

  • 23 February 2024
  • 13 replies


Hi - does anyone here know where I may be able to get some proper help for my Sub? 




I have been around in circles with online documents, Sonos support@ email addy has been decommissioned, tried the bot and it has taken me in endless circles and the numbers for Singapore and Malaysia don't work.

Seriously Sonos, you need to get your act together with proper help! 

So now a last attempt to see if anyone here can help me.

Recently the sub did an auto update, then it would not connect on wireless any longer, having unplugged all, reset router, checked absolute detail of router config and requirements, reconnected. At reconnecting on wireless it says it is connected but when finishing up an error connecting to your network keeps appearing. So I eventually  unplugged it, dragging it to the router and connected it with an ethernet cable, says it is connected, white light is on, shows in app with no errors, but no sound, volume is up but nothing. 

I have spent hours on this, trying different things and end up with the same result as above, anyone got any solutions please? Bar dumping the entire system for Bose or another competitor product as really have become increasingly disappointed with this product, its ongoing updates and issues as a result. Thanks.


Best answer by Lloydn 24 February 2024, 05:59

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13 replies

Userlevel 7

What Sonos speaker is the Sub bonded to? Now that the Sub is connected to the network, have you tried disconnecting the ethernet cable and keeping the Sub wireless?


Hi - you can see from the below images when connected to Ethernet and when cable is removed it drops Sub, my first step is to just get the Sub actually working and playing sound, even if only on ethernet as a start.







Userlevel 7
Badge +18

Reconnect it on cable. In the Sub Audio tab, make sure it’s “on”. Increase the level. I use Trueplay but I seem to remember there was a “phase” setting - if it’s still there, try toggling it the other way. Whilst you’re in settings check you’ve got wifi enabled for the Sub.

Stream some music. Turn up the bass in the EQ settings for the room.

If you still can’t hear it, I’d suggest generate a diagnostics and contact support to see what shows in the report. 

reconnected on eth
sub level and phase at 180
phase at 0
bass at full
volume at full



I put my hand on the speakers to see if there is any vibration but it has about much life in it as a my great great great great grandmother!


Let me see where I can run a diagnostics report that I can review - currently it runs a report and sends it to Sonos directly, Ref Number 1608129861 and then it says “contact Sonos Support” which is completely impossible as I already know….thank you for your help by the way, appreciated.


I gather there is also no way to fall back to previous versions of the software for the Sub either? 

Userlevel 7
Badge +18

There aren’t any diagnostic reports available for users. 
Is your whole system updated to the same version? 


There aren’t any diagnostic reports available for users. 
Is your whole system updated to the same version? 

Yes it is - Sonos OS:S2 - Version 16.0 (Build 77449290) - for every speaker

This problem started after the Sub updated

Userlevel 7
Badge +18

I’d first force a “Check for Updates”, just in case. Then power down all devices and router. After a few minutes, restart the router. When it’s fully started and wifi established, restart the Arc. When that’s running, start the Sub, then your surrounds, then any other devices. If still no sound from Sub, generate a diagnostic report and contact Sonos Support. Give them the reference number and ask them why the Sub won’t play. 
Publish the diagnostics number here too and a helpful moderator might look at it for you…


I’d first force a “Check for Updates”, just in case. Then power down all devices and router. After a few minutes, restart the router. When it’s fully started and wifi established, restart the Arc. When that’s running, start the Sub, then your surrounds, then any other devices. If still no sound from Sub, generate a diagnostic report and contact Sonos Support. Give them the reference number and ask them why the Sub won’t play. 
Publish the diagnostics number here too and a helpful moderator might look at it for you…

Hi thanks for the input - updates I have checked - as you can see above in threads I have checked the About, OS and all software updates are the same (again as above, nothing different), router settings channels etc all correct, I have disconnected all speakers, reconnected, rebooted the router umpteen times and still does not work. I have generated a report as above too (this is the second one - Ref Number 1608129861) - in my first message you will see there is no way for me to contact support in Malaysia, I go around in circles - how do you go about submitting a report out of interest from where you are, perhaps I am missing the obvious somewhere - thanks again.


OK! so FINALLY I managed to get the bot to do its thing and refer me to a live person.

The answer was to disconnect the Ethernet cable from the router and just do a factory reset for the Sub, add it again as a new product, pair it the speaker of choice and it works. Thanks to all for their input - we can close this thread now.