I’ve been using my Roam for may weeks now but every so often I find it offline, and then I can’t access it at all. If I leave it for several / many hours it might suddenly appear online.
The problem seems to happen most after I put it to sleep, or power it off or leave it off the charger long enough for it to put itself to sleep. Then next time I want to use it, push the power button, LEDs come on … but it stays offline !
If I leave it on the charger and as a member of a group (i.e. it never let it go to sleep) it will work for many days without hassle, but occasionally I still find it offline (but much less often).
It’s very odd that the only solution to get it back online (after powering on and LEDs on) is to leave it for several / many hours … and then it will suddenly, unpredictably appear online.
I would appreciate some pointers, it’s starting to annoy me !