The Sonos Roam is indeed a very unreliable product and I’m fed up playing games from Sonos blaming the networks

Userlevel 3
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I hate my Roam (Even more) Seriously, what an unreliable product this is and I regret investing 200 dollars or 4500 pesos Mexicanos on this expensive paperweight that only makes me angry. 
  After more than 8 months, after replacing my Roam once again, after getting in touch with Tech Support and being told to contact my provider TotalPlay and setup my router which I don’t know and I don’t think anyone in my home knows either and is willing to change just because my Roam has unstability issues,      I keep having these unstability issues with my Roam: music cutting out regardless  of the Music Source, Apple Music, Spotify, even AirPlay stops playing randomly, Alexa, Sonos Voice Control, and chiefly,  Google Assistant work  very unrreliable, and even with Bluetooth there are audio dropouts for 1 second every 15 to 20 minutes or so. 

No network issues at all, no wireless interference, everything, Absolutely Everything else works rock solid in our Wifi network at home, my iPhone 11, my iPad Pro 11 inches 2nd gen, my HP laptop computer, my Alexa Echo 4th gen speaker, my Android Huawei M5 Light tablet, my sister’s MacBook Pro, and all the rest of devices such computers, TV game consoles and phones. I think my network Equipment which consists on        a Modem with 2 antennas,   a TPLink device and a repeater upstairs 40m away from the TV room, are providing us enough signal for everyone at home to work and enjoy our daily life without Absolutely any issue,      and nothing has changed, nothing at all, not even my neighbors, and nobody understands here that if just 1 device has connectivity issues is not a network issue, it’s an issue with the device itself, and a family member who’s a computer programmer with a lot of knowledge about IT  explained it to me so no, it’s not any network problem. 

Now, I invested on a 250 dollars speaker just to have playback issues and music stoppages? OMG!  This is just terrible, how ridiculous 


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35 replies

Userlevel 7
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Thanks for not helping me at all, seriously. I’ve asked for help very nicely to fix my Roam but this is what I get, everyone had yelled at me to fix my network, I’ve been told that I’m a troll,  and many disrespectful comments; I deserve respect. It’s not fair, stop treating me like this, I’m not a troll and this is really getting out of hand. 
I’ll return my Roam, I’ll have to talk to the consumer’s defense to get it returned, I deserve  great and reliable products, not expensive and defective paperweights.
It’s not fair; It’s, not, fair         

Hi @Manu84 You’ve posted in numerous threads over several months - ones that you’ve started and contributions on other threads. You’ve said your house walls are concrete - not great for transparency to wifi signals. You’ve said you can’t get your Sonos speaker(s) working reliably. We’ve tried and failed to help you. You’ve had a replacement unit from Sonos, ruling out a defective unit being the cause of the problems. You’ve said you’ll return your speaker(s) if you can’t get them working properly. You’ve sent rude and offensive private messages to several of us that have tried to help you, apparently because we were unable to help, rather than thanking those that did try to help. 

Please now accept: Sonos speakers are not the right fit for you or your home. Do as you keep “threatening” and return them, or sell them on. It’s pointless prolonging this. Sonos can’t help you “fix” the network issue; neither can the community. 

In conclusion, the solution to your problem seems to be: return or sell your Sonos device and buy something from a different manufacturer. 

I recommend selling the ROAM. Obviously, your present network configuration cannot provide the support that ROAM needs and your network cannot be adjusted. Replace ROAM with an inexpensive, simple Bluetooth speaker.

Userlevel 1

Be thankful you only have one Roam.

I ended up with 3 (2 I purchased + 1 gift).

None of them work as advertised as far as remaining stable and connected switching between WIFI + Bluetooth connections.

Completely unreliable and frustrating, and a real disappointment after building a few different Sonos ecosystems over the past several years.

If I can prevent anyone who is on the fence from buying a Roam then I feel like I’ll have done my service to the Sonos community.


