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I’m sitting on my couch trying to watch The Witcher using 2 Play 5s and 1 Play 1. They WILL NOT group despite multiple attempts, reboots etc. I just get a simple non descript message saying “could not connect” related to the SINGLE Play 1. This is just 1 problem of dozens since I was forced to adopt the s2 update turd that dropped in May. 

I’ve just about given up. I’m embarrassed for Sonos. What a piece of crap this system has become. I’ve had people over to listen to music or watch tv crippled by lack of sound through my Sonos speakers. So I should say I am embarrassed for myself for choosing to invest in this hunk of cow dung known as Sonos. 

Have you submitted a system diagnostic within 10 minutes of experiencing this problem, and called Sonos Support to discuss it?

There may be information included in the diagnostic that will help Sonos pinpoint the issue and help you find a solution.

When you speak directly to the phone folks, they have tools at their disposal that will allow them to give you advice specific to your network and Sonos system.


Since the horrible app update, there is 2 to 3 hour wait time on hold to speak to Sonos support.

I don’t need a system diagnostic to tell me it doesn’t work. It worked for years until this update and now it doesn’t. Come on Sonos what gives. This has become an abysmal product altogether. 

The only solution is for Sonos to build a Sonos controller that works. 

Moderator Note: Modified in accordance with the Community Code of Conduct.

I don’t need a system diagnostic to tell me it doesn’t work. It worked for years until this update and now it doesn’t.

I thought the idea of a diagnostics report is to try and identify why a system is not working. But if you’re happy with deciding it doesn’t work and leave it that, no one is forcing you to do more. 

The only solution is for Sonos to build a Sonos controller that works. 

It works for some, according to some posts on here, but not for others. Go figure! 

It’s pretty clear Airgetlam is a Sonos sponsored influencer to help white wash the S2 update 

Sonos employees are clearly identified as such.

There are multiple reasons for the issues, some under your control, some not. Diagnostics help SONOS staff to sort them out.

For the record, I’m not experiencing your “could not connect” issue.

Make sure the firmware on the Play:1 is as up-to-date as the others. This specific error has been reported, and fixed, by ensuring all devices are on the same version.


First of all your setup of Play 5’s and Play 1’s were not intended to be used as direct connect speakers to a TV. However, Sonos is a victim of its own versatility in that respect.

BTW...I’m not a ‘Sonos sponsored influencer” as you choose to charcaterize @Airgetlam and neither is he. As @buzz stated Sonos employees/staff are easily identified. I’m just giving you the pure unadulterated facts regarding your setup. However, as you appear to be hell-bent to not accept advice from others who have responded I guess you’ll have to wallow in your predicament. 

My suspicion is that the S2 update has exposed flaws in your network which may be preventing updates and connection issues. You’ll probably claim that your network hasn’t changed. Well guess what...changes occur in your network in the background occasionally triggered by your ISP.  Have you checked your routers Admin page for firmware updates?  At the very least have you done the following in the order presented:

  • Update the software on your device
  • Unplug all Sonos
  • Reboot your router and let it come back
  • Plug in your Sonos 1 x 1 and let each come back
  • Delete and reinstall the Sonos App
  • Open the App and Select “Join an Existing System”
  • Test your Sonos 

There are other things that could be suggested as a possible cause/remedy but since you are unwilling (as I said earlier) to accept advice...then it is..what it is. BTW...I have 31 Sonos units on the new app with zero (0) connection issues to my network.

Good luck to get your Sonos working again.

Have you submitted a system diagnostic within 10 minutes of experiencing this problem, and called Sonos Support to discuss it?

There may be information included in the diagnostic that will help Sonos pinpoint the issue and help you find a solution.

When you speak directly to the phone folks, they have tools at their disposal that will allow them to give you advice specific to your network and Sonos system.


Good luck getting through on the phone. Typical wait times are running over an hour. Ridiculous that they released this app with soooo many bugs. I’m also at wit’s end. Sick of having to work to listen to music. 

