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Roam or Roam SL regarding battery usage


I am about to buy a Roam or Roam SL but have read about severe battery drainage on the Roam with microphone. These posts are 2 years old.

It will be used primarily outside (I don´t know if Automatic Trueplay only works within walls)  and Google Assistant will not be used.

Will the Roam drain battery quicker than the SL with the microphone turned off?

Hi @Marschner, welcome to the Sonos Community.

Depending on how you use the Roam will effect the battery drain, so if you use both the Roam and Roam SL in the same way with, then the battery will drain at the same speed.

Auto-Trueplay will work outside but only if you’re connected in Wi-Fi mode, so if you aren’t near your Wi-Fi network or using Bluetooth, this feature will not be available.

However, if you aren’t going to use a voice assistant or keep the microphone disabled and will primarily use the Roam outside, it may be worthwhile to purchase the Roam SL as it’s the cheaper of the two options and performs the same in your use case.

I hope this information helps!


thanks 😊

The difference in price here in Denmark is only about 13 EUR but didn’t want the Roam if it always drained the battery faster than the SL.

Just to be sure. Is it possible to turn off the microphone and Auto Trueplay permanently or must it be done each time you turn on the device?


Hi @Marschner,

The microphone will stay permanently off if you turn it off, even if you power cycle the Roam. Auto-Trueplay is dependent on the microphone being enabled, so this feature will also be off while the microphone is off.

Thanks very much clearing this up.

I will take the Roam and just disable the microphone but with the possibilty to use if needed 😊