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Audio just randomly stops - interference?

  • 10 February 2024
  • 7 replies

This is an ongoing issue Sonos support ticket number ********.


Two rooms, one with an Arc, base and surrounds, and another room with Beam, base and surrounds. The Arc and Beam are wired directly to the router. When playing music (Apple Music, Sonos app, Pandora, local files, etc.) the Arc stops playing, then the Beam, then the player shows it’s not playing.

I’ve restarted, rebooted, changed wifi channels, wired as many wifi sources or turne them off as possible.

Since the last incident of the music stopping - when switching the router to channel 11 - the system worked fine for 8 days (I thought this was solved as it was the longest issue-free run in since this started happening in early January 2024) - no! today, the music stopped same symptoms as before.

I’m out of options to try that I know about.

Ran diagnostics within a minute or two of the music stopping - 1663922707.

Any suggestions on what else to check and/or try to resolve this issue?





Moderator Edit: Removed Case number from post.

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7 replies

Userlevel 7

Try keeping only one speaker wired and keep WiFi enabled on ALL speakers in the Sonos app.

Just to reiterate, only Sonos employees can see ticket data, or information in diagnostics. None of us in the community can see that data. 

If you want to continue discussions with Sonos directly, you need to contact support via phone, they don’t frequent these forums. The only Sonos employees who show up here are Forum Moderators. 

In addition to the good suggestions from @GuitarSuperstar above, I’d be tempted to check for possible duplicate IP addresses by powering down all Sonos devices, then rebooting the router. Wait for the router to reload its system before plugging back in all Sonos devices. If this resolves your dropouts, you should check the router’s manual and set up reserved IP addresses for your Sonos devices. 

Thanks for the suggestions GuitarSuperstar and Airgetiam - sorry for the delay responding as it takes a week or so, to play without drop out… to believe it’s fixed.

I moved the Arc off ethernet to wifi only, and that has been working for about five days now. So far, so good. I also got into my router and checked for duplicate IP address and explored how to set dedicated IP addresses - which I’ll try next if getting music stops again.

Within the Sonos app, I’m not sure how to keep WiFi enabled on all speakers, is there a setting somewhere for this option?



Not sure how to check for duplicate IP addresses on a router…the page on my Netgear shows me what’s connected at the moment I run the report, and doesn’t show connections over time, which would be much clearer, and helpful. The way I ended up resolving that issue was assigning reserved IP addresses for pretty much everything in my home network. I left the lower section of the IP range open for ‘floating/transient’ devices, like friend’s phones. 

There’s a switch in each speakers/rooms settings to turn off (Settings > System > (Room name) > (Product name) > Disable/Enable WiFi ) . Make sure, if you run in to difficulty, that it is enabled. There really is less than a 1% chance you’d ever need to disable it, and that setting really needs to be touched by a network professional. It might get switched off by a rare power surge, but that would be extremely random and extraordinarily infrequent. Best not to play with that setting, ever. Even if a device is wired, leave it on. 

thanks Bruce - I found the disable/enable option as directed and all are enabled.

Yes, the netgear router only lists IP addresses what is connected at the moment.  I will be assigned IP for the equipment in house, just need that extra hour or two to make that happen.



Userlevel 7
Badge +22

I have a fancier router Netgate / pfSense that does extensive logging of DHCP traffic and IP addresses. I spent a lot of time with it trying to see just what was going wrong with Sonos at power fails, update-reboots and even the occasional DHCP renew. There was no evidence of anything going wrong in any of the logs.

I considered running a network traffic monitor to try and see if the issue presented anything on the network but that looked to be far too much work. I’d love to see the results if anyone is willing to take that project on though.

Set the static/reserved addresses years ago, added them for any new Sonos since and never had the issue again.

Ok, next step is setup fixed IP addresses via the router and see how that goes - so far, simply unplugging the Arc from ethernet has been working (6 days now). cheers, Fred