This is all dribble. The S2 controller sucks and no matter how many troubleshooting tips you toss out they will not fix an app that simply does not work. 

as for the guy ( @AjTrek1 )that’s talking about how great Sonos is for not intending play 5s to connect with a TV…’re right the sound sucks due to the over processed signal but the play 5s do have a 3.5mm input jack which is intended to be used with anthing from a computer to an A/V Component (aka TV) as per the Line In level setting stated right in the app which I’ve been using for the last 8 years. So you clearly haven’t got a clue….but I digress because the problem is grouping the speakers which has nothing to do with the audio source but thanks for coming out anyway. 

By the way I don’t believe you. No unaffiliated person would post your mundane troubleshooting tactics and on that note how the hell would you know anything about @Airgetlam, influencer or not, unless you both are. 

It doesn’t surprise me that Sonos is doing damage control through their forum with the help of ‘unaffiliated’ Sonos advocates. It’s standard operating procedure during a brand crisis. What I find disgusting is that it’s being done under a guise of secrecy rather than being honest and upfront about it. 

in the end I’m just very sad that what Sonos was it no longer is. So there you have it. 

Moderator Note: Modified in accordance with the Community Code of Conduct.

…..and don’t get started on the  lack of clarity and documentation around lossless audio support across Sonos’ variety of product gens. I spent 3 hours on the phone only to be told that it isn’t supported directly contradicting the announcement of Prime Audio lossless.  According to some Connect gen2 supports lossless while others say not. Some say there are 2 distinct gen2 connects and others say not. All I know is my play 5s play lossless, I expect my connect Gen 2 to but it doesn’t and I would hope my play 1s do but that’s probably just wishful thinking. No documentation anywhere with any form of clarity. Really poor job Sonos. Really poor. 

I don’t need a system diagnostic to tell me it doesn’t work. It worked for years until this update and now it doesn’t.

I thought the idea of a diagnostics report is to try and identify why a system is not working. But if you’re happy with deciding it doesn’t work and leave it that, no one is forcing you to do more. 

By the way I submitted numerous diagnostic reports white on with support. They found no  addressable problem with my network, system, ISP, router mesh network, signal strength, spurious emissions, etc etc etc blah blah blah (most likely because I’m a network engineer for a living). Neither did they find, in the logs, any indication why the S2 app is so ******. Can you imagine that. Nothing in the logs helped identify the root cause of why Sonos execs decided to sabotage their own company by releasing this dog s*** update. 

just thought I’d share in case anyone else felt like sharing their 2 bit troubleshooting advice or take a jab at me under the assumption I don’t have any technical background. Thanks for your summary judgement and cynical response @nik9669a. Thanks for coming out.


Moderator Note: Modified in accordance with the Community Code of Conduct.


NO….you’re the one who doesn’t have a clue. However, it doesn’t matter as I have nothing more to say to or about you. So continue on with your rant(s). Good luck to resolve your issues. 

Try sonosphone app Ios £2.99

I don’t need a system diagnostic to tell me it doesn’t work. It worked for years until this update and now it doesn’t.

I thought the idea of a diagnostics report is to try and identify why a system is not working. But if you’re happy with deciding it doesn’t work and leave it that, no one is forcing you to do more. 

By the way I submitted numerous diagnostic reports white on with support. They found no  addressable problem with my network, system, ISP, router mesh network, signal strength, spurious emissions, etc etc etc blah blah blah (most likely because I’m a network engineer for a living). Neither did they find, in the logs, any indication why the S2 app is so ******. Can you imagine that. Nothing in the logs helped identify the root cause of why Sonos execs decided to sabotage their own company by releasing this dog shit update. 

just thought I’d share in case anyone else felt like sharing their 2 bit troubleshooting advice or take a jab at me under the assumption I don’t have any technical background. Thanks for your summary judgement and cynical response @nik9669a. Thanks for coming out. Don’t forget your doggy bag on the way out the door. 


Moderator Note: Modified in accordance with the Community Code of Conduct.

