  What the ...???  Can only add to queue, replace queue or play now …

No fixed volume out any more (I have high end amps on a lot of this).

Music library goes missing (need to restart the app).

Sometimes doesn’t find the Sonos system (needs to close, kill the app and re-open)

Volume control is flaky, I have many devices and before you find the room the panel closes and the volume seems to have a mind of its own sometimes!

The UI is nowhere near as nice as the S1 was, it’s messy and not as intuitive as S1 was, for example you can’t hide recently played (I don’t play stuff again and again but can’t hide it), you can’t get rid of Sonos favourites (who cares what Sonos promotes?), you can’t get rid of Sonos radio and so on.  Ads appear for new kit (like I’m going to buy any more!).

No tablet view, this is built for phone only and not tablet (unlike S1).

Updating older (but compatible) kit e.g. a Port took a whole two weeks - about 20 tries and just constantly “hung” - I think they did a release that fixed this one.

Grouping rooms is hit and miss - depending on which room you start with it often doesn’t work (“something went wrong” … er like tell me what??)

UK support is appalling - spent over an hour on chat to be told “oh that doesn’t behave as expected (I know, that’s why I called!), please call support on your phone” - then went on a call - wait list was over an hour and gave up in the end.

The desktop app has hardly any functionality.

How can a company with so much cash and resource release such an untested and poorly designed app?  They stated it was a ground up new build - I get that sometimes you need to do that - but if this is the quality for a new build I have no confidence that any updates will fix anything.  What is the CTO doing (who is the CTO?).

In summary I think this was aimed at shareholders as I imagine a big bonus goes to the C-suite if they hit the headphone release - at the expense of users.  The CEO was ex-Blackberry which might explain it!

As I say - I am a tech and an entrepreneur and have run several (successful) software companies over the years and that success wasn’t down to me but how we looked after our customers and cared about our products.



Userlevel 7
Badge +8

@The Alster 
Well said! Just in case it helps, if you are on IOS then SonoPhone and SonoPad both support Sonos Music Libraries a whole lot better than the new Sonos app, they also including alphabetic scroll (position to a letter for artists and albums). This may tide you over until(?) Sonos add the missing functionality back to their new app.
You can also easily drag/drop room over each other to group them.
Hope this helps,

I’m also very frustrated with Sonos and their poor Q&A testing before releasing any new app or changes! My network router and WiFi is working perfectly, and after multiple reboots and resets to the speakers with over 5+ hours to get everything working finally - only resulted in the system loosing all configuration settings a few days later. Who on earth is running software engineering? They should be fired immediately… this is not the way to treat customers and loyal users. WTF is the leadership thinking? Perhaps, a class action lawsuit is in order to hold the executives and business accountable. Enough of the BS Sonos! We can’t even get your bot or technical support to resolve the issues with the application, you’ve created a mess and very frustrated community. Shift the application back immediately to save yourselves!