
Will a HDD work instead of a NAS?

  • 3 February 2017
  • 38 replies


Can anyone tell me if I buy a router that's supports a 1TB HDD been plugged into it will sonos recognise it?

Thanks in advance

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38 replies

On a quick Google, I'm not sure if SMB sharing exists under W10. Don't know if this link helps. Don't spend ages on it - try Sonos Support...

I've not used a TP-Link for this, but have had Sonos access USB drives hung off a number of other routers without problem.
If the error message is to be believed, it seems like Sonos is in fact finding the drive, but not finding a suitably shared folder there. So hopefully @ratty's link will help. The puzzling thing is that everything except Sonos appears to be happy with the share.
At a guess the UNC path being supplied to Sonos is incorrect. I've been caught out before by accidentally omitting a middle part of the name.
Userlevel 5
Badge +11
Have you remove all special characters fom the drive path?
At a guess the UNC path being supplied to Sonos is incorrect. I've been caught out before by accidentally omitting a middle part of the name.

Hi Ratty

Thanks for your input.

I truly believe this is the problem but as I already said I'm completely new to this. Do you think this path looks right \\Netstorage\music

Basically I have called the HDD "netstorage" and in its root I have created a folder called "music"

Thanks again.
Have you remove all special characters fom the drive path?

Bar the backslash \ yes
Basically I have called the HDD "netstorage" and in its root I have created a folder called "music".
I can't easily read the fuzzy, un-zoomable pictures on the TP-Link I posted. Check the equivalent on your router. For the path to the shared folder you most probably have a devicename (or IP address), followed by something, followed by the top level folder ("music") in your case.

The something could be the disk volume name, but it could equally be a name assigned by the router itself.

For example, I have two routers with flash drives mounted. On one Sonos sees "//R6220/usb/Music" (R6220 is the devicename, "usb" is what it calls an attached USB device), whereas on another it's "//BTHUB/Kingston/Vorbis" (BTHUB is the devicename, "Kingston" is what the drive calls itself.)
Ok so I'm fairly positive that the path is OK but going over John B geeksquad link I noticed that the share tab is missing from my hdd properties folder surely this is the problem?
If the drive's attached to your router the Windows sharing properties are irrelevant. It's the router config that you should be looking at.
If the drive's attached to your router the Windows sharing properties are irrelevant. It's the router config that you should be looking at.

OK as far as I'm concerned they are done. I hate when something like this beats me but I'm done with it. I'll try ring sonos next day off. Thanks everyone for your help.
Finally sorted it out guys and so simple I should be kicking myself. On my router I had "share all" which didn't suit Sonos. So I turned it off and selected my music file!!! Yes that easy. And so many hours wasted.
Good grief. Well done for sorting it out. The puzzling thing throughout was that everything else was happy, which suggested that the pathnames were OK and the shares in place And Sonos seemed to be finding the device... which suggested either the rest of the pathname or the shares were awry. I have no idea why Sonos would be different here. Although it may be some strange interaction between the way shares work on this particular router and Sonos. Or something else! Anyway, glad you sorted it.