I just love it when someone asks a question, gets a suggestion to try and help resolve it, and then gets upset and gives all the extra detail that was missed out in the earlier post. Had you already said you’d submitted diagnostics, @Mrihar , I would not have suggested it. 
My very best wishes, @Mrihar . And good luck to anyone willing to expose themselves to abusive responses whilst trying to help further on this thread. For my part, I’ll contribute no further here. 

…..and don’t get started on the  lack of clarity and documentation around lossless audio support across Sonos’ variety of product gens. I spent 3 hours on the phone only to be told that it isn’t supported directly contradicting the announcement of Prime Audio lossless.  According to some Connect gen2 supports lossless while others say not. Some say there are 2 distinct gen2 connects and others say not. All I know is my play 5s play lossless, I expect my connect Gen 2 to but it doesn’t and I would hope my play 1s do but that’s probably just wishful thinking. No documentation anywhere with any form of clarity. Really poor job Sonos. Really poor. 

While I don’t have any sympathy for people who are rude to others that are trying to help/advise, I do personally sympathise about the mysteries of Sonos’ lossless support.

I’ve just been listening to an album that is FLAC encoded, and whether a track will play properly is just a matter of luck! One track consistently stops after around a minute, but the same track will play correctly on any other media player. This is not a “new app” problem - it has been that way for years.

Try sonosphone app Ios £2.99

Best $3.99 I ever spent. I’ve been fighting with the new Sonos app since it was forced on us. Installed SonosPhone today and it works perfectly. Maybe not as flashy as the turd that Sonos thought we all wanted. But, I can now play my music without cussing. 

@AjTrek1 are like 10 years old….i know you are but what am I.

If you don’t recall it was you who initially replied to my post with a derogatory comment. “Wallow in my predicament”. Remember that. 

My goal was to leave a message for Sonos.To let them know they have dramatically let down their customers. I think many would agree. Yes, this is my opinion and I don’t care, nor does it matter if you agree. My intention was not to solicit your advice or wake up the Sonos advocate army in the process. 

 I never asked for your advice especially containing inflammatory comments directed at me. Next time don’t get so bent out of shape when someone returns your fire. That being said I understand that most 10 year olds don’t yet have a thick skin; that comes with age and a modicum of maturity. 

Now back to my initial objective….

Sonos, get your act together. If your product was any good you wouldn’t have to blame ISPs for it not working. Of all the deflection tactics blaming ISPs (Internet Service Providers) for S2 app deficiencies is THE most absurd. 

Try sonosphone app Ios £2.99

Best $3.99 I ever spent. I’ve been fighting with the new Sonos app since it was forced on us. Installed SonosPhone today and it works perfectly. Maybe not as flashy as the turd that Sonos thought we all wanted. But, I can now play my music without cussing. 

At least someone is doing it right. Simple but effective.  

@AjTrek1 are like 10 years old….i know you are but what am I.

If you don’t recall it was you who initially replied to my post with a derogatory comment. “Wallow in my predicament”. Remember that. 

My goal was to leave a message for Sonos.To let them know they have dramatically let down their customers. I think many would agree. Yes, this is my opinion and I don’t care, nor does it matter if you agree. My intention was not to solicit your advice or wake up the Sonos advocate army in the process. 

 I never asked for your advice especially containing inflammatory comments directed at me. Next time don’t get so bent out of shape when someone returns your fire. That being said I understand that most 10 year olds don’t yet have a thick skin; that comes with age and a modicum of maturity. 

Now back to my initial objective….

Sonos, get your act together. If your product was any good you wouldn’t have to blame ISPs for it not working. Of all the deflection tactics blaming ISPs (Internet Service Providers) for S2 app deficiencies is THE most absurd. 

I agree. It’s pretty sad that we have to go out to third party apps to get our expensive equipment to work properly. And BTW, all of my connectivity issues, skipping music, lag times in adjusting volume or grouping speakers has magically vanished when I went to the sonosphone app. But, tell me again that it is a problem with my internet…..

More than 3 months later and the app is still no better than a grade school computer science project. 

What happened to the biweekly app updates we were promised? @nik9669a and @AjTrek1 That was a rhetorical question which means I don’t really want you to answer.