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I am thinking about purchasing the new Google home voice recognition product, I understand that Sonos will work with Amazons echo in the near future. Does Sonos have any information regarding google home integration?
Right, sorry, the thoughts were directed at the link that you provided not you directly. My bad.
Google home hasn't even been released yet and we just recently heard details on it. Expecting Sonos to be far enough along for any announcement on Google home is ridiculous.
I mean the announcement doesn't talk about Google home because there are as no such thing as Google home when they had the announcement.
I mean the original post said they needed to get on board with Google or Amazon blazing he trail. Then find ininfomed that they are in fact deeply involved with Amazon ... then that's not good enough.
Alexa. 8 months gestation with Prime members, then release and 15 months later release to Europe. So by then a "mature" proven sales product.

Google home. ... not available.

That's the simple reason why Alexa is with Sonos and GH is not at present.

The advent of voice control from competing sources, do not discount Apple in this war, may fuel fragmentation of the next level of control i.e. Tell Home to do something and how does it do it, or it may see the consolidation of next level control equipment so that you only need one hub, like only needing one router, to process the commands.

Whilst the cuddly and sparkly front end attracts much attention what is happening, or may happen, to the actual engine that executes your home (small h) commands. It is currently as fragmented as a fragmented thing and none offer certainty of operation with home automation. Yet.
I think they are fully focused on Alexa. But as you say the alexa work may help the possibility of Google. And Sonos has a history of working well with Google.

I would say alexa public betas first of the year with Google a long way off if ever. If they do decide to do Google I would think 3rd q next year would be earliest.
Another curiousity is will the play:5 microphones be able to serve alexa. Will all future Sonos products have the microphone. It's a natural fit with the Sonos alexa.

I'm still hoping for some new Sonos hardware in November or so for holiday season. Very quiet on hardware front with all the software announcements.

Yes, i'd seen that ... how long is soon though?

Well, if you read the announcement, it says "an invite-only beta test later this year, with general availability in 2017." How much more specific do you think they should get? (Hitn: You aren't going to get anything more specific).

That was posted 2 months ago and alexa and google home are both available and already allow you to voice control music. Some specifics are required before people start drifting off to them or as first time users wondering why they should go sonos at all, leaving less in sonos's coffers for future development.

The specifics are Alexa is announced as definitely coming to private beta this year and full release after that in 2017. Nothing else has been announced. So if you are making a decision for the earliest support of voice control on Sonos, your decision is pretty easy. It's either Echo/Alexa, or nothing.

I know it's early days for both, but no confirmation on it being worked on for google home and no specific dates for Alexa is not very heartening. I imagine if they're creating an SDK / API then if it's done for amazon, then it's easy enough to implement for google; but what are their incentive as their product does it by using their subscription models - lnking to sonos and music libraries means less income to them.

I think we just need our confidence levels risen in sonos.

You can be confident Sonos will bring voice control via Amazon Echo/Alexa early next year. As to the claims of linking to Sonos meaning less income, there is no financial relationship between Sonos and the subscription music service partners. The Sonos Music Partners API is free and open to any and all services. Sonos receives no income from the music service subscriptions, as stated by Ryan S from Sonos here:

This question comes up from time to time, and I'm not exactly sure why, but again I'll confirm that

Sonos doesn't get any kickbacks, percentages, or any sort of monetary incentives from our music service partners

when it comes to using or adding them to Sonos.

We're always happy to partner with new music services and explore making them available on Sonos. We have a free

API available to use for anyone, and a team dedicated to support them even, again, for free. Some features aren't

available or aren't exactly the same because they aren't part of our API, but we're constantly trying to improve

that as well.

Also, music services determine what account types they will make available on Sonos. This is usually based on a

lot of factors that they consider.

The Sonos Music Partners API is free and open to any and all services. Sonos receives no income from the music service subscriptions, as stated by Ryan S from Sonos here:

sorry, i meant the other way around. what incentive do amazon/google really have to develop alexa/home to work with sonos. sonos is now basically a competitor to them for providing multi-room music. in many cases, using sonos takes away from amazon/google revenue because many of us sonos users use extensive music libraries rather than using amazon/google paid streaming music services which currently (ignoring some of the kludges you can do) is hand in hand with amazon/google speakers.

interesting times...

sorry, i meant the other way around. what incentive do amazon/google really have to develop alexa/home to work with sonos. sonos is now basically a competitor to them for providing multi-room music. in many cases, using sonos takes away from amazon/google revenue because many of us sonos users use extensive music libraries rather than using amazon/google paid streaming music services which currently (ignoring some of the kludges you can do) is hand in hand with amazon/google speakers.

interesting times...

Well first of all, Echo/Alexa is not multi-room audio. The devices have no multi-room capabilities at this time. Second, 92 percent of all music listening on Sonos is streaming radio or paid on-demand as stated in this blog entry:

I'm pretty confident in saying the streaming services would rather have the 92% of music on Sonos that is streamed vs. worrying about the 8% from the local library.