Gracias por no ayudarme en nada

Muchos usuarios experimentados y el personal de Sonos le han ofrecido más ayuda que nadie; sin embargo, parece que acaba de elegir no implementar los consejos dados. Venda su Roam y tal vez reemplácelo con algún otro producto menos técnico, ya que su red local claramente no cumple con los requisitos del sistema de Sonos. Usted dice que no puede hacer que nadie cambie la configuración de la red, por lo que vender su Roam es sin duda su siguiente mejor opción dadas esas circunstancias. Tal vez compre un altavoz bluetooth simple y resuelva todos sus problemas de esa manera. De todos modos, 'adiós' de mi parte y espero que tu dolor de cabeza también desaparezca pronto.

f you look at all the threads of this comunity, there are thousands, and thousands of people reporting all kinds of playback issues with their Sonos systems, from music stoppages, skipping music, to volume increasing to max and terrible machine gun sounds at full volume, even with the Sonos Roam, and people that tried all the solutions offered on this comunity: changing the channels, look at the IP reservation tables, factory reset (not a justifiable reason about why do you don’t recommend it), resetting the router, use SonosNet I mean a Boost or Ethernet (not the case for the Roam) but all to no avail, nothing seems to work, not even Tech support, you heard, not, even, Tech, Support.  So, I can’t see a reasonable argument about why I shouldn’t blame Sonos, according to what I’ve experienced with my Roam so far, and according to all the complains that I’ve seen on this comunity about the audio interruptions and about the issues with the different speaker models, and, of course, the Roam is one of them. 
There are not sweet fruits, just complains over complains, unhappy customers, and dissatisfaction   



Every one of those suggestions you refused to even consider, never mind actually trying to do.  So how can we take your concerns seriously when you steadfastly refuse to take any advice given to you?  Sell your Sonos, go buy something else, and you can post to their user forum and support staff rather than here.  I can’t say you will be any happier, but I know for sure we all will be. 

And don’t even try sending me any rude and offensive PMs.  As you so surely know by now, I have you blocked. 


Userlevel 7
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Hi @Manu84 

Thanks for your feedback - good and bad, we appreciate you taking the time to give it.

When a customer contacts us with an issue, we of course start with the steps that are most likely to be the cause - there’s no point in us replacing a unit if the issue is due to the speaker’s environment, as the replacement speaker would have the same issue. It’s also more probable that the issue is not with the unit itself. Once we have discounted those possibilities, replacing a unit becomes a more practical option. I can only recommend that you stick with the troubleshooting - if the unit does not behave as it should under normal circumstances, we’ll look into your replacement options.

I hope this helps.

Userlevel 3
Badge +5

Hi @Manu84 

Thanks for your feedback - good and bad, we appreciate you taking the time to give it.

When a customer contacts us with an issue, we of course start with the steps that are most likely to be the cause - there’s no point in us replacing a unit if the issue is due to the speaker’s environment, as the replacement speaker would have the same issue. It’s also more probable that the issue is not with the unit itself. Once we have discounted those possibilities, replacing a unit becomes a more practical option. I can only recommend that you stick with the troubleshooting - if the unit does not behave as it should under normal circumstances, we’ll look into your replacement options.
Hi,  @Corry; Thanks a lot for your   kind and detailed help, I really appreciate it. I’m going a diagnose my issue with the Sonos Tech Support and apply the necessary changes to my network, as the replacement units don’t seem to be the culprit.  Kind regards and have a good one     



Userlevel 7
Badge +19

What is it with you guys? I can’t get stuck with an unrreliable product, at leas you help me to fix my network 

A few posts ago you were going to work with Sonos: you said, “Hi,  @Corry; Thanks a lot for your   kind and detailed help, I really appreciate it. I’m going a diagnose my issue with the Sonos Tech Support and apply the necessary changes to my network, as the replacement units don’t seem to be the culprit.  Kind regards and have a good one”


How did that go? Why are you repeating yourself with these moans again? Did you work with the Sonos guys?

Roam is Trash.

I have multiple Sonos products and if Roam was the first Sonos I purchased, there would be no second Sonos product in my house. 

It is so unreliable, needs constant attention to work on my network (unlike all the other Sonos products on the network) and only consistently works as a bluetooth speaker, of which I a have plenty.

