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I am thinking about purchasing the new Google home voice recognition product, I understand that Sonos will work with Amazons echo in the near future. Does Sonos have any information regarding google home integration?

Naw, once they get the coding completed for Echo, its a matter of some number changes before they can get it to work with google home, which should take a week if they really wanted to.

You are correct about the baseline code facilitating easier integration of other assistants, but a week? That's really funny, even if you are not serious. If you are, it's hilarious.
One thing is for sure, Alexa they have announced and it will be here 1st quarter 2017, so google home is good year way at best, my guess......

You could always sell Alexa in a years time ;O)

Naw, once they get the coding completed for Echo, its a matter of some number changes before they can get it to work with google home, which should take a week if they really wanted to.
This conversation began with Google Home, but the scope is much larger now with Google Assistant available on every Android phone. This is a huge miss for Sonos to not provide integration either on par or ahead of Alexa at this point.

If anything, the lack of these integrations will hurt Sonos for people like me who want the speakers for the audio quality. I can already say "Hey Google, play music on my speakers" and with Chromecasts in place, this works perfectly. Sonos' inability to adapt and provide integrations for Google Assistant is preventing people like me from buying their top-tier speakers.

Living in a small house, I want just one Play 5 for both TV and music, but I'm limited to using the audio input for TV. Thus, I need this integration to even make this a viable option without buying multiple more expensive speakers.

* Please come soon—I'm willing to even help develop it at this point 😉 *
I would guess any announcement on google home will follow on from successful Alex intergration.
Any News?
I have loved our family Sonos setup but 3 of our Sonos 1s are going on ebay having been swapped out for 3 Google Homes. The Play 3 in the kitchen is on borrowed time...really hoping integration comes soon. Inclusion of a aux-in on the 1s and 3s would have headed this off.
I am new to this and no technology expert, just a simple family user. We have the Sonos Playbar and 2 Play:1 speakers. As far as I can decipher, the Playbar is compatible with the Google Home, all I need is to install a Chromcast Adio 'puck' (to what to I install it?) in order to use the Google Home voice assistant. Do I get this right?
How long can Sonos hold off on better integration? I'm getting the feeling that the Sonos home automation integrations will be a chapter in a future release of The Innovator's Dilemma.

Sonos has said they want to be platform agnostic, but I don't think they have actually announced a timeline for Google home support yet have they? Alexa support is promised by end of 17. Possibly 16 months from announcement to delivery. But I'm with you Google home support is something that I would really like to come to Sonos.

For all we know they could be working on Google home support now. Or maybe it will never come. If you want voice control of your Sonos in the near future it seems that Alexa is the only sure thing right now and it still could be many months away from release ( or not)
I have Chromecast attached to my Play5. I just started a Google Playlist on the Play5 via my Google Home. So far so good. Unfortunately I had to open my Sonos app to group the Play5 with a Play1 in the bathroom. That's just aggravating. The bathroom is a perfect location for a voice controlled device. Google home is not available in Canada yet, but when it is I can see myself getting two more, one to replace the Play1 in the bathroom and one for my living room. How long can Sonos hold off on better integration? I'm getting the feeling that the Sonos home automation integrations will be a chapter in a future release of The Innovator's Dilemma.
@jgatie - What I'm saying is the Playbase was a waste of time and resources for Sonos. It will not sell well and be an utter loss of money for Sonos. Once again, they need to focus resources on understanding why customers first gravitated to using their products. Ease of use and integration. You seem to be one of the type of people that think releasing a new product every year denotes progress. Let me know how well the Playbase does and if it actually moves the needle this year for Sonos.
The Playbase has been in development for 4 years, voice activation was announced in August of last year. If you think the 4 year development cycle of hardware affects the software development of the last 6 or so months, then you have a lot to learn about CE development. Simply put, there is nothing about releasing the Playbase which would even be a bump in the road for voice control.

Now go ahead and take the cowards way out of your ignorance by calling me a fan boy. That's when I know I win a debate.
@Airgetlam - Also having worked in the software industry for over 15 years, I know that no response to consumer needs is going to lead to a dismal future. I bought into the Sono ecosystem not for the sound (average at best) but for the ease of use and integration into all things music in the home. Spotify, Amazon, TuneIn Radio, etc integration was crucial in my decision to buy. But now, as this thread shows from being over 5 months old, software development for the current product lines seems to be stagnant. There are other threads that ask about 3rd party integrations that are over a year old. I'm not holding my breath for much longer before I jump ship.
I'm basing my statements off of 25 years of software development in games, but I've never worked in the speaker industry, nor do I have any particular knowledge of the inside workings of Sonos, other than what they've posted here. If you have any concrete insight into their development workings, I'd certainly be interested in what you have to share.
@Airgetlam - Unfortunately lots of talk and little action on the development side. Creating another speaker to replace an already existing product that won't save the company isn't good business. Googling to get more unspecified development information is no help. But appreciate your fanboy response regardless. Provide product support to the people that have already invested in the Sonos line so that word of mouth can continue to flourish. At this point, I don't know if I would recommend the Sonos line to others when so many other products already integrate into many main home automation products. (i.e. Google Home, Alexa, etc.)
There's quite a bit of focus being given as we speak to preparing the entire Sonos line to be part of the home automation integration system. They happen to be working on the Amazon Alexa/Echo line, but have expressed a desire to work with other home automation systems as quickly as possible. There's quite a bit of discussion on these boards and in press releases and blogger articles about this work, perhaps a little googling would benefit your desires, WolfpackFanCLT.
Are there any updates on the availability of Google Home support for Sonos? I'm dumbfounded that a new playbar type product is released and no focus is given to home automation integration for current Sonos products.
Multi room speaker purchase is a commitment. I totally understand how important Google Home support is for some people. I have an Echo Dot and 2 GH. My family likes the accuracy of the GH better and we are Prime users. Right now Sonos is crushing the competition with their integrations and these require coding not the design and manufacture of new speakers thus Google Home support only adds to the allure of the platform.
OK so I spent the weekend hacking and finally got a sonos volume controller for google home working on my local system, find the installation guide here - sorry if its a bit dense:

