I hate my Roam (Even more) Seriously, what an unreliable product this is and I regret investing 200 dollars or 4500 pesos Mexicanos on this expensive paperweight that only makes me angry.
After more than 8 months, after replacing my Roam once again, after getting in touch with Tech Support and being told to contact my provider TotalPlay and setup my router which I don’t know and I don’t think anyone in my home knows either and is willing to change just because my Roam has unstability issues, I keep having these unstability issues with my Roam: music cutting out regardless of the Music Source, Apple Music, Spotify, even AirPlay stops playing randomly, Alexa, Sonos Voice Control, and chiefly, Google Assistant work very unrreliable, and even with Bluetooth there are audio dropouts for 1 second every 15 to 20 minutes or so.
No network issues at all, no wireless interference, everything, Absolutely Everything else works rock solid in our Wifi network at home, my iPhone 11, my iPad Pro 11 inches 2nd gen, my HP laptop computer, my Alexa Echo 4th gen speaker, my Android Huawei M5 Light tablet, my sister’s MacBook Pro, and all the rest of devices such computers, TV game consoles and phones. I think my network Equipment which consists on a Modem with 2 antennas, a TPLink device and a repeater upstairs 40m away from the TV room, are providing us enough signal for everyone at home to work and enjoy our daily life without Absolutely any issue, and nothing has changed, nothing at all, not even my neighbors, and nobody understands here that if just 1 device has connectivity issues is not a network issue, it’s an issue with the device itself, and a family member who’s a computer programmer with a lot of knowledge about IT explained it to me so no, it’s not any network problem.
Now, I invested on a 250 dollars speaker just to have playback issues and music stoppages? OMG! This is just terrible, how ridiculous