Roam is not up to the standards I expect from Sonos and is a brand kill.

Userlevel 2

I feel as if Sonos is having a quality control problem with the Roam and refuses to admit it.

It seems there is a good amount of people that have no problems with their Roam, but there are many who do have problems.

I have two Roams. One is rock solid (like my other Sonos products) and never has a problem. The other is horrible and can’t stay connected to the network for more then a few days. 

The most frustrating problem is the lack of support. I have been on the phone with them over 6 times with no help and the refusal to accept the problem is the Roam. They promise to escalate the issue and then nothing happens.

Promises, promises.  

Userlevel 7
Badge +19

Thanks for not helping me at all. That’s it

As @jgatie said, you chose not to try to implement the suggested solutions. 

But: hooray!!!  Bye bye. 

Userlevel 7
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Hi,  @Corry; Thanks a lot for your   kind and detailed help, I really appreciate it. I’m going a diagnose my issue with the Sonos Tech Support and apply the necessary changes to my network, as the replacement units don’t seem to be the culprit.  Kind regards and have a good one     



Good for you, @Manu84 

After all these months you’re finally willing to see whether your network or wifi is the issue, rather than blame Sonos/your Roam. 

It may still be that the concrete walls or other factors are causing the issues, but at least you are, finally, trying to find a solution. 

I’m sure you’ll let us know the outcome: good luck, and I hope you do find a solution that lets you keep your Roam and use it in a reliable network. 

Userlevel 3
Badge +5

What is it with you guys? I can’t get stuck with an unrreliable product, at leas you help me to fix my network 

A few posts ago you were going to work with Sonos: you said, “Hi,  @Corry; Thanks a lot for your   kind and detailed help, I really appreciate it. I’m going a diagnose my issue with the Sonos Tech Support and apply the necessary changes to my network, as the replacement units don’t seem to be the culprit.  Kind regards and have a good one”


How did that go? Why are you repeating yourself with these moans again? Did you work with the Sonos guys?


irst of all, I’m tired of playing games from Sonos blaming the network, seriously, this is driving me nuts. 
Second: I can’t play podcasts using Google Podcast and Sonos Tech support is refusing to give me updated information, when telling me that Google Podcasts isn’t available through Sonos, when that’s why I bought the speaker. 
Why I can’t I listen whatever I want, whenever I want and without a single audio interruption? I mean, what kind of speaker is this? A single podcast can’t even be played, a single playlist without any interruption can’t be played; I men, I don’t really get it   

Userlevel 3
Badge +5

Did you “diagnose my issue with the Sonos Tech Support and apply the necessary changes to my network”?

Thats a simple question, and the answer can only be “yes” or “no”. 


Did you “diagnose my issue with the Sonos Tech Support and apply the necessary changes to my network”?

Thats a simple question, and the answer can only be “yes” or “no”. 



Userlevel 3
Badge +5

Sonos is making my music listening experience very, very infuriating, I don’t even want to think what could happen next;  I’ll have to talk to the consumer’s defense to return it, seriously.
This is not a joke, a user reported that his Roam was making a terrible machine gun sound at full volume, do you think it’s a safe and reliable product? It is not   

Well, it was nice while it lasted. 

Userlevel 3
Badge +5

This is a clear evidence that Sonos is not prepared to work reliably on a regular concrete home with a standar Wifi network, at least that’s what I’ve seen on numerous threads here in this comunity, I’m a member since 10 months ago and I’ve been only seen complains and complaining myself. Talking about my country, here in Mexico Providers like TotalPlay or TelMex  don’t give us good Wifi signals in order to make the music playback reliable for Sonos, according to all the bad reviews on Amazon that I saw about the Sonos One Gen2. 
I will have to move on to an interference free environment, talk to my neighbors so they can recollect all their devices that cause interference and turn them off,  or simply, return it.
 That’s pretty sad😭      

Userlevel 7
Badge +19

This is a clear evidence that Sonos is not prepared to work reliably on a regular concrete home with a standar Wifi network,
I will have to move on to an interference free environment, talk to my neighbors so they can recollect all their devices that cause interference and turn them off,  or simply, return it.
 That’s pretty sad😭      

To be fair, Sonos speakers connect on (or try to) the wifi network they’re told about. If that wifi signal is not strong enough - whether that’s down to the strength of the wifi signal at source, or the effects of concrete walls blocking the signal, or wifi interference from devices that you or your neighbours own - it’s unreasonable to blame Sonos for those issues. 