Saying "Hey Google, turn the volume to 50" initiates an IFTTT applet to create a file in dropbox called "volume.50.txt" which I then setup a python script on a raspberry pi to check every 3 seconds for new files in the dropbox, then parses out the volume number and sets the sonos volume using

I'm not the best python developer out there and I only have volume working for now, so if anyone has anything they'd like to add feel free to fork, pull request, etc. It should be pretty easy to build out other commands like night mode, mute, and room specific commands too. Anyway it should work as a workaround until we get some officially supported functionality.

Cheers, Zach
Sonos has said that all along. Echo support is coming but there has been no hint regarding Google and that response is the same one you would see from Sonos for months now. Nothing additional to read into it.
I already tell Google Home to cast to my TV and my Play 5. I have Chromecast attached to both of those. Unfortunately I have Play 5 X2 and Play 1 X2 as well as home theater set up. I can't hook up Chromecast to the Play1s. I could just replace the Play1s with Google Home devices for not quite half the price of the Play1s.

That being said I posted to Sonos Facebook and received a response that I'm going to interpret as positive.

"Sonos Hi John, thanks for the well wishes, and same back at you. We generally don't share details about what's coming for the future, so we can't offer any specifics about Google Home, but we're happy to pass the suggestion on to the team for you. We recently announced some plans for closer integration with voice control with Alexa and other home automation devices too. You can read that here if you haven't seen the news:

We're excited for the future and have some great plans for 2017. Stay tuned as things develop."

Sounds to me like Sonos might be getting the message. I'll remain positive for now.
I've had my Google Play for three days. Seriously bummed that I can't control the music on my Sonos. Hopefully that will happen. The convenience factor is just too high to accept lack of integration. Sonos can do what they want but I'd be inclined to sell my Play 1s for sure and maybe my Play 5s if integration doesn't come along. Sonos might have better sound quality but you just can't beat being able to tell the device to play a specific song or play list.

Chromecast Audio into your Play:5 will give you voice control and great sound. Just tell the air freshener to play to the Chromecast.
I've had my Google Play for three days. Seriously bummed that I can't control the music on my Sonos. Hopefully that will happen. The convenience factor is just too high to accept lack of integration. Sonos can do what they want but I'd be inclined to sell my Play 1s for sure and maybe my Play 5s if integration doesn't come along. Sonos might have better sound quality but you just can't beat being able to tell the device to play a specific song or play list.
Thanks Chicks, I'll consider that with my air freshener and you keep rolling with your hockey puck hehe. Not trying to start a ruckus here, but yeah I created an account to voice my opinion about disappointment related to compatibility (see I kind of wanted a playbar wahhh), and that the lack of compatibility does affect product purchasing and retention irl.

I actually have the air freshener, two hockey pucks and an Echo. Just asked Google to play some vocal jazz to the living room TV, works quite well, and sounds great on the Playbar. I can then group the Sonos Connect, and get even better sound via the big QUAD ESLs, or send the sound anywhere else in the house. So, Google Home isn't fully integrated with Sonos yet, but a ChromeCast bridges the gap for now.
Thanks Chicks, I'll consider that with my air freshener and you keep rolling with your hockey puck hehe. Not trying to start a ruckus here, but yeah I created an account to voice my opinion about disappointment related to compatibility (see I kind of wanted a playbar wahhh), and that the lack of compatibility does affect product purchasing and retention irl.
Was given a playbar and echo for Christmas, but I'm a google guy with home and pixel already. Searching web about sonos-google integration and ended up here. Looks like I will be returning the playbar and echo gifts for an audio setup more compatible with my needs. I initially thought about adding a sonos sub purchase to the gift too, so lack of integration just cost sonos 1200+ in sales related to me. I knew it was trouble as soon as I read sonos was the "Apple of audio."

The Playbar is actually ideal for Google Home integrstion. Just need a ChromeCast in your TV to be able to voicr conttol music and YouTube videos from Google's little "air freshener".