Plus, what Chris says above^^.
When Amazon, Google, Apple, spotify + whoever ,enable through sonos, it's with streaming subscription services, of which 92% of sonos customers will be interested in, that's a lot of potential £9.99 a month forever revenue for them. They are not into making money from speaker hardware like sonos is.

This is a major strength for sonos who are not tied to a single companies ecosystem(or their own anymore), like Samsung, Yamaha etc.
We are talking about Google Home integration here. This is old news.
Maybe the word "play" is forbidden 🙂

Try with a synonym!
OK, it took a while but I got my Google home to control my sonos in a round about way. If order to do this you will have to have a harmony hub and smartthings.

With this I am able to go to any station in my sonos favorites, volume up and down, turn on and off.

I have not conquer how to totally control different zones yet, mainly because I only have two set up so far.

1. Put everything you want to access in sonos favorites.

2. Harmony hub:add devices (sonos speakers) to hub. Add activities to the hub.

3. Smartthings: add harmony to smartthings. Thus will add hub and all the activities that you have made.

*****anytime you add, change, or delete activities this step must be redone.

4. Now go to Google home app. Smart control. Add smartthings and each activity.

** to activate remember to say turn on not play

** for volume: say set to _____%

YouTube video coming soon...
Thanks for that iismewalk. Wanted to update my old sonos systems with sleeker play 5 and playbar with sub and was hoping to get a Google home to run things. I need to mesh portable speakers for music with better tv sound for movies . Sounds like you have a nice work around for now.
iismewalk I may tap you for some help in my setup. its a cluster at the moment. cant get my soundbar to work yet and still have the whole integration to get to....and holiday 🙂
Looking at the back of the playbar you need an optical output on your TV to get the sound to your playbar. The connect, connect amp, and the play5 all have input Jacks that show up on your app. From here you can play throughout the house by grouping them together.
iismewalk, Nice if i had new modules. I have 2 connects. Primary connected to router and secondary connected wless to primary. Finally got playbar working. Now I get bugged for beta updates on droid phone and tablet but I cannot do the updates. Next up is how to train this fn google home. It doesnt understand anything. Once trained I want to use your prior instructions to run things.
How did you get this to work? I got SmartThings hub today - set it up - but can't get Google Home to play music via my Sonos in any rooms. Would be grateful for any advice/tips you have on this one.

My guess is they will want to work with home but that integration with home will have to come later.... we don't know a lot yet about how developers are going to be able to work with home.

I would assume a lot of what they learn with echo integration will work the same with home integration so future home integration won't be a long way behind echo. I would say if we expect echo by first quarter next year maybe home by 3rd quarter. I guess depends on size of their team if they have ability to work on both simultaneously. Then what about Apple HomeKit. I would think if your doing the voice thing you would want to work with alexa, Google, and Siri.

I debated canceling my order for addition dots because home seems to be more fluid in its ability to recognize speech. But decided alexa was already doing all I need from it, will be first with Sonos support, and the dots are cheaper then the others (as with Sonos I don't need the speaker part).

With my smartthings I can already play and pause my Sonos speakers so I'm sure home will do that out the gate with my Smartthings hub in middle. with home I would have been able control my play:5 in kitchen that has chrimecast dongle I would assume

Hello Adam, which sonos do you have
Hello Adam, which sonos do you have? Do you have a harmony hub as well?
Hello Jjamca6,

If you go into your Google home app.

Open up tap on left to get to drop down menu

Tap on home control

Hit the (plus / + / add sign) you will see that Google home works with 3 things out the box.

Philips hue



Once you connect it to smartthings, it will be able to control everything that smartthings can control.
Not sure this will ever happen.

Sonos would just become another casting speaker like sony, LG, etc, loose their ecosystem status, .

I get your reasoning but i'm not sure that's the case. My SONOS already support Google Play music. All I want is to be able to control my Google Play music by voice. As I type this I seem to recall an article somewhere that said that SONOS might be adding voice support to their devices. My memory is foggy on that fact though. If it is the case then I think Paulw123's logic would make sense.

As a general note ecosystem lock-in never sits well with me. If SONOS goes that route and removes my choice I might have to reconsider my options. I'm seriously bummed that my Insteon won't connect with my SONOS because I'm on Android. As it turns out I'm blaming Insteon for that issue and now SONOS as the SONOS platform is open to 3rd party control it's just that my choosen 3rd party doesn't support it.

We are early days in home automation and early adopters are going to get burned along the way. Maybe I should just accept that.
If google home takes off, then I can see sonos would have to jump in.

At the moment they are working with amazon and alexa and are bound to learn a lot from that, and are opening up to control from other apps with spotify. They must of realised standing isolated in their ecosystem, which is quite expensive, would narrow their future new market sales.

Maybe their problems trying to fix audible books for a year, has taught some lessons as well.