It remains a fact that to send a continuous stream of music reliably over wifi you need a more robust signal than sending packets of data for, say, a web browser data. If a packet of music data drops, you hear a glitch in the music play; you’re probably oblivious to intermittent updates to your web browser. 

I’m sorry Sonos didn’t work out for you. Perhaps when you decide on your replacement kit you can post again to help other users with similar issues. 

Userlevel 3
Badge +5

This is a clear evidence that Sonos is not prepared to work reliably on a regular concrete home with a standar Wifi network,
I will have to move on to an interference free environment, talk to my neighbors so they can recollect all their devices that cause interference and turn them off,  or simply, return it.
 That’s pretty sad😭      

To be fair, Sonos speakers connect on (or try to) the wifi network they’re told about. If that wifi signal is not strong enough - whether that’s down to the strength of the wifi signal at source, or the effects of concrete walls blocking the signal, or wifi interference from devices that you or your neighbours own - it’s unreasonable to blame Sonos for those issues. 

It remains a fact that to send a continuous stream of music reliably over wifi you need a more robust signal than sending packets of data for, say, a web browser data. If a packet of music data drops, you hear a glitch in the music play; you’re probably oblivious to intermittent updates to your web browser. 

I’m sorry Sonos didn’t work out for you. Perhaps when you decide on your replacement kit you can post again to help other users with similar issues.

If you look at all the threads of this comunity, there are thousands, and thousands of people reporting all kinds of playback issues with their Sonos systems, from music stoppages, skipping music, to volume increasing to max and terrible machine gun sounds at full volume, even with the Sonos Roam, and people that tried all the solutions offered on this comunity: changing the channels, look at the IP reservation tables, factory reset (not a justifiable reason about why do you don’t recommend it), resetting the router, use SonosNet I mean a Boost or Ethernet (not the case for the Roam) but all to no avail, nothing seems to work, not even Tech support, you heard, not, even, Tech, Support.  So, I can’t see a reasonable argument about why I shouldn’t blame Sonos, according to what I’ve experienced with my Roam so far, and according to all the complains that I’ve seen on this comunity about the audio interruptions and about the issues with the different speaker models, and, of course, the Roam is one of them. 
There are not sweet fruits, just complains over complains, unhappy customers, and dissatisfaction   


Userlevel 3
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Thanks for not helping me at all. That’s it. 
Gracias por no ayudarme en nada 

Userlevel 3
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Because Spotify plays fine through Google Assistant and Sonos, not through Spotify Connect; I indeed  worked with Sonos Tech support because Google Assistant gives me an error whenever I want to listen to a podcast on Google Podcasts, and without asking me to send a diagnostic they told me that Google Assistant can’t play podcasts on Sonos wich doesn’t make any sense to me. I’ll give them a call to see if it’s true, it seems to me that they’re outdated.
This is unrelated to the Apple Music playback issue that I’m having       

Userlevel 3
Badge +5

Gracias por no ayudarme en nada

Gracias por no ayudarme en nada


You know, it's not a very good flounce if you don't actually leave.

Userlevel 3
Badge +5

Ok I changed my Roam to another  network SSID, Airplay seems to work  but Apple Music in the Sonos app  keeps slowing down and skipping music, and removing/ re adding the service did nothing. Google Assistant can’t perform right my Good morning routine, skips the news; however if I tell her to play the news it works as expected.
I noticed that Sonos networking is absolutely  Confusing, they should add a list that explains which spesyfic Wifi  routers work stable with Sonos, a more complete guide to reduce wireless interference and a more extensive Mexican phone tech support including repairing options  in order  to rely on this brand